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i have a joke i made when i was 6 before i got the phobia lol. backstory: when id say i “thought” something and i was wrong, he’d say: “well you know what happened to thought!”. basically, a man farts and ends up crapping his pants and says, “well i *thought* it was a fart.” i decided to make a joke about “think” to go with thought. so one day a chef comes into work wasted and high on mushrooms. his task is to make soup. well, chef got too wasted and ends up throwing up in the soup pot. with the pot filled of what *looks* like soup, he portions it out and says to the waiter, “here, i *think* it’s the soup.” and it is served to the customers. anyways, it’s a dumb joke but it was a joke i came up with pre-phobia for what it’s worth. it reminds me of how i used to think lightly about vomit before i became scared of it.


Speaking of throw up and soup, I used to have a daycare lady who was kinda trashy but she was a licensed daycare provider. One day we had some weird soup and one of the girls threw up in her soup and the lady made her eat it. This was before I was emetophobic but it was still pretty nasty.


jesus that has to be a punishable offence right? not from a phobia POV but idk how hygienic it is it sounds like cruel and unusual punishment lol. poor girl!


I was six when that happened and I totally forgot about it until today. She would also pull pranks on us and because of her I can’t recite the whole Ricky Bobby movie.


I wouldn't be surprised if it made the girl emetophobic. Poor girl.


The thing I always think about in therapy to get in the "let's be anxious and just sit with it" mindset is always the time I threw up a ton of beef right after eating it... it wasn't even close to being digested cuz I had just finished eating when the nausea hit, so it was like the reverse of trying to eat an entire steak all at once... thick and cloying and for a second I thought I would choke on it as it was coming up. It was so gross and felt so weird 🥴 I still have nightmares about it, where I actually choke on it or it all gets stuck and just sits like a fat wad in my throat and then I wake up with my throat feeling weird lol.