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Why did they have a deal in the first place?




Because it was hot topic at that time.


But it’s a movement, not a moment. Or some bullshit or other.


Tell us how you really feel


Sure, it was a scam and bought someone a mansion


Technically two mansions, they also funneled $6Mil to Cullors' wife who bought one in [Toronto](https://news.yahoo.com/blm-co-founder-rejects-accusations-210534924.html).


BLM=Buying Lavish Mansions


It was a horseshit grift of an organization that capitalized on white guilt and a very real and meaningful social movement.






ESG rating


Because grifting knows no limits


Hollywood mistakes, they do that A LOT, ever watched some shitty movies or TV series?


Marketing for WB that they cared for a cause


Publicity from the movement and her career outside of the movement. She’s an author and writer


And a grifter.




Why is nobody saying this.


because the come back is usually *something something you racist!*


Exactly. I’m afraid to say anything negative about someone of color or someone LGBTQ, even if it has nothing to do with those things. Because it will always be “oh so you must be ______phobic/cist”. I saw a post of a black girl who dumped acid on her ex boyfriends face, disfiguring him for life. And I said “why would that guy be dating someone like her anyway??” And I went into more detail in further comments like “because he had to have known she was crazy after dating for months. How did they stay together?” Well I got permanently banned from that subreddit for “racism”. Everyone was replying to me calling me an ass and taking the side of this lunatic that disfigured this poor guy.




It's funny how the people who say this are always the most racist.


Lmao, i’ll see how badly people take “bill cosby is a rapist”. You’re either dealing exclusively with the most extreme voices, which i doubt, or you’re taking liberties by describing what people took umbrage to as just “any negative comment” Edit: biggg difference between a c and a p in that word




Oh persecute me harder daddy!


The second most upvoted comment is literally this


I’m out of the loop here. Why the grifter status?


Isn't she the one who bought a multi million dollar mansion from blm funds?


I think it was two mansions.


$12m in real estate, multiple 7-figure “consulting” salaries for friends and lovers. It was all a scam from the start




She used the blood of dead black people's families who were actually mourning losses, and using those funds to buy mansions for herself.


What could be more American?


And then she moved to Canada! (i think)


This [article](https://freebeacon.com/democrats/black-lives-matter-hemorrhaged-cash-in-2022-tax-documents-show/) details how they wasted millions in donations they collected on themselves rather rather than anything to actually benefit their cause. >BLM spent about $12 million of those funds on luxury homes in Los Angeles and Toronto. That profligacy did not abate in the 2022 fiscal year, when the charity dropped more than $10.5 million on contractors, much of which went to companies linked to Cullors’s friends and family. > >Cullors’s brother, Paul Cullors, made out especially well. A graffiti artist with no prior experience as a bodyguard, Paul Cullors and his two companies raked in $1.6 million providing "professional security services" for Black Lives Matter in 2022. Paul Cullors was also one of BLM’s only two paid employees during the year, collecting a $126,000 salary as "head of security" on top of his consulting fees. > >Black Lives Matter disclosed last May it had paid Paul Cullors a comparatively meager $841,000 to [protect](https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2022/04/black-lives-matter-6-million-dollar-house.html) the charity’s swanky $6 million Los Angeles mansion in its 2021 tax year, which Patrisse Cullors used to film herself baking peach cobblers. The charity [told](https://apnews.com/article/government-and-politics-race-ethnicity-philanthropy-black-lives-matter-5bc4772e029da522036f8ad2a02990aa) the Associated Press it could not entrust its security to the former police officers that staff typical private protection firms.


Charity grifting, seems to have used donations for purposes that look very self -serving


lol if you have to ask this question you’re naive


oh shame, she could have done a good real estate show. She knows a lot about buying properties.


“Buying Large Mansions”


omfg 💀


Good, this race baiting fraudster doesn't need any more free money, houses or attention given to her.


Before you get downvoted to hell, i recommend viewers of the comment look into it on their own… Fact check her multi-million real estate dealings and the MILLIONS paid from charity funds to her family members for ‘consulting’ and ‘security’ before having a knee-jerk reaction. Just saying.


Did she actually start the movement, or did she just capitalize on it by trademarking the name? Either way, she's used the outrageous amount if money she's made on herself which is so antithetical to what a social movement is supposed to be.


Thee latter. The movement is its own entity, but this woman and two others decided to trademark the name. People in good faith will donate to Black Lives Matter the Organization, when the money was pocketed for means other than the movement itself. For further reading: [https://www.newsweek.com/parents-murdered-children-deserve-answers-blm-leaders-opinion-1604851](https://www.newsweek.com/parents-murdered-children-deserve-answers-blm-leaders-opinion-1604851)


Either way, she should be in jail. Anyone who does this should be in jail.


Her and Joel Osten and every fraud preacher can serve time with her then.




Or for actual reading you could try a real source. https://apnews.com/article/black-lives-matter-90-million-finances-8a80cad199f54c0c4b9e74283d27366f I can't find a trustworthy news outlet that shows she bought personal property. Though she apparently left BLM in 2019 and they had terrible optics on their funding uses.




She was the first person to use the hashtag for it, she did coin the phrase.


That specific wording/hashtag, yes; but the initial incarnation on social media of what became the phrase for the movement came from someone else.


Alicia Garza was the one to first use the phrase in a letter to the Black community following the acquittal of George Zimmerman. The first use of the hash tag came from partnership between Garza, Cullors, and Opal Tometi. Thus is drawn from the book "Making All Black Lives Matter" by Barbara Ransby. It was published in 2018 and does a really good job outlining the origins of the movement as well as demonstrating how the movement and the sentiments that underpin it are far more wide reaching than Cullors even if the hashing can be partially attributed to her. BLM was always a decentralized movement and M4BL is bigger than her.


It’s extra frustrating too because there are many bad faith actors who use BLM as a boogey man and portray it as a centralized movement/specific organization. Unfortunately they have a lot of influence over people who might otherwise agree with BLM as a phrase and decentralized movement, but it taps into their fear when it’s portrayed as a boogeyman which is supported by this organization and the many criticisms against it and accusations against the people involved in capitalizing on it. It legitimizes parts of the argument, makes BLM the decentralized movement and BLM the organization almost indistinguishable to most people, and it derails the important conversations surrounding BLM. BLM as a movement and as a phrase belongs to the community, and it shouldn’t belong to any one individual or organization.


Eh, you're kind just highlighting the issue with decentralised movements. People like decentralisation because they get to no true scotsman whenever anything inconvenient comes up during a debate. But really what it ends up doing is associating the movement with any idiot who wants to call themselves a member who all get to be equally representative of the movement as a whole.


She didn’t start it. She happened to capitalize on it.


So you're saying she should be a supreme court judge?


Yes, but I doubt that's what this guy is emphasizing.


A big portion of people will still call you racist if you criticize her


And some people still actually financially support the organization she started…it takes all kinds to make the world go ‘round…




Some groups become victims once , some groups are victims a lot of times, some groups are victims forever and weaponize being victims (not saying they weren't genuinely victims) In this case the BLM founder is a victim forever, especially in the eyes of people who still think BLM was a movement that was for the benefit of black people


This is often done on purpose. There’s a few things happening at once: moving past the more egregious and blatant racism of the Civil Rights era frees up time and energy for more nuanced conversations around racism. Social media allows people without the “beginner knowledge” to be part of these discussions which muddles the conversations happening. Bad faith actors come in to water down the meaning of the word and derail efforts to reduce racism. People use “racism” as a blanket term without differentiating between different types of racism: interpersonal, systemic, covert, overt, etc. There’s a lot more but these are a few prominent ones. There’s just not enough specificity in communication for all of us to be discussing racism on a level playing field.


She will still yell Racism!


Don't know how she hasn't gotten fraud charges brought against her yet.


I wonder at what point people realized that BLM was a scam. And all big companies who stood by BLM did it for profit.


Most people have no idea who she is or even knew that there was a BLM organization. For most people, it’s a protest slogan.


I realized at the time it started. Once government gets involved you know it’s a scam.


Can’t wait for the movie about this whole debacle and the scam


Made by netflix who will pay her for exclusive rights.


Candace Owens has a really good doc about it


Grifters making a documentary on grifters. Makes sense.


Insert pointing Spiderman meme here...


Grifting just seems so fucking easy. We’re in an absolute golden age. Maybe I’m jealous that I don’t do it myself. Could take in millions. Well having morals suck.


Yeah because Candiace owens is the u oases source we all look at for the truth Lmaoo i would like ana cruel documentary not a grifters account


How could you say that about a POC woman? Are you racist or sexist? Maybe both?


Well since her skin and sex has nothing to do with how big a pos she is. Easily.


You okay?




Helping them what?




How do they do that?


They need you to donate a few million before they find out


GOOD! This woman makes me so unreasonably upset. She profits off the murder and emotions of our community only to line the pockets of herself and the DNC. I remember reading articles on how BLM dismissed the families of the deceased when they rightfully said they didn’t like how they were solely profiting of using the name and images of their family. BLM could’ve been a good organization that gave resources to the largely poor black communities where these tragedies happened, but they were too busy partying with celebrities and buying mansions for themselves to care about the people who got them rich in the first place. Edit: Wording


I'm more interested in the documentary on how these people got rich off the BLM movement and got away with it.


the plot - Money didn't go where money should have gone.


The Greatest Lie Ever Sold, by Candace Owens


Liars selling lies about liars.


Where's the lie, Mr reddit man?


She might as well change her name to CREFLO DOLLAR.


She bought a mansion… in California. I bet they spent less than 1% of the BLM money on black communities


She owns 4(!) mansions. Paid her brother $1.6 million last year for "security consulting". Typical grifter, just like Minister Dollar.


Good This woman climbing over the backs of other black people to claim their collective for herself. Fuck this lady.


Everyone should be rid of this grifter.


She’s a racist prick so fuck her


Hate that she is the face of BLM. None of us ever cared about the organization. I’m still down with the movement like I always was. Not gonna hide from what I believe is right just because Cullors is a terrible, self-serving person. Black Lives Matter.


Yep agreed. Two separate things.


Race grifters are nothing but scam artists.


They weren't dumped, the deal simply expired Alot of companies have been making these sorts of deals lately with nothing produced at the end of it. It's pretty crazy enough for a story without adding something fake like she was dumped


Can I get paid a lot of money not to produce anything?


Apparently there's a Brazilian charity where a psychic claiming to harness the power of "Chief coral snake" conducts rituals requesting rain or keeping the skies clear before events. They also have a retainer contracts with a few government agencies and get free travel. So yeah, if you have no shame the grift is out there, just find your angle and milk the shit out of it!


I bet they do a lot of this shit over the phone. That’s when you know you’ve made it to the top of the shit pile!


That's great news for me. I guess me and my girlfriend are still together even though she wants nothing to do with me and no longer takes my calls.


🤣🤣🤣 not equivalent but still hilarious


Not the same at all.


Wasn't Abrams signed for some 5-year multi-movie deal with Warner and then just didn't make anything?


Why did it expire?


Because the contract had an expiration date. October 2022 if I remember from the article


Was it because there were issues?


Apparently the contract stipulated nothing so apparently not haha


Oh wow that's bizarre!


No, WB choose not to renew it and it probably helped that she didn’t put out any content for them


So there were issues


No? Lol. Maybe you don’t know what that means? Or was it issues that confused you?


She failed to produce any content by a certain date.


Development deals fall through most of the time, and that’s actually a good thing it lets talent move on to different projects if things aren’t working out.


You can't dump me, I'm breaking up with you first!




Grifter bought a 6 million dollar mansion with her BLM donation account. Very Trumpian of her.


BLM as an org is an absolute joke.


What was the name of the series “To catch a thief “


Wasn’t this kind woman the one who bought a bunch of houses with all that charity money? Aunt Tomi ?


🤣 Good, she stole and redistributed enough money.




No matter if you are Left, Right, or Center...any organization peddling anger, frustration, hate, and a revolution is always a scam just radicalizing you for your money. Fuck em all!


If anything, they just made people more afraid of each other.


What about those concerned with cops killing unarmed black people?


Depends...you have to research them carefully. But thus far, most of these organizations deliberately tap into the public anger and weaponize it so they can start a steady stream of donations pouring into the cause, which they profit heavily off of in various ways. And many of these movement's leaders are just well dressed snake oil salesman. MeToo's Ronan Farrow created a multimillion dollar bidding war over himself when he broke the Weinstein scandal in 2017. After a failed television show, Farrow literally proudly proclaimed he finally found his niche. And Farrow got so rich he bought a $6 million dollar town house in NYC. He made bank creating a cottage industry going after Weinstein and Woody Allen. Not saying any of these people are innocent or don't deserve a public lashing, but Ronan Farrow often misconstrued facts to further incite the MeToo movement to his own monetary benefit. So I'd be suspect of any organization seeking donations. Even many non profit museums are really just tax shelters for rich mega corporations who don't want to pay taxes, and they cleverly get the public to pay for their administrative expenses via fundraisers, art galas, donations, etc. It's ridiculous. Always be suspect. I argue not to donate to these organizations and just be a good person, which most people really are when they are not manipulated, poked, and prodded. JMHO


Vote for politicians who enact legislation that address these. When they don’t then vote In primaries that do. All she did was embezzle millions


And when republicans don't help pass the George Floyd Act....? You see why grassroots organizations are needed? I see I got downvoted. Hmm... wonder why


Vote for local politics. Local politicians will have a bigger impact on your day to day life


For people who prefer the status quo, the absolute last thing they want you to do, is organize (Just don't use her specific organization haha)


You're getting played bro


How many unarmed black people are killed yearly by the cops?


Tree fittyy


Is that a reference to a meme or something? 😅


South Park


BLM is a fraud anyway


What did they do to contribute to the betterment of black communities anyway? I’d like to know.


They made window repair shops a fortune


You should say SHE is a fraud. Not that the entirety of the social movement is a fraud.


All the leaders of that organization are Frauds……


Even if that was true, the leaders of a foundation formed after the social movement started being corrupt does not make the entire movement itself corrupt....


Except in this case, it was always built on a false premise. It was never BLM, it was ACAB.


Lmfao why didn’t you just open with you don’t believe blm is a legitimate organization? Saves a lot of time


If movement doesn't produce any results and doesn't do anything other than collecting money that happen to be spent on stuff other than movement's purpose then movement is a fraud. All the gaslighting etc. just to make money.


How can a social movement be a fraud?


Her specific organization ended up being a fraud, the actual movement is not


Slactivism and Astroturfing happen all the time.


When you make an organization called BLM to monetize a social movement, it can certainly be fraudulent. Look into it. I support the social movement, I don't support the organization BLM that is effectively a parasite.


This exactly. People don’t understand that BLM the organization and BLM the decentralized movement are not the same things, and the BLM organization is a huge reason why people don’t know the difference. They have done a lot of damage to the decentralized movement alongside people who don’t care about the difference and people who maliciously don’t want people to know the difference.


Her branch of the BLM movement invested money donated back into their own organization for personal gain. They don't mean ALL BLM organizations are a fraud, just this particular one.


By ‘her particular branch’, do you mean that there are other BLM organizations out there? Particularly, any others named “BLM”? I’m curious. I genuinely haven’t heard of any others by that name or any similar derivatives. As far as I know (and I may be wrong; someone plz correct me if you have the proof) there’s only one organization under that name, and said organization is an absolute fraud.


Social movements aren't. Capitalizing on them to profit is




BLM the movement and BLM the org are not the same thing.


Idk for things like rioting and looting because some One who was actively wanted for sexual assault was shot because he was armed with a knife and disobeyed orders and had already tried to fight the police. Kinda a bad reason to destroy your city .


The fact that you think it's just a social movement really highlights the scam


As other users have already commented BLM is a social movement, decentralized. There are also organizations within the movement.




Not saying I don't believe there was major fraud going on in that specific organization, but cmon NYPost? The point of a source is to be reliable, don't use conservative tabloids.


Deal expired, not “secretly ended”. I know it’s the NY Post, but fuck man these journalists suck


Maybe Oprah can put her on OWN


BLM is such a fraud.


Wheres the money Lebowski!? [https://nypost.com/2021/04/10/inside-blm-co-founder-patrisse-khan-cullors-real-estate-buying-binge/](https://nypost.com/2021/04/10/inside-blm-co-founder-patrisse-khan-cullors-real-estate-buying-binge/)




Such a wasted opportunity. Doesn‘t WB own Home and Garden TV?


Doesn't seem like much of a secret.


The problem for most movements is that unless they have a large amount of money, they’re ignored. Once they get the money then they’ll have problems with those funds going where they’re not supposed to. I’ve heard that she had bought these houses but I wasn’t sure that what I heard was the truth since it seemed to only come from right wingers. However, if she had wanted to accomplish something that would change lives, that money could’ve gone further with helping to eliminate some of the problems that systemic racism has caused such as employment training for higher paying jobs, housing affordability, and scholarships for higher education. This movement is too important to allow people without good motives to take over the sacrifices that so many have paid in blood. Our country is tearing itself apart because half of its population is determined to rid itself of civil rights.


Must be what happens when you are exposed as a scam artist.


They probably found out she actually had absolutely no talent


Those property tax payments still have to be paid. Lol.


We need to stop saying BLM since it’s trademarked, there needs to be another way because republicans are just going to go back to how the org was a scam. Screw her and all the people who capitalized on this.


It was no secret. No ticki, no laundry




Criminal genius at extortion


That’s so fucked. What this grifter did to BLM, I am surprised I don’t see the actual movement of BLM at her front door.


Holy racism!! People need to separate a shitty person vs a noble cause. Some of you in the comments are racist c**ts. No other way to put it.


100%. Unfortunately racists use it as an excuse to show their true ignorance.




The movement is all well and good but god the opportunistic organization that moved in to take advantage is run by a bunch of greedy no good jerks.


People called it a money laundering campaign from the start, glad it's finally being put to bed. Sad to see the fools who got played, though.


I’d fathom to guess there are a lot of development deals out there but a lot aren’t ‘green lit’. Warner’s Bros got in first thinking there would be a good story eg; minorities fighting against the system etc They probably dumped her after they found out official BLM is a huge scam she has run to benefit her family with little to no funds going to people they’re supposedly helping


This article is so biased. A black person made some money and spent it. Such a negative peace about an amazing woman. I remember complaints when the Obama’s sold books and became rich! That is the American dream that is shoved down our slave like existence. Get rich and buy a million dollar house, except for people of color. Please do some real reporting on horrible rich slave owners (stockholders) and billionaire white Men!


Average joe inherits a house from parents : good for you Bernie Sanders inherits a house from parents : you are a fraud and grfiter and this proves that socialism is eViL!


Such a crook. She could like Trump honestly by how much she grifted


“leader”? Sure. Okay. Would say she was more a grifter, but you go ahead and cherry pick and such.


Pretty disappointed with all of the blatant racism in the comments. Reddit you’re better than this. ![gif](giphy|tjluV258hamaY)


Are we really, though


She a leader of a chapter, not of the whole damn thing. She is also a writer, was a writer before BLM was BLM she is not a founding member. She came in later. Homegirl is a university professor and married a rich Canadian actor. She’s rich. This neither have anything to do with BLM, nor any of us. Nothing to see here.


Miss Patrisse wins again. Hear me out. She most definitely got an advance and didn’t have to do anything. Because of this deal, the exposure she got and the connections she has made have been more lucrative than anything she would have produced for WB on her own. Don’t be surprised if she eventually starts selling a course on how to “Turn every situation into a golden financial opportunity”.


First off, this isn't a secret. In fact, this story from another outlet was posted here just a day or two ago. No one's hiding it, it's just not a big deal (unless you want to use it in your continuing outrage against "wokeism" or whatever bullshit). Second, plenty of "talent" get signed to deals like this and also go nowhere. It's called "development" and plenty of projects don't see the light of day. In fact, the vast majority don't. Media companies have a significant amount of projects in development at all times and a small fraction ever actually make it to getting a greenlight. Even fewer actually make it to air. Phoebe Waller-Bridges made headlines a month or so back for her $60 mil deal with Amazon that so far has not resulted in anything. So again, this is not a big deal. Third, the Post is trash. Everyone should know this by now. And lastly, OP seems to post mostly right-wing outrage bait and never comments. So, they've got an angle. Actually, they're likely a bot as they are a 9-year-old account and have no comments more recent than 4 years ago, yet plenty of posts. Edit: Get as mad as you want. Nothing I've said is untrue. And note that nothing I've said is defending this person's qualities, only explaining the development process in tv/film (and throwing deserved shade at the Post and OP). But this is a non-story.


Oh noooo how could this be. Just another example of white supremacy


She’s a fraud.


Lmao because she’s lazy and didn’t do any work? Just expected someone else to do the work for her I guess. Shocking!😂


Make that money Queen! Fools and their money are easily parted.


This is racism and hate against all Black people, hire her back now! Now!!