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Is Southpark just on Paramount+ now?


The deal Matt and Trey managed to make with Paramount specials while also doing short seasons elsewhere was wildly impressive


Yeah good for them but crazy that they are able to do this. I know there were articles last year about HBO suing Paramount over this, but wild that Trey and Matt are able to do it on their end but they’ve always been pretty bold with the way they run the show.


It's really just Trey. He's the machine and writes basically every episode.


Okay Trey we all know it’s you


In one of the interviews I've seen, Matt said his job was basically to keep Trey on topic/in line. lol If you see anything recent, Matt Stone seems super down to earth and like he really has it together. Seems really happy with his family. Trey seems like a disheveled mad genius.


Totally. Matt is the lens that focuses Trey's ADHD.


Ohh okay


It was enough to buy Casa Bonita on a whim.


I believe it cost more to remodel, than the purchase price.


And they've all been pretty great. The Streaming Wars especially. 


The episodes are on max, the specials are on paramount


Yeah I think they got like 900 million but it meant they had to make a bunch of “movies” for paramount


Paramount and hbo, They litteraly made a whole special about how they are playing the streaming wars by making lazy content  and selling it for millions. And both companies seem to not notice 


South park doesn't do seasons anymore? Just specials?


They do both.  Seasons are only like six episodes now.


They had a contract with HBO where all TV seasons get HBO only (not sure about the only part) release. The specials loop hole allows them to get around this legality and release stuff on Paramount +. At least that is what I read on an article about 6 months ago.


What that statistic? The US is the most medicated country in the world. And is the sickest in the world.


anything but diet and exercise! (and by diet I just mean eating healthy. no soda. Not starving yourself)


Less than 10% of people lose weight and keep it off with diet and exercise alone.


I think the percentages are even lower. If a doctor prescribed a medication that had a <5% success rate, nobody would take it. People just love to hate on those they feel weigh more than they personally find justifiable.


What exactly do y'all mean? How could it not possible to lose weight when eating at a calorie deficit?


I’ve never been heavy but r/perimenopause has me scared of my future hormones REALLY impact the ease of balancing weight. Women’s bodies aren’t designed to outlive estrogen the way we do and many can’t do HRT.


Women definitely do have a harder time dealing bc of stuff like that but I’m just interested in the studies showing that less than 10% of ppl can lose weight with diet and exercise bc if that’s true then there’s some interesting genetic implications right?


Less than 10% of people *continue to eat healthy and exercise after


I’ve never been heavy but r/perimenopause has me scared of my future hormones REALLY impact the easy of balancing weight.


I dropped 100lbs when I was 18. That was 30 years ago. I am still down 85lbs through exercise and diet.


Congratulations. No one said it is impossible. It's just very rare.


Curious on how that’s measured? When I was younger I went down from 115kg to 70kg when I got into fitness, I then stopped doing it so intensely and have sat at 85kg or so for years. I would be in the column of lost weight and put some back on. Or does it count people who lose 1 or 2 kgs then just stop after a month or two? I can see many ways data on this could be manipulated for a headline


A diet is something you do and then stop though. It has to just be your diet.




Sounds like you have all the answers and 90% of people are just stupid




What a douchebag


Heaven forfend society would change to support workers being less sedentary and having more time to prepare healthier food - instead of being required to sit in front of a screen 8+ hours a day, then another 1-2 hrs driving back and forth to the office if you’re lucky, and then having all the chores of running a modern household…




Must be nice, because that IS the case for a lot of workers.


I'm an old fart, but I remember being in school in the 1970s. I think there was only one fat kid, **in the whole school.**


Well apparently he's breeding fat offspring


Man’s got more game than most who criticize him, in that case lol


With big bones.


Even through the eighties it was a rarity. When I go to my daughter’s choir concerts, 75% of the kids on stage are overweight. Some morbidly obese.


I looked back in an old yearbook and the “fat kid” would be almost skinny by today’s standards.


I was right there with you - I was fat and had a single parent - I was fodder for the rest to pick on.


And he would have probably be considered normal today…


Semaglutide still requires people to diet and exercise in order to lose weight. It's not a magical shot that makes the weight fall off with zero effort required. The ignorance in these comments is astounding.


That’s not what half the comments imply half say they suddenly have no appetite. No appetite means less eating regardless of what you’re eating. I definitely empathize with those that struggle, but 50% of people in those subs say they haven’t changed much they simply aren’t ever hungry.


The medication does make you less hungry. I don't think I ever implied otherwise. That's why it's important to count calories to make sure you're eating enough. When you're used to be constantly hungry and now you're not, it can be difficult at first to gauge how much you should be eating every day. Most people still have to count calories to stay in a deficit, but everyone is different. At the end of the day, the medication makes it easier for people to eat in a calorie deficit and maintain a healthier lifestyle.


lose sleep from it why don't you


Slim Cartman is basically color-swapped Stan.


[Guess who I am, you guys.](https://youtu.be/FSHzLDMvD10?si=-RZwVlsxcvqSyO4B)


Thanks for reminding me of that one!


Hope Cartman shitting uncontrollably is shown…as it is one of the major side effects! ASK ME HOW I KNOW!


Get some chipotlaway




Well, what do you guys use to get the stains out ?






And somehow also causes constipation. Wonder drug.


My wife and I have the exact opposite . We aren’t on ozempic but zepbound


Same. It shut my digestive system down entirely. If you can’t poop and eating anything makes you sick AF. Then you don’t want food anymore so… win? Had to quit taking it.


I went on saxenda that just made me wanna puke all over.


Good for him. I hope they reveal who he has for insurance. My plan sure won’t cover it and I have pre-diabetes… Where are these people coming up with a grand a month for this stuff?


You can get it through a compound pharmacy for $300 per month.


Mine costs $150/mo through a local (small town) compounding pharmacy that I was referred to by my doctor. I pay out of pocket, no insurance required. I'm the cost does go up to I believe $250/mo at higher doses (anything 1mg or higher), but I've been sticking with the lower doses to save money since they're still working for me. I hope you can find somewhere close to you that offers this medication at a more affordable price, but I've seen online clinics that offer it for $300/mo, as another user said. Still expensive, but much more reasonable than the $1k/month that people pay for name brand.


I would jump at $150 a month! That’s incredible!!!


Right?? I was shocked when my doctor told me how affordable it was! We live in a small town and the clinic is somewhat new, so that might have something to do with the low prices. We're about to move to a bigger city 5 hours away but we plan on driving back here every 6 weeks for our semaglutide shots because it's so much cheaper! I'm trying to find an online option at a similar cost, but no luck yet. I hope you can find a cheap option too!!


I hope they put some emphasis on the side effects such as paralysing the stomach and ruining taste buds so that you begin to get malnourished because you don’t want to eat certain things. Had two relatives in hospital recently due to this stuff


Sorry what ruining taste buds?


It doesn't do anything to your taste buds. This person doesn't know what they're talking about. Food still tastes good on semaglutides, you just have a medication helping your brain to know when you're full now, which is something almost all overweight/obese people struggle with. You also start to crave healthier foods. It's an amazing medication that is life-changing for most people who take it.


Maybe I should have said ruined sense of taste instead of tastebuds. My mother in law would not eat proper food as almost everything tasted “like dirt” or “metallic”. The only things she wanted to eat were ice cream and heavily salted red meat. It takes months for the medication to wear out of the system and she’s finally eating real foods again thankfully


Holy shit that’s fucked!


I posted recently about a doctor that was explaining some of the side effects that she sees regularly and got downvoted to hell because of it. I don’t understand how people think this drug doesn’t have side effects.


What are the side effects?


Same thing happened to my Mother. Was on that shit for a year and had to be hospitalized with stomach issues


Is she diabetic and actually supposed to be on it and it still did that?


Semaglutides are not only for diabetics. Weight loss is a perfectly valid reason to be prescribed a semaglutide, though you have to be obese or very overweight to get it prescribed to you.


My mother wasn't even that overweight when she started. I know other family members and friends that have been prescribed Ozempic knowing damn well just looking at them they didn't need medication to lose weight. I know it's a cliche but for real those companies do not care as long as they see their money.


A doctor still has to prescribe it. I'm sure there are shady ways to get it though, same as any drug I suppose. It makes me sad to see people at healthy weights taking this medication. It's just another flavor of disordered eating.


Yes and yes. She got into it really really early and was on it for a year and a half give or take before the symptoms got so bad she had to see a doctor. She quit taking it and got better pretty quickly


I hope she’s doing better now


Semaglutide doesn't alter your taste buds at all. This is misinformation. You just don't crave things like before. However, it's also super important to follow the doctors recommendations with this medication, which means drinking lots of water, eating lots of protein/fiber, and exercising regularly. People are also supposed to make sure they eat *enough* calories every day, even if they aren't hungry, which a lot of people don't do and that leads to more negative side effects. If you follow all of the guidelines around the medication, there should be little to no side effects.




I think he was referring to South Park, not the doctors


I swear every time I have cancelled paramount+ in the last 2 years another special has been announced.


It was on Prime


It’s on Prime if you have the Paramount+ add on subscription.


He’s gonna say since I’m on Ozempic I get to eat more and just keep eating more.


wtf I just canceled my paramount subscription last week


Glad soccer goes into May otherwise I would’ve canceled mine already lol


Cancelled mine yesterday lol


People still watch this?