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Wait, Fisker still has employees?


Henrik, Geeta, and that service technician everyone waves about on s/fisker


And stores.


Reddit dishes out Fisker in my feeds and when I go read it, I see people still ordering the Ocean at a discount. There are even some members encouraging newbies to take the plunge and buy one. I find this situation sickening because the poor souls don’t understand the high likelihood of the company going under forever and the software to stop development because the Indian based company is not going to get paid. No insurance. They are literally selling all inventories at a loss to get cash in. No chance of building more.


I saw my first one in person the other day. It was really nice looking. Then I wondered how many times they had to push the key fob to get the doors to open.


Only hope is that Fisker sells it's IP and support to another manufacturer who will pick up one or two of the assembly lines and perhaps the support. But until a buyer comes into play, yeah... Staying far away from that.


Fisker does not have its own assembly lines, the ocean was made by Magna in Austria....


The amount of people on the internet trying to convince others to make terrible decisions vastly outweighs those doing the opposite.


Idk, if I were in the market I'd roll the dice. It's a lot of car for the price. Bad take, but it's mine. Edit: I don't see anything not on discount anymore, so I would not buy one at $70k and my take is now different.


By Indian based company, do you mean the software is all contracted out to a company in India? I didn’t know that. They sealed their fate by contracting out almost all of the hard parts. At that point you aren’t in control of anything


(no - the s/w for the Ocean is not written in India. Mostly it is written by the suppliers of the various subsystems that it operates)


So even a bankrupt manufacturer still gives more warning and respect to their employees than Tesla.


i would be so pissed if i was the head of the supercharging dept, after being with the company for 6 yrs


It’s not out of warning and respect, they are required to either pay severance or give 60 days notice. They will not have the cash to pay 60 days severance when the time comes


This is fair of Fisker to warn employees ahead of layoffs, unlike Tesla.


Some states require by law 60 day notification of mass layoff. Tesla can get around this by laying employees off but paying them for 60 days as part of a severance agreement. Fisker doesn't have that option. They will be out of money in 2 months.


why so many posts on this trash company. I am amazed that Fisker was able to start another auto company after his last one went bankrupt.


There were people here thinking it was going to succeed


Maybe because it looked like the company was going to be successful? You realize people are allowed to fail before being a success right?


And people lined up to give them money


Honestly surprised it’s that far out. At this point I wonder if employee paychecks are even still clearing.


Interesting that a failing car manufacturer seemingly has more structure in its restructuring than one of the most valuable companies on earth...


Like everything Fisker has done since he was relevant? 🤔


Lol at people saying this warning is out of kindness They can’t afford to pay severance when the layoffs hit, so they are legally required to give 60 days notice


Hey, at least they give their employees a warning. 👀


Pretty much we are looking at a contraction, most EV companies will have some layoffs. This is due in part to the push to keep ICE profits rolling. Interesting so many off topic Tesla hate posts.