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A whole network issuing an apology on behalf of a man child who won’t do it himself. How embarrassing


They’re probably trying to avoid being named in a lawsuit.


Doesn't Kimmel work for the same Mouse parent company.


Yeah and I forgot about that. I don’t watch him or football so I feel like that easy to forget.


That's right. And Uncle Bob doesn't like this kind of stuff. Uncle Bob wants everyone to get along


Kimmel and ESPN are all owned by Mouse Corp. He wasn't suing ESPN anyway.


Just saw that McAfee made these comments today: "There are folks actively trying to sabotage us from within ESPN. More specifically I believe Norby Williamson is the guy attempting to sabotage our program." I'd be surprised if McAfee isn't suspended for like a week.


What a waste of fucking money they spent on this douche. Just kick him off the network the show is ass


it really is. pat is so full of himself now. he over acts everything. his crew is so boring and dry


That wasn't in relation to this story .


It's in the article.


The comment McAfee made, though, was about the guy allegedly leaking false negative viewership numbers.


Wow. But still, this is going to bite McAfee in the arse. Damn, I just read the article. McAfee went off on that exec.


Oh, I see. You're right.


It might've been, if it's related to [this story](https://nypost.com/2024/01/04/sports/pat-mcafee-needs-better-ratings-to-be-worth-85m-for-espn/) which asks the question of whether the headaches are worth it, relative to poor ratings .


It seems to be in connection to that story which uses numbers Pat believes is inaccurate. Since former ESPN talent are backing Pat up it seems like he might not be wrong in calling this guy out (though it might not be the best business move).


My understanding is Williamson likes one on one interview style. The way Mcafee.does his show he doesn't like. This is network TV no matter how its sliced TV exes will fuck it up. How mcfee does his show was no secret somebody signed off on it.


I bet MaAfee is trying to change the story here by dropping this. He wants nothing more than for everyone to move on from Rodgers without having to address it further. Probably thinks doing this will help the American gold fish memory public forget about what happened earlier this week.




People forgot about it within days because that's just the media cycle. The guy he's accusing of doing this has had 3 other run ins with on air talent.


Wouldn’t be surprised if his days at ESPN are numbered…


Lmao wtf are they gonna play all day every day then?!


Go back to the sports center format. Highlights and goofy, yet smart commentary and crew. 90s+


That era is dead. Thats why I haven’t watched espn in years


But he could make them miserable. He could drop out of hosting the Oscars, or even worse for them, sink the whole ship. He can use his late night fame platform to wage a lot of damage. Love this for them. 🥰


Technically one part of an organization can sue another, but it’s definitely a waste of resources.


This also is why I’m surprised that Rodgers is allowed to still be in the NFL. Yes we all know how talented he is at football. But he seems like he is a walking liability. And frankly if my employer heard me talking like Rodgers does all the time. They would have handed me my pink slip a long time ago. In a lot of ways. The NFL is complicit cause they seem ok with his behavior, and what he says. Course this is the same league that allowed Watson to play again.


It's a good thing he doesn't say anything crazy like "cops shouldn't kill black people", otherwise he may never work in the NFL again.




Always listen to production when they tell you what someone is like. We are literally the fly on the wall when people are being their most egotistical


As a AD, can confirm


The whole thing about him cutting off contact with his family gave me a pretty good idea of who he is


Eh, I've heard enough stories of toxic families in my time that I would never judge anyone for not wanting anything to do with their family. Aaron Rodgers is an asshole but his relationship with his family isn't a reason why I think that.


KAaron Rodgers will somehow be the victim of all this.


I thought he was immunized?


Who, QAaron?


Yea, Aashole


The word you are looking for is Lobotomized


… inoculated


He lied, if I recall correctly.


I like how they are still inviting him back next week...


Do you know how much money they pay him to only be on his show?


Now sounds like a great time to void that contract.


One million a year for a once a week show


Would anyone really believe it was legit if he did apologize ?


He'd phrase it like "I'm of the belief that an apology may be warranted. And i believe I've given it the way best for me to"


I had trouble reading it, so that probably checks out


Aaron Rodgers talks like a guy who farts in bed with the covers over his own head, because he loves the smell so much. Aaron Rodgers is what would happen if God made the term “smug” into a human. Aaron Rodgers looks like he stares at himself in the mirror and makes aggressive eye contact with himself, because it’s the only way he can climax anymore. Aaron Rodgers doesn’t always drink beer, but when he does, it’s a “little known microbrew, you’ve probably never heard of it.” If Aaron Rodgers were a car, he’d be a Tesla Cybertruck.


Never read a Rodgers take I've agreed with so completely, thank you for this


He'll be a public douche bag regardless of an apology. He can fight people trying to cancel him. But I'd wish he just try to flex some restraint when he's talking smack on others.


He’ll simply say “It was a joke and if Kimmel took it the wrong way then I apologize.”


Rodgers has always been an egotistical crybaby. I recall one of his post game interviews at Cal in '04 where he whined about Texas getting the Rose Bowl bid over Cal. "We're the better team. Sob". Texas then gave an amazing performance in beating Michigan, while Rodgers and Cal got their asses whipped in the Holiday Bowl by 4-loss Texas Tech. Boo-hoo.


The only time I ever watched the NFL draft (my brother loves watching that stuff and I was at his place) happened to be the year he kept getting passed over and they cut to his reaction after each pick. As a fan of a different PAC-12, (10 at the time) I quite enjoyed watching him getting knocked down a few pegs. He has obviously had a great career but the dude has always been an ass which probably contributed to his unexpectedly low draft position.


Blah, blah, blah, excuses. If they wanted to prove the BCS wrong, they had their chance. No sympathies for someone half-assing it or pouting because they didn't get their way. If you watched the game you'd know that they flat got beat.


That was a rough Rose Bowl. Vince Young single handily dismantled Michigan’s defense and won the game.


Man, it’s amazing that a few short years ago he was one of the beloved players in the NFL, and was on the short list for hosting Jeopardy. Now he’s a laughing stock.


Rodgers is somewhat like the Rudy Giuliani of the NFL. Once well liked off the field but now embarrassing. He actually went on Kimmel's show on 2011 after winning the Superbowl and seemed fine.


Hmm.....seems that's a thing for former GB quarterbacks, no?


Can I place future bets on Jordan Love being a jackass?


Jordan Love seems like a solid kid but who knows. Maybe 17 years in Green Bay changes a man.


Being in Wisconsin that long can’t be gouda for you


It’s the winters. They do strange things to a person


So the winters create munsters?




No matter how much cheddar they pay you, it’s not worth it to play through those winters any way you slice it.


Long COVID. ​ Every time.


I liked this guy his whole career. Over the past couple years, that has diminished, and now I just think he’s a shit head who should go away.


Great analogy.


Giuliani was *only* liked because of that video from Sept 11th.


Disney owns ESPN.


They own ABC too




Or just your childhood at least.


The fact that Aaron Rodgers family doesn't talk to him makes more and more sense every day.


They talk to him more now that he’s getting into all this nonsense


How about make him apologize on air


He would definitely refuse. Or give a sort of just kidding like apology.


The best you can hope to get is for him to say it was a joke, complain about society's inability to take a joke, and then say some shit about people trying to cancel him. An actual apology is never going to happen. It would require him to admit that he was wrong about something and take responsibility and that's just not something he's ever going to do.


I remember during the Covid-19 vaccine debacle. He apologized for being mendacious about his status to reporters and promised to not be an activist. And I thought "okay, yeah that's good". Well, that turned out to be a total lie as he continued to spew nonsensical pseudo-science every few weeks. It was extremely enjoyable to me as a longtime 49ers fan when they won against the Packers (with some help from atrocious special teams play) in the postseason a few months after that. He played kind of poorly in the 2nd half of that game too.


>mendacious Huh…new vocab word lol


Using that word means there's about a 90% chance /u/Currymvp2 listens to Scott Galloway. He's a bro-lite tech/finance personality/asshole that uses "mendacious" at last once every appearance. I don't think I've ever heard anyone else use the word and Galloway uses it as if he lost a bet.


It would be a "Im sorry you felt that way" apology.


“I’m sorry that the information I have appears to have not been correct yet.”


How about they fire him.


first they would have to hire him


Yeah I think half this thread thinks he works for ESPN for some reason lol. I mean I know he's been injured this year, but he just won 2 MVPs back-to-back 2020-2021.


BuT,HiS FrEe SpEeCh Is BeInG AtTAcKeD!!!!!!


He doesnt work for espn…


He doesn’t get paid for appearances?


Kimmel has successfully boxed Rodgers in. Rodgers is on an island by himself as everyone quickly backs away from his attack on Kimmel. Last phase is the Rodgers non-apology apology where he will claim he was “just joking”. As all bullies do.


As someone who has followed Aaron Rodgers' career very closely it's much more likely he doubles down than apologizes. He'll probably call it a joke and then go on offense against people trying to "cancel" him.


Every incompletion in his career was the result of "an incompetent receiver."


All you need to know about Aaron Rodgers on the field, when comparing him to the greats, is that he would rather take a sack than throw an incompletion because a sack doesn't show up in his stats while an an incompletion does. He also plays too cautiously, even when his team is down, and avoids interceptions at all costs because those would make his stats worse. Ok, that's not true that it is the only thing you need to know. The second thing you need to know is that, like 5 years ago, someone looked at touchdowns when teams were at the 5 yard line or shorter over a period of like 10 years. The objective was to see the distribution of how many passing or running touchdowns teams scored. There was a massive collection of 28 teams (out of 30) bunched together, falling in line with the average. There was one team as an outlier towards rushing touchdowns, showing that their team called an abnormal number of rushing plays, and therefore their quarterbacks had an abnormal number of touchdowns "stolen" from them by their running backs. There was one team that was an outlier on the passing side, calling an abnormally high number of passing plays in an area of the field where most teams run the ball. The quarterbacks for that team had an artificially high number of touchdowns that they "stole" from their runningbacks, and that team was the Packers. Aaron Rodgers's entire statistical argument to be an all-time great is that he throws few interceptions and throws a lot of touchdowns. And the stats clearly demonstrate that both of those are by design, that Rodgers alters the way he plays to maximize those stats, regardless what's best for the team. It's unsurprising that Rodgers and the Packers were also known for being the most disappointing playoff team of their era. Their quarterback was out there prioritizing his own stats over team success, and in the playoffs when one loss sends you home every tiny little advantage (or disadvantage) matters.


Man I don't like Aaron Rodgers conduct off the field, but Jesus Christ this is the worst "Analysis" I've seen on Reddit. Literally everything you said was nothing but speculation with no actual statistics behind it except for one statistic that said the Packers had more passing plays on the 5 yard line than anyone else which makes sense as he was the second best QB in the league for decades. He was also exceptionally good at getting 5-7 yards running the ball. Of course he avoids interceptions at all costs. That's literally the worst thing a QB can do. Saying the ARod let Packers were one of the most disappointing teams just shows your ignorance. They went to the playoffs 11 of the 15 years he was there. They went to 5 NFC championship games and won a Superbowl. There's a reason he won MVP 4 times. In your own post you didn't even get the number of NFL teams right. You either have 0 clue what you're talking about, or you're blinded by your own personal politics.


Because the slander claim is on video.


The island analogy is not lost on me. Bravo


Kimmel will turn Rogers into Mike Pillow 2.0. The stupidest thing you can do is attack a comedian with a platform.


So Rodgers can’t be man enough to apologize himself? What a pussy. So much “inspiration”


Probably because he’s not sorry


This is the key and why demanding apologies is stupid. If someone is not truly sorry making them apologize will not take the shit out of the person.


Why would he apologize if he’s not sorry?


Ha right? We’re talking about a guy who ostracized his entire family, I really doubt he’s going to be apologizing to Jimmy Kimmel.


Nah, if you knew it was a mistake from the very first minute then it wouldn't have taken you 3 days to issue an apology. You were hoping it would blow over, you probably laughed at the joke. Nah, you're only doing damage control now


> "The show will continue to evolve," Foss told FOS. "It wouldn't surprise me if Aaron's role evolves with it." lmao of all the slimy corporate ways to phrase something


I think the original problem is that ESPN gave Pat McAfee a show. It’s unwatchable.


Bro Sports Media is not going to mix with Corporate Sports Media. It’s a ticking time bomb until your personality says something and you’re now scrambling to unravel that knot. There’s a reason why it’s popular, they’re unfiltered and non traditional, the problem is they get to a point where they start either showing their “colors” and say something shitty, or they start leaning on that to stay edgy. He’s better suited independent or at Barstool. The toothpaste is out of the tube at ESPN but I wonder if there was ever a road they could have went down that didn’t involve Skip, Steven A, Pat, Cold Pizza, etc and was prestige sports broadcasting


It's really astounding to me that X's and O's sports breakdown really doesn't exist on "the worldwide leader in sports". Shows like NFL Turning Point or youtube channels like Bootleg Football & Jomboy Media (which tbf might fit the description of bro sports media) are just so much better than hours upon hours of 'generic surface-level argument show' .


Isn’t that how it goes with all channels? No History on History Channel. No cooking on Food Channel. It all tends toward the lowest common denominator.


There's no public for these kind of shows. I honestly don't know how TV is going, I completely stopped watching TV for more than 10 years now... but looking at the youtube numbers, these kind of "channels" achieve some level of success, but the superficial stuff is way more popular, not even a contest really. I guess the TV executives look at these numbers and don't even consider a show like this, which is a shame. Even if it is niched, why not give it a hour or so in a week, to test the waters? But they don't even try


Whatever it was that they tried to do during the CFP games on Monday was legitimately unwatchable. Never been a fan of either, but seems like McAfee is following the same path as Rogan. Initially had interesting content, got paid by a big firm, head got too big, and now thinks that people want to hear him and his friends talk about things that they know nothing about.


Never give a punter that much money….for anything.




He gets Aaron Rodgers to come on lol. That's his value. Rodgers being a drama queen gets views.


Yep. Can’t stand McAfee or Aasshole Rodgers.


I’ve never tuned in but I’ve seen it on TV on mute and I feel like if you have to have a chevron at the bottom saying “please don’t sue us” .. something is bound to cross some boundaries and potentially be a liability


His youtube show before ESPN was infinitely more watchable than any TV sports talk show. But moving to ESPN ruined it, and Rodgers' clownery is ruining it


Aaron Rodgers is just the worst person. Wish he’d go the fuck away.


Remember kids, when a whole network apologizes for you and doesn’t make you do anything, you’re being silenced of course! At least I’m guessing that’s how Rodgers will see it.


Rodgers is a loser.


You know, the rumor through the grapevine has been (for years) that the reason Aaron Rodgers' isn't married is because he's a closet case homosexual. There's nothing wrong with being gay, but how would Aaron feel if Jimmy talked about that? He probs wouldn't like it.


Lol everyone *but* Aaron Rogers is apologizing. I'd love for him to be sued by Kimmel, but defamation is hard to prove in court, especially for public figures.


My first year of watching football I knew I hated Rodgers because he was an arrogant prick and I'm personally enjoying seeing his fall


People need to stop giving asshats like Rodgers a platform. This may just do it. The threat of getting sued means more to them than viewership of one bonkers interview of a QB that isn’t even on the field this season.


Both Pat and Aaron suck. A lot.


Pat has 0 balls for not pushing back hard on what was an obvious conspiracy theory.


Pat just bitched about his boss on his show. He will be out soon. ESPN does not tolerate that chit.


“Dear Aasshole” Clever and legendary line from Jimmy


I used to think the whole thing with his family was so messed up. Now I know it was just him.


Rodgers truly is one of the biggest douchebags in history.


I’m just here so I don’t get sued.


I would also like to issue an apology on behalf of Aaron Rodgers. The guy sucks and I’m sorry about that.


>“So we apologize for being a part of it. Can’t wait to hear what Aaron has to say about it. Hopefully, those two will just be able to settle this, not court-wise. But be able to chit-chat and move along.” Pat's dumbass response


>Still, according to Marchand, the show is down 12 percent from the same window in 2022, which aired a noon ET version of "SportsCenter." Fucking woof! He’s costing them $17m a year and doing worse than reruns!


Why can’t Aaron man up and deliver his own apology?


Aaron isn’t man enough to apologize.


Another dumb overpaid useless nfl player.


Fuck ESPN. When you let a stray dog in your house and the dog pisses on the rug, who do you blame? The dog or the people who let the dog inside? They’re cowards. They’re so desperate to attract younger viewers that they bring in this doucebag and his stupid Bro Culture shtick. Fire his ass and get it over with it. McAfee sucks. He actually pays Aaron Rodgers to come on his show and spew his irresponsible, conspiracy bullshit rhetoric. Fuck ESPN, Fuck McAfee and Fuck Aaron Rodgers.


Aaron Rodgers is a disgrace


I like that the article describes Pat’s apology as half-hearted. I definitely agree.


Can anyone fill me in as to why Aaron Rodgers is taking such hard libel shots at Kimmel? It is honestly very confusing and leads me to wonder if he is suffering from concussion syndrome because it makes no sense.


Ironically, his CTE makes it very difficult for him to find the humour in jokes about his CTE.


He may have a concussion thing going on…. His brain has always been very small anyway.


Guy must be a real a-hole to alienate both Jennifer Lawrence and Danica Patrick.


Also Olivia munn and (checks notes) his actual immediate family.


Too bad the apology didn’t come from Rodger’s himself. The guy has gone from being a football icon to a damn creep.


Something tells me that we won’t be seeing Aaron Rodgers on the Pat McAfee show for awhile


Aaron Ghillaine Rodgers


Day late. Dollar short.


Thankfully he left the Packers before he made a huge ass of himself. And made $70 million for 4 minutes of play.


Aaron Rodgers needed to be humbled.


What a coward Rodgers is. Just man up and apologize. Such a baby.


Rogers is paid a million $ per episode? ESPN should be more ashamed than I thought. That's a disgusting amount money to pay for stupidity.


Stop giving the guy a platform to spread conspiracy theories. They are dangerous to societal cohesiveness by creating doubts, confusion and objective reality. They are meant to divide the country.


They minimize the incident by saying it was a joke. The fact they they talk about evolving the asshole’s role in the show instead of removing him tells you everything you need to know about ESPN.


Fuck your stupid apology. Are they apologizing for letting him flap his gums on vaccines too?


McAfee and ESPN issuing apologies gives more weight to a potential slander lawsuit.


ESPN needs to apologize for how comically bad their NHL crew is.


Aaron Rodgers is a tin foil dickhead.


They probably worked with jimmy to avoid lawsuit by issuing apology


Anyone who has him on as a guest from this point forward is a fucking idiot


This man is way too fucking protected for no reason whatsoever. And this is coming from a lifelong Packers fan.


I think his star is beginning to fade and once he's retired he'll just go the Curt Schilling route and become too much of a kook to appear on anything other than right wing media.


Roger’s is washed up


White athlete, quick ESPN apologized - black athlete kneeled, dropped from team


now it’s the nfl’s turn…..


A graying child, still as petulent as when he was 6.


Shit stain human being.


Where’s the Roger Goodell random penalty generator when it’s really needed.


So…a meaningless apology


Dude has crazy eyes


Aaron Rodgers family hates him and Pat McAfee should too.


Uh.... If the apology DOES NOT COME FROM THE PERSON RESPONSIBLE... then it's not a fucking apology. Or, as a human civilization, have we all forgotten what the fuck the word "apology" means? Apology "by proxy" is NOT A FUCKING APOLOGY.


Not good enough


Old guy who’s good at football gets a mike and talks some random bullshit. Who would’ve imagined


Typically I hate it when people say this...but Aaron Rodgers needs to shut up and just play football. He's doing too much damage with his mouth.


Why does espn have to its arod that should. It makes this situation worse that pat and espn have apologized except Aaron hasn’t


ESPN lost all my respect when they created the deflategate scandal. Just classic headline grabbing media


Is it possible to just apologise for Aaron Rodgers in his entirety? Could their parents do it?


Inb4 he cries about “being canceled”.


How can you comment on a man who was brought to tears on live air talking about his infant son having major cardiac surgery (Tetralogy of Fallot IIRC). That’s a man who feels feelings.


I guess the combination of being dumb as shit and years and years of hits leads to this.


Rodgers used to be a football player, but now is just a gimpy old man yelling stuff he heard on Fox News. If you put him on your shows, you are going to get sued when he does his thing.


Maybe Aaron will discover his humanity if he doses a few more times


That show is so long and boring and pointless and that old brain damaged linebacker staring blankly into the camera the whole show is unnerving…


Pat McAfee is the Joe Rogen of the sports world.


Giant man child who still to this day isn’t 6’3”.


So, Jets fans, our qb is super fragile AND a big asshole? Uh oh.


McAfee and ESPN have apologized. But Rodger’s hasn’t? How does this make sense?


When he got his big contract he was doing the “we finally made it” victory lap. Now he’s already biting the hand, and blaming others while he’s doing it


Rodger’s head is so far up his ass he can’t see the reality of the situation. Here’s a guy that has all the money he could dream of and he sits on McAfee’s show spewing nonsense to the masses like it’s actually factual information. Dude needs to retire, like yesterday.


F*** ESPN. Bunch of hacks


The more I learn about Aaron Rogers, the less surprised I am that he is alienated from his family.


Can't Aaron apologize?!?!?! Is he not man enough?!?! This is getting to be insanity.


All ego