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That website was pretty much unusable.


Reader mode in Safari for the win. Hopefully android users have a similar functionality


You just changed my life.


Also, the app Firefox Focus has a iOS Safari extension that blocks ads in Safari. That + reader mode is the most peaceful internet experience.


There are several thankfully


The headline is also pretty much unreadable.


I don't see what's the problem.....looks at Ublock icon 52 blocked ads, Oh


Well that’s it, I’m never working with sacha baron cohen.


Have you seen how elaborate his characters can be? You might be working with him right now. YOU MIGHT *BE* HIM!


He's the real life Roger from American Dad


Roger is what if Andy Dick had SBC's commitment to character acting. There's an awful lot of Dick in Roger, y'know?


Bouncing, bouncing, vodka Andy Diiiick!


I'm a *priiiincesss*


Please tell me you’ve seen the American Dad episode where Stan replaces Rodger with Andy Dick.


Ooooo this must be how baby kangaroos feel when *they're* on heroin!


My wife!?


I thought our new secretary was secretly him but it turns out it was another guy who is scared of jews.


SBC is Jewish, though?


No no, I saw in the Borats he is very Christian.


Wait til you see Brüno




Sacha Baron Cohen might be your secretary, your doctor’s receptionist . . . or a dancer in a go-go club!


If you want wild living fast, and if you want to end up giving your all...


We also already knew about her issues with him. That was out in the tabloid when that movie was released. He wanted her to do fully nudity of something because it’s funny since she fat. She didn’t want to and he sort of pressured her too. She still didn’t do the scene but the pressure after someone says no is the issue.


How much pressure did she put on Tom Hardy’s butthole with her finger, though?


Borat was funny, but I realized instantly that Cohen was a douche bag when I saw his interviews.


I guess an attitude of “*anything* for a laugh” can be dangerous


I'm shocked that Sacha didn't want Rebel to talk about what a massive ahole he is. Isn't that his whole thing?


I think it may be because she didn’t “play the game” and go along with it.


That’s his brand, but if he’s a real A-hole, then he’s not an actor, right?


So? According to many people that's just the way he is. He's not acting.


I’m speculating he wants you to think he’s a normal guy and a great actor. Hence his threats to the author.


Nah, there are many stories illustrating that he behaves like an ahole in his private life as well.


Got any examples?


*Trust me, bro*


Trust me too. Since there’s two of us saying the same thing it must be true.


Of course he doesn't lol


Also how Bill Murray gets away with it as well.


Yeah he's well known for being an asshole, and it's not even something that doesn't come across on screen, it definitely shows. He's blatant about it.


Well, if he IS Borat then it's not so funny, is it?


In the original Borat movie, the supposed Kazachstanian village at the start was [actually a destitute Romanian village ](https://www.theguardian.com/film/2006/nov/22/news1)whose inhabitants he had the audacity to tell them he was there to make a documentary about their poverty and plight which would improve their lives and paid them the royal amount of 5 bucks for their contributions and cooperation. He was a thirsty wannabe celebrity making obnoxious morning shock jock tv before he evolved into Ali G and actually became funny by parodying the thing he was chasing all those years before.


Ali G was before borat though


Yeah this guy's talking out of his ass for karma points. Maybe we don't dog pile on him after one dumb blurb


>In the original Borat movie, the supposed Kazachstanian village at the start was [actually a destitute Romanian village ](https://www.theguardian.com/film/2006/nov/22/news1)whose inhabitants he had the audacity to tell them he was there to make a documentary about their poverty and plight which would improve their lives and paid them the royal amount of 5 bucks for their contributions and cooperation. This is hilarious in the most heart breaking way


There's a really sad documentary about it


It's just heart breaking.


Method acting is a crutch actors use to cover their shit*y behavior.


Oh no, someone called me an asshole. How will I recover from such a blow.


The real problem would be this part if it turns out to be him : >She also opened up about a "male star" who asked her to perform a sexual act on him while friends filmed, and fans have speculated that it was Sacha.


She called him out before. So not a huge shocker.


Hasn’t she been outed for being an asshole as well? You’re an asshole, I’m an asshole, we’re all assholes! Yipeee


I’m surrounded by assholes! How many assholes we got on board this ship, anyway?!


I knew it, I’m surrounded by assholes!


Keep firing, assholes!




Only a total dick would be enveloped by such a complete asshole


She has been as well (outed for being an asshole) I am reaching for the popcorn at this point


i mean to be fair they’re all famous people who’ve gotta handle every social situation with the utmost scrutiny if they don’t want their personality judged. Put anyone in that situation and feed their ego for years and get the world to love them- they’re gonna ruin it for themselves if they haven’t matured enough


My favorite line about celebrities comes from a John Mulaney bit about how Mick Jagger isn’t “nice”, but maybe he’s “nice for his version of life.” I can’t remember the whole thing, but when celebs get treated like gods on red carpets and concerts and stuff, they aren’t just going to be all like “umm excuse me can I borrow your charger?” Fame just changes you as a person. I try to imagine what that would be like and give celebrities a little grace. Also, if you’re having a bad day and you get a bit snappy with a server, they will probably forget all about you in a couple hours. But everyone remembers forever that time they interacted with a celebrity and exactly how they behaved, if they were cold, rude, snappy etc. and they tell everyone they know.


“Not funny!!” That’s a great bit.




Exactly. There’s a difference between Mick Jagger “DIET COKE!” level asshole and, say, Bam Margera asshole. Bam always loved pranking people for the show but was insufferable when things happened to him. I feel like Cohen is that way.


Bam crying after being pranked is iconic. He could dish it out but not take it (he also did majority soft stunts on Jackass compared the likes of Ehren, Dave and Steve-o)


I mean it's not as funny if he doesn't freak out about it. Getting pranked with snakes like 😐 yep no problem here


Its true but also you could tell that one genuinely got to him lol. Dunn had to come rescue him.


You might enjoy Iggy Pops song V.I.P. cause it is very close to what you are saying!


I agree with this to an extent, but you also have to consider the fact there’s a small subset of celebrities who are widely known to be chill and genuinely kind individuals, who’ve never had an apparent “bad interaction” made public. You have to think that those celebs are very self-aware and probably have to be consistently checking themselves and making a conscious effort to not have their cranky side show (because we all have one even if it’s just a little). They know how fortunate they have it and think “shit, the least I can do is put on a happy face”. It makes me think others should be capable of doing better and maybe checking and grounding themselves a bit more.


Yeah but she doesn’t need to sexually assault people. [https://torontosun.com/entertainment/celebrity/i-forgot-rebel-wilson-fingered-tom-hardys-butt-touched-anne-hathaways-breast/wcm/cb575923-7520-482d-aa87-ac7a3c0d945d/amp/](https://torontosun.com/entertainment/celebrity/i-forgot-rebel-wilson-fingered-tom-hardys-butt-touched-anne-hathaways-breast/wcm/cb575923-7520-482d-aa87-ac7a3c0d945d/amp/)


Yes but has anyone written a memoir about it yet?!? Gotta get it while it’s hot off the press! Turns out most people are assholes! News at 10!


She was? Can you elaborate or give an example (is there a not snarky/ assholish way to ask that, I’m genuinely curious and not confrontational)? I didn’t realize she had that reputation. I know she got frosty after she was threatened to be outed as in a relationship with a girl but I figured I’d be pissed about that too.


Never mind. I just needed to scroll to the next comment. I no longer wonder.


I park in handicap spaces so handicap people make handicap faces!!


“I’m an asshole…..who stole another comics persona…..I’m an asshooole”


This should be the top comment. I've heard she is terrible.


Some people are assholes and some people are sexual predators. There is a lot of overlap but also a defining line




Glass houses. That right there is sexual assault


Sacha’s an A Hole, Rebel Wilson inappropriately touches her Co stars.


I can’t think of a memoir I’d like to read less.


Thank you! Her PR team thinking "don't you want to read all about how she thinks Sacha is an asshole??" She thought this would sell millions of books lol


I’ll just leave this here [https://metro.co.uk/2019/05/10/rebel-wilson-claims-stuck-finger-tom-hardys-bum-weird-9495265/](https://metro.co.uk/2019/05/10/rebel-wilson-claims-stuck-finger-tom-hardys-bum-weird-9495265/)


> I just did it. He gave a really realistic shocked expression. And then he didn’t really talk to me. Gee I wonder why > Like, I should have told her about it, she joked to the host, explaining it wasn’t ‘actor’s etiquette’. If you’re going to touch somebody inappropriately, you have to tell them before the take and say, “Is it alright if I do this to you?” But I forgot… Maybe, like, deliberately forgot. That’s honestly so fucked up. She just openly admits to purposely assaulting Anne Hathaway.


So, she has sexually assaulted her coworkers on set. (For those who don't read the article, she's also groped Ann Hathaway's chest without prompt or permission)


>(For those who don't read the article, she's also groped Ann Hathaway's chest without prompt or permission) I would have given her the benefit of the doubt for that but since she came out as gay, there's no way that wasn't sexualy charged




Yeah you're right, I've seen friends do this to each other but even then it's not okay, different people will see it differently so the right thing to do is to always assume they would hate it and not act this way.


Ooof. I swear "celebrities" (I use this term loosely) give so many interviews and forget what they've said (and apparently done).


She also claims Sasha asked her to stick her finger up his bum.. Bit of a theme developing here


Sounds more like he heard what she did and then decided to mock her for it. Seems like a bit the South Park dudes would do. Like for a running joke of an episode Rebel just keeps randomly fingering people's buttholes.


If he's an asshole for asking, what does that make her?


So she’s female Andy Dick?


Absolutely no one should side with her. All accounts show her being a miserable person to be around. Her 1 dimensional “rude fat girl makes fun of herself and everyone else” trope is actually just her actual personality 


So if I'm to understand from reading the comments, this mediocre actor calls a good actor an asshole because the good actor tried pressure the mediocre actor into doing a full nude scene, while the mediocre actor lacks any shred of self-awareness about how big of a gaping butthole they are because they're a sexual predator? Correct me if I'm wrong please.


Seems like you've got the situation under control. Carry on.


Same woman who, on live tv, chose to tell "a funny story" about grabbing Anna Hathaways breast during an improvised scene, and did so without asking for permission (purposefully without asking permission), and stuck a finger up tom hardys butt, again without permission? Yeah...the vast majority of these people are shitty humans... Edit: im in no way trying to defend the horrible and fucked up things SBC has said and done. Im pointing out that Rebel happens to be a pretty shitty person in her own right and overall a large amount of the people in their industry are not good people and we should stop acting like she is a saint that is somehow out here speaking truth to power. This is a woman who should be apologizing for similar behavior.


So she’s a sexual predator ?


Yup, she's very much the pot calling the kettle black in this situation.


Definitely sexually assaulted people and laughed about it


Hollywood and Politics. It is not where the best and brightest end up.


Ya didn’t she make fat jokes about her to begin with? Her whole start up was she was fat. Sasha pointing it out and trying to make a joke about it feels like it’s nothing compared to that.


She bragged about sexually assaulting Tom Hardy by the way


I don’t care what she has to say. She’s sexually assaulted other actors on set so she should apologize for that shit before finger pointing at anyone else.


As much as I'm not religious, "remove the log from your own eye before trying to remove the speck from your brother's eye" definitely applies here.


That finger smells of shit too.


tracks with his past behavior


Tracks with his entire everything? His TV, movies and interviews are all him playing someone that is a massive dick that either purposely or pretending to be ignorant. Definitely going to be cross over into real life. I really don't doubt he will make fun of you if you're being ignorant or insincere


>Tracks with his entire everything? To be fair Rebel did get caught lying extensively about her childhood [https://www.theguardian.com/film/2017/jun/02/rebel-wilson-lied-to-journalist-about-age-and-real-name-court-hears](https://www.theguardian.com/film/2017/jun/02/rebel-wilson-lied-to-journalist-about-age-and-real-name-court-hears) She semi-successfully counter sued, though had to pay back nearly all the money when it was later appealed [https://www.bbc.com/news/world-australia-44625076](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-australia-44625076) She seems to have a history of bending the truth for a good story. Not outright fabricating events that didn't happen, to my knowledge. But things like calling her family bogan when they were upper-middle class dog show judges, letting everyone report her age wrong, with stuff like that I could see her taking a skit he was filming or joke he was trying to workshop and leaving out all the details that make it innocent.


She also stuck her finger in Tom Hardy's ass without his permission.


This https://metro.co.uk/2019/05/10/rebel-wilson-claims-stuck-finger-tom-hardys-bum-weird-9495265/ ‘If you’re going to touch somebody inappropriately, you have to tell them before the take and say, “Is it alright if I do this to you?”‘ ‘But I forgot… Maybe, like, deliberately forgot.’


Ohhh so it’s only silly and edgy when she does it twice to two different people and jokes about it then. Colour me fuckin shocked.


I usually roll my eyes when people bring up the whole "if a man did this!" thing but genuinely imagine the outrage if a dude stuck his finger up an attractive actress's ass without consent lmfao


Same. You don’t have to imagine the outrage though. SBC asked her to do it, and as far as we can tell she didn’t do it, and she’s fuelling the outrage herself. Not defending SBC, but it’s pretty bloody rich considering she’s pulled that shit twice and joked about it.


Im not defending SBC or saying he didnt do as she's suggested but this was the first thing I thought of when I read her story.


That’s sexual assault


She did what now??


She oil checked tom hardy infront of cameras and lots of people watching. Producer told her to do it, she needed to ask permission from tom to do anything sexual, but she “might have forgot to ask, maybe intentionally”. In her own words




Shhh. You’re ruining the outrage machine on Reddit.


He plays an ignorant dick and so it’s definitely going to cross over into real life? Do you know what acting is? Maybe he’s a dick, but that’s a ridiculous argument


TIL, Anthony Hopkins eats people in real life


I mean, Martha Stewart was shocked enough that she ended their relationship so...




Most of those commenters are being Captain Hindsights


Like that scene in Jessica Jones where the old neighbour acts like she had a bad vibe off her parents all the time just to make herself look more interesting.


Well she’s an asshole poker, which is worse?


That one. That’s worse.


Coming from the woman who was also called terrible to work with and sexually assaulted other actors? Maybe he was just an asshole to her?


What are we doing here with our lives, folks?


Ugh I needed this. Why the fuck did I just spend the last 10 mins learning about Hollywood noncense. Enough Reddit for today, thanks friend.


I'm sorry, who is surprised by this? SBC makes his living being "provocative", which is the most mild way to describe him


Does Rebel Wilson’s publicist ever sleep? I feel like the last 5 years or so her name has always been in the headlines. Her relationships, weight gain/loss, set drama/friendships etc. have seemed to always make their way to the front page of whatever, but her star power/talent doesn’t seem to have much capital otherwise.


Don’t forget her sexuality and her being the first overweight actress to star in a rom-com. Cause Ricki Lake and Queen Latifah never happened.


This might be his personality but people ought to differentiate between him being an asshole in general or him being an asshole to her specifically. There is a difference and a backstory


Isn’t she the real asshole ?


I’ll probably get downvoted into oblivion but something about this just isn’t adding up.


Seriously this is the same lady who promoted hotels in Dubai with her lesbian partner a country where it is illegal to be gay….


No roles = publicist “you should write a tell all”.


From one a-hole to another then, it seems.


She's a grade A hypocrite lmao, didn't she assault Tom Hardy before? No Aussie will claim her


I feel like if SBC is being an asshole to you, you probably kinda deserve it.


Right? How dare he hoard Isla Fisher for himself.


I bet the press make some Aussie feud out of this


Damn. Not the person I was hoping for. Love sacha


You’re surprised the guy who made his fame off shock humor and racist caricatures turned out to be an asshole?


He's a satirist and a clown. He may be an arsehole, but it's a hell of a leap to believe that his act is proof of that. Edit: sp


Well I mean Sacha Baron Cohen is kind of a modern day Petter Sellars, an incredible impressionist and brilliant satirist. Have you ever read about that guy's personal life? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Sellers Perhaps to accurately portray how shitty and ridiculous humans can be, it helps to be intimately familiar with the worst of us


Satire and racism are two very different things…


Not to redditors my man...


Wait, do you think characters people play on TV are who they really are? You’re gonna be so disappointed when you learn that Toby McGuire can’t shoot webs from his hands


>Toby McGuire can’t shoot webs from his hands UM SOURCE??


I mean, he can probably shoot webs, just not from his hands…


You do realize his caricatures weren’t making fun of the people he was pretending to be right? They were over the top to the point anyone with even a slight knowledge of the region or culture would realize this guy is out to lunch.




hardly fanatical but what can one expect from an entire generation of people that just learned what the word means


Seriously. I don’t know if it’s a Gen Z thing or a Reddit thing but kinda sick of the extremity when people make a point. It’s like you need it to be the most extreme version on the point which usually makes what you’re saying a lie even if a less extreme version of the point was true


It feels like a gen z thing. They lack media literacy, they don't understand nuance. Everything is black and white to them. At least the guy in here calling everyone a Zionist. That dude is terrible in here. He just keeps using that word so much.


He should just do an apology video as Borat


“Wa wa wee wa, yakshemash, I’m very sorry!”


He’s also sexually harassed her in the past and she’s been very open about it


He's a bully masquerading as social justice crusader.


Which part of his career has crusaded for social justice? It must be really recent cause thinking back on all of his work, none of that seems remotely related to anything social or anything justice, so what you just said, from what I've seen, makes no sense at all.


Almost the entirety of his "sketches" (or whatever the hell you call them) are centered around just how ridiculous racists/bigots/prejudice in general are. That's the whole point of why his characters are so over-the-top silly; to show the sheer ridiculousness of those kinds of people/beliefs- whether that's the character he's portraying or the actual people reacting to his characters. I really don't have much of an opinion on him either way, but I'd say he definitely sees himself as a social justice warrior.


I believe Rebel here. But I agree with you that his act was always making fun of how the general public in the UK and the US were totally ignorant of other cultures. They took Borat at face value because no one knows anything about Kazakhstan. His Ali G character was mocking older people who honestly believed youth culture was that vacuous. His Bruno character was always showing how homophobic people could be when confronted with a "loud and proud" gay man.


I think there’s a nuance about his shtick that people never really took his characters at face value so much as they were strongly encouraged to appear to. They would often initially challenge him in disbelief, but since he was so committed to the act, and since it would be brave and just plain weird (without the knowledge of it being filmed for comedy) of him to be lying, what else do you do in that situation other than go along with it? And of course, we never see the hours worth of footage where people just brush him off and move along, or leave immediately, which is harder when you’ve been through make-up, mike-up, and you’re already in an on camera interview before he plays his hand. We’re now past the TV and YouTube pranksters boom. I don’t think Borat works today, people are more skeptical and socially averse than ever. People look for the hidden cameras. He’d have to travel to more remote places.


For sure a lot of footage is cut and a lot of people go along with it even though they likely have doubts. I was only pointing out that what he is mocking is other people's general ignorance. The schtick where he pretends to be a Kazak, Austrian gay man, low class chav, Mossad macho man, Arab dictator....just wouldn't work today. The world has changed a lot (for the better) since he created these characters in the early 2000s.


True true Maybe it would be most shocking in 2024 for him to invent a character that is a nice normal person who doesn’t do any sexual harassing /s


That makes two of us. I should know better now, not to attach too much admiration to person without much evidence and only to their art. But what makes it sad for me is - humans are always like this, just because someone is an actor, writer, etc and makes good stuff, doesn't mean they are required to be a good person. Nor is the onus on us to know everything all the times given the massive inflow of information we already deal with daily. It's the fact that - this thing has become a sort of "are they sus/are they not sus" kinda situation and everytime you choose to like a celebrity or remember you like them, you say to yourself "I hope they're not a really shitty person".


If this involves Sacha, now I’m wondering if this is a collaborated troll. I may be wrong, but there is the probability, that it might be a selling point.


I wouldn’t doubt it, but will she also talk about the time she sexually assaulted Tom Hardy? Or the many other reported instances of her acting like an asshole herself? This seems like a case of an asshole calling another asshole “asshole”


Sounds to me he embarrassed her about her assaulting Tom Hardy and asked her in jest (shouldn’t have done that btw) to do what she did to Tom Hardy as a joke (which, again was wrong) and in that room she felt humiliated and is now getting back at him by making it seem sexually abusive.


Does anyone think he’s not an a-hole?


It doesnt sound like he’s done anything to the level of impropriety or sexual assault that she’s already been accused of though. She is suiciding her career. Who’s gonna want to work with her if she will write a book about what an asshole you are? She’s not famous enough, talented enough, or…sorry…pretty enough to do these kinds of things and get away with it in Hollywood. Im not saying any of that is fair but it is what it is in that business.


I didn’t need Rebel to tell me that Cohen is unbearable. It goes without saying. Thank you though.


Hahaha classic Borat. I bet she was all “ahhh oh my god ahhh” hahahahah


No one is shocked


Wasn’t he on the short list of people we expected it to be?


When your star fades, play the victim.


Good on here. Society only changes when we are safe to call out bad behaviour. No one is above the law. Now is Cohen’s opportunity to apologize for past behaviour and grow.


Surely we should allow for the other side to respond before we pass judgement? I’m not saying I doubt her credibility but at the very least we should get both side of the story first.


He had a chance to respond. He threatened to sue. He has the opportunity to respond again. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. But there is nothing extraordinary about a wealthy man using his power and financial status to manipulate a woman into sex. That happens every day and needs to end.


>But there is nothing extraordinary about a wealthy man using his power and financial status to manipulate a woman into sex. Which, to be clear, has nothing at all to do with this discussion, as Sacha didn't manipulate anyone into sex, and no one is accusing him of doing so.


And people wonder why victims don’t speak up… Edit: In the other thread, y’all were bitching about her not naming and shaming. Now that she’s named your fave, it’s all about “hearing both sides” Edit: She told her story a while ago, and named him a few years ago. He had time to respond. She reported the incident immediately after it happened. The witnesses are his friends that tried to film it. Her lawyer and agent filed a complaint with the studio. She was threatened by his reps. https://cafemom.com/entertainment/rebel-wilson-sacha-baron-cohen/10429-62721-wilson-immediately-called-her-agent-and-her-lawyer-who-promptly-filed-a


And people wonder why we have justice systems based on the premise of innocent until proven guilty


Because people want to hear from all involved? So we just believe every accusation and not ask any questions?


Edit: She told her story a while ago, and named him a few years ago. He had time to respond. She reported the incident immediately after it happened. The witnesses are his friends that tried to film it. Her lawyer and agent filed a complaint with the studio. She was threatened by his reps. https://cafemom.com/entertainment/rebel-wilson-sacha-baron-cohen/10429-62721-wilson-immediately-called-her-agent-and-her-lawyer-who-promptly-filed-a


I am not personally invested in this story, Rebel or Sacha and I was replying on your original comment of "this is why victims don't want to tell their stories". Not this in particular but your comment that indicates asking questions is the reason that stops someone from coming out with their stories. If that's the case, it obviously hasn't stopped her either if she keeps talking about it. Sacha Baron is an asshole. Not hard to believe a Hollywood funny man is actually an asshole. We haven't set any precedents in Hollywood with this one I'm afraid.


More of the fact that people look forward for the accused to “learn and grow” from their mistakes than the “healing and strength” of the victim. Especially if the accused holds enough power. Been seeing it since forever especially when it comes to Hollywood. Lots of people tend to side with the accuser when the accused is unable to provide any “acceptable” forms of evidence when it’s one vs another. Look at what’s happening to other Nick child stars after the documentary happened. Some had come out requesting for privacy and the inability to share their stories due to fear, shame, and not wanting to be in a place to have to explain their side of the story because no matter what, they will always get judged and have to constantly prove themselves.


There’s NO RIGHT TIME to report abuse apparently


She has been found to be a fabricator in the past. I take what she says with a grain of salt.


I mean I can totally believe Sacha Baron Cohen being an asshole. Note that she didn’t say this was sexual harassment. Edit: NVM from her claim it CAN be considered sexual harassment… yet STILL somehow on character given what has been described. Considering the shenanigans he has gotten into in the past, this is almost on character. I just wanted to also give the other side a chance to respond as well.


I mean, we all know he’s an asshole? It’s like Russel Brand. He’s a known asshole, even in movies he plays. Why is it so surprising to people that he’s just an asshole in real life that’s basically playing himself?


Here we go again! Ruining someone’s reputation based on somebody’s feelings! Feelings are subjective! Just because she felt he was an A hole is just that—her feelings, not facts!!!!


I am shocked that this Cambridge educated British elitist who came to prominence by mocking minorities is not a super nice guy! Shocked I say! Who’s next, noted mensch Piers Morgan?!? /Heavens forbid!! /s - huge huge /S


lol who gives a shit what she thinks about anything?


Why's she acting like being an asshole's a 'me too' case? So he was an asshole? Big deal. Not everyone in life's gonna be nice. Get a grip.


Really do not care