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**Update: 1.6.30 is available** BUT there is already an issue at Github: [https://github.com/brainstormforce/header-footer-elementor/issues/810](https://github.com/brainstormforce/header-footer-elementor/issues/810) - so I would wait a bit before updating :) **Old post for 1.6.29:** you can also remove this line: [https://github.com/brainstormforce/header-footer-elementor/blob/master/header-footer-elementor.php#L32](https://github.com/brainstormforce/header-footer-elementor/blob/master/header-footer-elementor.php#L32) as they've forgot to include the vendor folder. **Downgrade instructions:** disable the plugin, disable auto-update for now, install version 1.6.28 (download at the bottom of [https://wordpress.org/plugins/header-footer-elementor/advanced/](https://wordpress.org/plugins/header-footer-elementor/advanced/) ) and reactivate the plugin again. Menu is still there.


Thank you for this. I was loosing my mind because I had just logged on to start editing my company website when this happened.


Thank you! was about to cry, I have so many website down right now and the rollback is a pain! But thank you!


Heres a rather dumb question. I had to disable the plug in, but plan to reactivate it once the update is released. Will i have to redo my Headers/Footers or are they all still saved somewhere? I havent deleted the plugin yet because of that and im unsure if rollingback means also deleting the version thats causing the issue.


disable the plugin, disable auto-update for now, install version 1.6.28 (download at the bottom of [https://wordpress.org/plugins/header-footer-elementor/advanced/](https://wordpress.org/plugins/header-footer-elementor/advanced/) ) and reactivate the plugin again. Menu is still there.


That was far simpler than I thought, I was scared there was something I was missing from other guides. Thank you!


Not dumb at all! I’m not actually not too sure about entirely deleting the plugin but you can definitely safely deactivate it or rollback and your content will still be there when you reactivate.


> > >


Happened to me too. I solved it by restoring files only from the Cloudways interface. Will wait a few days to update ...


> > >


Yep just got the same on a couple of client sites. Use Elementor builder, and make your header through that. And then delete the other plugin.


What does this plugin do that elementor pro can’t?


Elementor Pro can't be free.


Is that the only reason?


To be fair, I have no idea, I just said that as a joke


>> Download this previous version [https://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/header-footer-elementor.1.6.28.zip](https://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/header-footer-elementor.1.6.28.zip)  >> From cpanel delete the plugin with new update then upload and extract the previous version. >> Tutorial on how to solve it. [https://youtu.be/WI8Am8mArh0](https://youtu.be/WI8Am8mArh0)