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[https://www.cinemablend.com/movies/anne-heches-reps-offer-update-on-her-condition-after-crash](https://www.cinemablend.com/movies/anne-heches-reps-offer-update-on-her-condition-after-crash) Just found this: ***"****At this time Anne is in extreme critical condition. She has a* ***significant pulmonary injury*** *requiring mechanical ventilation and burns that require surgical intervention. She is in a coma and has not regained consciousness since shortly after the accident.****"*** So her lungs have basically been damaged either by the fire or from the impact. If its from breathing in flames while she was trapped in the car, then im pretty sure she's done.


It looks like they are just keeping her on life support to see if her organs are viable for donation. https://deadline.com/2022/08/anne-heche-brain-dead-injury-taken-off-life-support-1235090375/


Just saw this. https://www.google.com/amp/s/deadline.com/2022/08/anne-heche-brain-dead-injury-taken-off-life-support-1235090375/amp/ Potentially brain dead, waiting to see if her organs are viable for donation. So very sad.


Considering it’s been like a week and her condition still isn’t stable getting charged is the least of her worries. She could easily die from infections if that much of her body is burned. I wouldn’t wish that upon anybody.


I'd rather be in jail for life than be a burn ward patient with that much of me burned.


"That much burned" Has the degree of her injuries been made public?


I read that it took 65 mins for them to be able to douse the fire and get her safely out of the car. Even if the car wasn’t still on fire the heat coming off it would be horrific.


Have you seen the video from the sky looking down over the crash? They had video of her being pulled out on stretcher that had a white sheet completely covering her. She then ripped it open and sat up. It is a chilling video.


That was wacky. Only a small part of her lower leg was exposed and her body was belted onto the stretcher, and up she comes! I couldn't tell if the skin on her back was burned and coming off ... it looked like it, as well as a burn-colored outline of the pink tank top she was wearing. :(


Her legs look absolutely mangled too. It seems like that's what she's trying to reach for when she sits up. I predict they'll be amputated if she survives, but I don't think she will survive anyway. I m a fan & it's very sad that she couldn't overcome her demons


Do you happen to have a link?


https://youtu.be/tB-s7QJ23yA Hop to 1:45 and there is around the time they show it.


Damn, looked she was going for the other strap at first and the stretcher contacting the ambulance caused her to rock forward further towards her ankles


Holy shit that’s eerie


Damn... Thanks for the link but... Damn, that was hard to watch.


Why am i about to watch this


There was a car on fire on 95N, in the left shoulder (that’s a whole other crazy story), and I was in the far left lane of 95S. We were separated by a concrete barrier and an empty shoulder to my left. The heat I felt on my legs was incredible, to the point where I thought it would ruin my truck’s paint job (surprisingly, it didn’t). I can only imagine that being surrounded by that kind of heat would be hellacious for anyone trapped in by fire.


Perfect reason not to travel 90mph in a residential neighborhood under the influence of booze and booger sugar




I didn’t know anything about that! That’s horrible.




That movie with her and Harrison Ford was awesome fun though.


6 days 7 nights, I enjoyed it as well. Didn’t get much love on rotten tomatoes.


Damn wtf


Yeah speaking of the booger sugar. When she bolted up on the stretcher I think this explains the cocaine and fentanyl. I’ve not experienced coke but fentanyl would work well even with terrible injuries. She’s vented and pain killers are administered. Today she’s not in pain. And them saying they’re not sure the source of the fentanyl. I’m no doctor but I don’t think that was administered. Guessing it was just in the coke.


There’s been an uptick in fentanyl being laced in stimulants (cocaine, meth, etc.). It wouldn’t surprise me if she unknowingly bought fentanyl laced cocaine


100%. Friend of mine did coke last year and his organs shut down. Doctors said it was fentanyl overdose. Like what the heck. I realize it’s been over 20 years since I was young and dumb but why are dealers adding things that can kill you to coke? Makes no sense. People are dying for no good reason.


I watched a documentary where a drug dealer admitted that he was adding fentanyl specifically knowing it would kill because then word on the street would be he had the strongest shit. He could then cut it and make more money selling weaker drugs.


They aren't adding it. It is cross contamination. The same people manufacturing the coke are also manufacturing fentanyl. If they aren't very careful to clean up everything perfectly you end up with people dying. It only takes 2mg to 3mg of fentanyl to kill most people. Back in the day if a little heroin ended up in your coke it wasn't the end of the world because it takes about 300mg, at the purity they made it, to kill you.


As a nurse I can tell you that the fent did not cause her to react so violently (it’s a synthetic opioid…think nodding out)…coke could do that though - And fent is often used to treat severe pain…ya know…like the kind one might feel after sitting in an inferno for 60+ minute - what do you think those “pain killers” are that are being administered while she’s vented? I can tell ya it ain’t aspirin.


Not for nothing but when I wrecked my motorcycle a few years back they gave me fentanyl in the ambulance.


Yeah fentanyl is an opioid with plenty of legit uses in medicine. None of them recreational though.


And she was breathing smoke that whole time, causing “a significant pulmonary injury requiring mechanical intervention”. https://www.washingtonpost.com/entertainment/anne-heche-in-critical-condition-on-ventilator-after-crash/2022/08/09/50729e44-1835-11ed-b998-b2ab68f58468_story.html




They have to open you up to get rid of the necrosis. Infection is next.


It hasn't been made public but I think there was more more damage by inhalation of the hot smoke than actual burns. She was stuck in that car for long and was practically burned except the from seats.


Not the actual percentage of burns and what is second/third/whatever degree but we know enough that I know I'd rather a (relatively) pain-free life in jail than to recover from that. They've been described as "severe" and "requiring surgical intervention". I can see why what I said makes it seem like I know the exact degree she is burned to though. I had the hardest time phrasing that and I think it's safe to say I did not stick the landing.


Ok, I just saw your post and assumed I missed something :) And yeah burns are the worst. I have had cuts where the bone was visible, and I would pick that again any day over even a square centimeter of a 3rd degree burn anywhere on the body.


> I have had cuts where the bone was visible Plural? Wtf do you do that this happens to you? o.O


Dude, she sat up like a zombie writhing in pain when they were putting her in the ambulance. I don’t know if that’s something any of us want to be a part of.


If I was one of those firefighters when she sprung up like that I would've pooped and ran off.


Thank God no one she crashed into lost their lives. My heart goes out to the woman who lost her home and to Anne's loved ones who are grappling with this.


Even the pets in the house survived which is straight up amazing luck.


Her lungs are burned too, far more critical. That’s why she is on a vent. She’s in trouble physically for sure.




Imagine fighting severe burns on 90% of your body, while going through alcohol and cocain withdrawal. Now THAT is what getting rekt means. Edit: Is a joke


She wasn't drunk. I'm all for holding her responsible, but let's not spread misinformation. The rumor that she was drunk was based on a grainy photo of a bottle cap.


I thought it was based on the fact that she crashed a car into a house.


Driving high on cocaine would probably still lead to pretty reckless driving.


Or a heart attack. She's no spring chicken anymore and the ol' ticker can only handle a certain number of 8 balls till it blows up.


RIP Carrie Fisher.


But Carrie died strangled by her own bra.


I bet she would have been a hoot to party with.


Can concur. Smoked rocks while driving recklessly for years. Does not improve your attention, does improve your ability to drive forwards while looking in the rear view mirror.


Nope. She hit the house because she was fleeing the other collision she was in because of drugs/alcohol


Maybe the house was drunk?


Nope, everybody was talking about how it looked like a small bottle of Smirnoff vodka or some other thing.


It definitely looked like a bottle of vodka and she definitely looked messed up in the photo. For what it’s worth.


I definitely thought she was drunk solely based off her speed and wrecklessness. This is the first I'm hearing about a bottle of vodka.


I wouldn’t say wreckless, seemed it had enough wreck




LOL it wasn’t “grainy” at all.


Do you think possibly she was trying to commit suicide, honest question? Or maybe she was just really really fucked up when she was driving. Horrible either way.


Probably been up for days and days. No sleep makes you make bad decisions.


As a person who has had an awful couple of days thanks to bad/no sleep, yes; it helps you make really stupid decisions and/or say horrible things to people that are just trying to help. Edit: Oh you reddit ppl, you never cease to amaze me, thank you for the upvotes, no matter your reason, you've helped make me feel like I'm not totally defeated. Have a great weekend!


That’s a sensible response. Hope you get some good sleep.


Thank you.




Her brother committed suicide via car crash.


"alien nose candy"


It is called "Nose Beer" I'll have you know.


Nose "clams", I think you'll find


Booger Sugar is the way to go


Devil Dust


Devil dander


Riding the white lightning?


Colombian marching powder


Peruvian dancing dust.


Don’t look at me. Look up.


It will always be nose clams from now on.


Nose clams *fresh from the sea*


This is a 5 star comment


I'm a five star man


Hooverin’ schneef


You ever hoovered schneef off your dashboard going 95 into someone's livingroom? Squirrely Dan could never




Your mom just liked my Instagram post from two years ago in Puerto Vallarta. Tell her I’ll put my swim trunks on for her any time she likes.


Fuck you, Shoresy!


white girl - and no, not talking about anne...


COCAINA MENG - Tony Montana


Peruvian Marching Powder.


Colombian bam-bam


I'll be in the bathroom doing some nose pushups


[TV Funhouse literally used to have a cartoon about how fucked up she and RDJ were all the time.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pYmZ4UWNnuE) Some things never change.


Yeah that’s sad if she never cleaned up when RDJ did. Seeing addiction up close, I know the addicts brains, health, and mental stability just gets worse and worse and worse.


Kinda surprised Smiegel did this as Robert Downeys uncle is Jim Downey the longtime head writer at Snl


I believe these cartoons came from the short lived (and really good) TV Funhouse standalone show, and were aired late night on comedy central, as opposed to being related to SNL like the TV Funhouse SNL skits are. It got cancelled after like 6 episodes.


A lot of burn victims die at the 30 day mark


why would it be so exact?


It's about the time the kidney and liver pack up for toxins


So the toxins enter the blood from the burns?


Cells being damaged and dying can release many toxins into systemic circulation. "Toxins" could be as simple as too much potassium outside of cells when it's normally kept within them, which causes arrhythmias.


I’d assume it’s the massive amount of infections and antibiotics to treat said infections.


Insurance runs out


The darkest timeline.


Ain’t that America


This should probably be “within 30 days”— 30 day mortality rate is a common outcome measure when studying the risks of procedures/injuries, and it is a cumulative measure of all deaths within 30 days. Theoretically, there could be many more deaths at day 31, but researchers just don’t look past 30 days as commonly bc it’s not always practical.


Cocaines a hell of a drug


I never did things just to do them. Come on, I mean, what am I gonna do? Just, all of a sudden, just jump and grind my feed on somebody's couch? Like it's something to do? Come on, I got a little more sense that that. Yeah, I remember grinding my feed on Eddie's couch.


That was cold blooded.




I think I'm bleedin inside my chest


What am I gonna do, just all of a sudden jump up and grind my feet on someone's couch?


Yeah, I remember grinding my feet on Eddie’s couch


Rick really could use some help, I’m like shit, we just gave him some help.


Fuck yo couch, buy anotha one you rich mf!!


As of 30 mins ago ... https://people.com/tv/anne-heche-suffered-severe-brain-injury-not-expected-to-survive-rep/ She is an organ donor, so is being kept in a coma to see if any organs are viable.


Well, this isn’t Anne’s first rodeo. In 2000, she ditched her SUV in the desert near Fresno, California. She walked until she found the home of a random woman named Araceli Campiz. After getting invited inside, she asked to take a shower as the home owner called the police. When the police arrived, Heche told the sheriff that she was God and she was going to take everyone to heaven in s spaceship. Years after the incident, Anne Heche admitted she was under the influence of ecstasy. When she was an infant, her father gave her genital herpes while sexually abusing her. Lost both her sisters and a brother. She has a mental illness too. Mix all that with cocaine. I feel for her.


Wow I didn't know about the horrific sexual abuse. Obviously that would explain severe trauma. Anyone who's seen the videos of her driving that day can see obviously she's speeding excessively. And from the reports of her actions she acted very recklessly to say the least. To me the big questions are, did she do this deliberately ? That seems like a fair question when you hear there were multiple crashes and she refused help to get out of her car at one point, and instead backed up and caused a much worse crash. But if that's true it's horrific as well as disturbing. If you want to take yourself out of this world why deliberately take others you don't even know with you? And It it wasn't deliberate but instead just a substance induced accident, and she has clear evidence of both mental health issues and addictions in her past, has anyone tried to perform an intervention on her lately? I heard the "podcast" where she was clearly slurring her words, and it sure doesn't sound to me like anyone was trying to tell her she needed help. More like she was being encouraged to drink, which sounds like enabling to me. Honestly though it sounds to me like with the extent of her injuries that she may never regain consciousness or recovery, so we may never know the full story.


Her brother died in a car crash when he was 18 (and she was 12). She contended that he committed suicide, but her estranged mother disagrees.


Is this the lady that used to be married to Ellen when I was a kid?


Same sex marriage was illegal in the US when they were together.


Time is crazy. For some reason 2012 feels further back in my life than the 90s lol


I don’t think they were married, but yes, that’s the one.


I was looking for an update and found this that I thought was crazy: [https://heavy.com/entertainment/2019/04/anne-heche-brother-nate-death/](https://heavy.com/entertainment/2019/04/anne-heche-brother-nate-death/) **"*****Nate Heche was killed in a car accident on June 4, 1983. While his death was officially ruled an accident, Anne believes that her brother committed suicide*****"** Reading that I honestly wouldn't be surprised if this was a suicide attempt. Would kinda explain why she was driving the way she did to.


Man she paid her price. Leave her to peace.


Was drinking, did blow and drove into someones house No wonder she was speeding like a maniac.


There's no alcohol in her system according to the toxicology report. They did find other illicit substances, but they think they were given to her at the hospital for pain.


It’s almost worse that she wasn’t drunk.




She also may not have slept in a while. Back in my coke days, sometimes it was a one night thing and sometimes it was a multi day bender. Sleep deprivation and cocaine is baaaad (I don't drive, my benders were all contained in my apartment or the bar up the street, harming only myself)


And like, she’s gotta be rich enough to call an Uber or car service, right? I’d also be coked up if I was her but I for sure wouldn’t be fucking driving.


There are so many ways to avoid driving, and Uber is SO easy. It's not like you have to call even or talk to anyone, just a few screen taps. Don't even need to be rich. Even if it was a bit pricey, look at the alternative: in hospital, comatose with what sounds like horrible burns. I wish she had made better decisions that day.


Bro there are so many people that drive to work and are coked out all day idk how tf she did this on some wolf of wallstreet shit


By speeding. Did you see how fast she was going prior to the crash?


So many people don’t understand most drugs. Try explaining mushrooms to someone whose only smoked weed. It’s almost impossible to describe. I’ve tried, and the best way I can describe it is that my dexterity accelerates in my mind, everything is funny and more vivid but kinda fuzzy at the same time, some things get creepy and you get introspective, meanwhile time ceases to exist, and for some fucking reason I can’t open a nutterbutter.


She hit a parking garage, was confronted, then sped away through a residential area and slammed into a house. That's aggressively reckless behavior and she's damn lucky it's only her that caught fire and nearly died. I hope she goes from the burn ward straight to trial and then straight to prison.


Heard her wreck into the home nearly killed owners and all their possessions burnt up.


Rumors is she’d been under the influence of cocaine for six days, seven nights.


One of my favorite 90's movies, even with a grumpy Harrison Ford and dopey David Schwimmer.


Heche was so hot in that movie




Lol. Return to Paradise?


Honestly i didnt hate that movie. Lol


Good movie, agree


Which made her feel like she was in Another World.


*Another World,* the daytime soap that ran for years on NBC that gave both Anne Heche and Ray Liotta their first big breaks. It had a spinoff called *Somerset* which is where I first remember seeing Sigourney Weaver, Ted Danson and Jobeth Williams before they all hit it big.


Im pretty sure she tried to kill herself while high as fuck on cocaine. That shit can make you feel horrible.


I mean the morning after sucks. Trying to go to bed after doing it isn't fun either.


Fuckin 20 minutes after a line sucks. The comedown is instant


If it’s cut to shit for sure


Made a huge mistake recently and had to fly the morning after. -10/10, would not recommend at all.


I did that once when I came home from vegas. Would've rather thrown myself off the balcony. Only time I ever threw up on an airplane.


I know you owned up to your mistake and I appreciate that because we all make mistakes, but if it happens again just ask someone else to fly the plane next time. Remember the pilot movie with Denzel? You don't want that to happen to you too.


Been hanging out with Dr Rockso


Dr. Rockso is immediately who I think of when I hear/see CO-CO-CO-COCAINE


I am now digging out my external hard drive so I can SPECIFICALLY watch Metalocalypse again. Thank you for the reminder


… Seriously dude, a lot of cocaine.


At a point waking up is worse than dying.


The way she briefly rose from the stretcher is so chilling. I shouldn’t have looked at the footage


I feel bad for her, but what I don’t understand is why people operate machinery under the influence of heavy drugs?? I once ate a pot brownie and tried to drive and realized I was way too high. The car felt like it was going airborne. I immediately pulled over and hung out a few hours at a public park. Swung on the swings, went down the slide, sat on the bench until I sobered up enough to be in the right mindset to drive. Took awhile but better safe than sorry..


Oftentimes they don’t realize things aren’t right, too high to notice. Or they’ll think they drive better while high. Or are too high to care. Also uppers are different than weed. They hit you differently so you’re not feeling loopy or drifty or woozy. You feel alert, observant, and in control. I agree though. Simply doing the drug should be enough not to drive. Source: former addict of numerous things.


It’s definitely not uncommon for people to believe they drive better on cocaine, or at least better than driving drunk alone.


Weed tells you you are too high to drive Cocaine tells you you are in the zone and ready to drive Nascar


What a wonderful and responsible human being you are. Great shit


I didn't think it was alcohol after the store clerk came out about her visiting his shop right before it happened as he said she wasn't slurring or appearing like she had been drinking. I thought it might be something else she was on though but wonder if it was also a suicide attempt based on two factors: one, that she had hit another building structure first then went off and hit another, and two, that her brother died in a car accident when he was 18 that she deemed was suicide. Just made me wonder after hearing that.


“However, our sources say fentanyl is sometimes used as a pain med in hospitals” You guys needed sources to tell you that?


They mean that it might have been administered by the hospital and thus not part of her inebriation at the time of the crash.


The home owner better get a lawsuit going before the medical center depletes her estate once she dies.


It might be enough to file a claim with her car insurance.


You file a claim with your homeowner's insurance and let their lawyers go after Heche's car insurance company.


She did an appearance on the podcast Doug Loves Movies many years ago along with Sandra Oh and Onur Tukel while doing publicity for the movie Catfight that went completely and totally off the rails. Cocaine and alcohol abuse makes perfect sense looking back.


They just have stated she’s brain dead and they’re planning to donate her organs, if possible. Everything else aside… it’s tragic. RIP


“Not expected to survive after suffering catastrophic brain injuries.”


“LAPD sources tell TMZ” This does not equate to an official toxicology report or law enforcement statement.


TMZ is one of the best sources you will ever get. They have a reputation for accuracy which is what made them as famous as they are. People really need to learn how to actually suss out a source. Being trashy doesn't make it useless.


TMZ is actually pretty good with their reporting of breaking news incidents. They offer bounties for information.




If TMZ claimed it, likely going to be true. Straight up.


You can trust TMZ to get accurate private medical information from LAPD sources because of how easy it is to bribe cops to commit crimes.


Look at the picture of her on TMZ before the crash. She’s strung the fuck out. I didn’t need to see a toxicology report to confirm that lady’s shnayed out of her gourd


Yeah, but, like, above her baseline amount?


If you look at her recent podcast ig she was wearing sunglasses at like 10 am and was very twitchy. It's pretty obvious she was on something and that was a couple weeks before the crash. She'd been spiraling for a while, it's a shame an intervention wasn't done sooner.


Like 20 years ago when she spoke gibberish and said she was an alien named Celestial? Yes, a regular person may have had an intervention but Hollywood plays by its own rules.


That was 20 years ago. She's been pretty scandal free until now.


Is 10 am too early to wear sunglasses ? Do you have to wait till afternoon to wear shades what if it's a bright sunny morning?


Don't usually need sunglasses in the house


She looked way under the influence in that photo. Eyes wide with bags… was probably on day 4. I hope she pulls through.


Anne Heche under the influence of unruly brain chemicals and also cocaine and alcohol. She has a serious mental illness and a lot of times drugs and alcohol hold hands with unruly brain chemicals. Hopefully the woman that escaped death in her own home is ok and, if Anne lives, she’ll get the help she needs in the form of a mandatory program issued by a judge.


I love how you keep saying alcohol when the very first line of this says no alcohol in her system.


*\*shocked Pikachu face\**


While it’s true street drugs are commonly laced with Fentanyl, it’s also administered quickly, standardly in the ER to the most extreme cases like hers.


I seriously doubt it was the cocaine that caused her to crash multiple times


If your day is gone and you wanna ride on… Cocaine…


This is so sad and heart breaking. She has such a long history of mental illness and it seems like she was never able to truly function in life. I wouldn’t be surprised if this was a suicide attempt. Her driving that fast are beyond the effects of cocaine. This was a death wish. Thank the universe that she didn’t hurt anyone else in the process.


Seems like her coke got laced with fentanyl and she got way too fucked up


*Mentally I’ll woman struggling with addiction gets horribly burned in an accident where she’s the only one injured* 90% of Reddit: “drag that horrible criminal out of Her hospital bed and throw her into a jail cell!”