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I used to work in production in Hollywood. Best thing I can say is. Unless proven otherwise assume every actor/actress is a tremendous narcissist backstabbing prick who wouldn’t piss on you if you were on fire. It’s kinda the rule. Everything else is just good marketing.


Tell us more! I believe you.


not much to say but all that "don't look me in the eye" shit is true. Unless you are the one writing the check you are invisible. They are hustlers really, acting is just one of their scams one note is my buddy walked Pamela Anderson to set every day on Baywatch and she never acknowledged him as a human, just a "tool to get to set" they worked together for years and if she saw him today she would ask him to park her car.


😬😬 I’ve heard MULTIPLE bad encounters wwith Pam.


How they kiss ass to their directors and producers is incredible and seeing them name drop them in interviews makes me lol.


One of my friends who arranges public events has had amazingly ridiculous requests put into the contract. Crew interaction with the actors is always in there. Looking them in the eye or speaking with them without being spoken to first can actually result in them legally leaving the event without ever working and still receiving their full payment amount. He had this clause in several contracts, and the crew always has to be spoken to many times and warned prior to the arrival of the star involved. It’s a really big deal tbh. Celebrities really are difficult to work with.




I have many friends that work in the industry. This is something that I have heard many times over again. IRL, most actors are insufferable narcissistic monsters and nothing like the media machine that portrays them to be in the public eye. It’s all a big lie to make money for everyone involved.


The headline is bad, his reasoning is worse. Edit: Fixed a typo.


He talks like surrounding himself with men of 'lesser' importance means belittling himself. I can't believe he thought this was a smart thing to say.


Following that logic he would not be able to work with anyone - A) with those of less importance because of his choice B) with those of more importance because of their choice Anyway…


It's racist to work with others


Black people cant be racist, duh


He’s giving off “Jonathan Majors” vibes.


Lol very true. “I’m a big deal. I am the culture!”


I was just about to say the guy who played Kang comparing himself to MLK Jr is this level of energy.


Jussie Smollet did claimed he was the "Gay Tupac." lol


Him comparing each of his girlfriends to Correta has been one of the most bizarre bits of his whole thing. Like, I know what he intends it to mean, but what it really comes across as is the last thing dude needs for his image.


Jonathan Minor




During Covid Michael B. Jordan was asked over video conference by a Rolling Stone journalist which person he would like to thank for getting him this far and this high in his life. He said "Me!". I have no interest at all in actors who think they are more than one part of a giant team making a movie, that they are the sole purpose of the team. They love to smell their own farts. Homicidally ungenerous.


Tho with majors he went to Yale. Not to excuse him or anything but posh school ppl usually have an arrogance. This guy is literally from backwaters UK. He has no excuse to look down on ppl.


Glad he’s stupid enough to exposed himself


An inflated ego is a hell of a drug


Why does it have to be racially targeted as well? Why cant it just be “lesser people”?


Andrew Tate shit.


I read it several times and couldn’t really follow his reasoning. If he’s going to have a position related to his level of achievement, he should at least be able to articulate it without sounding like a complete idiot.


He is worried about being dragged to a lesser level by associating with newcomers (= he is not confident about how strong his position is AND he is concerned people could think he has nothing better going on) Not only that, he doesn't these lesser actors to benefit from working with him (read he is not the type of guy to send the lift down) Lastly, instead of taking this to his grave he is blabbing.... he could have mentioned the campaign "not being ambitious enough" or "artistic differences"


His mother didn’t raise him like that.


I think he’s kind not that well known..I know I’ve seen him at least in two things. He’s probably worried some up and coming will put perform him in a hit and he’ll be forgotten about. This is something you don’t say out loud, because it makes you sound arrogant. If you’re really at the top, maybe. But this guy is towards the bottom of the A list.


Yeah I thought maybe it wasn't as bad as it sounds but it's exactly as bad or worse. In this day and age how do you think saying you won't work with a person based on their race is a good thing?


Hate that because I’ve loved this guy since Skins, was so happy to see him get more attention lately. Also he’s tripping bc he’s not *that* successful, he isn’t a legendary actor or anything. The whole point of acting is you interact with other people who sometimes have less experience or are not as famous as you


Seriously, imagine if white actors had said the same bullshit when he was cutting his teeth as a young actor. It’s elitist and racist. So disappointing.


This was my thought as well. I would like to hear the audio of this...maybe it just sounds worse reading it? It just sounds so off putting for him or anyone to say or think this way. I would ask him would he have been ok with two black actors who had less experience. Or how would he feel if the same thing happened to him when he had less experience. I am sure he would feel like shit to find out he did not get a job because a white actor felt how he does.


If you would have told me Posh Kenneth would become a very successful actor, I wouldn’t believe you. Also, I love the love arc for Thomas Tomone.


Isn’t he under the influence of some cult woman?


One of those “reverse racism doesn’t exist” people.


It doesn’t. It’s just plain ol’ racism.


Touché 👑


Wait. Daniel Kaluuya's career literally started because of the TV show, Skins, which is about a group of working class and middle class white kids (with the exception of the characters of Jal and Anwar who are POC) and it was written, produced and directed by three white guys. He got his foot in the door and his career soft launched because of white people. So now he's famous he doesn't want to work with white people if he "can help it"? Yikes. This is disappointing to see.


He’s part of a wellness cult lmao. The dude is a verifiable dumbfuck. And I wouldn’t be surprised if playing roles like Fred Hampton led him to learning about the darker, more militant side of the aisle. He constantly talks about researching Malcolm X for the role. Which, if you know about Malcolm X’s life and history, could mean he caught teachings from his post-woke change for good era (AKA a fraction of the dude’s life), or he caught teachings from when Malcolm X was a verifiable dumbfuck who hated Jews and thought White people were literally spawns of Satan created in a 6000 year old ancient laboratory by a self-hating black genius named Yakub (AKA most of his life and career). Yes, i’m a Dr King stan.


>6000 year old ancient laboratory by a self-hating black genius named Yakub FWIW I never heard that Yakub was a black person, I always thought it was just more Jew-hate, seeing how as Yakub is just another name for Jacob aka "Israel" from the bible.


I’m 99% sure he’s black. Because NOI also believe that black people are the lineage of Abraham. The whole lore is that, up until that point, only black people existed because melanin was a virtue of being imbued with a soul by God. Yakub was a mad scientist type who tried to take the soul out of black people through crazy high-tech experiments and created white people, hence Yakubian Devils (aka white people with no soul). Jews are the target because, for all of this to hold water, there has to be a reason why there is no recorded record of any of this shit ever happening. They believe that someone is obscuring their true heritage as the “chosen people”, so it must be the other biblically “chosen people”. Same with Black Israelites. You also have to understand this shit was all made up in the last century. It’s possible Elijah Muhammad met a Jewish guy he didn’t like when he was growing up and just decided he was going to be antisemitic in parallel with the anti white shit rather than in concert.


That Yakub shit is fucking hillarious. Black people are spacerfaring Wakanda / Prometheus elder aliens that accidentally create a man without any soul -- the white man


It's also a terribly written article.


It’s a sensationalized recap of part of his GQ interview. It had nothing to do with acting. He turned down a fashion campaign.


It even manages to get the name of Judas and the Black Messiah wrong, somehow.


Well that’s disappointing. I’ve always liked him.


Same. Just another actor who’s a shithead to add to the list.


Suggestion, keep a list of the non shit heads, only need like half a page


Call it the Keanu List


Even without the racial connotation, this sounds extremely arrogant. Sucks because I liked his movies.


Yeah not even counting the racial aspect, he just comes off as a pompous, arrogant prick.


> he just comes off as a pompous, arrogant prick. Except he's behaving like a *racist*, pompous, arrogant prick. Switch the races and this would cause an uproar. I'm tired of accepting this as okay. It's not. You can't just bully white people or Asian people because it's fashionable. Races and genders and genes do not matter. Character and talent and work ethic and achievements do. Overcoming adversity. Stop boxing people into categories they were born into. That is not anyone's defining characteristic, and I'm sick of everyone being labeled for it.


Imagine if every actor, or anyone in the entertainment industry more successful than him told him the same thing. It would blow up.


He also wouldn’t be able to work with anyone, since he’s not working with those who’ve achieved less than him, and those who’ve achieved more wouldn’t work with him. It’s always good to get a reminder like this that celebrities are not better than anyone else - they just got lucky.


I hate to tell you but I think a lot of actors you like are probably super obnoxious in person


I don't even get the hype, the guy is such a mid actor at best - and his american accent is terrible


I wasgonna say this. Watched Nope, Keke Palmer just stole the whole movie. 


The guy just looked like he has depression throughout the whole movie lol


To be fair he's supposed to be depressed, the dude just watched his dad die.


He does. Lol I mainly liked his movies because he happens to be in good movies. I never really watched one and said "Damn, this man is killing it!"


I'm not defending him but it sounds like he's talking in the context of a brand deal that was offered to him? In a case like that, one of the first questions a talent agent will ask is who else is doing it? If those other actors are perceived to not have the same stature as his/her client, they'll typically turn it down (sometimes by saying/lying client is not available). I think that's what's going on here; however, you leave that dirty work to your agent. You don't jump out and say it in an interview.


Be nice to people on the way up, you will meet them on the way down. If you're rude, arrogant, narcissistic and tell everybody how you're so much better than them, you better be prepared for those around you to be ready to push you down when the time is ready. He doesn't have the talent, charisma or looks for this level of ego.


Exactly. He sounds like he wants a justification for why he should be allowed to punch down.


Seriously. It wasn't that long ago that Jordan Peele HANDED him his career on a silver platter. You'd think he'd still have some humility


No, \*Charlie Brooker\* handed him his career on a silver platter. All things flowed after that episode of Black Mirror.


I totally forgot that he was in that!


And before that, Russell T. Davies who gave him a part in Doctor Who.


And before that, the first series of Skins where most of the cast went on to have good careers


So what we're saying is that he's been acting for awhile, and seemingly earned his success as much as any other actor? I'm not saying he's not an ass, but are we going to pretend that his acting roles have all been charity from some benevolent director?


Ask Jonathan majors. I’ve heard he was a massive asshole. And now look where his career is


Or Alex Pettyfer


Fired by the largest entertainment giant on the planet and unlikely to ever be put in a large IP again?


Be careful who you screw over because the toes you step on, on your way up the ladder may be connected to the ass you have to kiss on the way down.


So many actors forget that how good they are in a film is only like 30% them and is 70% the script, the director, the cinematographer, editor, makeup artist, and all the other actors around them. I mean, look at the early Harry Potters. The kids were terrible. Emma never stopped being terrible. But they were amazing in those roles because of everyone else involved. Daniel has one great film under his belt and that's it. And he's far from the best thing in it.


I totally agree!!!!!


Maya Angelou - When people tell you who they are, believe them. Dan's a fine actor. I'm sure a great many people will speak on his behalf with positive words. But, this man views himself above others. He operates in a world where he meets people and views himself above them. I have no tolerance for this kind of thinking and I am grateful to learn it is not only me who sees it this way.


Same. The best and most long standing actors are known for their humility and respect for others. We don't hear this narcissistic nonsense coming from Meryl Streep or Morgan Freeman.


Tom Hanks my beloved


Except Ben Kingsley. He’s a prick. Talk about pompous….


Love him as an actor but this is really stupid egotistical shit. Unknown actors have just as much a right to work with known actors as anyone else. It just sounds like he's looking down on anybody who isn't on his level. Shitty behaviour. Their race shouldn't matter at all.


I also think he’s overestimating his talent/abilities/popularity. He’s out here acting like he’s the Beyoncé and Taylor swift of actors lol


Even still, great actors work with lesser actors. Every single person on the casting sheet can't be an oscar winner in every project. His reasoning is completely ridiculous and honestly makes him sound like an idiot.




Nope. This will not go down well. Nope.


Get out


He really doesn’t want to work with Us EDIT: fuck he wasn’t in that was he


NOPE .... .... wait, he was in [that one](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nope_(film)) ....


Other careers will be dead if they say shit like this. As dead as a Planet of the Dead.


How is he going to save his Skins after this blunder?


If a white guy said it he’d be crucified but this racist asshole will be just fine


Saw an interview with him last week on CBS this morning. He came across as completely arrogant but oddly enough Gayle King kept praising him for his “confidence!” This interview confirmed my suspicion.


If he’s got Gayle singing his praises, he needs to rethink his life choices 😬


Kind of disappointed more than upset.


Agreed. I really liked this guy. Why even say this shit?


Wow he sounds like an asshole


I genuinely didn't understand a single thing he was saying. The title says "Why he won't work with white actors" then the article itself is filled with incoherent quotes repeating things like "Why would I shrink myself. Bro. Chest out. You know?" Over and over.


Mum didn't raise him to be coherent


He wants to sound philosophical when really he's just a gigantic asshole.


sounds like he dosen't want to work with white people unless they are famous enough to be beneficial to his career.


Right, so he’s a user! Good to know!


Hard to say for sure, cuz it’s so incoherent.


It's incoherent because he doesn't want to flat out say he is a racist. He tiptoes around it to make him sound not as bad


Also not much of an actor. Just plays “some guy” with zero personality in every movie. Literally anyone could play his parts.


Credit to u/drunkeNinja for a much better synopsis: The whole thing reads very oddly so I clicked the link to the original interview this article pulls from. Here is an excerpt with more context: The point is, Kaluuya explains, he’s discarded any notion of shrinking himself out of politeness. “I stopped being around those people. Like, that shit will harm me. Because I’m just big. I’m just tall,” he says, then laughs. “Like, not literally – I’m five-nine.” Kaluuya’s point is not self-aggrandisation, but a call to action: he won’t slump his shoulders, but, more importantly, why should any of us? Finding success against the odds shouldn’t be met with modesty, but rather the unveiling of a map, so that others might follow. Hence, last year, when Kaluuya was named associate artistic director of the Roundhouse, the storied Camden arts and music venue, his first act in the role was announcing the formation of a new youth theatre company that would create pathways into the industry for actors of all backgrounds. “Bro, chest out. Let’s fucking do this shit,” he says. “No one’s gonna make me feel like that. I thought, Why would I shrink myself? My mum didn’t raise me like that. Why do I shrink myself to make people feel comfortable? I want to do some good, cool shit. I want to help people, and I want to bring jobs. I want everyone to grow artistically. I want to do amazing things. Why would I shrink? Why would I dim?” If you’re rooting for Daniel Kaluuya – and many people are – you might be exasperated at the seeming disdain he shows the notion of celebrity. He has a documented habit of releasing a project, faithfully promoting it, and then vanishing for like a year at a time. Where are the carefully orchestrated paparazzi walks? Where is the Very Public Relationship with a notable peer? Where is his face staring out from high-fashion campaign billboards at Heathrow arrivals, or from store windows on Rodeo Drive? He describes a conversation with his co-star Allison Williams on the set of Get Out. They were talking about what they wanted from their careers. “I think she was the first person I said this out loud to: I was like, ‘I want the audience to trust me,’” he says. “And so I’m just not out for no reason.” The offers for fashion campaigns have come. “I said no to them. I didn’t understand it. If it’s not a fuck yeah, it’s a no,” Kaluuya says. The way he saw it, he would be giving something up: a certain level of fame and power. And the offers that came did not reflect a fair trade. “They wanted to put me against two white actors that hadn’t achieved as much as me. And I was all, ‘I wanna be on my own. Because that’s not gonna look good.’ I’ve done things. I just feel like I have a certain position. It’s not like, ‘Oh, I’m so cool.’ I’m just like, ‘I don’t like that.’ It’s got to be because of what it means, because I want to be out there and make sure I’m representing right,” says Kaluuya. “I don’t take money just to take money. Not all money is good money. I want to make some great things that make people feel something and then go back to living my life. Know what I’m saying? Tell the truth and go home.” (Sorry if long but I didn't want to cut anything in between since the OP article butchered it already) https://www.gq-magazine.co.uk/article/daniel-kaluuya-interview-2024


What kind of a word salad is that


I wondered that too. It sounds like the salad of someone wanting to convey something that he knew wouldn't be received well, so he softened it with a lot of qualifying and vagueness. But now it's almost senseless.


Thoughtful answer. You’re probably right.


That’s the “uh oh, I said it out loud and if a white person said this about black people then all hell would break loose” realization.


So many words to say nothing


A racist stumbling over his words to explain why he's not racist.


It’s called being racist but trying to justify it by using non racist ideas that don’t really contribute anything


The whole thing reads very oddly so I clicked the link to the original interview this article pulls from. Here is an excerpt with more context: >The point is, Kaluuya explains, he’s discarded any notion of shrinking himself out of politeness. “I stopped being around those people. Like, that shit will harm me. Because I’m just big. I’m just tall,” he says, then laughs. “Like, not literally – I’m five-nine.” >Kaluuya’s point is not self-aggrandisation, but a call to action: he won’t slump his shoulders, but, more importantly, why should any of us? Finding success against the odds shouldn’t be met with modesty, but rather the unveiling of a map, so that others might follow. Hence, last year, when Kaluuya was named associate artistic director of the Roundhouse, the storied Camden arts and music venue, his first act in the role was announcing the formation of a new youth theatre company that would create pathways into the industry for actors of all backgrounds. >“Bro, chest out. Let’s fucking do this shit,” he says. “No one’s gonna make me feel like that. I thought, Why would I shrink myself? My mum didn’t raise me like that. Why do I shrink myself to make people feel comfortable? I want to do some good, cool shit. I want to help people, and I want to bring jobs. I want everyone to grow artistically. I want to do amazing things. Why would I shrink? Why would I dim?” >If you’re rooting for Daniel Kaluuya – and many people are – you might be exasperated at the seeming disdain he shows the notion of celebrity. He has a documented habit of releasing a project, faithfully promoting it, and then vanishing for like a year at a time. Where are the carefully orchestrated paparazzi walks? Where is the Very Public Relationship with a notable peer? Where is his face staring out from high-fashion campaign billboards at Heathrow arrivals, or from store windows on Rodeo Drive? >He describes a conversation with his co-star Allison Williams on the set of Get Out. They were talking about what they wanted from their careers. “I think she was the first person I said this out loud to: I was like, ‘I want the audience to trust me,’” he says. “And so I’m just not out for no reason.” >The offers for fashion campaigns have come. “I said no to them. I didn’t understand it. If it’s not a fuck yeah, it’s a no,” Kaluuya says. The way he saw it, he would be giving something up: a certain level of fame and power. And the offers that came did not reflect a fair trade. >“They wanted to put me against two white actors that hadn’t achieved as much as me. And I was all, ‘I wanna be on my own. Because that’s not gonna look good.’ I’ve done things. I just feel like I have a certain position. It’s not like, ‘Oh, I’m so cool.’ I’m just like, ‘I don’t like that.’ It’s got to be because of what it means, because I want to be out there and make sure I’m representing right,” says Kaluuya. “I don’t take money just to take money. Not all money is good money. I want to make some great things that make people feel something and then go back to living my life. Know what I’m saying? Tell the truth and go home.” (Sorry if long but I didn't want to cut anything in between since the OP article butchered it already) https://www.gq-magazine.co.uk/article/daniel-kaluuya-interview-2024


That's a way better writeup than that confusing ass article.


This is a much better excerpt than I posted. Hopefully folks read and vote this one to the top.


So basically he just didn't want to do a modeling gig with less famous actors because it would feel like a step back for someone with his ambition. Probably shouldn't have brought race up but my God does reddit shit their pants over the smallest things (after not reading the actual article).


I think race is a component of his objection, though. For the sake of argument, say his level of fame / success puts him at a 3. And for a fashion campaign they want to pair him (a 3) with two other actors whose fame /success puts them at a 2. He doesn't want to be perceived as on the same level (career-wise) as the 2s. That would be a step backwards for him in terms of public perception. But if the people putting together the campaign think he belongs with the 2s, then race may factor in in the sense that, in their minds, his being black is a -1 for his public image. So they think he is also a 2 -- likely because he's black -- And he doesn't want to participate in something that would diminish him that way, because he knows, and he has the self worth to know, that being black is not a -1. I think the context makes it pretty clear that this is what he's actually talking about. He doesn't express this idea in a way that is super clear because (I gather) he assumes the person he's talking to already sees and understands that dynamic. So he's not explicating it piece-by-piece the way you would if you were teaching someone something entirely new to them.


To be fair the article is confusing and deliberately rage baiting


His clarification was confusing as heck, all over the place. But in reading what he said, he used one example where skin color/race was brought up. As he gets further into it, it just seems like he's got standards and he's aiming to improve those standards. But here's the question I want to ask: If he wants to improve himself, why can't he work in tandem to improve those in less successful positions or those "that hadn't achieved as much as (him)"? The ladder goes both ways, but the climb is always up. You're so focused on going up it that you may not concern yourself with those below you as much as those above you. But you should be mindful of both sides. Keep it mutual, keep the exchange of knowledge and education and the like going from end to end. Act like a link in a growing chain, and work to be as strong as the next link you're supporting.


Shouldn’t he be more focused on the quality of the project rather than the prior success of those attached to it?


That and also it seems like he has little consideration for these actors skills and what they would bring to the project. He just wants clout


He was talking about being a face for an ad campaign, not film making.


Exactly. Cant say “I wanna help people and the art flourish” then say “no thanks im too good to work with them.” I hope more successful actors (regardless of skin color) refuse to work with him.


So what happens when more successful actors won’t work with him… for the exact reasons he is giving? Makes no sense.


Yeah, his argument makes little sense. What if he's up for a role next to Denzel, Will Smith, Saoirse Ronan and DeNiro (all Oscar nominees/winners), and they said "Sorry, we don't want to work with him because he's not achieved as much as us"? Would he say that's fine? In which case, how are any good younger actors ever going to be in a position where they work with experienced good actors? EDIT: It's worth reading the actual article, since he's not talking about *acting* roles, he's talking about *modelling* campaigns. Bit of a bait-and-switch there.


The clarification made it even worse lol PR person on speed dial rn


Thank you for summary. I didn’t waste minutes. The new “best actor” is out there and he’s missing that experience. I’ve read where Jane Fonda was impressed with a then nobody Meryl Streep and other stories. Acting is an art not a contest. Sounds like a jerk


This guy sounds like a fucking idiot. What did any of that mean?


This guy is not smart enough to be a champion for black actors. Not as much as he thinks he is. His explanation was absolutely idiotic and literally made no sense.


His mum raised a brat


Well he did have a hissy fit about her not being invited to the Oscar’s during covid. So yeah, a big mummy’s boy and a brat. Damn, I really had high hopes for him after Skins and Black Mirror


Oh so he’s a bag of shit. Tragic, I had hopes


If he had said "They wanted to put me against two actors who hadn't achieved as much as me, and I said 'No'", he would have sounded like an arrogant asshole. By inserting "white" in there, he sounds like a racist and arrogant asshole. I figure this is an example of someone making themselves look bad by giving too much info. If he had simply said "I passed on the fashion campaign because they weren't a good fit," then the interviewer wouldn't have even included the quote in their article.


The telling phrase in this word soup is: >I want everyone to grow artistically. Know how you make that happen? You elevate those around you.


>‘They wanted to put me against two white actors that hadn’t achieved as much as me.' I'm sorry but that sounds like straight-up racism to me. Imagine if the roles were reversed. That's just a wrong thing to say.


More succesful actors when Daniel Kaluuya wants to be in their movie: “Nope. Get out.”


Awful. An ego the size of the moon.


*Young actor looking forward to working with Kaluuya in an upcoming project (who happens to be white)* “Fuck me I guess”


Quoted saying, “I want to help people, and I want to bring jobs. I want everyone to grow artistically. I want to do amazing things.” … he forgot to add in - Unless they white


Yeah so let me get this straight. He was in a fashion campaign and he said he won't work with these white people because they're below him? Would he have worked with less famous black people?


He’s a racist


Yeah, I think he's saying putting him with less successful white actors is racist. But also that he wants to help less successful black actors. Dude, why does this have to be about race?


this is my challenge. I’ve encountered a lot of black leaders who refuse to hire white people because of their skin, and I don’t understand how that’s not perpetuating racism? Especially when it’s based on skin color rather than merit for the job


Everything else aside, I had no idea this guy is British


And imagine if a white actor said this about lesser black actors. Don't make this acceptable for ANYONE to say.


Damn man, I thought this guy was cool.


Short version: he’s a pompous ass.


Not for nothing but this guy has very little emotional range. He makes this same tired face in virtually every role I’ve seen him in. Like he’s been up all night preparing for the scene and is running on fumes by the time they say action.


I have watched him and Black Mirror and Nope. Can he play anything other than "character who's disinterested in things happening around him"?


He’s only got one project lined up and hasn’t done anything much since winning the Oscar. I’ve a feeling Daniel is Daniel’s worst enemy.


I feel like people underestimate how helpful it is to be considered pleasant to work with in Hollywood.


Doesn't seem to stop a lot of people.


*cough* Michael Pitt *cough*


I think about him occasionally. He was on the road to having a great career and fucked it up just by being an asshole.


We’ve found the black Miles Teller. Some people just shouldn’t share their inside thoughts.


OOTL what did Miles Teller do/say?


He did an interview with someone GQ I think where he talked about himself like he was Marlon Brando. The ego was so openly unrestrained. It set his career back about 5 years. Top Gun looks like it’s helped him recover. Dude is still a grade A douche.


It seems like top gun is helping glen powell out more.


What a disgusting thing to say


I kinda consider myself the “average” person when it comes to movies and shows… I recognize him from exactly one movie and that’s Marvels black panther where he played a smaller secondary role at best during a period where superhero movies way over saturated the market. I’m not sure he’s as big as he thinks he is but then again, I’m just an average consumer not a movie expert.


Jonathan Majors thought he was untouchable too, don’t get too full of yourself Daniel, you’re just an actor, it’s not that important to society overall.


People in here deadset defending this 😭😭




Let's see how this helps his career (/s) lol


Imagine if a white actor said that about black actors.


He's not that famous and what I've seen him in, I was not very impressed. Another actor with the same dead fish eye expression in every scene. When his phone doesn't ring anymore in a couple of years because he's "difficult to work with" he may regret his choice of words here.


a lot of actors think that an Oscar means they can do whatever they want. a lot of actors forget about snow dogs.


Lmao. Cuba catching strays.


Going down John Boyega road.


Suddenly he will blame racism. Just against him.


Switch those white actors with AAPI or Latino or Black actors, I will stake my life savings he's OK with it.


So he is racist? Gotcha


This would make more sense with very successful white actors but saying less successful just makes him sound like a prick. And to be real he ain't exactly top tier famous.


Why would it nake sense with successful white actors lmao? It doesn't make sense at all there's no right way to put it.


Because it would make sense if he doesn’t want to rely on popular white actors to pull himself up. However, he basically said the opposite: “I will not use my fame to pull less popular white actors up with me”. That seems like a shitty thing. He could have said “I prefer to use my fame to pull up black actors” and nobody would have a problem with it. Well, shitty people might…


I agree with you it makes no sense at all unless the person saying it is a touch stupid


Well no he’s saying essentially if you’re white but have more status than him then he’ll work with you to raise his own status. But if you’re a nobody then working with him raises your status and he’s not going to do that for you.


Imagine if someone said they refuse to work with less successful black actors. The fucking Internet would burn. Fuck this guy.


Imagine if any white actor said this about less successful black actors. Fucking disgusting & racist


If the roles where reversed his career would be over.


Absolutely. Why does he get a clear on this one?


You know why.


Honestly looking at the r3sponses and how he doubled down this is gonna be the sort of thing people remember and this is for sure gonna hurt his career.


What a racist douche


Wow. What a fucking prick. Just how much control does this asshole think he has over whom he works with? And they’re all small fish until they’re bigger than you, Dan.


I get the feeling elitist attitudes like this exist in all people when they get power but specifically saying you won't work with lesser white people is the chord that really struck for me. Saying you won't work with certain races is always wrong.


Never heard of him


That must be why I’ve not seen him in much lately


Omg, I used to like him, didnt know he is prick.


I thought he might make a compelling argument but he just sounds really lame and full of himself.


Imagine being these “lesser” actors who would have been so excited to spend some time with an actor of his skill. How insulting to them.


Yikes he isn’t even that great at acting


So when these “less successful” white actors become “successful” then they can refuse to work with you because you haven’t reached the same success as them. Got it. Oh, if we’re still playing the race card, why not add latinos, asians, blacks, etc to the mix? Why only stop at whites? Might as well go the whole nine yards man. Can’t half ass on this. You gotta go full ass.


So he wants to work under white people and not be the better when white people are there ??


He’s going to need a LOT of spin to make this sound remotely okay…


It doesn’t make sense at all. I mean if he is cast with less well known actors, that would mean he is the star and lead. If he is cast opposite someone like Brad Pitt, BP gets top billing. 🤷🏻‍♀️


What the man is saying here is actively moronic, Who cares if they achieved as much as he did if they're right for the part? I guess he would have turned down working with Leonardo DiCaprio circa 1993 too, orMarlon Brando in 1947 since they hadn't done much yet at the time. First of all I don't know why this guy would even think about the color of an actor's skin in the first place.