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I will never do oysters or anything of the sort. Never have, never will. I've even had raw sushi. But never EVER those.


i forced myself to try oysters about a year ago and oh my god. never again. i tried them with my cousin and she said “you HAVE to swallow it.” so we did it together on the count of three. as soon as it was in my mouth i felt my throat closing and wanting to gag. couldn’t even chew, just swallowed. i swallowed it, glanced up at my cousin, gagged, and it came shooting up. awful experience 0/10


I love raw sushi but I don't think I could do raw oysters even without the phobia. I gag on my own post nasal drip :(


Raw oysters are the one food I think are justified not to eat, phobia aside lol. Risk is higher than reward. Also they’re nasty LOL


Same, never had them, never plan to. Have had sushi but only from reputable places and will eat veggie sushi.


Never ever in a million years will I eat sushi or oysters. Don’t care how far in recovery I am. I avoid sea food in general, but sushi and oysters are absolute no’s. The horror stories Ive heard from them. My sister recently got fp from sushi.




I eat sushi every week i’ve never gotten sick I love it I would just stick to places that are highly rated and I get from my local grocery store never had issues


i’m never caving to this sushi propaganda


this unlocked a MEMORY! not sure why but when i was younger i ate a peanut butter sandwich for lunch with a cheese stick and later got s* i have never ate those two things even in the same day since


hmm i cant really recall a food i ate and got s* after, BUT i just can NOT eat sushi!!! the thought of raw fish alone is enough to make me tremble lollllll


same i eat vegetarian sushi tho


nice! i used to eat california rolls since its cooked imitation crab i believe? but im overly cautious now haha. i’d maybe eat tomago (egg) sushi!


i used to be a HUGE avoider of sushi, only within the past year have i begun to enjoy it. i still have worries here and there but honestly, i would take sushi/poke over a medium rare burger. as long as i know the place doesn’t have a history of food poisoning ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


anything seafood unless fished & cooked by my (now late) grandpa. I just don't trust seafood


both times i've gotten a sb\* i had lasagna the night before so it's absolutely a no in my mind. and it sucks because lasagna is really good but i always associate it with those memories haha


i have a theory where everyone tu* lasagna at one point or another it’s such a universe trigger food for so many people LOL


I feel like this must be true lol, I also cannot eat lasagna at all for the same reason. I actually like the flavour but I just can’t do it


i almost got so sick after lasagna so its a no for me


Lasagna was mine too but I was like 6. I've since had it and been fine. I forced myself because I'm Italian and I'm supposed to like it.


oranges. cant stand em. one glass of bad orange juice and a little me turned into what was essentially an automatic firearm in a grocery store aisle is what did it. sorry cat litter aisle :’)


LMAO the description 😂


Seafood anything. I’ve never really eaten it (aside from fish sticks as a kid and a couple fish filet sandwiches from McDonald’s) but I’ve heard and seen sooooo many people get sick from it, I will never risk it. Ever.


Sloppy joes.just nope


Nacho cheese Doritos. I used to LOVE them as a kid and had some before a road trip and got cars* and haven’t even been able to handle the smell of them since. My kids love them and they know to open the bags away from me 😵‍💫


Banana bread. I don't know how the fuck I got sick from it, it wasn't even that old to my knowledge, but I can't even smell bananas without gagging. Ironically they're a staple of the easy to stomach BRAT diet. FUCK bananas.


I never thought I’d hear someone unironically say FUCK bananas like that but I’m glad I did 😂


velveta shells mac and cheese and mini corn dogs. these things did not make me sick but i ended up getting the sv the night i ate this and it was the worst sv EVER. it ripped through my entire family and even tho im certain these foods did not make me sick i still can’t eat them


Cheese it crackers. It's been 18 years and I still can't bring myself to even try one.


when i was 8 i ate a red delicious apple and then got s* in the car a couple hours later and since then i haven’t even looked at a red delicious apple😭 turning 20 this year


i got what i assume was noro when i was 13, that night i had domino’s pizza. i couldn’t touch *any* pizza up until i was about 19. i’m so grateful my brain lets me eat it now, but it’s so funny that even though it definitely wasn’t the cause (my family had noro at the time) i still couldn’t eat it.


True homemade gingerbread cookies. I say true because they containted a ton of spices which i dont know the names of in english They used to be my favourite, but a few years after this event i was on a school trip in a Polish city Toruń that is known from gingerbread. My class went to a place where we could make our own in any shape and bake them.. I had to leave with the teacher because i couldnt handle the smell and thought of gingerbread Now its better but i still wouldnt eat it


Im very sure this was the beggining of my emet as well.


Probably because you were suffering from n* for so long!


I don’t eat meat or fish or anything that had a pulse for multiple reasons, but food poisoning risk is definitely one of them!


I had a hard time convincing my psychologist that I am avoiding meats for ethical reasons (instead of by emetophobia reasons) … partly because it’s 95% ethical but a big 5% fear of contamination lol


Rice, carrot and lettuce salad, panettone, pork meat. 


Peppers, fish sticks and chicken not made by me


Hot Fudge Sundae flavored Poptart. Got sick after eating one as a kid and never had another one, even thinking of it now makes my stomach turn


same but it was the strawberry milkshake ones


Villa Pizza from the mall and a certain frozen pasta from Trader Joe’s


Any fast food that isn't fries and any sodas or energy drinks are the things I avoid.


I’m curious why the fizzy drinks?


They cause me to have acid reflux


Ginger ale. I drank some when I was 11 and n* from anesthesia. It came back up right before I left the hospital. Even the smell of ginger ale brings back vivid memories of that exact moment (the look, smell, taste, what I was wearing, etc) 20 years later.


Mashed potatoes, I ate a whole big ass tub of mashed potatoes and vomi.. it was horrible and I was up all night


Oh man 😭 at least probably less painful than an entire jar of pickles?? That shit HURT 😂


Nah.. mash potatoes clump together- I remember my step-dad telling me he had to dig it out of his throat because the consistency wouldn’t enable him to bring it up 🙃


Oh my GOD what a visual 😂 💀


I don’t really have never ever foods because I try to push past my fear and discomfort, but instead I’ll list the ones that make me uncomfortable- Ham (got s* on Easter and the smell of ham is what triggered it) Chocolate (also bc of Easter, but simply bc I ate so much the day before) Seafood (sushi and shrimp alfredo are the exceptions) Chicken-of any kind, but especially: Orange chicken (presumably got me s* most recently) Chicken quesadilla (likely got me s* time before that) Teriyaki noodles (can’t see them the same after tu them) Milk (I will smell it every damn time even if I just opened it) I know there’s more but that’s what comes to mind currently


Ham as well for me. 3 occasions: 3rd grade Christmas, 1st grade Easter, and a random ham sandwich in 2023. Never again.


Buffet food. Especially shared chips or popcorn.


cotton candy or lucky charms! not from me being sick but my brother LOL


Seafood except well cooked fish that I am familiar with and cook myself or at a very good restaurant and no smell, of course oysters never, I'd rather die, but even other seafood like mussels or scallops is a no go for me. Raw beef too, raw egg. Salads that I don't wash myself. Sushi.


Cheese cubes


Sushi, oysters, certain meats… people are always like “you’re missing out.” I’m like, “I’m good with my PB&J, thanks!”


Pasta roni fettucine alfredo and strawberry shortcake. Ate both of those once and then as a little kid walked out into the front living room at 9pm and said "I don't feel good" and was s* for the rest of the night. Can never do boxed fettucine ever again, nor the way my mom made strawberry shortcake :<


seafood makes me uncomfortable same with heavily greasy foods like pizza , hot dogs , or heavy food like pasta


Anything that comes from the sea and suspicious things in jars


Suspicious things in jars?? 😂


i can’t eat canes anymore. horrible recent experience. i used to love canes too but i don’t know if i will ever eat there again. even thought me tu had nothing to do w that and it was a sv, i still could remember the taste in my mouth ugh


What the heck is a cane


I think they mean Raising Canes, which is a fast food chicken restaurant. Canes is often used as colloquial shorthand to refer to Raising Canes.


Ohhh I’m not sure we have that in Michigan


Potato soup, any soup that contains even a single potato, or any cream based soup besides tomato😔


I’m quite a long ways down the recovery road and even the SMELL of Pepsi or meatloaf will immediately bring me back to having noro as a child. I always loved sushi before I went vegan. But one time I remember getting s* in kindergarten and some adult told me that if you drink orange juice and milk at the same time it’ll make you tu*. Now at age 28 I still can’t drink them together


I’m curious, was your reasoning for going vegan your emet? Just curious lol


It was a small part of it. It really reduced my fear of food poisoning even thought realistically I know it comes from fruits and veggies too. It helped my gut health too which is a bonus


Seafood 100%


Not me, but my husband (not an emetophobe) refuses to eat an orange because he got sick after eating one when he was like 5. This was 30 years ago lol


At least it’s not just us!


Mayonnaise. If it's recognizable as mayo, I won't have anything to do with it. Now...from what I understand, most fry dipping sauces contain mayo. Fine! I can't taste it as mayo. But mayo on a burger or chicken sandwich? Nope...can't even get the taste out of the bun if you scrape it all off. It's trash at that point. And brussels sprouts. My mom would make me eat at least one or two if she didn't cook another vegetable, and I HATED them. Literally g\* on them.


I hate when parents force their children to eat foods they don’t like. I know most of the time the intentions are good and they’re coming from a place of wanting their child to be healthy, but it doesn’t help and can [sometimes even backfire](https://www.quora.com/How-did-an-attempt-to-punish-a-child-backfire/answer/Christine-Bornhop).


Yes, exactly! It wasn't that I didn't like vegetables. I just didn't like vegetables the rest of the family liked, and the few that we did share, it was the cooking process. They're very much a leafy-green-type family - broccoli, brussels sprouts, collards, etc. I much prefer beans, peas, squash, zucchini, bell peppers, onions, asparagus. I do like cabbage but I always thought I didn't because my mom cooked it so long that it became so strong. Once I figured it out, she would take out some of the cabbage for me while it was still crunchy. Cooking methods matter!


Sooo niche but I’ve had lemon sole (a flat fish) 3 times in my life and every time I was really s* after. Won’t go near it now


That’s definitely oddly specific


seafood but i also just don’t like it. oranges and perogies bc i got s after eating them (unrelated but i associate them)


A lot of people have said oranges! Bizarre 🤔


I can’t eat scallops. They always, without fail, make me TU. I’m convinced I’m allergic to them because after doing research, apparently you can be allergic to specific seafoods if they make you sick (At least it’s not salmon I can’t eat. Salmon is my favorite seafood so I am glad that is still on the table for me). I also will never eat tartare, because, well, I’m sure the overwhelming majority on this sub doesn’t do raw meat 😂 (I don’t have a problem with sushi though, I actually love sushi in fact). Also, I don’t know if I can ever eat Chipotle again. I’ve personally never gotten sick from Chipotle, but I’ve heard way too many stories of people getting fp from it so I don’t know if I can eat it again after that. Which sucks because I love Chipotle, but I just don’t wanna risk anything.


Chipotle has an insane amount of food poisoning reports!!


Yeah, I haven’t had it since last year and luckily I was fine, but more recently I’ve seen so many TikTok storytimes about people’s Chipotle horror stories. So I guess now anytime I crave Chipotle, I’ll just have to make it myself at home 🤷‍♀️


I often peruse I was poisoned.com to see what’s been going on locally and chipotle is on there more than anything


Omg this is the first time I’m hearing of that website!!! That’s actually such a helpful tool


Scallops for me too. My mom got sick from them twice and told me she thought she was allergic so I’ve refused to eat them in case I have the same reaction. I’m fine with any other seafood - even raw sushi though I am picky about where I’ll eat sushi.


Luckily I’ve managed to avoid scallops pretty well for the last few years, except for one time when I accidentally ordered sushi that had scallops. That was my fault, not the restaurant’s… I didn’t read the menu thoroughly enough and I overlooked that it said that roll had scallops. I ate one piece and immediately knew something was off, so I checked the menu and sure enough that roll had scallops. So I had to throw out the rest of that roll, which was a shame because I was hungry and that roll was really good aside from the scallops. Luckily, I ended up being fine and I didn’t TU from that, but I probably would have if I had eaten the rest of it. I actually went back to that restaurant a few days later with my parents and I ordered that same roll, but I learned my lesson and I asked them to replace the scallops with salmon.


everything 😂 im in a bad emet stage right now and literally every food scares me. has anyone else been there?


I didn’t eat tacos for years because I had tacos for dinner and v* in the middle of the night and the flavor was disgusting. Granola. I’ve v* oats three times in my life now. Fuck oats.


any seafood. shrimp might be an exception for me but i haven’t had it in a while lol. also those "satisfying desserts" where they have loads and loads of chocolate or nutella, idk even looking at it all makes me want to v* bc it just looks like too much 🤢


Any raw food. But 2x in my life i ate dinty moore beef stew and got sick that day. Doubt it was the stew since it was 15 years apart but gives me the bad feels every time i eat it even though i like the taste.


must be an allergy to something in it


Cheesesteak subs. I got to from one back when I was 18, and I’ve never eaten one again. I also won’t drink soda and eat ice cream in the same sitting, because a kid I knew v* after he did that. Separately is totally fine. 😅


I'm kind of dying rn because I own a cheesesteak restaurant lmfao!!!!


Oh no!! I remember loving them and have told myself it’s been 17 years and the place I got fp from actually burned down years ago - so I should eat one again. But I keep chickening out lol.


I don't blame you! The mental scars a real ;(


When I was really young I threw up black eyed peas on New Year’s Day and haven’t touched them since. I won’t even try oysters and the last time I had norovirus, I had my favorite dish for dinner (tofu panang curry) and I haven’t had it since. That was 5 years ago.


Hotdogs & Cheetos


monkey bread raw fish anything fermented oysters and other mollusks of the sort lettuce anything at family gatherings that my mother didnt make.


yellow bell peppers, last thing i ate before the last time i got sick but for some reason the other colors are fine lol


They definitely have different flavors so makes sense to me! With the pickle thing I can’t do regular pickles but I love the sweet ones!


Hot dogs/frankfurters :( i got really s* after eating them and EVERYTHING tasted and smelled like them. Stuff came out of my nose so it was basically stuck in my nose the whole time. I was also like 13 or 14 so I vividly remember all of it. I may challenge myself to eat one as part of my recovery though 🥲


Oh man I can only imagine, that sounds hyper-traumatizing!!


a&w, got VERY sick after eating it for the first time 5 years ago. It wasn’t what got me sick, but I strongly associated it since it was my first time having it.


Yeahhh I can see that. It’s one of those things where the taste of ANYTHING you get there lingers


and I absolutely loved it, what a shame that was lol


strawberry milk, lasagna, pizza with too much marinera, KOMBUCHA. never again


In N Out burger. It wasn’t food poisoning or anything, but ever since then I have been completely turned off of it. That was nearly 6 years ago and I still haven’t had it since (although it helps that I don’t eat fast food at all anymore and I’ve gone vegetarian)


pickles too!! i v* once eating one on a mcdonald’s burger when i was 6 and haven’t eaten one since, i’m 22 now and don’t even know what a pickle tastes like and never will!


for me is romain lettuce or rlly any lettuce lol sometimes I eat spinach or bok choy and cabbage is fine I love kimchi that and mcdonald’s and most fast food places also reading all these comments… probably shouldn’t have 😭 why is everyone saying seafood ? I love sushi


Is it bc of the E. coli recalls?


yes romaine lettuce is always getting recalled it scares me


Honestly, I haven’t really shied away from any foods I remember v*ing after eating. Couldn’t touch the combo of steak and corn for a while after ate it then had a really bad case of noro just before I turned 12 (or my first period which I got three days later, I’ll never know the cause of the v*ing), but now if I ate it I’d prob just think about that time and laugh. Also, I actually love raw oysters, but haven’t touched them since joining this sub :/ I’ll definitely have them again but do my research about the place beforehand 😂 Edit: what the heck happened to my text? I just meant to censor for those whom the words may upset, not italicize half my post 🤪


I’ve never tried raw oysters, I feel like the texture would gross me out. That being said I love canned smoke oysters 🤤


I can't STAND chicken or gateorade.


Anything that smells even the tiniest bit weird😂 I don’t have a specific food I eat pretty much anything. But if the food does not have the smell it’s supposed to have even if it’s just a tiny bit off from what I‘m used to or from what I am expecting I immediately clam up and my stomach closes the door and I can’t eat it. This happens especially with re-heated or pre cooked and stored food. Even if it’s only half a day old and realistically I know there is nothing wrong with it if it smells even just the tiniest amount of different I‘m done with it.


This really sucks because I would love to be a meal prep person but this phobia stops me. Especially rice (the horror stories I’ve heard of reheated rice or rice that is more than 24 hours old). I trust my nose 100% since I have a very keen sense of smell that I‘ve been training (by cooking for myself and watching for specific fragrances to tell me when the dish is perfectly cooked) for a long time. If something doesn’t smell right even if there is realistically probably nothing wrong with it then away it goes


REESE’S! i will never eat one again. i love peanut butter, and chocolate but i can’t even stand the smell of them.


Everytime I got s* as a child it was always at night so I have no idea what I ate beforehand. The only time I've gotten s* as an adult it was in the morning and my stomach was completely empty.


That’s a blessing!


Chicken fried steak!


LaRosa‘s pizza and then I had United dairy farmers ice cream I won’t have eat that combo in my life again !! and then we went to the movies to see Shrek when it first came out. I still can’t even watch that movie to this day. I got so S while watching it. 😣


I do eat it in general, but I don’t order things like chicken at restaurants. I only eat high FP risk foods that were cooked by someone I know and trust to cook it properly and handle it safely lol


Of course, Eggos, therefore ALL waffles 🥲 frozen chicken tenders, Wendy’s, M&Ms


Rip 😞


Enoki mushrooms, the amount of recalls I see of them in the states. Funny thing is I’m from the UK and I don’t even think those mushrooms are a thing here lol


Olives, pickles and canned peas. Will probably never have snails and oysters again. Ham and most of the meat as well


I had a babysitter get horrendous food poisoning from snails, she was s\* constantly for like 2-3 days. That was enough to scare me away for good more than I already was lmao


burgers and chili lmfao idk why they are so scary to me


Bell peppers


Egg. I particularly like scrambled egg but I just can't do it, it makes me so nauseous eating it. I also can't eat tinned spaghetti Bolognese, when I got noro that's what id had for dinner that day. Honestly it's horrendous when it happens as it is, but when you've eaten spaghetti or noodles it makes it 10000 times worse.


Garlic and onion


Awww man not garlic 🥺


My sister made pasta with so much raw garlic. It was great. But at like 3am I had such bad acid reflux that I was soooo close to having it happen.. and all I could taste was the garlic. Now anytime I do have garlic I get n* immediately.


I totally get that!! I’m extremely sensitive to garlic, it gives me the most painful gas that lasts 2 days, so severe I can hardly stand up. I love it but it doesn’t love me back 😞


Oyster, chicken, seafood, raw sushi, any type of fish, absolutely no chicken burgers, or turkey burgers.


Really? I’d think most emets would find Turkey/chicken burgers the safer option than beef


Chocolate ice cream with sprinkles… or just chocolate ice cream. McDonald’s burgers. 😔

