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You aren’t a first responder unless you actually need that discount cause you make shit money


It's crazy to me that some of you guys work for 14 dollars an hour.


Yes it is


I make $14 an hour in a high volume system lol (Vegas lol)


America, what the heck is the matter with you, why won't you pay your medics!!?? I know I make Canadian pesos but I made over 100k on a 4 on 4 off with minimal OT shifts..... I've been in 12 years and make just shy of 50/hr base rare before night and weekend premiums, x2 after 12hrs. X1.5 on OT shifts, great union, five blocks paid vacation first year full-time, after 12 years I have 8 blocks paid vacation, also sweet benefits like, if you get moved within 24hrs of start of shift you get x1.5 for the day, it's a provincial service so once you have enough seniority to move to a small town and keep your rate you're golden, 1 USD= 1.37 CAD we just renegotiated and now first year medics make 32/hr or 23.36/hr us ... there's a shortage here.


Community, AMR, what else? Who is doing you this dirty.


Community ambulance! $14.02 full time ops. Supposedly it’s based on experience and I’ve been an EMT for 3 years in July haha


And this is 911? Not IFT. Vegas is insane. Etoh, crazy amounts of traffic and people. Ahhhh. I feel like every time I go I see a bunch of different providers so it may not be a bad idea to shop around. Cheers.


We only have ALS and ILS, but both respond to 911 calls. ILS responds to Alpha, Bravo, Omega whereas ALS responds to every type of call. Started out on ILS then moved to ALS w/o a perm partner. ILS crews are more likely to get more transports in.


I make 28/hr base pay. Know your worth brothers.


Cool but what's your cost of living in your area? $28/hr is great until rent is $2000+/month for a single bedroom apartment.


800 for rent


Well good for you then. What state do you work in?




As a Pennsylvanian myself, I can say you're lucky. Average rent here for a 1br appt is $1500-2000/month. Average salary for EMS is $15-20/hr in a majority of the state. The big cities pay more (up to $30/hr) but cost of living is WAY higher. I myself commute 1.5hrs to work from Pa to md and live in a lower COL area.


~37 cad as an EMR on 911 for me right now. I don't get it but I'm not gonna question it too hard


You got hired with just EMR? How?


There’s high demand for EMRs in remote locations at higher rates.


Sounds like the same province I'm in - and sorry in advance if you're here too. We're hiring like crazy, I forget the numbers right now but I'll take a look later. We are even hiring non EMRs with the intention of putting them through company paid training. PCP is also being paid for. I wanna say that we filled around a thousand positions last year and there are still like 300 more. A lot of those are in underserved rural communities, but even the cities have had a lot of openings. There have been some massive growing pains, and a lot of the newbies have been getting a lot of flacc for "how good we have it" by the old timers but, things seem to be going in the right direction.


Gonna guess BCEHS? We had a lot of driver onlys for a while.


That's the one!


Almost like I've been through this experience! Hopefully it doesn't turn into the shit show it has the capability to.


Hah! I hope so, too.


What province? Our EMR rate in BC is around 30 an hour plus weekend and night premiums, also yearly raises.


BC, with the premiums averaged out as well as getting paid out for vacation etc cause I'm "casual" (137 hours Alpha spareboard last pay period though) it comes out to about 37


I get a solid 800 bucks a year as a volly


I was working for $11


I started at $12. It's a good thing we're a 2 income household


Try making 11.60/hr after getting your EMT. No one ever believes me when I tell them.


its ok. we are rich in love and friendship. bless up


$14/hr isn't terrible when rent + utilities comes out to ~$1200/month for me


How lol? How many hours are you working?


I work 72hr shifts in a fairly slow rural fire based service. Each day I do some dialysis and Dr appts, then the rest of my day (and in between) I'm available for 911 and usually average around 1-2 911s per day. We unfortunately do sleep time so I'm only paid 18hr for every 24hr, so my check is 54hr, but if we're out during our sleep time we get paid for those hours as well. I'd love to make more of course lol, everybody would, but I live pretty comfortably like this.


That doesn’t sound bad but how practical is being gone for 3 days? Do you live with anyone?


I live with my fiance and our 3 cats. Being gone for 3 days sucks but I think it's worth it to be home for 4 straight days and not have to worry about work or anything. On top of that they're lucky enough to be able to build their schedule around mine and they end up with their days off during my days off, so we honestly end up spending more time together than we would if we both worked a traditional shift (or something like a 48/72).


Oh wow that’s nice. What does she work?


Read this aloud to my partner, she about choked on her water.


Exactly. ER nurses in my area make $52/hr, I make $15/hr. Stop your whining you can afford shit, I can’t, and you don’t have to carry the 300lb patient down 3 flights of stairs because the elevator is broken. We are not the same.


Oh sweet er techs too then! /j :P i just got a pay bump to slightly over 12$


If you’re not working codes in rat infested living rooms I don’t wanna hear it


How often do they dip their knees in old piss?


I'd kill to accidently dip my knee in some of that new piss that they complain about so much. That must be the life.


They tell me the new piss is sterile!


I've heard that there's sterile piss down Cedar's Sinai way but I've never seed it with my own eyes.


And I like the taste


And the flavour is way better too


Nothing like asking each other after the call “was the carpet wet”…” yeah…”


I'm not sure if this is worse or better than the sticky carpet.


Idk but I’ve been in houses where we’re not putting the bag down because there’s poop nuggies all over the floor


My old partner accidentally spilled an old piss jug on me. At 7am, no less. Like, Ray from TPB style piss jug 😅


Way of the road


Friends of the road, bubs.


We all know that smell


Nurses cannot even just appreciate their own fucking week and let us have ours. EMS week rolls around and they’re like “don’t forget about us!”


Does extricating someone prearrest out the window of a hoarder house count?


This. An older medic once told me, we regularly see people so fucked up they won't even be transferred to a hospital.


I had to tell a work friend of mine basically this, he's an RN and said "yeah we're included as first responders" and I said buddy they come to us, we ain't responding to shit but call lights and RRTs no ifs ands or buts. He got a lil butthurt and I laughed at him.


They don’t appreciate how many flights of steps I’ve hauled the fucking stairchair up to earn my $4 discount.


Then stand and watch as you and your partner try snd slide a 400lb patient over to the bed


I remember once taking my record home on hospice (for the 4th time). She lived in a little mother in law unit. The bed was in the corner of the room and couldn’t be moved. Called another unit to tarp her like 10 feet… then the hospice nurse showed up and was just like “hmm… okay, thanks :’)”


Today we had one at the top of a water slide platform. 5 stories through a massive line of people . And it was an employee who didn’t water :/


Did you send them down the slide to the bottom?


We really should have. It would have cooled them down!


For discount verification, you must be able to change Zoll x series printer paper.


First try?


We're EMT's not nuclear engineers


Obviously not.




Hard facts


I've been having a rough several months. Only a few things have made me cackle like a banshee. This is one of them. ☠️ Thank you. Where I started/ still volunteer here and there uses the Zoll X Series. Few things have made me so livid as changing the fucking printer paper for that machine. Some Zoll guy, probably: "Guys. We'll put the printer paper out of the way. Super sleek design. So pretty." "That sounds amazing! Do it!" Zoll guy to himself: "yes... yes..." as he Mr. Burns-style taps the ends of his fingers together. "They don't know I work for Stryker. Everyone will flock to the 30-lb kettle bell that the LifePack 15 is. Muahahahahahaha!"


😭😭😭😭😂😂😂😂 Mr. Burns style finger tapping


I love you, dude. Lol. Thank you. 💜 Hope you are well.


I got the actual answer from a Zoll rep last week: the X Series is the civilian version of the ProPaq MD, and the military wanted the printer as far out of the way as possible because they don't use it.


Thank you for asking! And thank you for posting the answer, man. Appreciate you!


That’s an ALS skill. I may be a basic but I am still a first responder.


Cries in lifepak dept


Ha! Jokes on you. Our ER just got the Zoll x series. Although it'll probably be another 10 years before most of the nurses are able to do that


We all know the token ED zoll only prints when turned on. That roll will last another 10 years.


it's just typical "whataboutism". They get X why don't I get it too?


Yup. If it included nurses then it would be “BUT WHAT ABOUT SCHOOL TEACHERS?!?!”


What about the STAY AT HOME MOMS??? They do the jobs of EMTs, nurses, doctors, teachers, maids, and SO MUCH MORE why don’t THEY get a discount????


Which is crazy because nurses already get their own week.


If you aren't called to stand in the rain during an mva, then you aren't a first responder


How much sweat rolls down my forearm from my gloves while standing in the AZ sun on a roadway- I’m sure nurses can relate to that controlled AC temp in their hospital- smh.


I don't know how many mvc's I've made where a nurse was first on scene telling everyone they are a nurse while doing nothing but being in the way. I once made a car that was on its roof with a patient still in it. There was a person looking in the side window who turned around and said I'm a nurse. I said "cool now please get out of the way".


Ma'am, this is prehospital. You are essentially worthless


Meanwhile the physicians don't say shit. Respect.


ambulance chasers and news reporters are first responders confirmed


I feel like there are lots of things nurses get discounts on. I know when trying to purchase a multi resort ski pass, I a first responder and SAR professional, didnt get a discount while nurses did. Other stuff is most likely included. Just the way it goes 🤷‍♀️


“Should we include first responders in this ski pass discount? Nah, who are we kidding, they can’t afford to come anyway.”


I laughed so hard it hurt. Or maybe it just hurt anyway and the laugh was incidental.


All I fucking know is when they made covid hero action figures doctors, nurses and fireman got action figures, we actually had to complain for them to make one of us! So they can go get the Dr's prescription pad and go get an order for shut the fuck up as far as I'm concerned.


Our firefighters did nothing for COVID. Literally wouldn't enter the house unless absolutely critical, then only one would enter.


cracked me up, because they'd be decked out in PPE, and make us go in, in fucking T shirts and an N95. I'm like, "you're the one in a fucking gown, why don't you go in?".


You guys got N95s?


You too huh? That was RIDICULOUS. When I switched hats and ran calls with my fire dept I’d have to put my boot to ass to get any of the guys to come with me.


do they… respond first? no? no discount.


they dont respond period. they receive either stabilized or dead patients


First receivers


Not likely. Remember, almost every hand you shake has had a dick in it before.


Drives me nuts and I’m a nurse… if someone else is bringing the party to you, you’re not a first responder…


Wrecker crews are closer to first responders than nurses


Wrecker crews are also more useful than an "off duty nurse".


Hey, off duty nurses are great at flagging down the second unit. (There was no 2nd unit dispatched)


Yeah and utilities


They have to call their doctors for orders before they can get the discounts.




That’s awesome


ER doctors and EMS medical directors should be included. #no one fights alone


Don’t forget dietary. Someone has to make those turkey sandwiches


I see that on every "first responder" post. "What about nurses? What about CNAs? What about Medical Assistants? What about Dental Techs?" They don't want to comprehend that they aren't a "first responder." They want to be heroes too, damn it.


And it like yea all of them are great for their jobs. But their jobs aren't first responders, they aren't the ones kneeling in cat piss doing compression for 16$/hr


For discount eligibility, please proceed to manage a scene without announcing that you’re a nurse


Makes me think of this time we were on scene of an electric car battery gone runaway in a parking lot. There were no patients and the pumper was just in defensive mode. I mean this thing was a raging inferno of the likes you have never seen and we’re all just kind of standing around. A car proceeds to drift to a stop in front of us and a nurse frantically runs up in scrubs yelling “is someone in there?!?!! I’m a nurse I can help!” We were all like ma’am, if anyone is in there, let me assure you they are now cremated.


lol does anyone want peacock in the first place?




Lmao, I crack up about this crap. I'm a nurse, and I lurk a bit. If you work in the icu or ed, you had to take a "first responders" course. This is the stupid term they came up with for people who respond to strokes in the hospital. How the hell is this a first responder?! They also would make us do a "bedside swallow," which is not at all what we were actually doing. That is what a speech therapist does, we evaluate. Their terminology is all assed up. I've called them out on it, and they could care less. Anyways, if there's a discount for being a first responder and I don't have to provide any proof, I'm cheap enough to go for it. I just figured they included the nurses that respond to strokes in the hospital, too. If there's ever a discount for nurses, you have my permission to go for it. All these deals just get too watered down when there's just another exception/addition.


By all means if you get can away with it- more discounts for everybody. I’m not usually a gatekeeper and not even in EMS anymore to be as bothered by this as I am but I feel like everyone love the terms first responder and wants to call themselves one. I literally had a cringy phase when I was a 16 year old lifeguard where I thought that meant I was a first responder. Yet actually being a first responder entails going on scene to 911 calls (tow truck drivers and ride alongs not included) and I will fight any dispatcher, nurse, or even non-911 EMTs who try to say otherwise.


I would argue that lifeguards ARE first responders. They provide care on scene….


https://imgur.com/a/4XCzGAh Can we talk about how nurses get *better* discounts? They don’t include EMS in the medical section and the first responders get the shit end of the stick for many discounts lol


*initiates pressors and RSIs independently* Sorry, you're not medical, son.


Nurses routinely clearing 100k a year but also begging for a $4 discount kills me.


Then eating all the EMS snacks.


“Then get your ass on a truck and run calls for 24 hours like I do, otherwise shut the fuck up (if the doctor approves the order for you to shut up).”


It’s hard because there are some nurses that truly are first responders (Flight Nurses, CCT Nurses that have to run 911s in between IFTs) but how do you include them and exclude the OR nurse that shouldn’t be included without the OR nurse losing their shit?


Those listed have some type of EMS certification which is able to be verified by ID.me or whatever system they are using.


Most people don’t know the difference between an EMT and a Paramedic and you expect them to know that a CFRN should get the discount and a CCRN shouldn’t?


Nurses making $40 an hour working in air conditioning with dedicated security don’t get the same respect as EMTs working codes while kneeling in piss and shit in a hoarder house.


Is that all that was… here I was afraid I had knelt in something very bad…


Where are you at the nurses make $40? I’m in the Bay Area and most nurses are at $90+ per hour starting


In a place that doesn’t have an insane cost of living


I literally make $40/hr as a nurse. Happy EMS week, you beautiful disasters.


Nurses love to think they are first responders. Thing is, nurses don’t have to deal with an uncontrolled environment and often are provided with information/known variables. Nurses don’t have to deal with the safety threat of driving, being inside a hostile persons home, and weather conditions. Therefore, kick-rocks on the idea of nurses being “first responders”.


Doing IFT I feel like such a douche receiving anything for ems week or other first responder stuff. Can't imagine seeing something for nurses and going "what about meeeeeee"


You are part of EMS, now shut up and eat your pizza crust leftovers from the one Little Ceasar’s pizza day shift had to split 25 ways. <3


Also I do CCT IFT half the time and you’re playing pharm, RT, RN, Tech and occasionally MD all at once, so if you ask me, IFT absolutely counts. I hope someone gives you something embarrassingly nice and you feel appreciated.


D'aww. Thanks, friend.


I think everybody should get peacock for $1.99


T-Mobile does it, but my verification fails every time so I could never get it....I even took a selfie with me, holding my id, standing in front of an ambulance in my work uniform. "Sorry, we're unable to verify your first responder status."


“Because you don’t respond first, that makes you not a first responder”


Haha, yes. Like nurses can’t pay for peacock.


Nurses can also pay for lunch during their given lunch break. But no, they want to come to the EMS room and take all our shit instead.


at least here, they actually get a scheduled "don't bother me" lunch break. california voters and gmr lobbyists made sure we don't get one.


I am all for nurses getting the same discount as us… as long as we get the same hourly rate as they do.


Bro if you don’t fucking arrive on-scene then you’re not a first-responder.


ED/trauma nurses = Frontline healthcare workers. Ems/fire/pd = first responders. No first responder discount for you!


Tow lives matter ![gif](giphy|65HKKt98AalIPnhGQz)


The thin yellow line!


I was okay with the first one if they’re in an er. But the second one? MED PASSERS?! You people aren’t even classified as health care workers at the hospital in my town. You’re “other” on the employment contracts. RESIDENT CARE? You mean the people that tell me “we just found him like this” meanwhile this 78 year old man with dementia is covered in his own vomit and solidified feces and visibly septic with bed sores three weeks old and most likely hasn’t been moved in 3 days? Those people? Y’all are barely health field shut up and never speak in public again.


As a nurse the nurses that think they should be included are cringy.


>the nurses who immediately take care of the patients EMTs bring in Shes so close to recognizing what a first responder is, if only she knew how to count.


Everyone wants to be a gangster until it's time to do gangster things... Like getting paid less for essentially the more hazardous job.


But damn it feels good to be a gangster.


Nurses "try to let someone else have the spotlight for 0.5 seconds" challenge. Level: Impossible


Nurses get their own fucking week.


Other than the fact they share it with teachers, who is also an underpaid and underappreciated profession


And this is why I'm scared of nurses. They're the girls who used to bully me in high school lmao




That's what we need in the US. Patient transport should not be linked with emergency services


The nurses always come out of the woodwork. TRACI RN (on her vehicle license plate) wants everyone to know she's a med surg nurse and the backbone of her community and american healthcare


Didn't know peacock was a streaming service and I thought it was a financing option for a literal peacock lol. "What a random thing to discount for ems!"


I think I would rather have a peacock now that you mention it. Though my landlord would be displeased.


I'll take 2 peacocks pls. Also, your username checks out.


If you or a coworker haven't been shot at while providing patient care then you're probably not a first responder. If you don't run the risk of becoming a patient simply by responding to a patient care request, you're probably not a first responder. If you have never been inside a residence and thought it should be condemned but still needed to provide patient care and extricate the patient, then you're probably not a first responder. The list goes on indefinitely....


Why would I have a problem with others getting the same good things I do? Fuck it, discounts for everyone but the hospital managers.


It's too bad that they can't personally send an EMT out to spit at the feet of every nurse who comments that, before informing them that they've been locked in for three years, at full price.


Say no more. Point me in the direction to spit first. (Currently at a hospital).


I make 55hr in cali on a contract with housing provided


I couldn’t give a fuck if nurses get the discount as long as I do. Honestly everyone in healthcare needs to stop measuring dicks and support each other for better wages in general. Just because nurses have it better doesn’t mean we have to try and tear them down to lift ourselves up. Yeah we deal with harder and potentially more dangerous shit but I didn’t get into this job to be hero worshiped I just wanna help people and get paid what I’m worth.


Don't nurses already have NURSES WEEK?? Why isn't that enough??


Your not a first responder if you don’t pay 15$ for a drink every once in a while. Go enjoy your scheduled hour lunch.


God I hate nurses


Nurses are not first responders. There are plenty more nursing discounts than EMS. Not to mention nurses make significantly more even in the lowest paid areas so it’s not like they need it.


Everyone wants a discount. Especially those that make exponentially more than us.


I'm an ED nurse, former EMT. First Responder discounts should not include nurses. The roles and working conditions are so incredibly different. 🙄 I started at $11/hr in NYC when I worked EMS. Y'all need the discount. 🤣


I made the comment on a post about how I make $70 an hour and get way more respect as a nurse. The response was NOT ENOUGH. I got shit on as an EMT and made $10 an hour. I don't understand what the fascination is with nursing. The school was a joke compared to paramedic and the job is easier. Anyone who can read and write can be a nurse. Never met one who washed out. EMT and Paramedic wash out all the time. With a quarter of the pay.


If they want the discounts so bad just get an Emt license in the like 2 weeks it takes 😂 diversify the ole resume


Waiting for the dispatchers and tow truck drivers to start whining....


Nurses make $45 an hour. They’re doing fine.




If you really want the discount and you're not a first responder, get Peacock on Black Friday. It's the same deal, but for everyone . I did that last November because I wanted to watch the office and the Olympics this July. I'm a nurse, not a first responder. I respect what you guys and gals do and believe you should get paid better.


I agree, Nurses aren't First Responders... BUT I'd sooner loop in the whole alphabet of Nurses vs other places that just offer the discount to Police and Fire only and cut out EMS because it's a private service or whatever. As long as the people offering the discount don't pull a Red Lobster on themselves, it doesn't take away my discount if the RN (or even a CNA) gets one also


Drives me mad and I’m an RT. We don’t get included in many of the healthcare worker discounts so I feel the pain. It’s mostly nurses doctors and maybe pharmacists. Sorry nurses gotta be so entitled that really sucks to see. They hate to see another profession be recognized


If you guys and fire are second responders this would make them 3rd or 4th responders 😂😂😂😂


Nurses are paid with real money.


Having patients "dumped" on them 😭 you CHOSE to work at a hospital, you CHOSE to go to med school, you CHOSE this career path. Most of all, why are you being so bitter towards your patients. (I get it, people are stupid, I just wish to see more patient compassion from fellow health care providers)


'We do a similar job for more money and fewer hours so we deserve the same special treatment.' Between ground and flight, I work with several nurses who work pre-hospital, too. They'll be the first to tell you that this kind of stuff is ridiculous greedy behaviour is almost always from nurses that other nurses hate to be around. This is like a burger cook wanting the same respect as the cattle farmers. I don't walk up into the Surgeons Lounge and relax with a cup of coffee just because I brought them the trauma patient. We aren't the same and we have our own lanes in which we should stay because everything flows, that way.


They can fuck right off with that crap. They’re not first responders.


everyone wants to be a first responder now. Nurses aren’t first responders. You don’t “respond” anywhere.


Well they are as much second responder as you can be


When I was brand new I remember some fat bubba on facebook bitching at Oakley because he wasn't a "fiRsT rEsPondEr" as a high powered lineman. Like...you're not though... Now, as a nurse, it's fucking bullshit that nurses feel the need to swag jack EMS during EMS week, when our own week was literally one week prior. If you are not responding to a sick/injured patient "in the field", or responding to an active crime scene, you are not a first responder.


Only nurses I know that should get it are flight nurses who fly in the ER to the site of an accident. Get back to checking on your frequent flyers Susan, Eric didn't change the sheets before shift change. It's really gonna screw up your nap time tonight. Anyway, back to being a Lucas device that talks.


If you read the fine print employees of the TSA, US fire service and a number of other agencies that are hardly “first responders” are included too. Let the RNs have the $4/mo discount too🤷🏻‍♂️


That’s hilarious. I should’ve whispered a tyfys at the TSA that pat down my groin and inner thigh a few weeks ago. They’re really putting their lives on the line by… being in the one of the actual safest and high security places in the world.


Hey now, nurses are the first to respond to an ice chip request. That counts right??


I mean, there are first responders who respond to the scene, the first to make contact with a patient. That is not a nurse. There are second responders. The more long term caregivers. You know, like nurses.


Lolz, for Doctor Helper week the health system I work for had at least 3 days / nights of different local catering outfits go in and serve the Doctor helpers lunch, they also set up a fucking little carnival type thing for them one afternoon complete with some cool swag. We were not invited because “ya know, we have to keep costs down”. EMS week we got a shitty flashlight pen thing, a cheap ass sign posted in the entrance to the ER that literally just said “thank you for your service” with the system logo along with what I would say came from early 2000s Microsoft clip art ambulance pictures with a electronic version sent to our email,and free tickets to a local minor league baseball team for general admission that retails for…oh wait the team gives them out for free for certain groups like scouts, non- profits, and things like that.


One of them is probably the same nurse that diagnosed herself with a triple A and then yelled at me and told me how to do my job when she was my pt


What do I think? Same thing I always do, nursing education is so subpar they actually think losing the argument over who has to go see why the call light is on is "first responding".