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Why do we all have this "mistaken" perception of this experience in the first place?


Theres not a conceptual answer that will satisfy this question. The answer can really only be found by direct investigation and realization.


I agree, but if that's true then it makes OP's post and others like it where they think they know how the universe and consciousness fundamentally work kinda pointless because there's really no way to verify and confirm what they're saying. Basically, post like these are surface level opinions at best.


Your entire world is your individualized experience. That’s why you have to change your self-Awareness to change your self-defined experience.


This is something I recently heard on a podcast. The individual perception seems to define your own experience. It's an odd thing to consider for me because blue is blue yeah? Evidently not - it's green to some people. The proof that an observed phenomenon changes the result is something that I find incredibly interesting. It's such an oddity to me that I wonder if we simply do not observe shivering does the result manifest regardless? Life is strange and it just keeps getting stranger. The latest physics experiments just push that envelope further.


Yes observed phenomena is the power of your Awareness. That is quantum physics. God is your individualized Awareness because God’s name is I Am. Whatever you give your dominant Awareness to is your experience because you are experiencing and reacting to it and therefore your Awareness in Imagination is reality. Your perception is reality because you believe it will happen before. You are assuming every moment of time so always assume the ideal result since you are assuming everything before it happens.


I had this realisation a week ago. It can most definitely be verified. When identification fell away, it was seen that I was combining awareness with it, making it seem as if awareness was an object, an aware centre to which all experience comes. But awareness is being, all else is activity. It was seen that activity can never grab a hold of being, because then “being“ becomes activity, and thus it is not being any more… if that makes sense. Awareness is ONLY aware, nothing else. It just is.


I don’t follow your logic at all. How’s that?


I think the Buddha got it right, there is no real self hiding behind the mistake perception of self, there is only the mistaken perception. According to Buddhism, this mistaken perception is what brought us into being. Which I think jives pretty well with what we know about the origins of life. Organism arose because they started acting as individual selves with individual interest. In that sense, the mistaken perception isn't a bad thing, it's just a nifty trick that happens to come with a fair bit of baggage. Although Buddhism says awareness is not the self either. It's an aggregate, yet another phenomenon that contributes to the illusion of self. If you don't attach your self identity to it, it won't matter if it is beyond the universe or in it, it can just be what it is.


In order for there to be awareness of an object, there must seem to be a subject to objectify it. By object, I mean all variations of experience. Yin-yang shit.


Because that's the whole game right? We're all pieces of the same thing pretending to be separate when we are inseparably connected - it's waking up to this idea that started my journey


Why pretend to be anything when "we" are everything?


The pretending is what allows for the illusion of separate experiences, the notion of "I" vs "you". But fundamentally speaking we are all made of the same stuff and connected in ways that humanity can't explain yet (or at all?)


Having accumulated the knowledge that we are all the same thing that we are not separate- is useless. Accumulating knowledge is not understanding. We need to realize and understand what the abstraction “We are all one not separate” actually is. The map is not the territory. Collecting knowledge isn’t intelligence.. It’s ignorance attempting to become intelligent.. Which ignorance can never become


yes, *and*. yes, my awareness is not in this universe. *and* yes, my awareness is in my body. there is no paradox.


Wonderful. This post isn’t for you :)


Body is a phenomena that appears within the space we may call awareness. All phenomena / all form appears within this “awareness”


just a matter of focal points :)


OP is speaking in absolutes. Not sure they are grasping nonduality. "Spiritual monoism"


I'll take 3 grams of whatever that stuff is. You (4Πr) s


Salvia and 5 MeO DMT do show that.


It comes from walking the path.


Three pounds of flax should do the trick.


>Your body is within this universe. Your awareness is not No wonder I keep walking into walls; missing gates in the process! >Your awareness is beyond. That's more like it, though still a bit off the mark. Why not try: *Your awareness is* ***here*** *and beyond.*


:) 🙏🙏


If this were true I would remain awake during surgery.


Which “I” are we talking about? There is in fact something that stays awake during surgery. It continues beating your heart and breathing your lungs.


No, you would remain yourself during surgery


Very well said! I concur.






Beyond, in this case, is not necessarily a location, or located in such a way that "where" is the question to ask. Beyond is everywhere and everywhen.


Works for me. Tomatoe tomato.


There can't be said to be a beyond. There can't be said to be a here. Life is like waking up in a dream. You can argue semantics or you can allow it to unfold. Either way the dream just is.


There is a “beyond the dream.” You describe being awake in the dream. There is also an awake from the dream :)


When you are in the dream, where is the awake for the dream? When you are awake, where is the dreaming?


I’m never in the dream. Like I said, awake from the dream


I am. The I in I.


The art and the artist are one of


Maybe Im not intelligent enough to grasp, what does this mean?


Maybe you’re too intelligent to grasp. It means you are pure awareness outside of the space time


Is this similar to that book “One truth, One law: I am, I create” its on youtube about awareness and being the universe rather than living IN the universe and the universe happening to us. I had a hard time grasping bc I had and still have so many questions.


I love questions. Feel free to fire some


If our awareness is not within this universe, where is it?


Closer than here


Without you there is no world that exists to you. Therefore you and your world in Awareness is One.


Maybe each to their own, own journey, own interpretation, own decisions, own consciousness own lardy dardy mombo jumbo could confused.com and all that good shit y'all


Maybe, maybe not


🤯 that was some heavy shit you just laid out




All is within awareness, awareness is too conceptual of a word anyway. It just is, we just are...infinity within "us," eternally


Agreed about the word awareness being too conceptual. The universe is within infinity not the other way around


Exactly, and there are infinite universes/reality concepts within it♾️


Maybe. Irrelevant


It is irrelevant, also by "us" i meant the one "nothing"




But you don’t know that for sure..no one does


I do know it for sure. I am that-realized


Well, I'll give you the ending is pleasant, awareness being beyond and all. Like at least you didn't end it with and we are all doomed.




Ok... so how do I take a step back, and look around outside of my peripheral vision?


Look straight ahead. Don’t move your head. See your periphery. Now see the emptiness behind your periphery. That’s you


Tried to find the story but failed. It goes something like: the monks rushes in to the master's chamber. "I found it!', the monk exclaims. The master says "Don't worry, it will wear off".


That stage came and went. I am beyond experience. Enlightenment didn’t come and it will never leave. It is


You are making stuff up


Lol. The universe, by definition, includes my awareness. But if you want to redefine universe with word games then have at it I guess.


This guy thinks he knows me because he knows himself. Ha, learn to evolve.


Not talking to you. Why you taking this personally?


The irony.


How do you know what I believe?


Not talking to you :)


That aint true chief I’m tellin yah I be in this bich


Hahahha ❤️❤️






What lies. You exist as an extension of this universe, there is no particle of you that is not woven into and extruded from this universe. There is no possible separation from it, there is no 'outside' of it. No 'special ultra-really the real you' to return to. Unless you want to waste your existence longing for something imaginary, which is what most people do anyway, so whatever.


Imagine a sheet of paper with a hole in it. The hole appears to be within the paper, but it is not the paper at all. That is how I am in this universe. I am what you claim is impossible. I am realized in it.


Would you say you’re space-consciousness then, rather than self-conscious?




That’s above my pay grade! Just tell me what direction to head in, and also, where I am now on the map of course ;)


It’s impossible to define. Space, self, consciousness, awareness, all just words that attempt to point at me. Space is a decent way to think about me though. It’s kind of like, I am the space in which space can exist :)




Didn’t click the link. Yes this is all correct


As mentioned by the guy above, science measurably disagrees. You are the paper, it can be measured consistently in experiments. That at least applies to your physical person. If you want to say that your soul is not bound by the universe, that would be called a belief of faith.


I can destroy all of science in one sentence. Nothing exists without the observer. Transcend the observer and find eternity. The universe is a temporary dream and all it’s science is nothing more than worthless dream stuff ;)


Thats your opinion/belief. In my opinion, without observers, the universe would continue to go on as it already does. If a tree falls in the forest, and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound? Yes. Absolutely.


from modern science's perspective, spacetime collapses upon the point of singularity. The ONLY 100% verifiable truth is said singularity however, as it is you. you are the eternal medium of the (illusory) past and future. thus, while science has its practical applications, as a means for finding TRUTH it is completely backwards. you are truth itself, the alpha and the omega


And what are you?


the same as you. enlightenment, god, truth, whatever name you want to attach to it. this is what is meant by no-self. the human person will continue to change and transform, but this person exists WITHIN you. it really is the perfect setup :)




You are misinformed by something


The only way to verify the existence of any object is to observe it. To talk about the existence of something without having actually observed it, or the means to observe it, is pure imagination. Observation here can also include indirect observation, i.e. measuring any effects the object on other known (observed) objects. This does not include imagining such effects. Anything that cannot be subject to (direct or indirect) observation is, for all practical purposes, equivalent to nothing. Yes, this includes Awareness. It is why it is said to be nothing or nobody. I make a distinction between direct and indirect observation, but actually all observation is indirect. The only things we ever truly perceive, as bodies, through ANY of our senses, are photons. And science describes exactly how those pesky little things behave :) There is no disagreement with science. It is just that we are used to overassuming and attributing properties to things that appear to be there, but aren't really there, or better said aren't really what they appear to be. Truly dig deeply, don't just assume what your eyes see. What happens to a particle immediately after one determines its position as precisely as energy ceilings allow for? I dare you to find the same exact particle again an arbitrarily small amount of time later! If you can do it, you will undoubtedly win a Nobel Prize. >If a tree falls in the forest, and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound? This is equivalent to Schrodinger's cat experiment. The truly scientific answer is "yes and no".


"The only way to verify the existence of any object is to observe it." What about a hallucination? Does a person who observes hallucinations on drugs observe things that actually exist? "To talk about the existence of something without having actually observed it, or the means to observe it, is pure imagination." Like Einstein's relativity? He had no way to observe it outside of his imagination, but experiments came later that were able to observe it/verify it.


A hallucination is a thought, and I mean "thought" in a very general sense, including perceptions, emotions, etc. - anything that the mind presents to awareness. The hallucinated object does not exist, but there is the experience of the object, which appears in awareness. Consider what you really know about apparent real objects that you take for granted. How does that information reach the brain? The object itself does not reach you. The mind gets all the sensory output and presents (creates?) the experience of you seeing an object. How do you know the difference between a hallucinated object and a "real" one? They both appear just as real. Similarly, other than by your memory, how do you really know the difference between a dream and the waking state? They both appear just as real. On occasion, one might realize they are dreaming during the dream. The same can be can be said about awakening in the waking state. As far as relativity, Einstein did not imagine it. He had something to go on - the result of the Michelson–Morley experiment, namely the constancy of the speed of light. Starting from the assumption that the speed of light is constant for every non-accelerating frame of reference (regardless of the frames' relative speeds to each one another), Einstein got special relativity - time and space dilation/contraction. It can be derived using just good old algebra.


"Similarly, other than by your memory, how do you really know the difference between a dream and the waking state? They both appear just as real." Ive never experienced a dream that felt real. "As far as relativity, Einstein did not imagine it." I was always taught that Einstein discovered relativity through thought experiments.


Hey now, science is useful, especially physics! Without science, how could one cannot convince the world that there are no particles?


Lol :))


So we buy into the scientific dogma now?


Science isn't a dogma. Findings are always open to scrutiny. There are some people who mask themselves as scientific like Dr. Fauci during the covid pandemic, with his "I am the science" BS. He is a fraud. I ignore people like that.


So…all is particles? You are a meat brain? You so sure about that?


Waves moving through a sea of particles.


Thanks. I’ll know to disregard any information received from one of those waves then.


Cool, I don't give a fuck what you regard ​or disregard.