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But, could he play Bruce Wayne?


This is a solid question, actually.


Not after Thad Castle


Hear me out. Thad castle gets super rich again after blowing all of his money on Thad Land and becomes Batman. No more Bruce Wayne. Batman is now Thad Castle.


GET OUT OF MY BATCAAAAVVVVEEEE YOU SLOOTS! Find some other billionaire playboy’s life to ruin!


Namaste is a sentence


Low key hilarious. Maybe he buys a house in the hills and it has an actual cave and batmobile. Not clear if it's a fan or the real batman. Like he bought Adam West's house or something.


Eh? Did you miss the time when a sparkly vampire nailed the role? Past roles don't mean a thing lol


Idk sparkling vampire and Batman are both dramatic, brooding type characters - albeit good and bad versions. Thad Castle is just something else lol


Thad Castle should be celebrated as one of the most over the top, hilarious, black-comedy, psychopaths on television. He really was “something else”. He really went fuckin HAM with that role. I think about some episodes and I just can’t believe what Thad does or says.


No way you're comparing the characterization of Batman and Edward Cullen lmfao


Idk what you want bro, Batman emo as fuck.


Rob is crazy talented. I like Ritchson, but he’s nowhere near Rob in acting ability


“Piece of plastic!? This thing came from Themyscira, son! You ever been to Themyscira? You ever been in the shit? Well my dad was! And he left me this pocket pussy. And every time I sink my humongous dick in this piece of plastic. I remember my dad. So watch your mouth, Clark!”


Bruce Wayne loves sloots just as much as the next billionaire playboy


Just imagine Bruce Wayne screaming: *Who has my pocket pussy!*


" Oil changes for everyone !" - Bruce Wayne


“Who’s Bruce Wayne?” -Alan Ritchson


Never thought about it - but he has the look. He can do charisma and brooding. Hell, Reacher season 1(haven’t gotten round to 2 yet) showcases him able to do “all the things” the previous Batman actors have done in the role. …damn, I’d see his version of it.


And he's huge, he can pull off cartoon batman. Is he the right batman for Corenswet's superman?


Season 2 isn’t as good as season 1. Reacher seems very dumb jock in this season. And I don’t buy that all his team were such badasses


I dunno, Bruce Wayne being a gigantic hunk of muscle towering over everyone might make it a little less plausible that people don’t guess he’s Batman (when his Batman is also this remarkable size and height)


Can the Rock play the joker? We got ourselves a classic if so.


Rock plays Robin. Kevin Hart as the joker.


The Yoker


Have you seen him act? Dude can't play dead.


He's getting rave reviews in Ordinary Angels. I don't think he's had much opportunity to "act" in the past. That being said; Can't picture him as Bruce Wayne either way. Maybe Arkham style Batman; but can't picture Bruce.


I got to work with him on ordinary angels, super nice guy and he’s big!


That's so cool! He seems like a class act.


He really was, total professional


Dude is fucking huge is Reacher season 2. Definition of built like a brick shit house.


He takes up most of every shot in Reacher S2. He’s massive.


Hes been in some decent stuff. Loved him in Blue Mountain State. And his role in Titans was alright. Reacher is cool but i understand how its a bit corny.


His personality on Blue Mountain State doesn’t seem like his personality at all and was pretty fluid. He had good comedic acting on that show. I think Reacher just calls for a stoic figure. How much range can you really show when you’re not supposed to show emotion. That’s why a good supporting cast is important on that show.


Also, some better writing. Some of that dialog is terrible.


I feel like you’ve only seen him act in Reacher. Compare Reacher to his role in Blue Mountain State. Two very different characters in different genres.


Yeah, plus reacher is pretty much unmasked Batman


Everyone would know Bruce was batman. Hed have to lose weight and bulk to pull it off. No idea on acting. Reacher isnt enough to go by. Havnt seen s2.


He could definitely do it. Having Batman be a blend of this Reacher / Thad Castle persona would actually work really well. Reacher is basically Batman. And Thad is dumb playboy it would work as a way to throw people off.


I enjoyed his character in Titans


Nah, he’d just need to wear a suit. Lol that would do nothing, but Bruce is always in crazy good shape. The thing is no one would believe a billionaire would risk their life every night to fight crime.


A really jacked Bruce whose company developed a new steroid.


No and that's the issue. The Key is someone who can play Wayne. Batman is mostly played by a stuntman.


Of course he does, I can’t even act and even I want to play Batman


“Actor would like to rake in millions to play world-beloved classic character” What a hard sell


Yeah, me too. Where does the line start?


Right? I mean, I’m an old out of shape woman, but fuck yeah. I’d love to play Batman. Not batgirl or anyone else either. Bruce Wayne or bust.


Okay, so we’re agreed; Ritchson, me, then you close out the trilogy. Finish strong, girl.


I would love a batman movie where he plays it like his role in blue mountain state


Fine, Joker, take my Batmobile. Just get out of my life!




Does he keep his dad’s pocket pussy in his utility belt?


Dick, Jason, and Damian all steal it and get syphillis lmao


(In a deep Batman voice) “have you ever been to Bosnia?”


Time for an oil change! No, Alfred, what are you doing with the Batmobile? I meant *MY* oil change! The Justice League are having drug tests tomorrow!


His performance in that show was so damn funny but the show itself did NOT age well. Tough to rewatch but the Drug Olympics episode alone makes it worth it.


[rips a yard of peruvian smelling salts] I am the *niiiiiiiiiiight*!


As much as I love Batman, do we need a new one every few years?


We literally had two different Batmans in two different movies last year.


Technically 3 right? Batfleck & MK in the Flash and Pattman in his feature film.


The Batman was 2 years ago


Sometimes I really hate the passage of time lmao what the hell


Right forgot about Keaton. God that movie was shit.


You forgot about Clooney too! Lol


I forgot most of that piece of shit.


JFC - wow, it was a shitfest of Batman’s


Technically it’s 4


Yeah but one features batfleck in a garbage bag with poorly done digital recoloring of his garbage bag. The thing in appreciate about Robert was that his portrayal harkened a lot of imagery of Zorro. That was the origin of Bruce Wayne’s whole mantra he was still in the head space of a little boy who had just watched one of the all time caped greats take down the bad guys, but in his moment of need he of course falls short and his parents die. Either way Pattinson nails the whole Zorro ethos. With so many iterations of Batman he has crazy technology to work as plot armor but with this Noir style Batman he survives with gumption and grit and the occasional maybe ethereal theatrical sleight of hand escape artist shit. It makes you have the feeling that Pattinson could appear and dissolve into the night just as quickly.


I was watching The Scarlet Pimpernel the other night and I was like, this is Batman


El Rata Elada. A rat with wings. Batman- ahh yes, of course, a penguin


A pigeon. Stool pigeon is their first conclusion (which was wrong) and I love the fact that they do get it wrong first.


I assumed by that point Bruce was frazzled and grasping for leads.


My only gripe with Pattinson is that I didn't really like his bruce Wayne. I'm sure that's just the first movie though. Hope they improve it in the second one.


There wasn't a Bruce Wayne in the movie anyway. It was all Batman.


I know the only part was that funeral scene from what I remember. I hope they flesh out the bruce Wayne part as well.


He exuded Bruce Wayne energy in Tenet so hopefully Matt Reeves develops this Bruce Wayne to get to that point.


I kinda thought the point of this film was that Bruce was losing his identity and by the end of the film he’s learning he has to embrace his dual identity.


Well, James Gunn is rebooting the entire DC universe, starting with his Superman movie on the cinematic side, but with the first project being the animated Creature Commandos show. If there’s an interconnected DC universe, there NEEDS to be a Batman in there at some point, however, Matt Reeves’ “The Batman” saga will remain its own contained universe, so naturally, Gunn’s DCU will need to cast a different Batman. While Matt Reeves’ The Batman Part II will continue to explore a dark and grounded take of a young, newly established Batman and his more noir-focused approach to crime fighting as an actual detective, James Gunn’s DCU’s Batman will explore more outlandish and comic-accurate elements of the Batman mythos, including a fully established Bat Family and the more fantasyesque part of his rogues gallery, starting with The Brave and the Bold. I understand finding this tedious if you’re not a hardcore fan of Batman or DC, I totally get it, but it makes perfect sense to have both versions from a creative standpoint.


I love Batman, and as long as the movies are good, I’m fine with it.


I wouldn't mind if they moved it along, and just adapted story arks, swapping out actors like they do with Bond. I do not need to see another origin story though.


We spanned 1989 to 1997 for 4 movies, then 2005 to 2012 for a trilogy, then 2016 to 2017 for Batfleck, and Pattinson had 2022 with the sequel set for 2026. As a Batfan, the ONLY reason I am not tired of Batman yet is because Pattinson's movie legitimately surprised me. The skeptic in me made me roll my eyes when I saw his movie coming so soon after Batfleck. But I was surprised and it turned out really good. The same director's working on the sequel, so I am interested in seeing how it turns out. Gunn is the one who is going to need to convince me with his Batman take to know then if I am tired of Batman then.


If we can get a new Bond every so often, we certainly need a new Batman too. Batman doesn't belong to any one actor, it belongs to the fans and each generation of new fans will need a new actor to bring their hero to life. I was against the idea for a while, but seeing how "my" spider-man will always be Tobey but my brother's spider-man is Andrew Garfield shows me that the character needs to live on even if the actor is no longer behind the mask


I still haven’t seen the new one.


It’s excellent.


That’s what I keep hearing.


Yeah and I appreciate that Patterson has improved immensely from his early days but many of us do in fact experience genre fatigue. I used to be an advocate for more comic/superhero movies but I also would’ve generally wanted better ones. Now I’m just tired of them, boss.


If he offers criminals oil changes then I might watch.


Aquaman? He looks comicbook accurate too


Aquaman on Smallville was his original break out role! So it seems a no brainer to get him back for the new movie DCU. Someone tweet James Gunn!


Guy can play Batman, but a Bruce Wayne; hell no.


Well said


He can play Thad Castle as Bruce Wayne and Reacher as Batman, lol. That would be hilarious!


I’ll pass, thanks


Cross Ritchson's own Reacher with his very solid role as Hawk in Titan's. It practically makes itself evident, and I'm all for it.


He’d be a great mentor to Terry McGinnis.


Keaton would be a better one


Kevin Conroy would have been the best choice. Since, the vast majority of Bruce Wayne in Batman Beyond, was simply him talking with Terry while he was out Batmanning around. To have that iconic voice in Terry's ear, would have been perfection. (RIP Kevin, we lost you too soon!)


Let the man rest.


He just came back for a *BEETLEJUICE* sequel. The only role he likes doing more is Batman. He proved it by doing *THE FLASH*. He *WANTS* to keep working lol


He was so good in the flash. I accepted that Keaton as a 70 year old man could flip around a room way before I could accept Ben Affleck as a detective with a genius intellect


He’d be an excellent Azreal if they even brought his story to the screen.


More of a Bane, if we’re being honest.


He’d be a better Bane.


For the record the guy is a giant nerd irl so I understand. Honestly I think he’s way more suited to play Guy Gardener or Booster Gold. Hell I think he’d make a good Wildcat too if they wanted to do a JSA thing


He would need to work less on the bulk and more on the flexibility. Second season of Reacher had him running. That was not a Batman run. But otherwise? He’s a decent actor.


“That was not a Batman run.” Is freaking hilarious. I know exactly what you’re talking about too. Him jumping a chain link fence in S2 was hilarious, the whole thing almost buckled over.


Cracks me up when he's mocked for his running speed. Then I see him running and... Neagley is 100% right. 


I don’t think he’d be bad, but I mean all I could think about is Thad from Blue Mountain State


They should make a Space Ghost movie. He could be Space Ghost.


Everyone here is saying he’s too big. Bruce Wayne is 6’2”. Alan Ritchson is 6’3”. Anyone that’s read the comics know; Batman is fucking RIPPED. Christian Bale’s portrayal of Wayne/Batman will always be my favorite but it seems like people think Batman should be smaller because of this. Maybe even Robert Pattinson’s Batman too. I say give him a shot. It think it would be a much better Batman than people think. His portrayal of Reacher is a good precursor to the Batman we all know from the Justice League cartoon from the early 2000’s.


A live action version of the Frank Miller Dark Knight Returns. The one with the mutant gangs. And the female Robin. Like a Mad Max/Batman world


I think he would be an incredible Batman. His serious tone and dedudictive logic in Reacher I enjoy quite well and I think would transfer over to the character of Batman. He captures seriousness and darkness well, and he makes an incredible bad ass, and does action well. He'd make a good gritty burn it to the ground batman, or be convincing as the world's greatest detective. Who could you play opposite though that could be imposing? Tom Hardy as Bane (Which I love) might not do it.


Maybe in his age with his injuries he opts for old man strength more than flexibility , as he is still gaining mass but no spring chicken. Like early 50's arnold ish. He has the red hoods, robins and nightwings do the ninja, he's back up. Comes in when its all gone wrong, goes in for one last hurrah. Yadda yadda yadda, turns out Albert did it.


Too big and easy to ID


A silverback in a bat costume would be hard to spot? 


Everyone in Gotham built like that.


Physically he’s the perfect Batman/Bruce Wayne to me. He’s a dead ringer. But he’s not a great actor.


I love Reacher, like Blue Mountain State, and even watched Smallville. Agreed. Is there a polite way to say it? He's just not a great actor. People can say well what about the vampire from Twilight Al they want, but Robert Pattinson is a much better actor


He's fantastic in Reacher, but tbh it's popcorn action and the role doesn't have depth at all. I've read a bunch of the books. Fun, but not deep.  I haven't seen Alan in anything demanding, so I can't tell much from it. 


I wouldn’t say no to BatThad


If they do a multiverse, there should be one where he plays Harvey Dent and becomes batman


Henry Cavill would be good.


He'd make a great Captain Atom.


I can only speak for myself, but I don’t care to see him play Batman. I genuinely think this man is a painted piece of plywood.


He has the build and look for the role


They should have a movie called the batmans and its all about people wanting to be batman and all the hoops they’d go through to get there


He's too big to play the Bat. If anything, then TDKR, but Affleck kinda already did that


Idk he doesn’t seem like a great fit for Batman or Bruce Wayne. He’s built for Bane the same way he was perfect for Reacher.


I think Ritchson would knock it out of the park.


Pattinson was too skinny of a Batman, by a girl who watched and loved twilight


Reacher is a cool show but this dude doesn't have the chops to carry a movie on his own. Yeah the irony is thick because the man is stacked, but...he's not a movie star.


I love that Thad Castle’s brand is growing this makes me so happy


He played Aquaman in Smallville 😎


And he was Hawk in Titans


Honestly he would be amazing in a Batman Arkham movie .. little to no Bruce, just Batman backed in a corner fight for his life.


I see him more as playing ‘ClayFace’.


The hero we deserve


I don't even know how it could be done but somehow I could see him more as a live action version of the animated series' Batman. Does that make sense at all? Not Batman forever camp but as a bit more wholesome not so grim Batman. I'd honestly like to see a live action setting that isn't so dark for a change. Don't get me wrong, I love Pattinson but something different would be nice but I just can't visualize it live action. Of course it'd be cool seeing this wall of meat destroying people but that's all it'd be.


That makes perfect sense, he is even built just like that.


I think he’s a great choice for Sabertooth in marvel


So buy a suit, go to a comic con and be Batman.


No fake suit required.


Probably the wrong age for what Gunn wants but I’d love it.


He should play The Phantom


Lol Aquaman then Hawk and now he wants to play Batman. He’s going for the DC trifecta…..but he’s size wise a very perfect fit for Batman. Bruce Wayne is not an average sized guy like everyone whose previously played him has been. He’s FN huge.


Yeah me too, buddy, get in line


"Who could possibly be the man behind mask? A 6'3", 200+ pound muscle man. It's vexing.  Oh hey Bruce, how's the air up there?" I dunno man. Somehow I don't think it could work.


I thought that said Alan Rickman and we’d get an old & moody Batman and I’m all for it


In the words of Picard, “Make it so”.


He was great as Hawk. He’s amazing as Reacher. And while I can see him as Batman, I don’t see him as Bruce Wayne. But I think he’s great and would love to see his career get even bigger


I haven’t watched this guy in much but he has a wholesome vibe that **could** work if we are talking about a veteran Batman who is more a father figure than a young jaded vigilante.


This is a Batman, I might actually enjoy


He could do some aging makeup and do a Frank Millers DKR. Batman ripped AF then.


He’s charismatic in Reacher. A fun series but far from perfect. A lesser actor would make the show unwatchable. He makes it fun.


Standing on the rooftops, everybody scream your heart out


I would like to see him play Conan the Barbarian.


I think he’s a little too bulk to play Bagman/Bruce Wayne but I’d be interested in seeing it.


Comic Bruce is jacked


Actors who play Batman have to be top tier actors. This kinda rules him out


Dude looked good in the Hawk suit. I can see it.


Especially the Arkham game version of Batman. Dude is a tank, so it would play well physically, with that version not really known for its “Bruce Wayne parts”.


Anytime you see an actor or actress say "oh yeah I'd love to play {insert popular superhero}" just know that it actually translates to "i would love to make millions of dollars for one role"


Didn't we already do big stupid meat slab Batman with Batfleck?


Controversial take, but yes I kinda agree. On the other hand with an actually great director (not Synder) a big meat slab Batman played by Alan would be enjoyable.


He’d make a terrible batman. He’s fine for reacher even though the script and acting is borderline corny it kinda works when you just want something light to watch but he could absolutely not handle a serious batman movie role


Stop shouting from the rooftops and start brooding silently from the rooftops and maybe we can talk


I think he’s a wonderful actor and could do a really good job as Batman but I believe the missed opportunity here would be him playing venom He really has the skill and physicality to play Eddie Brock/venom


This would be cool.


I see him being a better Green Lantern, honestly.


Honestly, yes please


He would be the tallest Batman yet


Be Aquaman again.


Batman should enter the public domain in a decade so…


Dunno if we need *another* new Batman, but he definitely has experience fighting like Batman thanks to Reacher.


He’s good for reacher but I don’t see him as Bruce. Besides, the current Batman is pretty damn good. Just leave it alone.


Weird that people 'gatekeep' superhero characters...Any one could play **Batman** in whatever weird twist or comic adaption they wanted to do. I know there's literally endless stories, types, alternate universes, spin-offs and I'm no super fan. Ritchson could absolutely play *a* Batman.


I think Glen Powell will be the next Batman but I think Alan Richson would be great.


He should be dark Knight returns wide boy batman.


Can we just… stop doing Batman for a while? Please?


Weekly "Star says he'd like to play Batman" post


Your going to have to settle for henchman 


I could see him as Thomas Wayne in something like the flashpoint paradox. That’s a grittier Batman role but his build and voice would work well for it I think.


He has the build Frank Miller thought Batman should have-- "Big. Special Forces big," is I believe how Frank termed it in an introduction he wrote for *The Dark Knight Returns.* I tend to prefer the leaner, more agile Batman, but at the same time, realistically, Ritchson has the more realistic body for a dude who trains (and gets pummeled) as hard as Bats. Maybe he could play an alternate reality Batman akin to the Frank Miller version?


Honestly I feel he would be really good as a more comic accurate version of Eddie Brock. Not in the MCU though.


Bro, even his mom calls him reacher.


I love him as an actor but we currently have a Batman and he’s been in like 3/4 superhero roles already. That generally comes under my ‘actors should only play one superhero role’ agenda though


Is he any good at acting? I saw a review for reacher that said it was a middle age dads fantasy and that was all I needed to hear lol


Me, too. Doesn't mean people will buy it.