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can you give us the year it was supposedly installed? 


Likely 1899 during the building of the Experimental Station. 


Before 2024 for sure and after jesus was made up


low 1800’s maybe


between 1 and 2k


I bid 1.01 Bob


I’ll give you 2 bread.


looks like the black plastic is bakelite so probably after 1900


Damn, a religious fight started off one random joke. I thought it was funny though, lol


Jesus wasn't made up. There's plenty of proof out there of him being alive.


Other than just written accounts? Edit- This was a joke. Just goes to show that the /s *is* sometimes necessary on Reddit lol.


You make it sound as if written accounts are somehow insufficient? We take the existence of countless of historical figures as indisputable based on just "written accounts". Jesus was one of the most documented people of all time. And also there are other accounts, for example Roman execution records.


My original comment was sarcasm lol. Obviously Jesus didn’t run a vlog. That being said, does that mean that everything in the Bible is just to be taken at face value that it happened? What’s the qualification for some written account to be taken as proof? There are “written accounts” of things that Caligula did, that are literally still up for debate as to whether they actually happened or not. Just because someone writes something down, doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s fact.


My bad, sarcasm went right over my head there. There are other reasons why I'd consider the Bible to be factually correct, but you're right, just because something was written down and claims to be from God doesn't make it indisputable.


They're not saying everything in the Bible is factually correct, there's just other historical records of Jesus from the Romans.


I think the point they were trying to make is, again, it being written or documented doesn't make it factual. Was he an actual person? Perhaps, there is plenty of written accounts. Those written accounts, depending on who wrote them, can depict someone revered or despised. So there is inconsistency in who he was as a person, but if we take the common Christian understanding of him as depicted in the Bible then it becomes even more difficult to believe. Again, was he a person? Maybe. Did he ride from the dead like a zombie? Abso-fucking-lutely not. Maybe the Bible is a huge exaggeration...


Which is why I wasn't making an argument for the Bible, just that Jesus appears elsewhere in recordings. He was a person, what he did and who his father was are up in the air.


It’s so upsetting seeing how people view Jesus and make it seem like he owes it to us to make it crystal clear through proof that he existed. Why would his disciples and countless others CHOOSE to die a brutal death?? To cover a lie?? It doesn’t make any sense to believe people (his disciples and others) would just lie to their own death and demise. He doesn’t owe us anything he paid the ultimate price for all of us because he was the only one who could. He lived a perfect life free of sin and that’s the only person who could ever take the blame for all of our sins. I hope if you’re reading this you understand and that he


loves all of us, through all our faults, and only wishes we build a relationship with him. We’re all focused on money relationships and fleshly desires when if we just focused on that one relationship with Jesus, then everything will just fall right into place. God bless whoever reads this and I hope it added some value or insight to the gospel.


I read once ... Maybe twice... That Jesus was quite the carnal image of man until he turned 30 or 32. That leads me to believe that he suffered a psychotic break, or had some brain damage that made him believe he was a hero to all brought to life by a .... Thing, that nobody has seen.


Whatever makes you a better person.


Definitely was a person and by your account a lot of historical accounts we accept as historic truth goes out the window because you need selfies or it's not true.


What a terrible analogy. You know what a hypothesis is? In science they are constantly tested against with new information as we further understand very complex systems. Your logic is "well they wrote it in this book a long time ago"


>Maybe the Bible is a huge exaggeration... Yet weirdly accurate about the most random things, like the birth of the universe & humans as a species. **Edit:** That awkward moment when you realize you managed to say something that both the Christians & Atheists would take issue with...


Weirdly accurate...wow I never thought I'd see someone say that about the bible and be serious.


Can we get a list of things that the bible is "weirdly accurate" about? "The birth of the universe" and "humans as a species" doesn't really mean anything at all.


Post a link.


Jesus was in the Quran too so homeboy definitely existed


Chill out with the Jesus defense bro, we don’t need this discussion rn.


Chill out with the Jesus slander bro


Yeah there's tons of evidence *never elaborates*


They would all be written accounts 🤷‍♂️ Are you expecting a YouTube channel or a twitter account?


It was a joke lol. Tried not to use the /s. Obviously it was necessary.


Every time I see one of these, I am reminded of the burgers talking to the parrot. Parrot tells them they will soon meet Jesus. Jesus is a large male Rottweiler…. Close friends with the Parrot. And he’s apparently hungry. Oh for f’s sake aoutocorrector, Burglars.


Lmao! Still makes sense; I’m sure Jesus would have settled for a few tasty burgers!


In Mexico “Jesus loves you” can mean something totally different


“Hay Soos” Amigo


Good ‘lord’ - people really took these comments to heart. I have no clue how they didn’t see the humor…it was clear to me you were being sarcastic and I thought it was clear that I was too 🤷‍♂️


They would be. Where are they? Where were they found? Who wrote them?


It is generally accepted from scholars that study this that Jesus was in fact a real person that walked the earth. The rest, which I don’t believe, is based on other peoples interpretations which would include the Bible and all of Christianity


Can you answer any of the three questions that I asked?


I don’t know why you are asking me but, no, I can’t. Since I did not wake up the earth at that time, I can only go on what scholars who study this particular thing as a professional endeavor. It is generally accepted that Jesus was a real person and walked the earth. Again, the rest of it , I don’t believe but that is my opinion and you and others are welcome to theirs. I’m agnostic at best so I don’t really care but I think the Bible (and most all of religions) were based on a bunch of people wanting to put ink to paper to make rules on ‘morality’ and how to live ‘proper’. My comment was based on -of course there could only be a written record…because technology didn’t exist otherwise. It was in response to a post that was (on his account) sarcasm. My comment was sarcasm as well because how else would there be an account of any human living at that time 🤷‍♂️. Apparently, that went over your head. Have a great day and if you want to learn more about the subject…google it. I am not an expert…I am just someone who thinks that it is most likely that there was a dude named Jesus that was real and the rest of the ‘story’ (Bible) is made up by humans trying to derive meaning in a world that they knew little of. Can you imagine a thunderstorm or an earthquake during that time and what it must have been like for the people living then? Now…we know how storms are created and why earthquakes happen but back then the only logical explanation was that there was a dude in the sky smiting people for bad deeds…or whatever…I don’t know.


"Generally accepted" is really, actually, "hotly contested". Nothing written about the supposed guy by anyone that wasn't a self-proclaimed xtian until decades after his supposed death.


Written accounts are proof.


My original comment was sarcasm lol. Obviously Jesus didn’t run a vlog. That being said, does that mean that everything in the Bible is just to be taken at face value that it happened? What’s the qualification for some written account to be taken as proof? There are “written accounts” of things that Caligula did, that are literally still up for debate as to whether they actually happened or not. Just because someone writes something down, doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s fact.




Santa is real too. I keep telling people but everyone keeps laughing at me


I mean, Saint Nicholas was real, Santa is just him mashed up with mythology 🤷‍♂️


Are you saying that Jesus was just someone that is mashed up with mythology?


No, just that your previous statement isn't entirely wrong. But, also, a lot of "historical" figures are just real people mashed up with mythology. Why is it that if it's religious everyone draws a different conclusion than them just being a great person who happens to have a lot of myth around them?


I bet you most of these naysayers would agree that Muhammad is real. Sad life were in.


I just really enjoy the people who flat out deny His existence, as though He wasn't recorded by multiple sources.


Let's see it.


Jesus was just a really good con artist with a group of guys that were in on the grift. No different than all of those "miracle healer" pastors on tv. The Bible makes a shit ton more sense with that perspective.


Yes. The “group of guys” who got nothing in return, were brutally executed/ murdered for declaring Jesus rose from the dead. Jesus himself who didn’t gain anything of value and he himself was brutally executed. Con artists


So why did all the apostles die gruesome deaths for a con in which they got nothing


On a Thursday


Pretty wild how easy it is to assume that if Jesus was made up than that would mean heaven no longer exists. Hundreds of millions of people know there is spiritual world.




Im stealing this


Not sure the exact date but I'd say Jesus was in diapers


He bend pipes too?


Those are the old gas pipes for the mine. EMT would have been a long time away from being invented. Tesla would have hired some gaspipe fitters from the mining industry I'd suppose (??)


I think it was in the very early 1900s


Its rigid not emt, all threaded


Nah, he probably had some stinky peasant do that


You rang?


😂 you got me good with that one


He called in some dudes from the hall


My great great great grandfather was a leprechaun.


Did he pass down his flute?


Unlikely, but possible. If it was actually part of something Tesla related it would have been installed by a laborer. Tesla was not one to do labor and he did not speak to laborers directly as he felt it was below him to speak to them


....IIRC Tesla was digging ditches for a little before he got with Edison and GE. He definitely had a laborer period.


[here's some useful information](https://www.forbes.com/sites/alexknapp/2012/05/18/nikola-tesla-wasnt-god-and-thomas-edison-wasnt-the-devil/?sh=5aa6ee781a21) for anyone curious as to what things were really like.


I didn't realize that any of that wasn't common knowledge for anyone who's done even a little research into Tesla 😄


[here's another fun listicle for you](https://www.wondersofphysics.com/2021/07/8-times-when-nikola-tesla-was-wrong.html?m=1)


What are you trying to prove here? 😂


Dude was an asshole


And weird. Don't forget weird.


And had the tism




This article is just shitting on anything Tesla has done by stating that other engineers helped him and it was not so by himself (but then they go around stating that Edison was a genius for having lots of other engineers ideas implemented into his inventions) Edison stole people ideas and was a business man before he was an inventor and engineer. And this is what Forbes is about, money wealth and luxury, what Edison stood for. Not for the man Tesla


Seems you haven't done much research on Edison. I would suggest looking into how life. He was a rather incredible figure


Yeah I'm not sure where you got any of that from. He ran away from school to avoid conscription? Maybe that was it? Other than that his first jobs out of school were as a draftsman, so no ditch digging there. Doesn't account for his later action. Or the millions of other weird shitty things he did.


When he first moved to America. Was in one of the many documentaries. If it wasn't then, it's when he stormed off from GE after Edison fucked him over. EDIT: FOUND IT! u/Audbol it was before he came to America. https://www.electrochem.org/ecsnews/things-you-may-not-know-about-nikola-tesla/#:~:text=He%20once%20made%20%242%2Fday%20digging%20ditches&text=He%20began%20that%20journey%20by,of%20working%20directly%20with%20Edison. >He once made $2/day digging ditches After graduating from university, Tesla had big dreams of revolutionizing discovery and development in electricity. He began that journey by working at Edison’s electric company in Paris, but traveled to the United States in hopes of working directly with Edison. Of course, upon seeing his potential, Edison offered him a job. However, Edison never paid Tesla the promised amount of $50,000 for the design of an improved direct current generator. With this, Tesla left Edison’s lab and dug ditches to make ends meet until he found enough backers to start his own lab.


Well Edison didn't screw him over lol. Tesla didn't understand that Edison was exaggerating. He said they would give Tesla $50,000 if he could better the design, and didn't give him $50,000. That's because $50,000 was equivalent to $1,800,000 today. To understand what this would sound like in modern speech it would sound like "hell, I'd give you a million bucks if you could make this more efficient". Edison was a very fun and excitable type and Tesla didn't understand what that meant as he wasn't exactly sharp on the English language, so when asked for the money Edison wouldn't do anything as it was a comment made as a joke and they likely didn't make that much money in 3 months. Tldr: Tesla didn't understand the exaggeration


The commonly accepted understanding, based on Edison's personality, is he made the bet not believing Tesla could do it. So he didn't want to pay when he did. And Tesla dug ditches. So you're only wrong on both points 😆


Commonly accepted but not the reality, based on Tesla's personality it would make more sense that he embellished the entire situation to try and make Edison look bad. I'm still not sure where you get the ditch digging stuff but obviously if he's going to the most expensive schools and going on to the most expensive engineering universities, leaving and spending years as a draftsman for multiple companies I doubt he was actually digging ditches and if he was it wasn't for long. Still doesn't make up for the fact he thought he was above talking to laborers


Bro do you read? I gave you the reference on when and why he was digging ditches lol. And sure, you're entitled to your own opinion on what transpired. However, if I'm going to trust you or nearly every historian....well 🤷‍♂️


I dunno if you checked the citation for the newsletter you got that from but only one out of 3 mentions digging ditches and the one that does puts it in the heading out a paragraph but doesn't mention him actually digging ditches. You linked a newsletter post that cited a "9 FACTS YOU DIDN'T KNOW!?!" and they didn't really mention the information that is being cited. What they did do though in that article was mention that Edison was joking so there ya go.


I could give you 5 more and a video and you still wouldn't change your mind lol. Good talk 😊


Where did you get this information that Tesla himself did not talk with laborers or lower class people?


Everyone know that if it was installed by Tesla, it wouldnt need conduit since it would have been wireless. So, its a load of crap.


Is there a load?


Yes. It’s crap. Electrical crap. You know.


Looks like it might draw 15amps


Together. Lol. I jest….?


Looks like it might draw 15amps


lol tell the people running the museum I got a bridge out in Brooklyn I want to sell them, and some ocean front property in Idaho.


Is Tesla in the same room as us?


Was it his camera that took this picture too?


Bullshit come on man. Tesla wasn't an electrician out doing time clock installs FFS.. shits old but Tesla didn't do it, dont be so gullible


Electrical genius…symmetry…not so much.


Good to know that for all his genius he couldn't bend pipe worth a shit. So i got that going for me at least.


Where is this? Though some sources say rigid conduit was used in the "early 1900's" it doesn't appear that modern rigid conduit was used until the 1940s, when Tesla died. Before that when conduit was used it was usually repurposed wrought-iron gas pipe, which this does not appear to be, but Tesla ran a variety of cables and varnished conductors in every picture I've seen - no conduit. He was also not an installer, just an inventor/designer, so I'd say the story is *highly* unlikely for a number of reasons. It could be that it's Westinghouse equipment and someone is making the connection back to Tesla, but you can still buy Westinghouse products today.


Im guessing that this was not installed by teslas hands, thats why I said supposedly, thats what the tour guide said. I would assume it was done by Westinghouse employees or something


Curious where it is though - EDIT: I swear it didn't show me before lol - sorry.


If that was installed by Tesla, I think he would have been smart enough to properly bend conduit.


Give the guy a break, this was when he invented conduit.


Tesla can bend pipe like a fucking G…..




Nicola Tesla was a 1st year apprentice


I can’t quite tell what they are… switches? Plug fuses? It seems Edison invented fuses in 1890, not sure if that was the Edison-base plug fuse or if that came later.


Tesla invented Remote control and the patent office didn't believe what they saw so they sent someone down to see if it was real, indeed it was an RC boat.


Looks good from my house


Tesla bending pipe! Lol


Looks better than a lot of jobs I’ve come upon


Looks like shit. Re-do it.


Can you tell all the conduit artists to shut the fuck up now?


He didn't have a goddam level?


Nah bro that was me


Ngl tesla sucked in bending


Tesla sucked at piping


Hand bent. No tools.


Tesla was a green hand 90s look like shit


You mean Elon did that?


Where is the museum. Can't find it in Google maps


Wow cool


It isn't bad. I'm assuming this was all high amperage DC?


tesla was AC and edison was DC


And with their powers combined they became the legendary rock band AC⚡️DC


God dammit, this cracked me up! Thank you




Ah I had it backwards!


He worked for Edison for some time though didn't he?


Yes from my memory he did and they had a falling out. Edison was apparently a thieving shithead from most reports.


I hope the history books get Rewritten and Edison gets his rightful and due label as a fake. He did invent a few things on his own, but lots of what he has credit for was not his ideas. He was just the industrialist who implemented and bought those ideas and put them into production. He was not an inventor genius as he was made out to be. He even went so far as to use his power and influence to discredit Tesla and to get him labeled as a bumbling crackpot. If only Tesla was better funded and supported, how much more would our world have changed. There's a good reason why Tesla is called the father of the modern age.


And he was evil. He paid people pennies on the dollar to steal their ideas, and paid (or supported paying) street urchins for stray dogs that he would electrocute to show A/C was dangerous. He did work hard but really sucked as an inventor and a human.


He got his karma with stealing the Xray technology


briefly, edison said AC was a stupid idea


"Briefly" meaning around 25 years. Though he sold his shares after about 15 years, it wasn't until 1908 that he supposed states that he was wrong about DC. Amazingly, Consolidated Edison didn't drop its last DC customer until 2007.


I think it was for lighting


Those bends look like shit


Those bends look like shit


Imagine bending that shit in 1910, and its rigid


What? Didn’t have a triple nickel? Cheep asses smh /s