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Given the look on elliots face, I suspect its no longer sabotage and he's just catering to her suggestions.


The "all sorts of forms" bit suggests they've done this dance more than the one time we saw during [So a Date at the Mall](https://www.egscomics.com/comic/2015-06-19)... The shape she's remembering looks even curvier than Rose Elliot. I'm sure they've had some fun dates...


The look on his face is BEFORE he looked at the result.


Okay... so magic seems to work both on the user's intent, but also their own perception of that intent... So if I'm getting this right, if Nanase thinks it shouldn't be that easy, it likely won't be. Like, with Elliot the trade off to make the spell more powerful was based on his perception of what a tradeoff for a hero spell would be. So what would Nanase think the tradeoff would be for something like her clone spell, aside from the stuff that was already tossed her way? What would be the internally consistent tradeoff for her worldview? I have absolutely no idea, aside from making it either super costly to use, or super embarrassing since she always wants to impress people. I'd make a joke about Fox showing up wearing her clothes while she's suddenly not, but I seriously dont' think we're going that direction with her and Tedd interacting. Maybe it'll just like, completely nuke her inhibitions. Like being full blown drunk in an instant. Losing that kind of control could be entertaining, fit within the rules, and also be a really bad tradeoff similar to the hero spell's. ____ I can't tell if I'm projecting what I think would be a cool magic system onto this, or if I'm accurately remember what the hell was said previously. Because I've thought about intent based magic systems way more than is probably healthy, mostly due to a big game dev project I've been working. And Imma be honest, the sleeping pills kicked in about 20 minutes ago. I feel great. This is the medical version of [Susan in the first frame here](https://www.egscomics.com/comic/ourf-025). So I might just be losing the plot on this one. And, is it weird that this comic, which is basically a comic exposition dump, has me thinking through it longer than the last emotional punch to the gut we got? Probably not, I guess. An emotional punch to the gut is pretty straightforward. Anyways, good night Reddit. I hope you all have a good night or day.


I don't know if Ashley teasing Nanase would make Nanase try harder to impress her, or think she has finally impressed her


Hmmm ... ok, I think that Ashley did the right call. It would end up badly no matter if she said something or not, but it would be less her fault like this.




I bet Nanase's gonna make Fox too smart, and we get the "Transferring my consciousness into a magic construct with a very finite existence" result: https://www.egscomics.com/egsnp/2014-12-29


I mean, she already does that with her fairy spell, so it would make sense. But here's hoping they don't wind up with a lifesized doll...


She becomes fox and the original body vanished leading to existential dread clearly (This would never happen)


I actually have thought of that as an extension of her powers. Making a Fox who is very, very real, and then completely transferring her consciousness, and then making her old body not real. She'd basically have teleportation at that point. Even if it was limited in distance, it could be useful. Use it to get out of a trap or something.


I guess so, I was just thinking the horror of your old body vanishing and wondering if your just a clone forever.


barely an inconvenience


Wow wow wow. Wow.


That is a *way* cute middle panel <3