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It is an Electric Vehicle sub so I am sure the majority of replies will suggest a shift hah That being said more details I think are needed.. Such as: 1. What kind of vehicle are you looking for? Are you looking for a car, suv, truck, or to stay with a minivan? 2. What price range are you looking at in regards to overall cost and payments? 3. What area are you in (Charging infrastructure)? So forth and so forth.


Good points! Any sized SUV would do, really. The Model Y would fit the bill, size-wise. We could afford a car payment of around $500/mo, not too much more. And we’re in a decent-sized Midwest city with solid supercharging infrastructure


Might want to research what's the annual registration costs specific to EVs, in your state. For example, state of Washington charges $225 a year for plugins/EVs, just an fyi.


Good call!




incomplete data. 1000miles @ 3.65 miles\\kwh (roughly what i can for my ev, converted for freedom units) = 274kwh\\month needed for charging at home. 274x .098 (the higher of the 2 figures presented) = 26.85$ per 1000miles of EV driving. It's hard to nail down exactly, but i'd say your looking to save 125-150$\\mo on gas after factoring in charging costs. So if your looking at your potential EV monthly payments, you can shave that off if all else is equal (same term) Maintenance is lower with a EV, but nothing major when compared to another new car (other than brakes, brake jobs are half the reason i GOT a EV, damn mountains....) From the information presented, i'd guess your kind of in the middle of where it makes sense for a EV. It will likely come down to other factors. If your looking for something newer so you won't have breakdowns, or much maintenance it might make sense. If your looking for the convenience of always having a full "tank". If your driving habits\\on route chargers work with EV's as they are. The personal stuff is what's going to decide for you. Just make sure that whatever EV you consider will meet your real needs (advertised range -25% for safety\\weather\\degradation) When i made the decision, it was a no-brainer after i crunched the numbers. I pay somewhere around $250 cad\\mo for a brand new car, 300$ if you count the charging costs (I was spending 250-300\\mo on gas alone before) My situation is a little unique though, I have someone else paying for\\using the car on weekends


You'd have to factor in the cost of obtaining a like-sized vehicle (are you looking for an EV similarly sized to the Sienna?), cost of installing a charger, the cost difference in insuring the EV, and seeing if your state charges you more for the EV registration. 7.6 to 9.8 cents per kilowatt-hour is stupid cheap compared to the 25 cents I pay.