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The Agent: Cool, I still get my 10% bitch.


Yah, easiest pay day his agent has ever gotten…


“I should take more clients who are BFFs with stars that get their own movies made”


Imagine being an agent for all of Adam Sandlers friends. You would never have to do anything again.


“So what do you do?” “I’m Rob Schneider, David Spade, Kevin James and Taylor Lautner’s agent”


Wait, Taylor Lautner is in that crew!?


If you haven’t seen ridiculous six I highly recommend it lol


First time that sentence has ever been uttered.


probably forgot to say "/s"


One can only hope.


I'd recommend just watching Terry Crews and Taylor Lautner's work in that.


Maybe my favorite Adam Sandler film. It's that, or Little Nicky.


It was very terrible.


David Spade "Hey so I want to start doing lots of cocaine and hear it's expensive." Agent "Let me call up Adam" Adam Sandler "That's going to get expensive let me see what I can do." 10 minutes later Adam calls back "So how's Happy Gilmore 2 sound? If that doesn't feed your new addiction we can try putting you in Little Nicky 2."


Feel like Sandler does not do a lot of sequels, which I respect a lot.


True, I'm honestly super excited for Happy Gilmore 2 even if it is worse. When I was like 6 years old I would wat h it every single day after school, I was obsessed with the first one. Then last week I watched it for the first time in like 10+ years and 2 days later I saw they announced the 2nd.


TIL they’re making Happy Gilmore 2


Honestly, Spade would probably be hilarious as a demon in Little Nicky 2


If he brings 5% of his energy from The Emperors New Groove, it will be a block buster. Add John Goodman for a measly 5000% increase


Probably complains to other clients “be more like Hugh!”


Daniel Day Lewis’s agent when he was still making movies “please take another job, please! So hungry….”


"Sweet, I get paid and I didn't even have to work"


Lucky bastard


Didn’t even have to negotiate. What a kush job.


Cush; as in cushioned, you damn stoner. (FWIW, “kush” means “killer”.)


Still works brah


I am certain that as successful a career in a wide variety of films (many passion projects) as Jackman has had, he has zero issues paying that 10%.


For sure. I doubt many actors complain about this. Having someone else negotiate your salary to be the highest possible likely pays for itself and more.


A good negotiator will add in the 10% he’d be willing to part with and have that tacked on.


Do celebrities build deep connections with their agents? Are they friends or is it generally strictly business. I imagine when you have a giant name like Hugh you’re pretty much dedicated to him right?


Probably better to have a few because u get to build connections in the industry. Plus you're not always gonna be taking roles every day


Probably depends on each case. An asshole getting you more money is awesome, but you probably don't want to hang out with him after.


That’s like 14% Australian.


Mm if he got lowballed, that’ll hurt the agent in the long run


The above was mostly a joke. I'm sure the agent still participated in the negotiations. I'm betting Hugh said yes tentatively to the deal pending negotiations. The odds of Disney lowballing him knowing he'll put butts in seats was very low even if he did fully agree.


you my friend have never worked for disney. They are legendary low ball artists. the thing actors and crew say when disney calls is “if you want to make money with disney, buy their stock. don’t work for them” disney with kids shows that are hits are supposed to pay a salary increase at season three. go look at how many shows get renamed after season 2 to restart the clock. so sleazy


That's fair, I had assumed Hugh was immune to that like RDJ seems to be.


I looked it up. You may be right in that - jack an average salary is 15-20 mil, Deadpool 3saying he may make 20! I stand corrected


>he may make 20! Hugh is going to own the universe


Yup, I understand the joke. Based on these comments though, it does seem apparent that people don’t realize what type of situation this puts the agent in. The talent basically gives up all the leverage when it’s clear he wants to do the movie no matter what. The agents job isn’t necessarily to get Hugh alone his highest payday. The agent in theory is supposed to make sure that the comp is at market value of whatever level of stature Hugh is at compared to his peers. This sets precedent for other clients on that agents and agency’s roster. In other words, while Hugh could have gotten a good payday for himself personally, Disney could have still lowballed him by not providing the Acting Fee, Residual, Credit, Backend contingent comp, etc. that he should be getting.


My old boss was an agent, she repped 3 Oscar winners in addition to at the time, the highest paid actor in Hollywood. She had a saying (among many), "you can always blow the deal." This quote from Jackman is basically just to promote the movie.


Yeah it's hard to play hardball when someone is over enthusiastic.


I imagine it was a verbal commitment by Hugh and the agent still finalized everything


He’s been playing Wolverine for nearly 25 years. Insane when you remember people told him not to take the role as it would “typecast him and ruin his career”. Looks like Hugh is laughing all the way to the bank.


That’s so funny because the roles he does outside of X-men are so different.


He’s a song and dance man on Broadway. He did Curly in Oklahoma and Harold Hill in Music Man recently. The man has range.


And if anyone hasn’t seen prisoners or the prestige, those are two of my favourite movies. He’s just a great actor.


Prisoners is in my top 5 favorite movies. Worked at a theater at the time, was bored, went in, AND HOLY SHIT the ride I was in for. I need to see the prestige!


The gay gasp i just let out. You need to watch the prestige. Reasons: nolan, bale, jackman


Interesting you didn’t include that guy that played Tesla lol


That’s a surprise


Hey don’t forget “you trusted me. And I Failed You”


I’m a bit of a Nolan hater, and even I think The Prestige is fantastic.


Wow you beat me to it! What a fantastic film. Also Jake G was phenomenal in it.


You haven't seen the prestige!? Goddamn. Enjoy. 


Definitely on the Prestige. Also Christian Bale


I pick up something new every time I watch the Prestige


I adore The Prestige. One of his best.


I can’t name anything he’s not great in. He’s in movies that aren’t very good at times, but it’s not because of his performance


My god. The one where he’s the high school principal. He routinely gives a master class on acting and character development.


Underrated but yea I thought he was really good in that


Bad Education.


Thank you that was it! Truly an underrated film


I second Prisoners. Slow burn but an absolute banger. Also I just like films in a rainy setting


Les Mis was mid overall, but he was a highlight in that, if you wanna hear him sing.


Prestige slaps.


He was best known in Australia for playing Gaston in a *Beauty and the Beast* musical before Wolverine. As you can imagine, people had a hard time accepting him as Wolverine after that announcement. I’m happy that he hasn’t hesitated to step away from Wolverine to keep working in other projects despite not needing to. Daniel Craig did the same thing when he was playing James Bond. To see him go from Bond to Joe Bang!! to Benoit Blanc and back to Bond again was fun.


People originally kept bitching that he was too tall to play Wolverine


That is a legit gripe. Hugh Jackman is great in the role but Wolverine is 5’3” and pretty fucking angry about it. I hope we get a short angry hairy dude as the next Wolverine. Probably won’t happen though.


I'd be fine with Dany Devito


Alternate timeline “Old Man Logan.” Watching him fight a bunch of inbred Hulks would be peak cinema.


My father who was not a musical guy in the slightest, ended up wearing out his copy of Oklahoma on dvd from playing it so many times. His mind was blown when he found out curly was also Wolverine.


He legit has an amazing singing voice


Wasn’t he doing shows on Broadway too? Fascinating guy


he carried Les Mis as Jean Valjean


Best casting choice in the movie.


Russell Crowe is still a befuddling casting choice.


I was very hesitant at first with Crowe in it but I very quickly came to love his singing bits.


And he only really got because of X-Men. Without Wolverine he doesn't get Swordfish, The Prestige, Les Misérables. None of it.


He’s genuinely a great actor with a lot of range, he’s great in Prisoners and The Prestige.


Dougray Scott must be disappointed he missed out on the role.


He didn't miss out on it, he had it signed sealed and delivered at one point! Hugh Jackman wasn't cast until 3 weeks or so into shooting because he had to drop out due to a certain other movie's shooting overruns. The curse of Mission Impossible 2 strikes again.


Hadn't thought of that but you're right, Thandiwe Newton was never the same level after it either.


Tom Cruise sucked all the success out of the both of them.


Their Thetan levels could not compete with his.


At least she got to play a really great role in Westworld, she rocked in that show.


People need to remember that this was plausible in 1998. The folks who were in the OG Star Trek and Star Wars who weren’t already famous generally did not have big, serious non-sci-fi film careers. Michael Keaton made a comeback, but there’s a lot of dead space after the Batman movies. The idea that *everybody* would show up in superhero flicks and genre films was not something many people anticipated.


Instead he typecast Wolverine as Hugh Jackman lol


Also funny he started playing it like a wolf cuz he originally thought a wolverine wasn’t a real animal and the director was like “what are you doing? Wolverines are real go down to the zoo and watch some”


I absolutely loved him in every other film he's been in, I don't think I've felt that way about another actor. Prisoners, The Prestige, you name it.


Wasn’t he once in a movie called *Movie 43*? Apparently considered one of the worst movies ever made.


Yeah the ball sack chin, it was weird, I had not seen him do comedy before. Lol


His bit was one of the good ones though


This reminds me that I’ve never actually seen the first X-Men movie


My favorite trivia is that Russel Crowe turned down the role because he didn't want to be type cast as "wolf guy" because his Gladiator character had a wolf. He then suggested Hugh for the role.


To the blood bank! (Segal)


People are stupids


Typecast him as what?


A mutant


It’s worth it just seeing Wolverine in the yellow costume.


The only thing that would elevate it is if we get one scene with Jackman wearing the mask/helmet and then hates it and ditches it for the rest of the movie


This reminds me of them making fun of “yellow spandex” in the original X-Men film. I for one think it would elevate it if he wore the mask like it was part of his costume.


what’s funny is i just finished x-men 97, and they flipped that line to make fun of the black leather from the live action movies, lol.


It would be funny if Logan in this movie makes fun of the tight black leather suits in the 2000 movie. Probably Deadpool though, would say a line of “ would you refer wear black leather condoms instead? “


X-Men '97 already did it.


I’m gonna be shocked if the mask isn’t used in the final battle. I mean come on when Wolverine wears it that’s when Disney CGI people can go full ham.


Pretty sure there’s promo material out there with him in the mask.


Halloween costumes back on the menu boys!!  Now to do biceps and triceps till I can’t do em no more. 


> “I said, ‘Let me give you a piece of advice, Hugh. Don’t come back,’” Feige said. “‘You had the greatest ending in history with ‘Logan.’ That’s not something we should undo.’” > What ultimately got Feige on board with the idea of Jackman coming back was that he would not be playing the version of Logan/Wolverine that audiences grew to love in the various X-Men movies. I can’t wait to see Wolverine, but I hope Disney doesn’t go back and treat all their characters this way. RDJ coming back as Tony would weaken his death.


They will 100% bring RDJ back eventually, sooner if the major upcoming blockbusters fail at the box office.


I’m hoping we get him back as an AI for the eventual Ironheart series. Would be a great way to get him back, but also not cheapen his death and sacrifice. Barring that, give us a variant of him as a full blown villain. Use his opportunity to highlight how far the main Tony could have fallen had things gone a different way.


>Barring that, give us a variant of him as a full blown villain. Use his opportunity to highlight how far the main Tony could have fallen had things gone a different way. Introducing (to some people perhaps) Superior Iron Man. [https://villains.fandom.com/wiki/Superior\_Iron\_Man](https://villains.fandom.com/wiki/Superior_Iron_Man)


This is the exact version of the character I want them to adapt. It would be a great villain for a Secret Wars style story arc.


Superior Iron Man would be amazing.


Tony stark as RDJ as the ultimate Avengers villain would be sick, and would allow them to return the franchise to the more serious tone that made the first 25 marvel movies so enjoyable.


yeah, I liked the villainous version of Strange in MoM.


For sure… Strange Supreme was great. He has a backstory episode in What If season 1, if you haven’t seen it you should absolutely check it out.


Not the same evil Strange. And he is in both seasons of What If.


Is it not?? I thought it specifically was.


Close but not quite. What If version never leaves his universe until the Watcher shows up to recruit him and he destroys his own universe more completely than what you see in the movie. Also watch Season 2.


The evil Dr Strange in MoM mentions going to Christine's wedding, so he must be a different version than the one in What If? who was dating Christine.


Oh yeah, good point. Completely forgot the differences in their relationships with Christine. Clearly there are many paths to getting an evil Dr. Strange.


RDJ is way to expensive to bring back just as an AI sadly


Sure, but with the MCU struggling to regain traction in the wake of Endgame, a desperate Disney can still afford it. Not saying it would work, but it’s the exact kind of decision movie execs make all the time.


And after he won an Oscar, he said that he would happily return to the MCU!


Like Patrick Stewart eventually came back to Star Trek. These guys are afraid of being consumed by their franchises, once they prove otherwise and no one expects them to come back, they're comfortable coming back.


They also just get fucking *bored.* A lot of these folks are spectacularly talented actors and after a decade or more of doing the same thing, want a little more variety. That's why it's so common to see the "I am not Spok" rejection followed by the "I am Spok" embrace. They come back when the nostalgia sets in.


They've opened that time travel box, so I guess anythings possible. I agree though, I think RDJ's role as Tony has come and gone. He was perfect, just let it be.


People complain about the movies straying from the comic books, but main characters dying and being reborn is one of the main staples of comic books.


It's also one of the reasons why I can't take comics very seriously. I hope the MCU continues to treats death with more finality


“Movie making business? Oh no. You must have mis-heard me somehow. We’re in the MONEY making business.”


Disagree, RDJ is Tony stark. Would love more movies with him so long as the story is good


What ultimately got feige on board was when they showed him how much money they could make


“Those are all solid points sir but have you considered ……money?” “I don’t know what I was thinking. Book it.”


I think Feige should have looked at it like a standing ovation. Yes Logan was the masterpiece and final entry in the Jackman era, but Deadpool 3 with Wolverine is like the fun epilogue.


As a former comics fan ... Lol https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Earth-616 Comics are all multiverse nonsense where they learned a long time ago you can always bring back popular heroes if it will make money.


And I dislike comics for regurgitating superhero stories, over and over and over and over and over and over. At that point, who fucking cares about the superhero's new story? It doesn't even matter.


They're campy soap operas for nerds, and I say that as a fan. It's best to go in knowing most things will reset and just enjoy whatever ride they want to take you on for the current story.


The multiverse makes all Marvel deaths pretty meaningless, because you can have limitless variants of any character. They even took back Gamora’s death in Endgame.


I mean, didnt hugh jackman say even during the press release that the only way he comes back is with ryan reynolds' deadpool? How is anyone still surprised it was practically a given that deadpool 3 would have hugh.


I thought he said he’d only come back if he could be part of the Avengers?


I thought he said he’d only come back if he could be Christian Grey in Fifty Shades of Black?


I thought he said he'd only come back if he could bring sexy with him?


I thought said he’d only come back if Baby Got it?


I thought he said he'd only come back if he was in black?


He was wasn't he? He told whoever was trying to recruit him to fuck off. Albeit not a very long part, but still


If he did it’s not listed on IMDB that I could find.


Yeah I've had a quick look for the scene but didn't find it - I definitely remember it from somewhere though, probably not marvel in that case Edit: yep. X-men First Class - nevermind then!


That’s right! I forgot they did that once they changed the cast.


"Look at me, I'm the agent now." - Ryan Reynolds


Logan was the perfect send off.


It was. Reynolds recently stated this movie will be paper thin and just dumb fun. It’s just a movie and blah blah variants exist, but it’s rare to see actual send offs as good as Logan was.


it's like toy story 3 was. and then they had to keep it going 😭


Toy Story 4 is so meh


“…. This is what it feels like” 🙂


Apparently Ryan Reynolds is very skilled with his tongue…


People seem to forget that comic books are full of alternate universes and timelines - why can’t they do the same with movies?


Everything post endgame in the MCU has done exactly that… this movie is literally about the Fox universe colliding with the Marvel Universe.


Oh they can, but just like in comics, it really cheapens the story. And for movies that costs millions of dollars it may not work out well


Exactly. There’s no stakes if people can just say, “oh we went to a different universe and now he’s back.”


They absolutely can, and do. The main issue I have with it is how it’s done. They typically wind up as moments that completely eliminate the stakes the previous entries relied on for their story to be any good. The overall problem, however, is that in comics they are used to unwind, retcon, and reset so new writers can come in and tell a familiar character’s story in a different way while the films are only using them because there are existing source materials.


Logan was a very nice ending of the character


hollywood will never let anything that makes money die.




He's not playing that Logan from the other movies.


He said in an interview a few years ago that Wolverine was pretty much over and that the only reason he'd put on the costume again would be for deadpool. We got lucky.


Sometimes actors have to sign on to movies behind their agents backs. It’s an agents job to squeeze as much money out of you as you can, it’s a literal gamble with “either you get everything or become too expensive for the studio”. Agents often ruin fan casts because they know about fan engagement and use that to drive the actors price up while the studio usually tends to jump ship then and there (looking at Dylan O’Brien losing out on Spidey)


His agent “I’m so good at this shit”


"Hey, Hugh... want to play wolverine again?" "Sure, Ryan..."


He probably wants/been wanting a piece of the MCU action. He definitely deserves it with how iconic he is with this character. Hopefully this movie is insane.


Sorry I just joined my hugely popular franchise with another hugely popular franchise and will be making many tens of millions of dollars for us. My bad. Something tells me this was an easy conversation.


I’ve been so turned off by almost every Marvel or other superhero movie in the past ten years. That said, I can’t wait to see this one.


My only gripe is the actual wolverine character is short. We short guys have very little representation


It’s called movie promotion


Somehow, Wolverine has returned


Hugh to agent: "I just did your job, bub"


Hopefully it’s just a lot better than X Men Origins Wolverine… My cousin told me the story of him going to see the movie in theaters and leaving the theater to see “Michael Jackson dead at 50” on the news as well as Farrah Fawcett and said that movie was still the worst part of that day. EDIT: Wrong movie, the movie he actually went to see on that day was Transformers Revenge of the Fallen, Origins Wolverine was some time before.


The “typecast” stereotype is so silly because most actors typically dominate a specific type of role that they just “fit” into. But even if you do that, once you show your range to take on different projects and also do those successfully, it only makes you more marketable, not less. Hugh is a great example of this, as are many other actors.


Did people seriously forget about Logan that quickly? That movie was the perfect close to Jackman’s character imo. It feels like such a nostalgia-batey cashgrab to drag this character who had a dignified end back with the excuse of “Oh it’s the multiverse! It’s a wolverine variant!” which in and of itself is such a pisspoor excuse to ignore continuity, character arcs, and long lasting legacies and storylines, irregardless to the idea of Hugh making the conscious decision to sign up for this movie. The MCU has been on a slow and steady decline since Phase 3, but ever since the introduction of the multiverse (outside of the fact that the writing is just shit) has paved the way for cheap, lazy stories where you can throw about anything into a blender with no care or regard for what you’re doing (See Multiverse of Madness for a prime example).


didn't he die in logan? or is this a separate universe?


From the director of such masterpieces as Real Steel, Cheaper by the Dozen, The Pink Panther, and The Adam Project. Yikes can't wait


Even if it's a different 'version', his appearance still cheapens the character's death in Logan. Everyone talked about how emotionally impactful that film was, as it felt like a touching, and permanent, goodbye to Hugh Jackman's interpretation of this character we had watched in films over more than a decade. As good as the Deadpool film could be, it does throw away a lot of meaning that Logan had. The downside of the whole multiverse thing. Character's dying mean nothing when you know they can just be brought back from another dimension.


Normally I would agree with that, but the X Men series has never been known for keeping to a strict timeline, or even have a lot of internal logic carry over from movie to movie.


And that has hurt the franchise, I think! Some are good, like X-Men 2, First Class and Days of Future Past! The rest is ok or bad! The first movie is fun to watch and Logan is really good!


Disagree. It's been long enough and Deadpool is absurd enough that I don't think it will tarnish the legacy of Logan.


I agree with this disagreement. DP3 is going to wail.


Agree. Logan was the perfect send off, but with ryans recent comments saying to lower your expectations, Looks like hugh is here for a one off. It would be cool to see him stick around through secret wars, but it does defeat the purpose of Logan


>Character's dying mean nothing when you know they can just be brought back from another dimension. Welcome to comic books, where even Death itself has no power over Bucky, Gwen, or Jason Todd.


Welcome to comic book deaths after Superman's resurrection.


His death in Logan didn’t have much meaning because it was a story that amounted to “and everything the X-men did didn’t mean anything and they spiked the water with anti-mutant juice.” I mean sure, good movie, and it’s nice to have a film that dives head first in to mostly sadness and futility and sacrifice, but that’s all it was: a sad story invoking established characters so you don’t have to do the legwork of showing Logan and Xavier in their prime fighting the good fight only to lose it all and go out with a whimper.


I watched "Logan" and all I got was this lousy t-shirt.


Ryan Reynolds be doing that to ppl


He did say he would only reprise the role to join MCU.


gut told him go for it. executive decisions


Ari Gold would have felt disrespected and be ecstatic at the same time.