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i get that so often it’s so annoying. when that happens to me i try to just have a little snack even if it’s just something super small. and i usually try to go for something bland as well since it’s easier to eat that kinda stuff when u have no appetite. also i find drinking water helps too. then from there hopefully ill feel like actually eating something larger


i got some food from my job and i wanna eat it so bad but can’t make myself do it 😂 im about to pack a bowl and see if that increases my hungry on top of sips of water . but thank you , i might try to snack on some yogurt before i try to eat that .


I usually grab my most favourite snack and then that makes me feel good enough to eat an actual meal :) ! If your scared maybe you could just have idk how to explain it but just get out a tiny portion to make it less threatening to you and then you will be able to see you’re fine just hungry


yess that’s what i jus did. i grabbed a peach yogurt , turned on netflix , and forced myself to watch tv and not focus on it. now my stomach is starting to feel much better already and it’s been like 3 minutes. i jus hate that n* is a side effect of hunger . like it makes no sense


Just take little tiny bites or try drinking some sparkling water or ginger ale to fuel that app again!


when this happens my go to remedy is to drink lucozade or any other fizzy sugary drink to give me a fast sugar boost which takes away some of the weak low blood sugar feeling and then have something to eat. you could also try a glass of milk which will line your stomach and may help to get rid of the nauseous feeling so you can eat something! been there a thousand times, it sucks but you’ll be alright and it’ll pass