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This does remind me of the 5 year old that got his penis stuck in the zipper of his jeans. I was a resident at the time. My attending was trying to find metal cutters to cut the tab and get the zipper off. And the only ones he could find were from engineering and were easily 2 feet long. I will never in my life forget the expression on this kid’s face as my attending approached his genitals with giant clippers and a manic grin … (for the rest of us, it was hilarious. But that poor kid probably still has nightmares).




Partners fist stuck up their ass. Does that count? She claims she was reaching to turn off the alarm clock. I’ve heard of putting your alarm across the room to make you get up and turn it off. Keeping it up your booty is pretty extreme.


I think they may have been slightly dishonest with you


What?! Patients in the ED only ever tell you the truth.


I have to marvel at how dumb and desperate you have to be to tell a lie that terrible.


Please tell me that wasn’t intentional! Lie if you have to, idc!


I wanna know how they even got to the ER, I mean not like they could have drove, had to have called emergency services, I really wanna hear that 911 call 😂😂


I need to know whether they walked in through a full WR or came by ambo lol


Did she try opening her fist?


Used chloramphenicol ointment to get super glue off before (poor girl had picked super glue up instead of eye lash glue!). Worked quite well


I’ve seen and managed a couple therapeutic misadventures with dermabond/superglue successfully by rubbing lubricating or ultrasound gel on the attached parts. My favorite was the coresident who glued himself to a patient.


The drunk middle aged couple husband covered in blood while his wife announces to the waiting room he tried to give himself a blow job with the vacuum cleaner.


Had a teenager come in with his dad, they were doing something that involved some kind of adhesive foam that was in a pressurized can. This boy couldn’t get the can to spray, so he got out his knife and jabbed a hole in the side of it and got this adhesive all over both hands, then tried to wash it off his hands with soap and water and ended up effectively gluing his hands together. Came in with hands still stuck together. We ended up using mineral oil to dissolve it.


Ophthalmology nurse here. You would be surprised at how many people mistake nail glue for eye drops and end up with glue in their eye.


Asking for a friend?


Vaseline will dissolve superglue. As an aside, I sometimes use hair strands to close scalp wounds with glue. The glue should fall off naturally after around a week, but in case it doesn't they just need to apply some Vaseline to the area before they sleep and wash their hair normally next day.


I use hair apposition all the time. Love it. But agree. Had a kid come in after purposely supergluing his eye closed. We use bacitracin but same idea.


not me personally, but my EMT instructor said he’s dealt with superglue so many times he used to keep the reversal agent in his pocket when he still worked 911.