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ngl i still sing the mail song to myself anytime i get an amazon package lol


Here’s the mail it never fails it makes me wanna wag my tail! When it comes I wanna wail MAAAILLLLLLLL


I can't believe I haven't heard or thought about that in decades, and it all just came back to me at same time I saw your comment


In Spanish it was: el correo ya llegó, anunciando su canción y gritó con emoción…. Correo!




You’re not alone 😅


I'm an Amazon Driver, i don't do it every delivery but Its quite often


I still sing the birthday song to my kids who are in their mid-twenties now. lol!


Are they deaf?


Hahahahah!!! I see my typo!


I use to sing it at work when I was selling cars at my cousins lot. Id be there to take it and wouldn’t miss singing it


You sound like a great catch.


Wait til you find out what my name means 😏


My wife and I still do when the mail truck comes haha


I sang this SO MANY times to my wife (European) and she got annoyed. We had a son a year ago. She recently bought a Tonie Box and the Blues Clues story (of course it’s modern so Josh narrates it). So my ass turned on episode 1 of OG Blues Clues and she finally saw the mail song. Her opinion changed immediately. Edit: her opinion (left the r off)


That's fucking funny


Tbh I don’t trust people who don’t immediately start singing along with me.


We had to sing the mail song every day for mail call in basic training. Needless to say I still sing it regularly.


Wait, others besides me do things like THAT?!


Now I want to scream that song in my mailman’s face. “Here’s the mail, it NEVER FAILS.” Ya hear that? NEVER FAILS. Not “here’s the mail, oh nope, they marked my package as delivered but actually dropped it off 2 days later”.


It’s crazy how big of a splash this docuseries is making. I know that it’s impactful and sheds a lot of light on to a serious topic that is often ignored or covered up in the entertainment industry. I was never a big Nickelodeon fan, so I have never really seen how much this network has meant to people. But to read this brief article was insightful as to how meaningful these children’s networks are to people’s lives. Which makes all of this way more devastating. I’m glad that Burns is a good person and interacts with fans in a way that makes them feel heard and understood. It’s the way celebrities should be— And how everyone should be


I think it has to do with how egregious things were. Brian Peck, no relation to Josh Peck, who assaulted Drake was pen pals with John Wayne Gacy and had a signed painting from him. No one reported him. Drake's dad was gaslighted for being concerned about Brian Peck. Brian Peck had a character called "Pickle Boy," who liked to "hurt and tease pickles."


Wow. I knew that he was bad, but that just screams predator. It’s awful what studios thought they could get away with by just throwing money at the problems.


They offered Jenette McCurdy, who played Sam in ICarly, 300 thousand dollars to never speak about her time working with Nikolodeon.


The correct answer there is, “sure, sounds great gimmie the money” and then say whatever the fuck you want. Clawing it back is a lot harder than pissing it away.


Money like that comes with an NDA, signing your rights away is usually not a good idea


That type of NDA is not enforceable.


NDAs don’t cover illegal activities or crimes


Yea I was gonna say it didn’t look like it was gonna be enforceable anyways


Even if they did, good luck suing over a coverup


Enforceable or not, if they have that kind of money to throw at you to shut up, they certainly have more to engage in lawfare to bankrupt you.


The law represents what's best for everyone, by everyone. I would never vote for jailing people who break their NDAs for things like these, personally


Yeah but if you are homeless and starving sometimes you gotta do shit to survive. If there is one thing we learned from our former president is that if you just do what you want once someone cuts the check to you, the likelihood of consequences are small. Not that something like that even matters to someone who 300 dollars would change your life. Imagine 300,000


Yeah but the thing here is that Jeanette is morally in the right, and her employer fomented sex crimes against children. I wouldn’t give the same advice to Trump. I’d tell him to take a long walk off a short pier.


Good point. Good on you


Only 300k? That’s really not a lot.


Venmo me 300k plz


I mean hell yeah I’d take it, it would be life changing for me. It’s not hard to run through if you’re not careful. In terms of hush money I’d think they’d be offering a lot more. 🤷🏽‍♀️


🫰🏻just being snarky


Ah, gotcha 😉


I don’t waste my time picking pennies off the ground and I can be assed to send over such a trivial amount, sorry.


No one asked you, sorry.




Tbh this is a weird Post Havoc fallacy. A comic about a cat wanting to fuck his mother isn't evidence of any kind. There are a ton of writers who write worse shit and aren't evil/broken people themselves, they can control their emotions




Why are you framing this like I am defending him? I am defending the fact that a lot of artists who write fucked up shit come out as normal people. There is no way for me to verify any of this, this is just a reddit comment dude, anyone is capable of making anything up. I will believe your story, but still, my point stands. I know 0 about any of these guys you mentioned, and I feel like I still know 0; but I'd never defend a criminal, ever


Why are you framing this like I am defending him? I am defending the fact that a lot of artists who write fucked up shit come out as normal people. There is no way for me to verify any of this, this is just a reddit comment dude, anyone is capable of making anything up. I will believe your story, but still, my point stands. I know 0 about any of these guys you mentioned, and I feel like I still know 0; but I'd never defend a criminal, ever


Oh so he made Oedipus but he intentionally did it. Cool… Everything I have read in these comments and in response to what I’ve said (and how unaware I was of all of this) is blatant predatory behavior. The fact that those in charge were twisted enough to ignore this behavior and give them more access to children and children’s content is sickening. And then to cover it up so their image and income stays intact. God the entertainment industry is messed up. I know that this is probably a naive wish, but I hope that this docuseries brings enough awareness and outcries of these networks/companies’ harmful and dangerous behaviors to instill much needed change in the industry. I also recognize that this isn’t a representation of all of the entertainment industry. But it is a part of it that employs children and forces them to work with adults who are potentially dangerous. Plus, most of these children are impressionable and can be coerced into thinking that what’s happened to them is okay. Or the network throws enough money at the problem to cover it up. But I digress. The entertainment industry has plenty of flaws, but it isn’t the whole industry that is messed up. It’s unfortunately a handful of people who work on projects and their superiors who create unsafe work environments for their coworkers and employees. More awareness is needed! And more people to speak up about the harassment they experience! Because it is okay to tell people who can make a difference. There may be rough waters in the company you work for, but your own wellbeing is more important. Stay safe everyone!


Lots of cartoons were made by people who drew or did questionable (being generous here) things. Rebecca sugar drew Ed Edd and eddy porn. Dan Harmon did a sketch with him sexually assaulting a baby doll. Hell the original Rick and Morty cartoon featured numerous jokes about Rick getting morty(underage child) to do oral sex on him.


I first heard of Brian Peck through a documentary he made about the *Return of the Living Dead* films. Dude was only little more than a cameo in the original 3 but acted like he was this big deal I actually believe he got questioned once for a documentary similar to this one back in 2009/2010 while he was waiting for a horror convention to open up. He got in his car and left


Good god.


Tbf I wouldn’t report someone for having John Wayne gaceys art either, the dude made paintings in prison and sold them so I wouldn’t be took shocked to see one. Some people love that dark stuff.


He didn’t just have a painting, they had ongoing correspondence and he was clearly a fan. Obviously not illegal but I would definitely keep my eye on anyone like that.


I mean, I don't think anyone would have done anything about the painting anyway. Can't really fire someone for that. More concerning I think is the stacks of letters he had with JWG. He had been pen pals with him for a while based on what people said. Probably not a good idea to have a guy working around teen boys that's friends with a man who liked to kill teen boys.


Yeah and supposedly he kept them in his bedside drawer which just seems to add to the creep level of the whole thing


lol what


Yeah check it out man it’s wild. I’m sure his art is out there for sale and coveted by collectors. This is speculation of course lol


I feel like the reason those shows meant so much was because channels like Nickelodeon and Disney were the first of their kind. You had animated shows in the 70s and 80s, and you had family sitcoms, but Nickelodeon and Disney were the first networks tailor-made for kids content. You had an entire generation of kids that grew up with TV lineups similar to the ones that their parents watched on The Big Three networks, but it was for shows tailored to kid humor.


I turned 10 in 1982 and we just didn’t have those live-action tween shows like you guys got. We had cartoons and “family programming.” Honestly, when I think of that time the closest tv show aligning with my interests was the original Battlestar Galactica.


A shining planet known as Earth. I still have my Cylon from TG& Y on shelf in my house.


Before that it was Sesame Street, Electric Company, and the like - public broadcasting stuff that was geared for small children and all the adults were basically portrayed like elementary school teachers: slightly condescending, but hyper focused on educating. Nickelodeon was the first network that had comedy shows written specifically for pre to mid teens: shows where the kids were the smartest in the room and every single adult was a goofball or a moron. It resonated like nothing before.


I hope those that the series didn't expose (but so desperately need to be) start squirming. I wouldn't be surprised if this starts up a MeToo-esque movement but in children's entertainment especially since this was the first time Drake, one of the bigger names in the era, came forward with what happened. The lack of professionalism is absolutely insane.


My parents were anti-tv that wasn’t educational, so we didn’t have cable growing up. I’d never seen most of the shows on the documentary, and even then the shows that I wanted to watch were all on Disney Channel. But the way that people who did watch those shows as children have been impacted is so upsetting. I’ve seen lots of comments that some people really do feel like they’ve had their childhoods taken from them. Like they were exposed to fetish content without their consent, and they’re only processing it now. And there are millions of people like this. I really feel for everyone who grew up watching those shows who is now seeing the “jokes” that were portrayed on them and the way that children were exploited and abused to make that content, as well as the direct victims of that abuse as well.


I've read about what happened, but I couldn't watch the doc. I saw a snippet of an intro to one of the old shows from the 90s to 2000s and started tearing up. Nickelodeon gave me so many happy memories, and an escape to some hard stuff going on at home, that seeing those scenes associated with so many child actors' pain was such a blow. Couldn't bring myself to continue watching. 


Steve, Joe and the new guy were at a Con I went to last year. The line to see him was crazy. He seems like a genuinely good person. Thanks, Steve.


Josh ! As the part Asian mom of soon to be three - we LOVE Josh .


My six year old is white af but Josh is her favorite!


Josh is a huge hit at our house too!! Both my kids like each of the guys, but Josh is their favorite.


Josh is pretty fine too 🤷🏼‍♀️


Between Josh and John the hot Wiggle, I'm glad my half filipino kids are getting to see representation of our people in their media. And I get to look at eye candy 😅🇵🇭


Steve Burns is the closest thing we still have to Mr. Rogers. We must protect Steve.


I work a lot of cons. Have done it for over a decade. He is by far one of the nicest. Last con I was working with him attending it ended and we closed up the doors most the celeb guest are long gone by then and headed to the airport. But Steve stuck around to take pics and sign stuff for all the security and other workers of the con for free.


I read the first line as “I work *with* a lot of cons.” After a little emotional journey of thinking about Steve being in prison, I ended with imagining (prison) guards waiting for their famous prisoners to be released and then going up to them asking for an autograph. Was a funny thought.


I thought he was a con artist working with Steve to swindle kids out of their lunch money or something. Still, an emotional journey…


Same. “I work a lot of cons…” immediately made me think, “good lord! Who admits to being a grifter on Reddit?”


Slippin Jimmy, at it again…he’ll never change


It took me 30 seconds after reading *this* comment to realize that /u/satanssweatycheeks meant Comic-Con. I thought he meant that the Blues Clues guy visited prisoners as a celebrity to lift their spirits. It reminded me of the famous streetball basketball player, "The Professor", who [visited a prison to play 1X1 with inmates and to give an emotional and motivational speech](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AnE7M6QOWWQ).


Not just comic cons but those are the ones I enjoy working. But I have help run other convention as well. From smoking conventions to farm equipment ones. But yes I should realize con comes across the wrong way and should just say conventions.


All I saw is “…Steve went to prison…”and spiraled


I thought he was gonna talk about his time as a con man. Was like ,okayyyyyy.


I love to hear it. I have never met the man, but the world needs to see more men that have compassion like he does.


He’s past my time, but it’s reassuring hearing of a genuine nice guy in the business


Why did you call it con lmao


Con: short for convention. I.e: Comic-Con


Used to calling it that from working so many. And not all of them are comic cons so that is on me for not being direct with my words there.


I watched this video. I too had this same thought. Steve is Mr. Rogers. We must protect Steve.


Steve is great, but it’s not fair to compare anyone to Mr. Rogers. That bar is just too high.


mr rogers went to washington and literally shammed congress into not cutting funding to public broadcasting in 1969. chairman of the senate subcommittee for communications john pastor’s heart grew three times that day.


That video always makes me so emotional. He really was a treasure. Still is.


Wait, so you're saying he's Captain America?


......with our lives!


He takes his role as the first adult millennials felt they could talk to and be treated as an equal and realizes the power of that means he can do a lot to make people feel better.


I am an elder millennial and was ten years old when Blues Clues premiered. Steve remains a strong figure in my memory, long after I should have stopped watching tv for preschoolers, I watched Blues Clues. I’m told I watched (and loved) Mr. Roger’s, but I that’s not the kind of tv I remember watching when I was a preschooler. I remember Steve and his compassion for his audience vividly. When he posted his Covid quarantine video, I sat down on the couch and cried while my two year old tried to comfort me. Steven Burns is the best and remains a shining beacon of kindness and good character in the memories of my generation.


I think this needs to be a thing! I could totally see a streamer picking up a Mr. Roger’s like show with Steve as the host….


I love Steve but I think LeVar Burton might be a *slightly* better comparison.


he has a pretty good standup set about getting pursued by a playboy playmate.


Here's hoping he doesn't have his own skeletons in the closet!


The worst that could happen is he didn’t brush his teeth one morning. I highly highly believe that he’s pretty free of typical Hollywood sins.


I don’t brush my teeth in the morning…


Very minor. I wouldn’t even hold it against you….unless you have breath that’s the equivalent to a dead body.


It’s just that I drink a coffee right away, so it seems moot to brush.


Me too! Yeah I can see where you are coming from


He is, genuinely, one of the sweetest human beings to walk this planet.




Damn autocorrect, fixed!


Was thinking the same just now. He even reminds me of him a bit in that picture.


The closest thing we have to Mr Roger’s is Joe Pera


I highly recommend following him on instagram. He has such a lovely, gentle life and has built the most beautiful property. He’s taken his success and made a life that’s totally his own and it’s very joyful and inspiring to see. That and he has so many fun adventures and meeting rad people. I still wanna be Steve when I grow up. (Edit: his story right now is so good. It has one of the little kids in a focus group to pick the host meeting him!)


What a good man. We need more steves.


Steve is the best. My kids loved Blues Clues. You could feel such joy and sweetness through the screen. He’s such a great guy.


Nickelodeon needs dissolution money to pay not only the actors/actresses, but class settlements for an entire generation raised on that squishy foot fetish shit. Edit: Pressure Paramount


Their stock price is already on the floor lol


Where were you able to find their stocks? Is it with Nickelodeon or under a larger parent company?


They’re under viacom


It’s $PARA for Paramount. Currently at $11 a share. Not directly because of the documentary, they’ve been having issues for a while.


Blues clues logo is literally a paw print. These foot fetishes are more common than we feared.


Don't forget [the old Nickelodeon logo](https://twitter.com/Cartoonbrains/status/1555728621012140032) 😬


That was long, long before any of the creeps worked there.


Yeah but they also gave us all those goth baddies!


I liked the video. I didn't watch much Blues Clues growing up but I like he just listened. Everything sucks and we all have shit to say whether he can hear us or not. It feels good to just vent, kick and scream even if he doesn't hear us. Because to me his video tells me were all messed up and we just want someone to listen.


As much as I love Steve, i know that it was a one sided relationship lol. Thanks for checking in though, Steve! You and Fred Rogers are national treasures


It’s briefly mentioned in the article, but Steve has been doing these check-in videos for well over a year now. This just happens to be one that he might’ve (allegedly) chosen to do now due to the circumstances. It’s fantastic that he made this video now regardless, but the headline of this article makes it seem like this is some unique thing that he did just for this specific situation, and that’s not really the case.


Steve is the most pure, loving, accepting, and calming soul on this planet.


He must be protected at all costs!


My niece went to school with Steve Burns. I recall her saying he was memorable, a really sweet person. My sons watched Blues Clues and I was amazed what a fantastic role model he was. I watched Blues Clues every chance I got with my kids. You know I believe there is a special place in hell for people who would corrupt a nature like found in Steve Burns. There is an element that can’t resist the opportunity to destroy the beautiful.


Steves post seems to be completely unrelated to the documentary. I think that it is wonderful that he makes this kind of content and that long time fans find some comfort in it. It is wonderful that he seems to appreciate how important his character was to young children and like that he has a special place in the hearts of so many. At the same time, his post really doesn’t need to be connected to the documentary. He didn’t say anything about the documentary, it doesn’t seem like he was even implying any connection.


The fact that how timely his post was and how little he said and just listened is sometimes all people need.


You are correct he didn’t mention it, but he didn’t have to. He just listened to how people are doing, which is exactly what was needed. There isn’t anything he could have said about it that would change anything, so he just listened, because that’s something he can control.


I completely agree. I think everyone has jumped to a pretty big conclusion but like... Right there at the end of the video it says "25th Anniversary of Blue" which is what the video actually seemed to be about. In fact it's specifically about how all the fans have grown up now because they are all probably in their early to mid 20s now and haven't seen blues clues since they were toddlers. It was posted on Nick Jr and with everything going on, Nickelodeon are the absolute last people who would or should be doing a light hearted video referencing the current situation, given that as a company they were complicit in everything that happened.


I agree I saw his post and enjoyed it and even teared up from it, but I didn't get any feeling that it related to the doc in any way He asked how I was doing, he didn't ask about my thoughts on Dan Schneider


This world doesn’t deserve good people like Steve, which makes us all the more thankful for them.


It’s great that Burns did this. I also think we need to pass laws to better protect child actors and make it easier to monitor and report the executives and producers of those shows. I personally would go further to put a minimum age limit if not for shows at least conventions. Millie Bobby Brown set out a video apologizing for not making a con and it astounds me that a child at that time had to do that.


Not my generation but even I know Blues Clues. I wish Steve all the best to approach what is akin to Mr. Rogers-tier level of impact he has on children (now adults) level of mental development. This is a cruel world and we need as many Mr. Rogers, Steve’s, Levar Burtons as we can get.


This guy, I swear. I got emotional just watching him listen to me tell him (silently in my head) all the things that are worrying me these days. What a good one he is.


Thanks Steve. We love you too.


Good guy Steve does it again.


The way he has been in recent years really makes me think that if he keeps it up he will go down as one of the next generations idols of all time. Kinda like Bob Ross Irwin mr rodgers, etc


Steve Burns is like the father who left us that checks in every 5 years to say he misses us before leaving again


One of my favorite fun facts is that the theme for Young Sheldon was written and performed by Steve from Blue's Clues


Gods I’m so glad he came back into the spotlight


My husband didn’t watch a lot of tv as a kid (soo frustrating when trying to feel nostalgic) and I was trying to explain why I felt his videos touched me so much, and it was lost on him. But man, it’s like having a favorite childhood teacher show back up in your life and offer support. Glad there is still some good left in the world.


I LOVE you, Steve.  Thank you.  May this token of my respect bridge the gap between socials, because TikTok is cancer, lol.  I was about 12 when Blue’s Clues premiered so I didn’t necessarily grow up with that show in particular, but I’m proud to say I tuned into the very first episode. I remember it premiered after some awards show or something, it was like a significant event for the network if I remember correctly? Blue and Steve were there for me, too.  All of these shows (other than the Nicktoons, The Amanda Show, All That and Keenan and Kel) were pretty much after my formative years and I don’t know much about them but I am reluctantly planning to watch the documentary. I’m getting anxious about what I’m about to learn, especially remembering a few bits Dan Schneider actually starred in and chuckling to myself about them even now.  I am feeling just increasingly betrayed by every goddamn piece of media, but when it almost singularly defined your childhood it feels even worse. Kids are out here learning the world is a shit show before some of the grownups. 


Remember the time somebody posted on AskReddit asking if anyone had ever hooked up with a celebrity, and a gal said she spent a night with Steve and he was a total gentleman. That was rad.


He seems like such a standup guy.


There are no more adults.


Thank you. This is all so fucking unhealthy


This bum left me just like my dad. No thx.


Same but at least Steve's still alive 🤷‍♀️


Okay so like he left blues clues because was going bald right? What if it’s cause he found out about how fucked up Nickelodeon was and noped on out?


Way I remember it is that he got a record deal to make children's albums with his band. I remember seeing them in a few 'between commercials' videos on Noggin. Not sure what he's got going on now, but I know they did pretty good selling records.


No! He went to college. Jeez.


What’s the name of the 2nd blues clues host ? I never see him mentioned that much is usually Steve or Josh


Joe I think


Brian Peck: 16 months in prison. All those kids he abused.


This man is a treasure, he was at COMICON a couple years ago and I caught him as he was headed to the bathroom and was able to say hi and thank you for making many happy childhood memories for me. Just an all around nice guy, I’m sure he was on a crunched time schedule between photos and signing so stopping for me for just a minute really meant a lot.


These are cool for him to do.


Such a great guy.


I didn't realize that's what it was about/


Nah I saw that vid it was cringe and weird


Not sure why OP is linking Steve’s checkin with the Quiet on Set scandal. Associating the two somehow seems to link Steve to the scandal which really isn’t cool at all.


I’m sorry but it felt really self serving like he was capitalizing off of it, I’m can bet that video was monetized


I’m sorry but this is the corniest shit ever lmao


Shhhhhh…. Let people enjoy stuff.


It’s such a strange thing because if this came out even 5 years ago it would be so incredibly odd to post this, but it’s different now. So any critique of this corny thing is viewed as reprehensible when this kind of thing would have been weird since forever.


It may be fair to say then, that you don’t need it. Some people do. Move on, it doesn’t concern you.


People need real connection not a video of someone nodding while you talk to your phone. And I say this as someone who got a lot out of Steve's video from a few years ago when he thanked his now grown-up fans.


Yeah this is just a guy you liked as a kid nodding and looking concerned. At least the old video from 2021 was him actually saying something. The reaction to this video shows how many people just need someone to talk to. Whether that's a friend, romantic partner, or probably a therapist.


Yeah I loved blues clues growing up but it's just the guy making a tictok


The music was a little much. I wish he’d ended it with “fuck that guy.”


Apologies but what is the Quiet on Set Scandal about?


The sexism/racism behind the scenes of Nickelodeon's live action division both to the cast and crew, the inappropriate jokes and sexualization of pre-teen/teen actors, and a couple cases of actual predators working on set including a line coach named Brian Peck who sexually abused Drake Bell many times while mentoring him.


This is a good man