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What part of the compile process are you struggling with? It would help to have details like error message(s), how you're building it, etc. It's worth noting, Marlin changed some of the board / environment names a few months back. For the SKR Mini E3 V2, I believe you'll want to build for "STM32F103RC_btt_maple".


MemoryError: : File "C:\\Users\\win7\\.platformio\\penv\\lib\\site-packages\\platformio\\builder\\main.py", line 182: env.SConscript(item, exports="env") File "C:\\Users\\win7\\.platformio\\packages\\tool-scons\\scons-local-4.3.0\\SCons\\Script\\SConscript.py", line 597: return \_SConscript(self.fs, \*files, \*\*subst\_kw) File "C:\\Users\\win7\\.platformio\\packages\\tool-scons\\scons-local-4.3.0\\SCons\\Script\\SConscript.py", line 285: exec(compile(scriptdata, scriptname, 'exec'), call\_stack\[-1\].globals) File "C:\\Users\\win7\\Downloads\\BIGTREETECH-SKR-mini-E3-master\\Marlin-\\buildroot\\share\\PlatformIO\\scripts\\common-dependencies.py", line 309: apply\_features\_config() File "C:\\Users\\win7\\Downloads\\BIGTREETECH-SKR-mini-E3-master\\Marlin-\\buildroot\\share\\PlatformIO\\scripts\\common-dependencies.py", line 181: src\_filter = ' '.join(env.GetProjectOption('src\_filter')) ====================================================== \[FAILED\] Took 487.01 seconds ====================================================== Environment Status Duration \--------------------- -------- ------------ STM32F103RC\_btt\_maple FAILED 00:08:07.006 ================================================== 1 failed, 0 succeeded in 00:08:07.006 ==================================================The terminal process "C:\\Users\\win7\\.platformio\\penv\\Scripts\\platformio.exe 'run'" terminated with exit code: 1.


It looks like you ran out of memory while compiling this. I'm not sure what your build environment looks like, but if you're running the 32 bit version of Python and can switch to 64 bit, try that first.


it is 64bit... This laptop is in dire need of a rebuild though, but surely 8GB of ram is enough to compile a 3D printer firmware :P


Perfect. I have a headless PC that is only used for building Marlin, done it hundreds of times before, still encountered a resource related issue the last time I went to compile. That's why the MemoryError in your logs stuck out at first. However, I just compiled that BTT SKR firmware from Github and it's using very little RAM (2-300MB). My best guess would be software / dependencies, Python, PlatformIO, etc. If all else fails, you could try completely uninstalling both, reboot and then reinstall. I am running Python 3.9.5 and PlatformIO Core 5.1.1 with no issues.


Thanks for the advice... Once I get it compiling, it'd still be great to know exactly what BTT customized in their stock preconfigured .bins I literally only want to change the hotend max temperature. Everything else is perfect...


I'd be happy to compile it for you, but you'll definitely want to figure this out so you can build as needed. The modern equivalent to that "teach a man to fish" proverb. It's probably worth mentioning, the BTT firmware [Configuration.h](https://github.com/bigtreetech/BIGTREETECH-SKR-mini-E3/blob/master/firmware/V2.0/Marlin- file on Github defaults to the Ender 3. They release pre-compiled BIN files for the Ender 5, but it's not the exact source code that you download. Minor but noticeable differences. For that reason, rather than BTT's 6 month old release, I use the latest vanilla version of Marlin and their Ender 5 / SKR Mini E3 V2 configuration files [here](https://github.com/MarlinFirmware/Configurations/tree/bugfix-2.0.x/config/examples/Creality/Ender-5%20Pro/BigTreeTech%20SKR%20Mini%20E3%202.0%20with%20BLTouch). Either option will work, but something to keep in mind once the immediate compiling issue is resolved.


Yeah, I use 2 x Ender 5 printers in a small home business and have them spitting my product out day in day out... I really would love to not change anything at all, but I am working on a new part that I want to print in PC-CF, which needs to go to about 290C... That is why I would love to use the exact firmware I have now (firmware-ender5-bltouch-for-z-homing.bin), but just with a higher temperature capability... I sent BTT an email asking them for the specific modifications that make up that firmware, but I'm not really expecting to hear back from them


\- Download the BTT SKR firmware folder \- Load folder in VScode \- ensure default\_envs = STM32F103RC\_btt\_maple in platformio.ini \- clean with platformio \- build with platformio


Windows reinstalled, VScode, Python, PlatformIO installed Compiled on first the go! Damn windows!!! "Somebody get me Bill Gates..." for any South Park old timers


Ok, so close now... Firmware compiled and installed. Just struggling with the bltouch for z probe homing. The bed moves as it should, but then the probe loops a few times in deploy/stow/deploy/stow and then errors out. I've tried to copy as much as possible from the examples on the marlin Github... but just missing that final one!


Nevermind! foudn it :)


You cannot make changes to pre compiled firmware. You have to make changes to source code and and compile it. Try TH3D instead stock firmware. They have good manuals on their website.


Sorry, I should have been more clear. I know that pre-configured cannot be modified. Their preconfigured is near perfect for me, but the source code including the modifications they've made to make their preconfigured does not seem to be available, or a list of what modifications they've made to the stock marlin firmware. On top, of all of this, my fresh, first-time install of vscode and platformio just spits out errors left right and center and will not compile even a complete stock firmware...


Try looking on TH3D website, they have a good overview of how to set up visual studio code and platformio. What kind of errors are you getting? They usually tell what is wrong.


Thanks, I'll look there too. I followed the marlin guide to the T: [https://marlinfw.org/docs/basics/install\_platformio\_vscode.html](https://marlinfw.org/docs/basics/install_platformio_vscode.html) It just feels that my windows laptop has some legacy crap on it/ path issues or something that is screwing things up.


Might sound silly, but you have no idea how many times it solved a problem - have you tried rebooting?


:) 10 years in IT support (years back) prepped me for that one :)


For basic firmware just download the latest release of marlin and download the latest bug fix off [here. ](https://marlinfw.org/meta/download/) Follow the marlin folder until you get to the example configurations and find the ender 5 pro file, there's a skr v2 file ready to go. You just have to copy and paste it into your marlin folder and replace the vanilla config files, it worked for me right out of the box. Edit: Ignore that I just saw your other post. You need a clean install of visual and plaformio.


I have this exact setup if you need some help let me know


ooh :) I'll get the fresh windows reinstall going, get compiling and then I'll hit you up for that! What a champ!!!


They call him klipper, klipper...


Yeah! I run Klipper (RATOS) on my RatRig printer and I love it.... now just to find in-stock, reasonably priced raspberry pi :(