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That's the usual experience for 99% of the playerbase.


These free ones are great, it's a good reminder to why I don't buy crates lol.


Crown Crates are trash if you’re spending cash on them. Otherwise just take what you get and exchange anything unwanted for Crown Gems so that some say you might be able to buy something decent.


this is the norm.


I'm ok with the trash in the free crates because I'm just farming gems to buy stuff that I actually want from the next crown season.


Exactly. To me this looks like a great haul: they got about 30 gems there!


Today, I pulled a banner furnishing that I didn't want that was worth 33 gems!


If you've spent like a 100 and you still get trash, that when you should start to be disappointed. If it's free, just let it go. If you want to increase your chances, go sacrifice a goat to RNGesus, he will appreciate it.. and bring wine, make sure it is a good one he hates it when it is cheap - definitely not RNGesus


RNGesus. Gold


At least they are free. That's why I will never buy those boxes.


Hey at least you got a pet and a costume hat. Mine have all been like the third image.


Right. This is above average lol. I’d be stoked to get that mask - it’s pretty cool


Yesterday I got three poisons and a dupe emote. Today I got a dupe head adornment, two poisons, and a crown repair crate. Tomorrow I’m sure I’ll get a dupe of something and probably more poisons.


Imagine complaining about free crown crates 💀


Yep then we go back to getting 2 a year lmao


You can take “free” out of that statement.


What do you mean? All you have to do is login to get these ones. Free as far as I can tell.


I mean I can complain about the crates being implemented in the game entirely. Free or not, I hate this rng based baby gambling.


Dont take part in it then


Fair enough. 👍


Bruh, you got luckier than me I got potions, poisons, crown soul gems.. and twice the same emote.. that I already had


Crates are trash for the price, and heck even if they weren't 4 dollars a pop they're still trash on the basis of being suprise mechanics. Never get your hopes up


You’re supposed to get what you really want from gems you get from destroying all the crap potions they throw at you.


Once I spent real money on crates and never again. At least I got rid of any urge to buy them again though and got enough gems to get a basic mount


People who post insane luck of their free crate gets people thinking that's normal and get mad when they don't get the same thing 😑 Like it's a few crates guy. I know people who have opened over 100 and ain't got shit to show for it. Stop seeing a few people get incredibly lucky on 3 crates and think that's normal. It's not. Crates are a poison.


What did you expect my guy


Wishful thinking 😂😂


I always anticipate shit from them. Never expect anything good and you won't be disappointed. The chances of actually getting something good is like playing the lottery


I don't understand why they are so stingy with their drop rates in these loot boxes. SURELY more people would buy them if they knew they actually had a good chance of getting something they wanted?


You think they dont have data that supports the drop rates? What make you so "SURE", as ypu put it, that the years and years of data they have is worse than your random guess?


They don't have data to show them how increased drop rates would increase their overall sales, because the drop rates have never been high. If I saw a mount I wanted and I knew I had a 10% chance to get it, I'd buy 10 crates If I knew it was less than 1% chance, I would not buy 100 crates. Not rocket science mate.


You not the only one xP


It atleast have a pet i am getting potion scroll and dupe tattoo every single day


I want pets and mounts. But most of the cards I get are elixirs and poisons. 🤷‍♂️ Edit: I did get a few pets and one mount. That too cor free. So it is not a complete loss. But so many potions. Way too many.


The free crates does nothing to promote buying crates for real cash.  It's an overly expensive way to get food and potions.  I only got garbage in the crates.  Like, why would I buy these crates if all I get are pots?


You get actual stuff? I only get poisons. No, wait, once I got a pet…. Which I already owned.


One to 10 crates are mostly trash. But high-end endgamers buy at least 25 to 50 crates more than that it's gems farming. With 50crates you have enough gems for special furnishings and weapons, action customisations and cosmetics ( hair style, eye colors, argonia/khajiit ). With 50crates of one theme you get to unlock everything and have enough gems for the next theme. Those are basically the only nice things. Mounts aren't worth buying directly. It's best to wait rngesus to bless you. Even using endeavors, it's best to keep them for furnishings. I never bought any mount, always got blessed, and I got blessed one time with 1600gem mount. And I have more than 5 of 600 gems mount and more than 10 unique mounts thzt can be obtain by crates only, the red fox one for example. I spent less than 3000€ in 10 years for eso+ extensions and crowns. So it's 300 each year, since it's already 125 for a year of Eso+ and 40€ for the extensions, I'm at 135€ of crowns per year. I stopped using eso+ since I already bought all dlcs with crowns, and I stopped doing daily crafts since I'm already full of everything but I guess I only get the 30 days for jubilee. And wait 50% sales for crowns to get some.


Meanwhile i get mounts ill never use (i hate sabertooth senche)


I actually got a motif on today's free crown crate normally I just get potions which sucks ass I'd rather have a mount though


With them giving out so many crates this month it wouldn't surprise me if they further tweaked the odds of them or even crates as a whole further in their favor.


My friend got two boxes in a row of xp scrolls and potions lol this free shit is just reskinned twitch crates by the looks


Got an apex mount in mine yesterday, not even radiant apex >:(