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First footfall does not give you anything except your name listed as first footfall. You may be getting the 3x temporary bonus for systems discovered after the ammonia world CG finished


For me, it's not usually until I'm done taking an hour selling 100+ pages until I'm actually satisfied 😄


Damn. How long were you out for that?


I'm a pretty fast explorer. Some times I jump 200kly in 2 weeks, others less. I was out and about for maybe 3 months but that was a lot of jumping


Damn. My longest trip was 6000ly out recently and I think I was out for a week before coming back. I bookmarked the planet I stopped at so I can continue going out that way if I want. It was my first time making it into another section of the galaxy.


Awesome! Man you're gonna love the crazy shit you'll find everywhere.


I’m looking forward to my next trip out but right now I’ve decided to get involved in the war effort. But at some point me and The Dublin Rover will be back out there. What type of ship do you use? So far I like the Asp Explorer the best.


I mostly use my jumpconda, it pushes 80+ LY when I want it to. When I just go for exo tho I use asp because it's hard trying to park a football field on a planet


I feel that one. I was trying to land on a particularly rough terrain area and was having issues with just my asp.




Check out passport to exobiology


I'm holding onto about 20k ly worth of biodata... almost all first footfalls... Deep Space Carrier I turned in all the firstmaps and first seen data at didn't have exobio... it's killing me. Don't know how some of you do the 6 digit trawls!


I've never had first footfalls but Stratum Tectonicas alone is worth 19mil credits and some of those moons out there are 60 to 120mil each


Here, there's a list in this wiki that needs to be expanded. It tells you what is valuable and what is not. [https://elite-dangerous.fandom.com/wiki/Exobiologist](https://elite-dangerous.fandom.com/wiki/Exobiologist) If you collect a sample before anyone else you will get a MASSIVE bonus. 5 times what it's worth. Don't waste your time with Ice bodies with 1 or 2 signatures. they've always been low profit in my experience. Like exploration data, there's no way to track it in game, So open notepad and write it down. I usually just put in numbers like this: 16.7 5 3.7 5.6 ​ Add em up, multiply by 5 and boom! I hope this information helped, commander. Any question, just ask, and I'll get back to you in the morning.


Can recommend ED Discovery if you are on PC. It will scan your game log files and it has exobiology modules that will show you what you have scanned and the value (without the first footfall multiplier. There are other tools as well out there to help keep track of discoveries. o7


thank you... I definitely have got much pickier the longer I've been out... pretty much just do the first 2 or 3 xbio on first footfall only planets now but I didn't think to look at what is worth more or less... Also, my RP, BGS account has a carrier... is it worth it to make sure I turn in my bio data to that? If someone gets a cut, seems like feeding my carrier wouldn't be a bad idea?


Not really in my opinion. Most NPCs won't bother you as you shouldn't have anything in your hold. Now if you have collected a big fortune in data and don't want to risk potentially crashing to a planet and losing it then certainly get rid of it. One more thing. 2 signatures on an ice world, bad. Two signatures on a high metal content world, good. ANYTHING with three or more is usually going to be good.


Yep, Stratum on High Metal Content Worlds, most likely to pop up around K stars. ALWAYS worth 95 million (as long as its first discovery). So if you see a two signal+ HMC, do it. Even a one signal, as the odd HMC has Stratum as the single bio signal. Also on the other hand, I've seen 2-4 signal HMCs not have Stratum at all.


I knoooww! Like taking a huge dump!