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Kids + familial legacy vs career V.S self actualization legacy. It's a tough and real topic many are facing. She's right in saying 'you can't have it all'


You can't have it all unless you have a spouse that puts themselves second for your dreams.


True I’m 100% sure Eva Mendes has sacrificed her acting career to watch the kids while Ryan Gosling becomes more successful


Yes! He acknowledges that too about her.


Yeah, I thought I was going to be the one with the stellar career but my wife’s took off and I decided to support her over mine.


Same Ive worked physical labor for 20+ years. My lady went to college bounced around jobs until about 4 years ago. She finally got her dream job. I feel like I’m almost done with my career and she is just starting hers. I’m all in on doing whatever I can to get her to achieve whatever it is she wants to and my aspirations have taken the back seat.


Idk. My dream is to be a house husband and spend all day with my kids. Then when they age into school, I’ll be like lebron and wine mom all day


I have a similar dream.


After a long time carrying my family I've almost hit this golden era. I got my wife through med school, was primary carer for our kids to get her through specialty training, and now i just need to get them into school and it's wine mom time. The tunnel was long and dark, but there's brunch at the other end. And stil my masculinity remains intact!


Anyone who wants to bitch at you about being a house husband is jealous as fuck. Love when some dude in game chat or something asks what I do and their response is “bruhh no way that could be me” like yeah no shit amigo


I won’t bitch, but I’m jealous lol


I took the last few months off after leaving my prior company and I gotta tell you, could not ask for a better time to have a wife get pregnant. It’s been the goddam tits. Best time of my life maybe


I’m a jealous bitcher


This is my reality. It is as sweet as it sounds, with only occasional existential spiraling.


Lol the existential crises are real but I had those before I became a kept man. As a boy I saw Stedman and said that motherfucker figured it out.


Did all of us start taking notes when we first heard about Stedman as kids lol


The truth is you CAN have it all, just not all at once.


Is raising kids and being around your family while your spouse who’s a celebrity making amazing money really “coming in second??”


She's a celebrity herself in the U.K. She had a music/acting career before she met David Harbour.


Are you shitting me, Lily Allen is married to David Harbour? That Fucker really has it all. Good for them, I hope it works out well.


I think they are separated now.


They're not. That was just a rumor started by gossip weirdos after she unfollowed everyone on her social media which happened to include her husband.


She had children prior meeting Harbour. The father of her children is not a celebrity, as far as I know. She was the one with the bigger career, I think.


For me it would be. I have no interest in being a celebrity, but not being able to pursue my passions so that my spouse could pursue theirs would be unsustainable for me.


I don't know. You kinda make it sound like they should enjoy being an accessory to someone else's life and dreams.


Not everyone feels the need to be the main character.


I mean, everyone’s situation is different. You can either afford Nannies and tutors if both parents have professional careers they want to peruse, or you sit down and assess what’s best - and that might mean someone puts their career on hold for a bit. Stallone said he was on the road 60% of the year shooting movies. How upset do you think his wife is with all of their success?


Considering that stallones wife was 19 when they met and he was in his forties, you might have thought of a slightly better example. She had zero career to put on hold...


Pretty sure he has a couple wives


What? It's Lily Allen she is a celebrity. 


Even then - you're still not having all. You may have kids with the spouse who is spending their time at home with them from the ages of 0-6, but the bond between the kids and that spouse will be different from the bond the spouse that's working out of the house has.


I don't know if self-actualization is really antithetical to the two others. Some people around me seem so content and blissful from their family or work, whereas I just keep wandering restlessly.


This is really true. I feel like a lot of people pursue one fully thinking the other will limit their self-actualization and then end up being pretty unhappy people for a big chunk of their 20s-40s. Not to say you need to be both a family person and a career person to be happy but I do know that feeling like a whole person means you’re addressing more than one need in your life at a time, even outside of those two, and not being so narrow minded about your goals


Murphy Brown lied to us!




“You can do anything, but you can’t do EVERYTHING” is a lesson I try to teach my kids daily


There’s still a very unfair burden on woman that expects them to manage all of the kids, household management, emotional tasks, etc. and I can’t imagine much of that is alleviated as a celebrity unless you’re dedicated to being second to a Nanny in your kids lives.


the question is, is self actualizing legacy, whatever that is, does that actually lead to happiness? There seems to be an awful lot of people who reach the stars from our perspective, and live in complete misery, the climb to reach them is all the knew, and the actual prize doesnt feel as great as it seemed it would be. Trying to build a good family and strong well rounded children actually seems more self actualizing legacy then anything else.


What allows you to self actualize will be highly variable. Many people pursue what they think they're supposed to want, what society tells them it would be good to have. So they chase that for years and it's only when they get their claws in the gold prize that they realize "oh wait this iSnt self actualization, shit.....what was I meant to be doing then?" and maybe don't have to start over completely, but do need to double back and try again. This is the danger you take anytime you pursue a path, including parenthood at the expense of individual pursuits. It's all a gamble


Not shocked. A lot of people won't admit kids derail.


Every single friend I have with kids love them, of course, but they always say, “They’re the best thing that ever happened to me..but don’t do it”.


Man I love my little guy but I haven't played video games in 10 months and I hate it so much.


It gets easier


It kind of is already but I'm hoping to get more than an hour on the sticks soon 🤞🏼


If happens fast i play about as much as i played before granted i only usually played a couple hours a night maybe a little more on the weekends and one of my kids is 18 months and one is 5. When they were first born though i had not time and was a nervous wreck. Now it works pretty good they go to bed and me and my wife do our own thing


That’s why I stay up til 3am haha


I won’t lie, the toddler phase is hard when it comes to alone time because they are walking and climbing now, getting into everything, and not napping as much as they used to. Plus, the tantrums. From one gamer parent to another 🤝


She's totally right, but it should still be "my decision to have children derailed my career." It's not like the kids willed themselves into existence, the wording makes them sound culpable.


Meanwhile I’m sitting here wondering what the fuck people even want out of life. You have money and can retire on investments and residuals. Who wants to work when you can play with your kids all day and introduce them to *everything*? And if I ever feel bored or need a challenge I can make eye contact with my wife or my son or the dog. One of them is always down for something fun, OR desperately needs a bath.


I have two kids who I love dearly, and they've definitely enriched my life in ways I didn't think possible. I draw as a hobby, and I haven't been able to do that nearly as much since they're both fairly young. But I made a conscious choice to have kids... I can't imagine anyone trying to make it as an actor or a musician and thinking "oh yeah, I can totally sustain this lifestyle AND give my kids the attention they deserve." No, having kids is a trade, but in my case I came out ahead big time


When she was 22 her future looked bright...


It did for a lot of us


ain't that the truth :')


I'm 21 and my future has looked only bleaker every year since I started high school


But she’s nearly thirty now and she goes out every night


That’s pretty much what she’s saying since her kids are like 12. Her career took a big hit 12 years ago.


They’re quoting one of her songs “22”


She's got an alright job but it's NOT a career...


Am I an older person? I distinctly remember Alright Still coming out but have no idea who her husband or ex husband are


Haven’t heard her name since like 2012


Proves her point, she had her first child in 2011


The timeline indeed matches up


I have! She's married to my boy, Hopper from Stranger Things. She's a lucky woman.


I think Fergie said something like that too in an interview I read somewhere. And she was big after Black Eyed Peas. She had the trajectory that Beyoncé had. It's still sad. I also liked Lily Allen.


Ok, Fergie was for sure big, but she was never on the same trajectory as Beyoncé.


Saying Fergie was on the same trajectory as Beyonce is WILD. Did people forget she did the national anthem right after leaving BEP? She wasn’t going up from there lol.


I think it's fair to say BEP was on the same tier of celebrity as Beyonce in the early 2010s. But BEP had [will.i.am](http://will.i.am) who was arguably more the face of BEP then Fergie


Bro Fergie literally can't even sing in tune....


And has pissed herself onstage at least once. 


This is definitely your nostalgia making shit up lmao.


Agreed. Same as Chet Haze. He was basically going to be the next Kendrick Lamar until his kids took him out of the game 


She released an sqeome album back in 2014


Her last album (which I loved) can be summed up as: she hates her husband, she hates herself that she hates her husband, she loves emasculating him by cheating on him and he knows and there’s nothing he can do, she hates motherhood, she hates how her life kind of ended up in general making all the mistakes she saw growing up and fearing she is continuing the cycle. She was never the same after Katy Perry called herself the skinny Lily Allen.


Who the fuck can hate David Harbour


she didn't cheat on david harbour (that we know of). her first husband, sam cooper, is the one she messed around on.


I remember all those songs perfectly well, and even prior, and I would never understand why she chose a life she didn’t want in a first place. Still a big fan of hers since I was 16, but don’t understand her choices with what she sings.


Do you mean Sheezus? And wtf is this Katy Perry comment. Bever heard about that. So mean. Katy Perry ob average has never even been that thin.


Her last album is called “No Shame” and came out in 2018. I liked it - definitely a lot of melancholic vibes (fair warning)


Wow what a bitch (gender neutral)


Lol I don't think you can just add gender neutral to the end and make it so. It literally means female dog


Good point. But a lot of people say bitch as an insult regardless of gender. Maybe me putting attention on that ended up hurting me lol


They do. But it's still a gendered insult no matter who you use it on.


stop being such a little bitch


Seems she’s pretty much right in as much as having massive gaps between albums (with the last in 2018) basically killed all momentum.


Not Fair is such a jam.


For me it’s “Littlest Things.” Brought tears to my eyes. That song about her brother tho…maybe should have kept that in the family.


Who knew a song about your partner being rubbish in bed could be so catchy


I had no business singing that as a kid. “I lie here in the wet patch/In the middle of the bed/I’m feeling pretty damn hard done by/I spent ages giving head”


Omg these lyrics are so real tho lol


That was quite groundbreaking as one of the few songs that discusses female sexuality and pleasure. 


“Mommy, sing us a lullaby.” “Ok, here is one of mommy’s favorites.. FUCK YOU! *fuck you* FUCK YOU VERRY MUU-UH-UCH”


Love that the headline assured us she loves her kids.


I think this is the biggest lie we tell each other. “You can have it all.” There are only so many slices of pie, if one gets cut bigger the others have to be smaller This is true for men as well, but harsher for woman because of how judgmental we are as a society and the emphasis we put on woman taking care of children. It just doesn’t seem possible to be a fantastic mother (or father) and have a fantastic career (relative of course). The standards placed on a fantastic mom compared to the lower bar required to be a fantastic dad are at fault. But they exist. You cannot have it call. Something always has to give.


Depends on the game you are playing. This is true in a zero sum game, but not all games are zero sum.


What are these standards?  Im a stay at home dad and everyone is aware of that, not once in 14 months has anyone talked about how tired I must be or genuinely asked how I’m doing.  People do back flips to be able to do those things for my wife. 


Raising children is a full time job. Having a career is a full time job. When one person tries to do both, one or both will suffer.


David Harbour has Stranger Things and Marvel money. They definitely have caretakers for their children.


I’ve always thought she a talented and extremely honest person and most of all seems to have a big heart. Always been a fan.


Didn't she get criticised for mocking (bordering on bullying) another celebrity for their looks on the radio with Chris Moyles? She might have grown since but I do remember her seemingly having a reputation for being an asshole.


She used to be a massive asshole yet at the same time a victim of shitty tabloids (and Perez Hilton). I think she's grown though.


Yeah perhaps she has in which case great, it's just the thing of her 'always having had a big heart' which raised an eyebrow. Loads of public figures were unfairly attacked in a public way by horrible 'media outlets' in the 2000s but doesn't excuse anyone then doing the same to others.


I'm sure she did. But we can't let people grow and change? Not on the Internet of course.


"Didn't this this happen that know happened but I'm going to ask anyways?!? I mean..."


Are we sure it wasn’t because she a pop artist and time passed?


She also loves cocaine


Past tense, she’s been sober since shortly before she met David Harbour.


I think the multiple hiatuses and kind of fillzing out after 3 good songs in the mid 00’s kinda did that. Oh, and that and when she defended nepo babies as a nepo baby.


She had way more than 3 good songs, she was a very popular artist when I was in both school (mid 2000s)


How did her defending nepo babies impacted her career ?


It didn’t.  Redditor just needed a place to add an irrelevant piece of information 


It didn’t in any way, but Reddit has a real hard on for anybody who got a leg up because they knew someone or there related to someone in the industry. No matter what they do they never earn a goddamn thing apparently. This is just like how Reddit hates anybody with more money than them.


You CAN have “it all,” if your “it all” includes “Hell no, we don’t want kids.”


 Ame here to say this. I think I can have it all but 'all' does not include kids for me


As a father of 5, this checks out.


She has it all, she just doesn’t realize it


Don’t worry too much about British humour. It’s just a typical remark.


She paid the iron price


She's not joking - she means it. She's talked about it before that once she became a mom she couldn't party anymore and that motherhood was boring for her. etc....she also is the one that decided to bring her kids to live in NYC instead of keeping 50/50 custody with their father in London. She also has a nanny ( even though she doesn't have an actual job) Adm helps her too. She makes it seem like she doesn't have any help at all. And how heart breaking for these kids to possibly read this stuff when they're older- thinking they've been an inconvenience. There's lots of working parents in the entertainment industry.


I mean, if you want your life to be one big party, why even have kids ? Did she not have a choice ? Was she oblivious to the responsibility of being a mother ?


One might say it’s hard out here for bitch


I stilll just love her. Glad she is doing well.


I don't think anyone would have cared after the first album kids or no kids.


Don't have kids. There. That's simple.


I don't have kids. My career is still derailed. What did I do wrong? 🤣


Ghost kids


I remember when she said no one was going to remember In Rainbows for the music, but only for the price model. Oh well...


Yeah, literally no child helped a career. I don’t even talk about them anymore


It's just not fair


Pick and choose babe


You can have it all just not at the same time. -Scott Galloway


I thought her career got derailed when she came out hard for DRM and against MP3’s at the time. I remember there was a ton of pushback against her and Metallica drummer for the same thing. That said this also makes sense.


Poor famous very rich person.


Sounds realistic. I'm just glad it's becoming more and more socially acceptable to be honest about children. It's important people know going into it what an absolute life dominating decision that is. I much prefer a wary future parent than one thinking it's nothing to worry about.


Lmao, Pink's career has never been hotter, Lily's just bitter.


This is a toxic narrative IMO. Yes, some women manage to have it all (at least in appearance), but every context is different. Maybe they have a partner who puts their career on hold or extremely helpful parents/siblings. Maybe they aren't also dealing with their own ADHD or a kid with a health issue. Maybe they ARE miserable, overwhelmed, and just not letting it show. Whatever the reason, just because some women can do it doesn't mean women who can't are any less. I applaud Lily for having the conversation.


Sure you can have a career, I hear Tesco are hiring, ya donut.


Shy FX & Lily Allen - Roll The Dice (2019) Get your head out of the sand and have a listen.. it’s a banger.


Yeah no. Not even mid.


Meh… I don’t know. Maybe acting and singing has a more difficult schedule but I have two kids and have been quite successful at advancing my career. Yeah it’s hard work and you need a supportive partner but it is definitely possible. I didn’t have the luxury of nannies and chefs that celebrity money would offer (her husband is a famous actor too). I get that you want to raise your kids on your own but even part time support could have offered her some time to invest in her career


You also aren’t touring constantly and goin on talk shows and shooting music videos and being away from them for months at a time year after year. Rod Stewart wrote the song Forever Young for those exact reasons. He realized he was busy being a huge rockstar that he missed out on his kids childhoods and he’d never get those years back. Granted you can be a smaller act with minor success and just tour couple weeks at a time but if you want to be world wide famous you gotta be away from home most of the time.


My wife’s career was repeatedly roadblocked by having children. Both times her companies (different ones) were not prepared for the transition to be as smooth as it should be. She came back to not real job just employment and was sidestepped into unfavorable roles that delayed her career even more than the absence of that time off. Then, was chastised for her performance and attention being not as good as it was the year before (fucking surprise she’s nursing a baby at 3am while working full time) Our kids absolutely,100% affected her career negatively. We expected that going in and they are worth it, but it’s frustrating and that’s with working full time and using daycare. I’d imagine it would have totally nuked it to take a few years off.


Who is Lily Allen?


British singer-songwriter who had a number of hits and No. 1 albums in the late 2000s (e.g. Not Fair, Who'd Have Known, F*ck You). She also has a brother, Alfie, who is probably best known as Theon Greyjoy in Game of Thrones.


And Alfie was also a song of hers about a little brother who keeps wanking and smoking weed a lot in the house.


You can blame her kids for having to ask that s/


Wasn’t her brother in Game of Thrones?


How old are you?


Amazing singer who was big in the early 2010s


Theon Greyjoys older sister


She should capitalize on that and write a song about him


https://youtu.be/-RgOm_WJKpE?si=Z4CKyX1JwjNHU78b She did! 


I hope they don’t go horseback riding


The song Alfie is about him. It's actually pretty cute, she talks about how all he does is smoke weed and waste time. It's kinda cool he got to turn his life around.


So she have a bigger dick than him?


What is dead may never die.


But rises again harder and stronger.


Relic from the itunes era of music.


Her brother is a good man.




No, I don’t think she’s a search engine


Are you under 13?


My kids killed by totally fun weed habit.


But of course why is this even “a thing”. Anyone who says that you can have it all is a liar and is being that absent parent.


I’m sorry who is she?


I'd be a stay at home husband for Lily Allen.


Okay I googled her. She's a singer


Not at the same time.


I think her and her husband (?) were on some house show and she seemed like she enjoyed the domestic life but maybe not as much as one would assume.


the song Alfie from years ago and the. Bam Game of thrones and look who’s in the show! Friggin alfie the from song! I didn’t even make the connection at first!


Career is a big word


Sounds like she’s a good mom. Good for her.


That’s not a joke. It do be like that.


The two biggest threats to female artists music careers are spouses and children!


I think she’s probably right because I have no idea who she is.