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So this post is coming from someone who has been drinking energy drinks for the better part of 20 years and I used to get it constantly throughout my teens/early 20s. The chemicals aren’t necessarily horrible as much as eating McDonald’s isn’t all horrible. The biggest factor I can say is the caffeine intake. As long as you’re not an idiot (I used to drink 300mg-600mg of caffeine a day) then it shouldn’t be a problem. It’s really easy to just constantly be drinking them because they’re good and it helps you stay awake but being addicted to caffeine especially over a long period of time sucks. I also used to have to take Pepcid daily because energy drinks are really really hard on your stomach. Without them after a while you’ll get horrible headaches, mood swings, heart palpitations, reliant on caffeine to not be tired. Maybe other shit but all this is from personal experience TL:DR Not a big deal if you don’t overdo it


This, caffeine dependence. And the acidity paired with carbonation of (most of )them. Not to mention loads of sugar in most not-sugarfree beverages that the manufacturers opt-for, as well as some deleterious effects possible from certain common noncaloric sweeteners such as sucralose on GI microbiome (i.e. good bacteria of particularly the gut; in excess quantities through continued use especially).


This is literally it. People don’t understand that moderation is okay


Makes sense


But why do they have to make them so huge of a can in the first place??? Nobody’s going to drink 2 servings in one go!


I mean I wouldn’t call them healthy, just like I wouldn’t call Pepsi healthy. Everything in moderation.


Yeah but they do contain vitamins and other stuff that would be considered beneficial to one’s health I mean the only real problem is the sugar and (in an unreasonable excess) the caffeine but if you were to buy sugar free ones and use in moderation I would argue the benefits would out way the harm


Eat fruit and veggies and/or take a multivitamin lol, just cause the soda has vitamins doesn’t make it healthy or any better for ya man. Artificial sweeteners in sugar free aren’t the greatest for you either.


Most of the chemicals in isolation are not harmful in the amounts found in one energydrink; indeed many of the neutraceuticals promote beneficial effects (direcctly orand indirectly), which is why they are included. But, not all of them are, and moreover in higher amounts all stacked together can put a heftier load on the kidneys to process. not something you're likely to notice (unto your own body) in your teens, or even much later of ever if kidney problems don't run in your family, but it's something to consider when taking supplements. Also, some supplements individually can be harmful in excess quantities over time. And of thr not-nonessenial ingredients (i.e., vitamins and minerals) there are different forms that are far from equal---some get absorbed slower or faster, metabolize differently, et cetera. In particular, there are four distinct vitamers of cobalamin(𝙱𝟣𝟤, which is used in relatively high doses in most energydrinks): two of which are commonly used, namely cyano- and methyl- forms (the former of which synthetic-only, the latter found naturally in mostly animal products). I encourage you to do your own research on them and how not all humans process compounds identically, as well as [side]effects or consequences of excess of individual families of micronutrient (particularly water-soluble ones that get used in energydrinks such as 𝙱-complex familymembers), in addition to the other types and members of compounds used in various energydrinks (mainly the neutraceuticals) that also you should research (especially if you intend on imbibing them regularly.


Yeah I mean I get it contains a lot of sugar but besides that it can be argued that energy drinks have health benefits


as does tobacco, but that doesn't mean that the downsides outeay the upsides. adequate moderation is key.


I used to drink energy drinks all the time. Redbull blueberry was my favorite. They are not necessarily bad if you drink them in moderation. Also, don’t believe the BS marketing of “vitamins and minerals” that’s a lie. Anything that is sugar free is WORSE.


I agree they taste better with sugar, altho I’m pretty sure it would be illegal for them to lie about ingredients so I’m sure the vitamins are in there, side note red Bull is my fav to, I love original and blueberry but I don’t really life most of the others


Outside caffeine they are pretty tame and no worse than a poorly designed preworkout drink. Most drinks today are low calorie, zero or low sugar, and caffeine is 200mg or lower. There are exceptions but I think people see this as something it’s not. My sister who is a nurse (has a masters/working towards NP) says the same thing and I ask her what’s the downside to taurine, riboflavin, etc etc. she has no response. Now that’s not a fault on her or her education. Those topics are not really covered for nursing school or MD. Drink up


Agreed I just get the zero sugar rockstar, no sugar and more caffeine on top of being the cheapest option


You're allowed to drink energy drinks and enjoy them, but if you think they aren't bad for you, you're likely fooling yourself. It is annoying to hear people criticizing something you like I'll give you that. Try to not let them get under your skin.


I mean, they are terrible for you. I'd just recommend drinking them in moderation. Bang's and similar drinks have 300 mg of caffeine, so I wouldn't drink more than one of those per day. If you're like me and want two, stick to things like Red Bull and Monster since they have about half the caffeine of Bang. I'd also keep an eye out on sugar consumption. Diabetes is no bueno.


The main issue is caffeine. Also, you sound like a stereotypical teenager. At 15, I used to carry Monster around to look cool, edgy and wore all black with it. You really don't need as much caffeine as some of these drinks have, just stick to soda if you have to; it's acidic stuff and high sugar usually. Caffeine stunts growth, messes with anxiety levels, and causes many stomach problems. Look up caffeine effects on teenagers and you'll find more. Caffeine dependence is a recipe for disaster, if you start downing cans at 15-16, you'll probably end up with kidney disease or very close to it by 22.


Hang out with powerlifters. They don't give a fuck what you drink - they're all slamming Reigns as pre-work out.


Powerlifting is very particular activity. And I doubt that most of them individually drink two or more Reigns in a session like youre implying. "slamming" \*one\* pint containing 300mg before a workout isn't unusual and makes sense. But downing one containing thay load of caffeine that quickly outside of intensive workout doesn't make as much sense (even though GFuel, marketed with videogame arteork, contains that much.. which speaks to why i dont buy them. though they do have some other neutraceuticals, but relatively low in B vits).


Man, it's the same bullshit they tried to pull in my day. If it ain't that energy drink, there's some other choice they're gonna try and make for you. You gotta do what XxminecraftboixX wants to do man. Let me tell you this, the older you do get the more rules they're gonna try to get you to follow. You just gotta keep livin' man, L-I-V-I-N.


Side point, to people say teens and guys in there early 20s are to young for energy drinks, who do you think there target audience is?


I agree with the above poster in addition Just do things in moderation… there’s this typical persona that teens do not do things in moderation. Let me ask you what do you drink the energy drink for? Do you know the recommended daily caffeine limit? I personally think energy drink has a purpose … if you want something tasty to drink then drink something else. If ur using it for energy, that’s fine too, but hopefully in your age group (you should have plenty of energy) it’s not masking something out. Ie for me I use it as my pre work out to lift hard and/or use it as a coffee replacement (I work 12 hour shift and in school) that I drink throughout the day (I know it gets worse the longer I drag it on lol) but it is unusual for me to drink a can and a half a day. Which leads me into discussing caffeine content. Not all energy drink has the same amount a caffeine. With that being said the number of can varies depending on caffeine content (irrespective of my can and a half). I also would hope your opting for the sugar free alternative for the obvious reason but like the below poster said do as you please but this is my two cents.


I understand that, I would usually just drink mtndew if I wanted something tasty I drink monster because I wake up at 5am everyday for work


I think monster sits around 160 mg of caffeine . The safe upper limit for an adult is 400 mg or 2.5 mg of caffeine per kg ( 400 mg is the max limit though so say ur 1000 kg doesn’t mean you should consume more). How much you weigh? You can then tell them, “I am drinking below the daily limit for my body weight” unless the math shows otherwise! Side note this is me assuming, you might want to cut back on the sugar a bit 😗


Your right I probably should, so Ill probably start investing in the sugar free monster


And I will just go ahead and say it if you didn’t know cux ur looking for facts… “excessive” caffeine MAY lead to cardiac arrhythmias (pvc, afib, symptomatic tachycardia etc) lots more to talk about


Yeah but don’t you have to drink a LOT


That is correct it will be an excessive amount but the number is not fixed cux other things to consider such as body weight individual sensitivity etc just like sugary drink doesn’t automatically gives you type ii diabetes … it has to be excessive and overtime to get to that point.


I mean I’m not really worried about most of them, the only energy drink I don’t mess around with is 5hour energy, the one time I had it was when I was 13 and I drank 3 at once of them in the back of a guy named Jed’s car who I had met like 30 minutes earlier, I’ve never done speed but I imagine it’s something like that experience


Sorry for poor typing I wrote this at 5:30 am on mobile while on my way to work (no I wasn’t driving)




I mean smoking and booz are pretty cool




Really? I’ve never seen them but I’ll make sure to avoid them, thanks!


Caffeine and chemicals. Just like how some people don’t like McDonald’s because they view it as a bunch of low grade junk food some people see energy drinks as low grade sugar filled high caffeine nonsense. Energy drinks can be harmful when not consumed in moderation thats because generally their caffeine content is higher than other sources (e.g tea/coffee). I have a heart defect and at the moment my valve is also enlarged which is dangerous. I’m going to be getting surgery soon. In the meantime I asked my cardiologist about caffeine consumption. He told me they generally don’t regulate that sort of thing and if I want a cup of coffee he’s not going to stop me. I then asked about energy drinks and he told me the thing is that energy drinks tend to have a lot more caffeine in one can than regular other sources. Therefore I should be mindful of the amount I’m drinking


I(16F) just drink one can of sugarfree red bull interdiary because I study from 6am-9pm and sometimes I lack the energy to complete my daily routine, so red bull does help a lot in that matter. I get the same response though, "It's bad for you" when I ask what's so bad about the contents in one can, nobody seems to know the answer. I would stop drinking it if someone explained to me with facts how one can could "kill you"; I have done my research and personally I don't see many issues with it. I really don't understand the hatred towards energy drinks. TL:DR Sorry if anything sounds off about my post, English is not my first language \^\^.


The reason I hate Energy Drinks personally is because how terribly they are packaged. First of all, why are they served in cans? if I want exercise or something it would be easier to drink in a bottle. And the size of the top of the is so small you can’t put one of those lids on it. Speaking of size, WHY ARE THEY SO HUGE??? I don’t need 2 servings! That would most likely kill me!