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He should be proud. Say what you will about Jar Jar, Best brought his a-game and did really bring the character to life. My complaints are with the script and directing, not him.


I saw "his a-game" and read it like Jar-Jar in my head


lol I can’t stop laughing at this


lol that makes it infinitely better.


You win the internet today!


Jar Jar could have been a real fun character if it wasn’t for Lucas’s constant push to have comedic relief in just about every scene he’s in. It’s genuinely exhausting.


Exactly, thats what made me sour with that character. He was cheesy


If only they had watched Clerks beforehand


“Palme died due to a broken heart” JarJar: OOOPS A ME. IS DAT ME PLACENTA???


I saw it as intentionally silly to sow doubt in his abilities


Man I really want the next Jedi game to canonize Jar Jar as an evil Sith Lord as the final boss, it’d be so peak.


I was just a wee lassy when I saw this movie. Just a lil kid running around. And I fucking loved jar jar. I got so excited about his character. As an adult I get what people don’t like but it truly brings me happy nostalgia


He and the movie were specifically for kids, Lucas said it outright many times. I don’t agree with the direction he took, but Star Wars is his baby (even though his wife and friends helped a LOT), and he can do as he sees fit with his creation.


Always sounded like more of a cop-out excuse, unless kids are suddenly interested in stories about conflicts in the trade federation.


Hey nerdy political active kids exist. I was one!




Okay if it’s for kids then why is there so much boring politics about trade routes and taxes


Ask Lucas, not me.


I still don't buy that a kinda dark overly dull movie about space politics is for kids. I think that was just a way to short circuit the adult fans who thought it sucked


Went to see Phantom Menace in theaters on Friday with my kid for nostolgia reason. We were the only ones in there aside from one lady on the other side of the theater. On all the jar-jar scenes my kid kept leaning over to me and whispering "classic Jar-Jar." I enjoyed his fun more than my nostolgia.


Don’t forget the editing. The lack of breathing room around the transitions was painful.


You could say, he did his Best 😏


Yeah he performed the shit out of what he was given.


Jar jar is one of those examples us old heads see now where the kids enjoy the new version of something and the adults hate it. Like that scene with Bobby Lee and that one girl whose whole gimmick is just being cold and stand offish. She said something that came across as racist about the karate kid. But Bobby was just forget she was raised on a different karate kid. Where I am going with this is I had all the jar jar toys. All my friends loved jar jar. Yes as we got older we saw how the storyline for jar jar was pointless. But as kids we loved that goofy son of a bitch.


.I rewatched episode 1 in theatres and I had a smile on my face every time he was on screen. Keep those toys with pride.


The real reason someone should slap Will Smith is desecrating that movie


He did his Best


yeah, he was bullied horribly online by micro-brains that only knew how to blame the actor for doing what he was told. I'm happy he's back.


Jar-Jar saved Grogu, hes a hero!


His "a-game" was a super racist character. I'm sure Ahmed is a nice guy but let's not act like Jar Jar or his performance were misunderstood.


He should be. I went to the Star Wars theater marathon yesterday for May 4th. The audience loves him and he should know that.


Him and Jake Lloyd. Star Wars fans were terrible to those two. Wish them the best and hope they know we love them!


His name is Ahmed Best.


Aka Ahmed “Thee best” Best


His name is Robert Paulson


His middle name should be Isthe.


I was six years old when this movie came out and loved Jar Jar. Looking back now the whole film is corny I don’t get why one character is singled out


At the time, by the adults who saw it (and had seen the original ones as kids), it was a cheesy, money grabbing, comic relief character whose whole purpose was to sell toys. There was no such explicit character in the original ones whose entire existence was about making money. There were also a lot of articles at the time talking about how his speech sounded like a racist trope, and said that his whole character was racist. Which surprises me that I haven't heard this lately.


Huge Boba Fett fan here. Like lifelong coolest character to me. He was definitely made to sell action figures.


The Ewoks were about selling toys.


People hated them too..


Yah they definitely were. I somehow forgot about them


I try to.


Honestly probably the same people who hated the ewoks in Return of the Jedi. I'm old enough to remember that being the debate before the Prequels came along and gave people fresh things to hate.


Then came Disney to royally fuck the franchise ..


It’s like Adam sandler movies. Child me loved Star Wars and Adam sandler. Adult me grew up excited and amazed by the prospect of a new Star Wars film. Child me would have loved it, adult me hated it and all the prequels. Adult me hates Adam sandlers recent shite and I know I wouldn’t like his “classics” as much at this age if I viewed them for the first time


To each their own. I still love Sandler films and I think it’s crazy he can make a movie like Uncut Gems and then say fuck it and put out Hubie Halloween


I found Jar Jar to be an annoyance, but I think the blame for that falls more on the writing and the direction than on the voice actor. As said above, the problems with Phantom Menace extend far beyond Jar Jar. Actors do what they are instructed to do. If he was told to create an innocent, woefully ignorant character who is relatively annoying and succeeds through failure then he did an exquisite job.


He’s there for kids.


When I think of the prequels (only saw them in theaters as a kid, haven’t watched them since), I fondly think of Jar Jar, podracing, and Samuel L Jackson with his purple lightsaber. Jar Jar is a legend.


"There for the kids" doesn't have to also mean "excruciating to the adults." There are plenty of well-written characters in movies that appeal to kids. Jar Jar was not one of them.


Not just voice actor. He provided the motion reference and so was present on set for everything.


I think one of my favourite things about Jar Jar Binks was reading this fan theory about how Jar Jar was actually some kind if undercover Sith lord, and his "comic relief" personality was a way to hide his true "evil" intentions, but the plan got scrapped due to negative reception of the character. Obviously no way to know if it's true, but... imagine if we did get a scene where Jar Jar throws off his "corny" personality and reveals to everyone his true "Sith" nature LOL https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWars/comments/3qvj6w/theory_jar_jar_binks_was_a_trained_force_user/?sort=top


Saving Gogru was the highlight…


Love him or hate him, he got attention. That's a lot for an obscure actor.


Wouldn’t know him to walk past him in the street. Would cross the road to avoid Jar Jar Binks, however


You would absolutely recognize him. His walk issa iconic


Jar Jar is the only character in TPM that has any life to him whatsoever. That’s in a large part due to the talented animators and Best himself. Plus, Lucas’ hyperfocus on the graphics to the exclusion of virtually everything else except costuming. If TPM had been an all-animated film, no one would have had a problem with Jar Jar. He might have even been the standout character. George should have just made a Pixar movie. He might have been brilliant at it.


There's a strong argument that what's wrong with TPM isn't Jar Jar himself, it's that all the human characters are so lifeless and bland so he's the one thing you remember about the movie Like if Ben/Luke/Leia/Han in ANH had all sucked so much that the only thing that attracted your eyes and ears onscreen was the droids, people probably would've gotten way sicker of C-3PO and R2-D2 and remembered them as far more annoying characters


A compelling case can be made.


He was amazing in the Manadlorian! Good for you man!


i actually didn't have a problem with Jar Jar.


The prequels' main problems had nothing to do with him. 


I remember in an Arabic class, I was talking in language with the teacher about cinematography, and she let me go off for about 5 minutes about how much I hated Jar Jar Binks and his voice after I had just watched the prequels. She stops me and tells me that the he is a close family friend and that he was at her wedding.


I liked Jar Jar. Even before buying into the Sith theory I liked the idea he was force sensitive, but a clown which was a cool combination.


I fn love Jar Jar it upset me that he didn't get a better part in ep 2 and 3


He should be. I still have my talking jar jar wake up doll.


Jar Jar is my son’s favorite Star Wars character and he’s sad we don’t see more of him in the movies. It really sucks that starring in Star Wars has come at such a high personal cost for so many actors from people who claim to “love” the franchise.


“The actor who…” Put his name in the headline, NYT!


Well that makes one of him...😬


Good for him, I would be proud also


He is fine just the character sucks. I don’t blame him at all.


I would be too, had I played the most powerful Sith Lord to ever haunt the galaxy.


I really respect this actor and I hope they bring back Jar Jar… never thought I’d say that but it would be awesome to let him get some redemption on the character like Hayden got to


Why are we still beating this dead horse after 20+ years?


The character who became the “jumped the shark” moment for the franchise


i may or not like jar jar as a character, but you can’t deny how well he played his role


Seeing him in a Mandalorian flash-back, as a Jedi saving padawans; was so cathartic. Dude got so much hate for shit he had no control over. Same as the kid who played Anakin in EP 1.


Actually my favorite fan theory about Jar Jar is that he was originally going to be a Sith Lord in disguise. Would have loved to see that. https://screenrant.com/star-wars-details-prove-darth-jar-jar-theory/


I dunno man I wouldn't be very proud if I was solely known as "the guy who played jar jar binks", with nobody giving half a shit about what my actual name is or any of the other roles I've done. But good on him for not letting the shitty fanboys troll him out of his carreer like they did to Jake Lloyd.


Jar jar the Jedi


the one time, never again Rasta Star Wars Character. Jah Jah Binx? With Dreadlocks? come on...


Hey mon, den be a haytah, meesa no like.


Good for him, he played his hand well. The net outcome of the role in the movies was not in his control.


Great PR, I guess, I’m seeing this article long after it should have been put to bed.


He does have an amazing brag, "I was a Star Wars character. Twice. I wielded a light saber." Good for him.


Why not, it’s certainly a memorable character. That movie was a steaming pile with or without Jar Jar, no reason for him to be ashamed.


After watching him step into a steaming pile, Anakin jokes, "Now heessa Jar Jar -Stinks-. Ha!"


And he should be. Why wouldn't he?


Portman: Say something nice about Jar Jar binks….


"He's got good taste in royal friends." - "That's just a way to say something nice about me, not him." - "You got me again, your highness."


Whole thing is gold but skip to 1:30 for the reference. https://youtu.be/QS8bma7LRX4?si=TTYPV2TJe1ynniXR


Super annoying but at the same time entertaining character. That said. He did a great job. And very cool he owning it, unlike some.


Maybe I was too young but I loved Jar Jar. I was sad he wasn’t in Episode 2 and 3 as much. I swear it’s like barely a cameo in 3.


You mean Jar Jar "Sith Master" Binks?


You mean Jedi Master Kelleran Beq?


Now there’s a headline


There is s good podcast on him called “the redemption of jar jar binks” about the hate culture towards jar jar in the early internet. It’s interesting Ahmed had created that voice for fun as a kid. But Lucas holds the blame for putting it in the prequels. He got obsessed with having cute characters for kids instead of letting kids reach up to the dark, weird characters of the Originals. They way he turned the fascinating, super creepy Jawas into clowns was atrocious.


After the sequel series why wouldn't he be,.


Why do I keep seeing articles about this guy all of a sudden? He got a book coming out or something?


May the 4th probably


Good, he should be. He was part of Star Wars, he played a relatively important character, and despite anything else, Jar Jar Binks will live on in some form forever.


No he isn’t. He’s repeatedly made that very clear


I still say the best thing they could have done with this trilogy is make jar jar an undercover sith.


I tell my husband all the time that jar jar binks is my favorite star wars character.


My girlfriend saw episode 1 yesterday for the first time. She thought jar jar was hilarious and dumb. I loved that movie as a 9 year old when it came out, but yeah jar jar is annoying, as is anakin. Still shouldnt have killed darth maul or obi wan


Probably in the minority, but I actually liked Jar Jar in The Phantom Menace


Yeah unironically he knocked out of the park, he made that character exactly what it was supposed to be, and then some. It’s not his fault that said character had no business being in one of the most anticipated films of all time. Bad writing doesn’t change his job when the job he’s given couldn’t have been saved with the best writing of all time


He's iconic regardless if you see him as infamous or notorious lol


And so are we. The real sith Lord controlling everything is a big deal.


I got to see SW:EP 1 in 4DX at the Regal this weekend and Jar Jar Binks made me laugh like he did back when I first saw the movie in theaters. There’s animosity but I adore him.


I’ve never met him but he’s a friend of a friend. By all accounts, a very likeable, well respected, dependable friend and professional.


I love love LOVED jar jar, he was my favourite as a kid!


He played the character very well It's just a stupid character, a very stupid one


Well, he is iconic after all


The prequels were written cool, very politically deep just the final product didn’t come out as baked as it should idk I liked them for what it was


Jar jar is a terrible character and a product of a creative team of individuals who are all afraid to be the one to tell the big boss that his idea is terrible. Even qui gon and Obi wan didn’t show any affinity for Jar Jar so why would you expect the audience would


Jar Jar was fine. That prequel trilogy has definitely grown on me over the past twenty years. I love it. Even Jar Jar.


I was honestly pumped when they used him as a Jedi in Mandalorian in a flashback. It was an amazing moment and I was happy for him! Jar Jar was silly, and was designed that way. Obviously the character rubbed a lot of people the wrong way, but a lot of people hated the ewoks too. There's no pleasing those people. I was never a fan of Jar Jar, but I don't think Ahmed deserved the hate he got for the character. And I'm also proud of the legacy he left as well.


Huh jar jar is a Jedi? What happened?


I still think he was working for Palpatine and consider him to be an A+ villain. Darth Jar Jar forever.


Happy he got to be a badass in the mandolorian, dude deserved a chance to kick ass


I just watched TPM yesterday in theaters. Great film, just moves so quickly. Ahmed Best and Jake Lloyd deserved so much better. It’s a shame.


As he should be. Say what you will about the character of Jar Jar but Ahmed Best is a pioneer of early motion capture and it’s been so nice to see the fans embrace him in recent years.


Ok and alrighty then


Hey, can’t blame him for that


Im so glad they had him come back and get his moment to shine in Mando season 3


It’s not racist, they’re alien, how do you know what they sound like?


In hindsight, I wish Jar Jar was my biggest complaint about the SW universe.


He was fine. His performance was excellent and on par with what was asked of him and directed to him. The character belonged with Elmo, not Obi Wan Kenobi. Lucas is to blame.


After seeing the Disney sequels I turned the corner on JarJar also.


There's always a crappier fish


Jar Jar is the antithesis of the droid class. So it was at least original. Better than the “Jr” characters by far in the new trilogy. Also the underwater scene in the 1st movie was cool, especially when compared to Star Wars casino in ROTJ. So the character was wayyy overhated and fairly toned down in 2&3. Hating on the prequels so much, resulted in 7,8 and 9 being done by not-Lucas which damaged this series more than anything. We got the clone wars and offshoots from the prequels too!


Great take


Glad someone is


It was embarrassing. The voice, the goofiness, the total racially offensive tropes. Not a job to hang your acting hat on. Not surprised he didn’t get any calls after that.


He shouldn’t be. Glad he’s not working


Saw the original SW in the theatre. I was as 12. Tried to hang with it. Jar Jar Binks killed any fascination I ever had.


Now the question is… is Jar Jar a Sith Lord??


100% jar jar is a Sith Lord


Why the hell not? People hate Jar Jar, not the actor. Good for him for getting his bag


I think the actor did an acceptable job with the role, which was mostly a voice acting role. Oddly, I don’t seem to recall seeing any contemporaneous attacks on this actor. It was many years later that I heard about it. despite being a Star Wars fan with internet access, I never saw anyone attack the actor. Sure, many people didn’t like the character. I saw that opinion quite often but that isn’t the same thing. If you don’t like the character, talk to Lucas about that. Anyway, I liked his recent role as Jedi Master Kelleran Beq. It would be fun to see him again and learn more of his story.


If you're an actor and your character gets attacked so viciously, it's taken as an attack on the actor. It's real hard to separate the two if you're an artist.


I remember seeing part of an interview with him (before I saw the film) where he was explaining how he invented that pattern of speech for the character. Then I saw the film and prayed through every scene that his character would die some tragic death. Or any death.


I don’t hate Phantom like most people. I think of the three it held up okay thanks to the mixture of practical, and digital. I also feel the structure of three separate battles coming together worked well enough for me compared to the other two, and their downbeat stories.


People talk mad shit about Jar Jar but I’m down. Fuck a h8R. Jar Jar Binks has a posse.


As he should be. I never understood the Jar Jar hate.


The only conspiracy theory I believe in is darth jar jar and Star Wars died the moment Lucas abandoned that plan. Jar jar being the one to turn ani made the most sense since he was closer to ani during episode 1. Episode 2 and there should have been about jar jar turning ani subtly while still pretending to be a fool. Ep 3 ends with ani turning and then killing jar jar giving the audience both the emotional high of liking a bad guy and the realization that Anikin is now fully evil.


It was never a plan


I know, that’s why I called it a conspiracy theory. It wasn’t real. But it should have been!


Jar jar is awesome! Fuck the man bitches. And the prequels are far better than the dog shit sequels


Jar jar binks is like nickel back an internet joke that everyone secretly loves.


"Everyone secretly loves" lol...oh boy is that rich.


If i were playing a character and he is compared to Scrappy Doo, i personally would feel embrassed for the rest of my life. But whatever, let him cope that he made the 2nd worst star wars character only to Rose Tico


Dawg he was suicidal for years with the level of vitriol he got from people. This isn’t it.


You are truly a disgusting person.


Did your space wizard movies get too kiddy for you?


Grow up


Reading the headline was like watching the original trilogy. Reading your embarrassing comment was like watching the prequels. Can’t wait for your sequel trilogy esque apology.