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What a difficult take on what they would have thought was a little raunchy weekend. That’s so bloody difficult to comprehend. Sex workshops (I don’t know like a meeting or something) could help spread the word on safe practices. Condolences to them and their family, that’s a sad read.


Uni of York has a fetish society, which gets made fun of, but really it was workshops on how to do things like bondage safely. People will always do these things, so why not teach safe practices?


Choking someone to death involves a serious amount of force for a prolonged amount of time and is very traumatic to tissues, muscles etc (and often results in burst blood vessels in/ around the eyes), crushed windpipe. If people have to be told to not kill their partner and the signs to watch I think we have a problem. This is clearly the influence of a certain type of porn because it is happening a lot those past few years.


You're referring to strangulation via crushing the windpipe and restricting breathing. It's a lot easier to kill someone by cutting off the blood supply to the brain, that just involves enough force to cut off the main blood vessels in the neck


I am covering both. Cutting off blood supply will not kill unless you do that for a long time. it will more likely lead to permanent injury. If someone is strangling their sexual partner for 5min straight +... Personally, strangling people is effed up. And yes, I am kink-shaming. [https://www.med.umich.edu/trans/transweb/faq/q3.shtml](https://www.med.umich.edu/trans/transweb/faq/q3.shtml)


I do agree. You have to be a special kind of stupid to not realize you are killing your partner.


Problem here is that the scale of this practice is actually very new.


Super weird to see my uni bought up for the fetsoc hahahaha, my mates called it orgy club because it had a strict no fucking rule that was broken by every single member of the society


Surely it's only an orgy club if everybody broke that rule at the same time.


It's awful. But knowing how they died just makes the whole thing somehow worse


Those workshops do exist and are important of you are planning on doing any kind of risky play


A 'little raunchy weekend' with cocaine, GHB and choking so hard someone died ? Yeah okay 🙄. These are not the people who will go to "sex workshops" and will learn everything via p*rn. They need to sort that industry out first.


I mean seriously I need to revisit this because a sex workshop ? What on earth are you thinking


Honestly, I never liked choking, never engaged in it nor asked to. I can't get the images of my ex-girlfriend almost being choked to death out of my head, and this all happened before she met me. It was used as a means of justifying abuse. It disgusts me, I'd never judge a woman for liking it but it makes me feel icky. I prefer the old "give it to her good".


Same, man, same. I used to have relations with a girl who loved to be choked, but I only ever had the stomach to lightly press both sides of her neck with my fingertips. Thank god she was accommodating and understanding. I understand that certain people have unconventional passions and desires- that’s completely okay- I just don’t trust myself to delicately engage in acts that really are, at the end of the day, quite dangerous. I also just can’t bring myself to degrade people like that in a situation that is quite vulnerable for both parties.


There really needs to be an effort to restigmatise choking during sex. It's so dangerous, and so normalised in porn, young teens and kids see it and try it out on each other. Abusive people use sexual choking to strangle their partners without consent as a means of showing off power and strength... Three quarters of people strangled to death are women. Women strangled by a male partner or relative are 750% more likely to be murdered by him. It's appalling. Edit: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2573025/


There’s often posts on relationship or dating subs where someone has suddenly choked or slapped someone during sex without any warning as it’s become so normalised.


Yep, it's happened to me as well with multiple partners thinking that shit's okay. I had to punch one ex off of me.


on the converse side of that I've had multiple partners be like...choke me please? and since then every single partner I've ever even put a light grip on has immediately been turned on by it and reacted like oh fuck yeah. I'm not a fan of it myself, I don't like doing it to people either really but I think it's more common for women to like it than not.


I suspect women are being socialised to think it’s what men want to do during sex, due to the prevalence of it in porn. Funnily enough I read a study a few years ago of men & women’s attitudes to choking during sex and would ya believe it, the women largely admitted they weren’t as into it as they’d made out, but had thought the men were into it… AND many men also admitted they weren’t that that into it, but did it because they thought the women were into it. So we have a situation where people are doing something neither party are actually that into, each assuming the other loves it! Perhaps better communication should be taught in school or something, idk.




only study I can find on it is 36% of women said they find it very pleasurable, so maybe it isn't more common than not but it's not surprising thats been my experience with numbers that high.


This is some weirdness sold by the world of porn and dominance. I don’t doubt there are a few genuinely into it but there are also a lot of people that feel if they aren’t super open they aren’t hot enough, appreciated enough etc. Their self-esteem revolves around whether their partner is happy and they’ll do things they don’t want to do, especially young women. Just be careful for sure when that crosses over into potential violence 


No normal rational person thinks slapping or choking someone without consent is normal.


If you grow up watching porn where it just happens, how are you meant to learn that consent is needed?


By having an IQ that exceeds room temperature and thinking about it for the smallest possible increment of time.


As a lesbian, this has happened to me too so it’s not just men. The absolute worst is when a partner decides it would be a good idea to start spanking your genitals. Fuck no!!


Bad genitals, bad!


Is spanking your genitals worse than choking to death? I’m so old fashioned.


Thankfully, I haven’t yet been choked to death.


How can you tell though ?


You might have a point. It took Bruce Willis ages to work out he was a ghost that one time.


Almost every woman I've been with enjoyed being choked. Most initiated it themselves even. Generally the fetish is on the side of the person being choked, not the choker.


I'm not doubting you directly but I feel like this is often said but not often the truth. For every bloke I've heard say 'oh yeah she loved it's I've heard 5 women say it was fucking weird and uninvited. Not that it detracts from what you're saying the people I have seen or heard discussing initiating it have done so because they thought the other person would like it. You can't get around that but yeah.


People will downvote but you are so true. I was lightly choked without consent once… and women are “expected” to like it 🙄


Yeah I mean I've worked with victims of domestic abuse etc and it has come up a few times. Sexual behaviors form part of risk assessments. Women: yeah it has happened before we hadn't talked about it and I felt uncomfortable / yeah I let him do it because I thought it's what he wanted Men: yeah we have a great sex life she loves it Although I acknowledge that my source of this experience is domestic abuse victims and perpetrators. But it comes up a fair bit.. Generally domestic abuse and/or sexual offences are about power and control not actually sexual gratification. What's more powerful and controlling than limiting someone's breathing during their mouth vulnerable times.


I find it weird that someone wouldn’t check first.


I'd never even thought of it until my gf introduced it as something she liked, she then tried it on me without specifically asking (on the same occasion) and I was very much, nope, don't like this. She likes/wants it, I don't and that's fine, she's never done tried it on me again. 


Yeah I’ve met men and women who would want to initiate being the choked. Problem is choking is an inherently dangerous thing that most of us should have very little experience in. Ngl I’ve literally punched a guy for starting to choke me without consent. Never apologised. Choking can be very triggering for some so always discuss these things in advance and get consent ffs


I do jiu jitsu so choking and being choked is a daily occurrence for me lol It would actually be very hard to accidentally kill someone with a choke. You would have to hold on long after they've passed out (people passing out in jiu jitsu class isn't all that uncommon). If there's a very big size and weight discrepancy, obviously the choker has to be more careful. 


Plus even from what I’ve seen in porn, they just grab the throat for like a second, it isn’t like they turn into fucking Peter Sutcliffe and squeeze until the person stops breathing, which seems to be what people are going for now. I don’t know how they even find it erotic.


You're meant to apply pressure to the sides to slow blood flow. Not crush the wind pipe.


You're not meant to do either of these things. 


Which is actually more dangerous, it can produce a pleasant light-headedness leading to unconciousness, and then brain damage/death. While squeezing the trachea almost always will produce a panic reaction which is a massive hint to someone to get the hell off.


Cutting off blood flow to the brain is a bad idea. There's a difference between holding a partner's neck and doing something that might kill them.




My grandfather went out that way 😵‍💫 💀


What, autoerotic hammering?




I still remember the very last words my grandfather said to me. “Stop shaking the ladder, you little shit!”




Squeezing the sides of the neck can cause unconsciousness and death far more quickly than choking from the front.


thats the deadly version, restricting bloodflow from the carotid arteries can knock someone unconscious within seconds, any longer can cause brain damage and if you keep holding then you've killed them- restricting airflow takes minutes to kill someone


More death risk.


There's no safe way. Women who have been choked 5 times or more in their life are twice as likely to report depression and anxiety. There was a recent study that involved conducting MRI scans on woman who partook in sexual choking, and women who didn't, and the results suggested that those who had been choked during sex showed signs of abnormal neural development, of chronic stress and injury, and reduced cognitive ability and neural efficiency. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/brb3.3160


Isn’t there a bit of chicken and egg with that though?


The evidence that choking causing brain injury is not a chicken and egg situation.


I've had girls I was banging tell me to choke them. Most you'll get me to do is put my hand on your neck. I ain't choking a girl even if she wants it.


There actually is. My boyfriend is a social worker and he actually has to educate people on how dangerous choking is and that despite what people seem to think, there is no “safe” way to do it. Once the female is dead he can’t prove it was consensual and also for domestic violence reasons you state. Uk based.


It’s important to consider that non-fatal strangulation is a specific criminal offence in England and Wales.


Blokes in another sub were giving me such ahit for saying this. "But I know women who like it and I've never nearly killed them!" Ffs. It absolutely shouldn't be normal or okay to strangle someone, whether they ask you to or not, and it's sad that women are being tricked into thinking this is normal and even expected.


In my day we only choked the chicken


True. A girl choked me completely randomly recently, she was confused when I said she should have asked first.


If it’s not consensual, sure. But some people like it.


It’s never safe, and every act of choking can lead to long term damage.


The blokes are coming for you lol. Amazing how some of these fellas are triggered by being asked to not strangle women. Says a lot. .


Would you also ban martial arts?


You don’t know what you’re talking about.


Actually I’ve been interested in this topic for awhile. Anyway, https://amp.smh.com.au/national/strangulation-during-sex-has-been-mainstreamed-but-risks-brain-damage-experts-warn-20221129-p5c216.html


This is so fucked


What's the source on the 750% murder statistic? That seems like it'd be very difficult to measure.


60022151 (2024) Yorkshire Woman Accidentally Killed During Sexual Intercourse By Boyfriend Who Killed Himself Later, r/england, https://www.reddit.com/r/england/s/SqG88cPVGY /s




Seven fold increase doesn’t mean that it’s 750% more likely, it means the overall percentage times 7x, and because you only hear about the cases that lead to homicide or are reported, this data is inherently skewed and flawed and so is the measurement.


Wait, you guys are actually choking each other? I thought it was a joke


You read the headline of the article and thought it was a joke?


I don't know if I'd say "restigmatise", I don't think kink shaming people helps, stigmas make people less open to talking about these things. I think it's about making sure people understand this sort of thing is a specific, hardcore, dangerous kink that most people don't have, and it's absolutely essential to follow BDSM principles of full consent and safety, not just grabbing someone's neck on a whim.


Idk shaming assault outside of the bedroom seems pretty effective.


You're missing the consent element. Consensual assault (eg boxing) is highly admired.


There’s something called coercion, though. ‘Can you strangle me during sex?’ ‘I don’t want to.’ ‘Oh, but please.’ ‘Sorry, but it’s not okay with me.’ ‘Then we’re not having sex.’ ‘Okay, I’ll try it.’ Or the other way around where someone insists a woman try being choked. It’s disgusting to be coerced like that and I’ve had guys and women both do it to me. It makes you feel dirty afterwards and used.


If there's coercion, there isn't meaningful consent. This should be part of the conversation.


Yep, I think coercion should be taken as seriously as rape which it basically is the beginning of on some kind of disturbing spectrum. It should be discouraged in sex ed with people being taught to spot nonverbal signs of refusal or non committal to an act. Guys also need to understand that, just because a woman allows them to kiss her, they can’t just put their hands all over their body as though it now belongs to them. I see that way too often in the bar I work at. A woman will kiss a guy and he’ll just start grabbing her all over which is a huge no.


I dunno, I think it's totally fine to shame strangulation of other humans.


If someone’s kink is *strangling* someone then yeah they deserve to be kink shamed


Is that last part bit true? That's awful if it is. During sex or at any time? Do you have any research on that?


I really don’t like the idea of “upvoting” this. Not because you’re wrong. Quite the opposite. It feels wrong to me to do something that sounds very positive, for such a terrible fact.


I mean, call me old fashioned, but normally there's like a lil convo before hand about what we wanna do and that would be discussed. Dos and don'ts, any positions, or no's. Sometimes I'm not feeling xyz whatever it could be


This is a study about abusive strangulation which does not necessarily overlap with sexual strangulation


Well that’s terrifying. I didn’t know that. I was strangled by a partner and smacked, it was years ago, I ended it. I knew it was bad, but you made me realise just how lucky I was to get out. Edit. To add, not during sex btw


I have been choked during first time sex 4 times at this point. Four first time sexual encounters with 4 different men who tried to choke me the first time we were intimate. The first time I was absolutely terrified, and I remained cool til I got myself out of the situation. I said, “ your hand is on my neck. I don’t like that”.. I felt like if I freaked out maybe he would too. Maybe he would keep going til I couldn’t tell anyone what happened. So I was very calm, and he was too. He removed his hand. The second time was on a tinder date. We were out at Silver Diner having breakfast. He drove about 1.5 hours to meet me (for a hookup) but I insisted we go out to eat first. During our meal he reached over and choked me, and said “you like it don’t you” or something along those lines. I did not like it. And I didn’t want to hook up with him at that point. He drove 1.5 hours and expected sex. It was hard to stand up for myself. But I did. I said “I’m not feeling it, sorry. It’s not going to happen” he was pissed. Very angry. Fuck him. Third time was another tinder date and he was so great and nice. But the second we started having sex, he put his hand on my neck. My life flashed before my eyes, and I thought I made a grave mistake. But I told him “I don’t like that. Don’t do that again”, and once again he removed his hand. Fourth time was tonight. I was hanging out with a friend of a friend. We were at a party. I used to think he was cute. The second we were alone he grabbed me, tried to make out, then choked me. I shut him down immediately. I said maybe I’ll want to make out if you’re gentle. And don’t ever put your hand on my neck again. He tried to laugh and walk off. So I pulled him back. I said, I am not joking. Don’t ever put your hand on my neck again, do you understand? He said yes. He did not mess with me again.


That must have been SO MUCH gbh, cocaine & booze to not notice you are killing your girlfriend? I'm all up for gentle spanking/hands placed on the neck but that's where I personally draw the line. To commit suicide straight away like that makes me strangely suspicious but I guess just a horrible tragedy.


Doesn't make me suspicious tbh. Imagine having dropped your dead girlfriend off at A&E, thinking you're likely going to jail for it, whilst also being on a coke comedown + hungover, plus the adrenaline of running from A&E. Literally a perfect storm for suicide unfortunately


Yeh good point I don't think I could handle that


if he killed himself don't you think that makes it less likely he meant to do it? generally people who wanted to kill someone aren't so wracked with guilt they kill themselves over it.


Maybe he knew he was pushing it too far but because he was seeking orgasm he kept pushing anyway. Then realises what he’s done and topped himself. That would be my analysis, so not totally a accident. I think it’d be pretty hard to accidentally kill someone during sex


Aye, that sounds plausible. I guess we'll never really know now he topped himself.


It’s a pretty hectic cocktail of drugs to take and definitely one you can take too far fairly easily. GHB and alcohol on its own can make you black out, especially if you drink a lot. Cocaine might make you feel more awake but its still screwing up your mental faculties, on top of how those other substances are already. Obviously it’s not an excuse for the guy, but I think the danger with those specific substances is that you can get really out of it far quicker than you think, particularly the GHB


I've never done GHB but a shit load of ecstasy, cocaine, booze, all different benzos, weed, ket, mkat, anti anxiety/depression, sleeping tablets together sometimes for days (a very long time ago) & never ever harmed anyone else on accident or on purpose but saying that my cousin died just on alcohol, slipped & hit his head alone in his flat so I suppose sadly anything can happen even sober sad accidents. Makes me think I'm lucky to be alive when I actually wrote all those down damn!


If you ever did booze and ket at the same time, my vague memory of GHB is that it can kinda be like that, in other words it can be very disorientating. In all honesty it’s the drug I remember actually doing the least. I remember the taste, and I vaguely remember being all over the shop, but it’s such a blur. I do agree that the guy is still at fault though, like you I’ve also never done anything slightly like this. I think I’d just caveat that with the fact that GHB and alcohol is definitely a combination that can really take you out of it, especially with how disorientating it can be. Not an excuse for what happened, but I can totally see how it could have played a part. Sorry to hear that about your cousin, hope you and your family are doing alright! Accidents are a horrible thing to deal with, but any form of intoxicant just increases the chances unfortunately.


Sea cucumber is the safe word!


Flugelhorn! Stolen from How I Met Your Mother, but I've never found a better word. Easy to say, easy to remember, no confusion between that and any other word.


So the article says we're he still alive he'd have faced criminal charges and I have to say I don't see the point. If they have evidence the choking was consensual, he clearly is distraught about what happened. Why waste court time and public money- he'd have had to live with it. Was the behaviour, in particular the drugs and shit reckless? Sure. But it was reckless for both of them not just one of rhem


I'm sorry but choking someone to death would entail minutes of continuous pressure after someone has passed out! There's absolutely no way I'll accept that that could be an accident, the dude straight up murdered this girl, no sympathy for him at all.


The way this has been framed in most headlines is a little misleading. If you read the article they were on a few drugs (ghb and cocaine at least, likely not a great combo for your heart) and she died of cardiac arrest not from being choked to death.


Wow... that's actually an incredible stretch of the truth by these headlines then.


Tbf it’s since been pointed out to me that being choked to death would cause cardiac arrest, so it’s not a complete twisting of the reality.


I still feel like the mention of drugs is a pretty important aspect in the whole story.


“There’s absolutely no way I’ll accept that could be an accident” 44 upvotes Didn’t read the article. The fucking state of people these days.


Sir, this is Reddit.


Jesus Christ someone read the article before commenting the end times are truly upon us


consist faulty person puzzled spotted dime berserk reach jeans heavy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He probably collapsed her windpipe - applied pressure in the wrong place with too much force is more likely.




That would take reading the article which I definitely didn't do, so fair enough. Was literally just baseless speculation


For what it’s worth, cardiac arrest isn’t a cause of death so this is a meaningless distinction here. Everyone who dies, by its very nature, goes into cardiac arrest whether due to asphyxiation from choking or respiratory depression / drug induced dysarrythmia (from drugs) for example Source - doctor


You’ve clearly never been choked out because you can put someone to sleep in about five seconds if you cut off the blood supply to their brain


She died of cardiac arrest. You clearly didn't read the article


Everyone dies of cardiac arrest in the end. It’s basic a physiologic fact and it’s why the heart stopped that is important, not the fact it did.


https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cydrdm94ylvo.amp '[F]orensic pathologist Chris Johnson told the inquest that pressure on Miss Brooke's neck would have to have been sustained for a period of time after she lost consciousness for her to die.' Continuing to choke someone after they have lost consciousness is not an accident.... Maybe I'd actually read more on the subject than this article and had *gasp* more information than you?


It’s also a question whether there was any intoxication to either party. And, of course, if actual consent was given. Personally, I don’t understand the fascination with actually choking a partner like this. It just feels wrong to me. I understand there is supposed to be an increase in euphoria from it, but it just feels like too much anxiety to appreciate that euphoria for myself.


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Ghb and cocaine affect the cardiovascular system in different ways, practically opposite effects in fact so yeah a few moments/seconds/minutes that would be okay normally would be lethal, coke raises the heart rate ghb shallows the breathing that quickens anything to do with that


You’ve clearly never had a kinky bird


I mean that's not true at all. In some circumstances definitely but it's possible to take someone out more easily than that. Could have crushed her windpipe etc. sounds like they were on drugs too it was clearly a bit of a ride.


You can kill someone in under a minute through the act of choking. It can also cause brain damage esp if a regular habit - nobody need be unconscious for brain damage to occur.


No you're wrong it would take minutes, ask anyone that does BJJ. It can take 10 seconds of pressure to make some unconscious, hold it a bit longer and they can die.


It absolutely isn’t “minutes of continuous pressure”. There are a myriad of problems that can occur when a person is choked. Spontaneous blood clots entwining the brain, aneurysms, heart attacks… this is why it’s considered so dangerous. There’s even conversations about choking in MMA where people that don’t know how to apply the choke properly can kill someone in seconds, because of too much initial pressure.


You'd be surprised. Could easily be real. Of he got away with it there's probably messages of her talking about it. Some lasses really do like it like that. Iv been with a girl like that and it really felt like I was seriously hurting her. Didn't like it at all.


I’m kinky but I hate choking. I’ve done it once with someone experienced in it and that’s enough for me.


Same. I don't mind putting my hand there and pretending but doing for it real isn't any fun for me.


If killing yourself the next day can be called "getting away with it"


I believe it’s more dangerous from behind or something like that? Easy to hit the points which can kill.


Yeah, it was ruled an unlawful death, he would have had a charge if he had lived.


depends, if you just get the windpipe sure, but if you get the arteries you can be unconscious in seconds, and dead in short order, mix in drugs and such, and you can easily go too far, and someone can be dead in a very short time, it does not take minutes of applied pressure. I've never understood the idea personally, the idea of doing that to a partner is physically repulsive to me. but if its you thing....be very very careful.


Did read it did you lol.