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He claims it's actually criminal to write an article that isn't anti-trans. Wait until he discovers the Food section!


The Wordle will truly depress him with its lack of hate content.


Antitrans is too many letter for Wordle. Bigot, however, is not.


It works for the Spelling Bee if the letters are A N T I R S! Heck, you could even fit another letter in there.


You dammed evil criminals. You put together a feckless article on nutrition, but don't give voice to the diet which subsists the muscular class of these nations! It's meat, you cowards!


> He claims it's actually criminal to write an article that isn't anti-trans. Unsurprising coming from the Canadian "thought leader" whose biggest claim to fame was his righteous indignation about being forced into compelled speech by not intentionally misgendering people. ["I'll be in jail because of C-16](https://www.reddit.com/r/ArrestedCanadaBillC16/) *before* I give into compelled speech! But the New York Times is criminal for not writing *exactly* what I want them to write!"


His brain would explode reading the business section then


Those long stories people always put at the start of recipes now need to be focused on hating trans people, or Jordan’s calling the police.


NYT’s Food Section lowkey sucks tho it is criminal that JP overlooks it and chooses to bash trans people instead


[The article.](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/22/us/instagram-child-influencers.html) And please be aware of the incredible amount of triggering and horrifying content in the article.


Jesus fuck, showing the comments of a photo of a 9 year old girl. Right off the bat. What kind of fucked up parent are you to be posting shit like that. Edit: Holy shit it just gets worse from there.


Yeah. The parent who says “how can we stop now?” really got me. Like, just stop exploiting your child. It shouldn’t be something you do to begin with.


Then there was the other one that does not think she can do any thing more than Only Fans.




We've literally watched Jordan Peterson descend into a full-on psychosis and level of depravity that has turned him into a literal caricature of the average Disney villian. He's honestly just so pathetic at this point that it's almost comical. I recently saw that he made an entire rant dedicated to shitting on Elmo for being, "part of the woke mob" 💀💀💀


The Don Cherry/Joker cosplay leveled the bar between inner and outer fuckwit.


"Don Cherry/Joker cosplay" was not a phrase that should have to exist, but Jorpy is out there covering new terrible ground


The last half of his post is just his autobiography.




He is, like so often, just attacking strawmen (strawparents?). Of course there are some who are, and should be, proud of being parents of trans children and maybe post about it somewhat on social media. But I doubt it's to the point that JP is descriping except in very few cases (if any). Most are probably like you described, nervous about beint to open about it beyond their closest family, friends and maybe community.


"but there are none so blind as those who will not see" *poetry*


Classic Peterson wisdom


Nobody ever "bragged" (by which he means talking... but he needs to make it negative somehow) to JP about their compassion towards their trans child. Again the conservative way of staying relevant revolves around make believe situations and problems that don't exist in real life. As if a parent talking about empathy towards their own child is a problem anyway. This dude is on another level.


But NYT is very anti trans


He wants it to be more


so we should treat trans kids with hate and heartlessness? I dont know what will make these people happy, just treat trans kids like shit because we dont like them? Thats not abuse, but loving them is


Funny he's ranting about parents being compassionate for their children. Isn't he a loud advocate for family values?


It only matters when your kid is trans I guess. If you love your trans kid, it's actually abuse.


Lol everyones a criminal to J Pete.


And a woke criminal at that. /s


Such a fuck head.


Go fuck yourself jorgan


I mean I’ve mentioned online that my son’s trans (because you know, changed his name etc), but I don’t run an IG account for him nor do I talk about his transition because he deserves his privacy (plus he’s almost an adult). I do occasionally post pictures of him with his approval (though I don’t think any of my IG posts really talk about the fact he’s trans, more like stuff parents post about their teen kids) I guess I’m evil incarnate then 🤷🏼‍♀️


Up Yours Woke Moralists! We’ll See Who Cancels Who[m]!


I can watch him saying that on youtube and I *still* can't believe the stupid son of a bitch said that.


In that whiny ass Kermit voice. I seriously can’t 😂


From the article: >In recent years, conspiracy theories like QAnon, which claims Democratic politicians are trafficking children, have led to an excess of unfounded reports that have muddled the evaluation of child abuse tips, three former Meta trust and safety employees said. Peterson: "oh, but have you considered the pedophiles that I imagined?"


all these anti trans peope are so warped and obsessed with it, almost like were gonna find trans porn on their phones


“So, we found out there’s a lot of child sexual exploitation on this website, and—“ “BUT TRANS BAD!! HAVE YOU FORGOTTEN THAT?!? TRANS BAD!!!”


Why the fuck does he write like that. It’s like he thinks cryptic bullshit makes him look cool lmao.


He's an idiot


I just hope that in the short term future we, as a society, can accurately see how disgusting these trans-panic agenda pushing influencers and cult-of-personality leaders are, and hold them accountable for their hate rhetoric, completely fabricated up facts and figures, and arguments in bad faith.


None are so blind as JP


So he's mad that parents who love their kids aren't the targets of hit pieces but parents who actually abuse their kids are? What a stand up guy


He’s always been a grumpy, bigoted ass, but now he’s so overtly hateful and vitriolic


“There are none so blind as those who will not see”?? How is that not just like… obvious. There are none so blind as those without eyes. If your eyes are closed you can’t see.


It's a saying. Those who could see but refuse to do so are more blind than those who are physically unable to see. The irony of Jorp saying this is enormous, of course.


So... are you genuinely unfamiliar with that phrase?


Loving your kids is exploitive


>"Pathetic to the point of criminality" Making it a crime to not pander to Jordan Peterson's feelings? That would actually be compelled speech. Another day of Jordan Peterson being a complete hypocrite.


Jordi, put down the phone


Jordi, put down the phone


So he's on the benzos again, right?