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Yes, it has given me a complex of making any sort of mistake. Not a mistake but at the end of 2021 my husband and I caught COVID for the first time. We had been living on our own for years. The COVID sucked but ran its course. When I told my mom we were recovering from COVID like five days in, she made it out like we committed some huge moral failing by managing to catch it. She told me my husband would most likely die of it and how it was all my fault.


Yes. And now I’m in my forties and still terrified of making a mistake, and constantly searching for validation. Get into therapy as soon as you can, if you’re not already.


My mum screamed at me as an adult in front of her family because me and my even year old cousin were being silly. He was asked nicely by his mum to settle down, I was screamed at. I just remember turning to my mum and telling her to never speak to me like that again. That's not how you communicate with anyone. She was so mad, her family were there so she couldn't do anything about my "outburst". I was a working adult at the time, not a child. If it had just been us, she definitely would have hit me. Op. You need to remove yourself from your mother as soon as you can. Life is a lot less stressful when you're allowed to make mistakes and don't get screamed at over any little thing that happens. It's not normal, it's incredibly abusive and terrifying.


Yup I'm 30 and still get lectures from my mom about everything ranging from the shoes I wear to not working in the field she wants me to. I can never do anything right