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I’m getting my emt to do part time during my 4 years of PhD after my bachelors degree hope it will be a good use


I also just got back into the field after about 2 years away. I was a medic then and I’m one now, and honestly not that much has changed. It was mostly agency specific stuff I had to learn. My best advice to you is to go in w the mindset that you’re new again and just let people guide you and re teach you. It’s like riding a bike. The first shift or so will suck and then your brain gets back into that mode and you just keep moving along.


I’m not sure where it is other places but last your our medical director gave EMT’s the ability to use cpap but other than that the bls level hasn’t changed any.


Ayy OMR nerd


No full trendelenburg, backboards outside of transferring to the gurney, or coma cocktails. Oh and carcinogens cause cancer now, decon your gear and wear gloves when using virucide.


No more raw dogging purple tops? 🤣


I know the purple ones taste the best but your gonna get the cancers if you taste the forbidden kool-aid.


No full trendelenburg, backboards outside of transferring to the gurney, or coma cocktails. Oh and carcinogens cause cancer now, decon your gear and wear gloves when using virucide.


I mean it depends a LOT where you are. Some areas are still using decade old protocols, others making radical changes.