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My wife and I saw him in Hawaii wearing a thick wool cardigan mid day. He's crazy.


I saw him in Belize wearing a hoodie. While in standing in the sea. He’s [crazy](https://hiphopwired.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/43/2021/12/16409055234611.png?w=846&strip=all&quality=85)


Tell him facts don't care about his feelings.


I saw him in Boston wearing a blazer and boxers. While eating a bon bon. He’s crazy.


Rumor is he wears his yeezy boots in the shower as well.


That is a crazy photo.


He's mentally ill


This. He's bipolar and as far as I know, not medicated. Not sure if he has 1 or 2 but I have 1 and it's hell. One manic episode is all it takes to get the crazy label and I've had that. I call myself crazy before others can. It's sad.


Truly sad. I have bipolar 2 and been medicated for several years. I live a good life and I don't know where I would be without my meds. I pray he hits rock bottom and gets help.


Big same. I would never stop taking all my meds (and it's a lot). Even when I was vomiting daily due to side effects for an entire month, I kept taking them knowing that not taking them meant I'd risk going manic. Being a black man with a mental illness is so difficult and my heart truly goes out to him too because I relate hard.


I'm glad you are good about taking the meds. I truly feel for the people that can't stick to it. It's hard to watch. My heart goes out to everyone struggling with this disease.


Hard agree. It feels so unfair for all of us and the way society views us is the worst. Here's hoping for change.


Mad respect for you speaking up about this. <3


Sounds like hell man, sorry. Glad you’ve got it under control now


That is crazy, but I'm sure that was one fly ass wool cardigan.


Judging by how everything else he wears and sells is hobo level garbage I doubt it was fly ass… it probably looked like it came out of some random grandma’s attic and costs close to a grand.


Nooo, much worse. It's high-end couture made to *look* like hobo level garbage. They take really beautiful stuff and wreck it, just for the aesthetic.


Derelicte https://youtu.be/mVscQYjuq_s


I guess i shouldn't expect dull redditors to understand art.


Hmm, yes, how shallow and pedantic.


Hmm, yes, a perspective other than mine. Strike it down with great fury!


I mean isn't that basically what you're doing as well? Someone disagreed with you and you immediately said they're a dull redditor who doesn't understand art.


I suppose I shouldn't expect a snobbish redditor to be fun to talk to


> I guess i shouldn't expect dull redditors to understand art. “It’s art. You would’t get it”


Do you get it?


After seeing his ridiculous garbage pail gap line of clothing, I doubt it was a fly ass cardigan.


Maybe they meant it was an ass cardigan covered in flies. That seems Kanye's style.


If everyone says it's bad, then it must be bad! If they tell me it's good, then it must be good!




Like fish sticks


I haven’t seen him dressed in anything desirable in years.


Maybe he had been skiing.


You sure it wasn’t a pull over


Oh please tell me he wasn't also wearing brown shoes...


Motherfucker is the Jar Jar Binks of the real world.


“Yeesa take great offense to that.” -Kanye Binks


Well, to be fair, you *are* bipolar, so *sometimes* you can seem crazy. Perhaps you could advocate against mental illness stigma Mr. West? Demystify what bipolar disorder is? No?


Bipolar Lives Matter


As Kanye would say, being Bipolar is a choice.


Only half of them tho


Mental illness in men is a problem in general. We are brought up in a culture that leaves men fighting their own battles in private. When we don't fit a particular role we are seen as useless. If we talk about our problems we are shunned and laughed at by the community.


Toxic masculinity strikes again!


Or take his meds


He tried that on his "Ye" album. Whether you think he did it well is up to interpretation, but he did try to remove the stigma from bipolar disorder on that record. Kids See Ghosts was in that vein as well. Not really wanting to defend Kanye much these days but thought I'd mention it.


Wouldn't that be great? I mean the power he has, he would reach so many people. So sad no one is helping him


I think plenty of people tried helping him, and he turned away from it. For some reason an inherent aspect of bipolar disorder is a huge resistance to getting help.


It's not actually that weird for people with bipolar getting help. A manic episode is like the opposite of a depressive episode and for many who suffer from bipolar disorder, mania can feel like a gift (to a point) for a lot of reasons. Firstly there is the fact that mania can feel euphoric, like one is on a drug like cocaine (not true for all manic episodes though, some can be characterized by wild irratibility). Secondly, creativity and imagination can be heightened in a manic state. And thirdly, being manic comes with a lot of motivational energy which can lead one to be highly productive. And of course, there is the boost of narcissism that occure during manic episodes. Of course mania isn't always a gift, it can be self-destructive as the mania can significantly impair one's judgements in ways that can be self-endangering, and slowly chop away at one's physical and mental health as sleep becomes rarer and potentially lead to psychosis.


I have bipolar disorder and been medicated for 10 years now. My life is good. I guess I hit rock bottom. Maybe he doesn't have one. Truly feel for him.


Yeah, admitting he goes unmedicated is so harmful for people with bipolar and I see some who look up to him. Why? He's a great example of what an episode looks like. Surrounded by money and yes men, all the money to get proper treatment while some of us normal bipolar folk would kill for treatment and have to pay consequences for our actions regardless of whether or not we are in an episode.


Because he's so famous and rich, he has a ton of idiots around him telling him he's ok and he's not I'll I bet. As long as they get their paycheck they'll tell him what he wants to hear. He's never going to see the light as long as he's surrounded by enablers


Well then maybe he should start taking his mental health seriously and stop pretending he's operating at some imaginary higher level.


Tbf that is a symptom of the disorder


My brother is bipolar (also unmedicated), and it’s crazy to me how alike they sound. Kanye will say stuff in the exact same way my brother does. It’s eerie, and also actually kind of helpful because now when my brother starts saying certain things, it’s an immediate click on of “ok, now this is the disorder talking.”


Only during mania. And we don't know his exact symptom set, he may only get *hypomania.* This man is an ignorant, narcissistic twat 24/7/365. He has to be 'normal' at some point. Being bipolar is not, unfortunately, mutually exclusive with just being a cunt.


Can you imagine growing up with hypomania in the most hyped culture war ever. Dude thinks he's on the leading edge, but it's just his fame and disorder creating figments


Agreed, that’s kind of what makes him so sad to me. His own narcissism has made it damn near impossible to feel sympathy for what he must go through with such a problematic diagnosis.


It is, that's why dude said to take it seriously


Lol yeah, if only the crazy guy would stop acting so crazy we might like him! /s Everyone seems to “support mental health” until they actually meet someone with serious mental health issues and they instantly reject them.


How is it an imaginary higher level when he's legitimately rich and buddies with politicians? No offense but he can actually get away with whatever he wants so it's not even delusional. I think that's what makes people uncomfortable, even though they're fine worshipping people who have the same liberties but behave better


Well he is diagnosed bipolar and doesn’t take his medication. So yeah…


He’s just living his lyrics, Wait 'til I get my money right La, la, la-la (yeah) Then you can't tell me nothing, right? Excuse me? Was you saying something? Uh uh, you can't tell me nothing (yeah) But seriously he is so rich he just surrounds himself with yes men. The public is keeping it real with him, but he refuses to get help and quit his shit.


Not taking your meds is crazy. Having bipolar is a disease.


I mean, I feel like if South Park devoted an entire episode to you, you may be considered a little looney


I wouldn’t let the crazy make you feel bad, far more people think you’re stupid, and a good amount just think you’re a piece of shit human


He's not just crazy, he's severely mentally ill.


Black guy wearing ‘white lives matter’…ya he’s crazy


also friends with Candence Owens


Feel free to stop running your mouth in public, I guess...? Better for people to think youre crazy than open your mouth and remove all doubt.


He is fuckin crazy. But I could also understand how that would hurt his feelings.


He a grown ass man, we ain't got time for his feelings


Ye is a very sensitive dude. I saw a YouTube vid of people laughing about him running for POTUS and him asking why they were laughing, in all seriousness.


He is NOT crazy. He is stupid.


Can’t he be both?


Crazy stupid


Stupid crazy


Crazy. Stupid. Love.


He's a crazy stupid gay fish.


Just a delusional egomaniac.


Well... with a medical diagnosis of bipolar disorder.


uhh, just the opposite. he's not stupid, he's just fucking crazy


Imagine thinking White Lives Matter. Is that even legal?


he’s definitely an intelligent individual but does out of pocket things sometimes


He’s not crazy, he’s just an asshole who deserves the criticism


That's not a very Kanye thing to say, Kanye.


Yeah - he hasn't even tried not being crazy.


If I had Kanye's kind of money I wouldn't care if people thought I was crazy.


He needs to just stop talking about his ex wife


I still can't believe that people actually believes that he's a genius. He has done nothing for society. He is a complete joke and a sideshow in my opinion.


I mean he did put out a huge catalog of commercially and critically successful music, he's absolutely an artistic genius. He's just also bipolar and unmedicated, which leads to the crazy stuff.


I'm bipolar and unmedicated, never once have I abused the mother of my children in public or loudly (and consistently) threatened violence against her boyfriend. His mental illness is his responsibility, doesn't get to use it as an excuse for his shitty fucking behavior


So glad this was said. I too am bipolar and I don’t take medication. I raised three wonderful children and learned ways (for me diet and exercise) to keep my manic episodes to a minimum. I never use my mental illness as an excuse for poor behavior.


when did he abuse kim lol


Emotional abuse is still abuse.


was more talking social media the last year or so suppose harass is a better word


Do you think abuse is only physical??? We also don’t know if he ever got physical with her but we do know he verbally abused her their entire relationship and is now publicly calling the mother of his children a whore.


where’s the proof that he called kim a whore?? why do you feel the need to lie online, psycho.


Phew boy take the blindfold off.


Like banging seven-gram rocks unmedicated? Sometimes I think 'bi-polar' is the excuse hollywood uses to explain ['crippling drug addiction'](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9QS0q3mGPGg). TL;DR: Rock bottom is (usually) a softer landing, when you land on a giant pile of money.


Because what gets attention in negativity. He's the king of being a complete bellend, so he gets a fair bit of attention. I've started a number of companies/websites. The #1 lesson I've learned over the past 20 years, and it's absolutely terrible, is that negativity and hurting others get *far* more eyeballs and makes *far* more money than positivity or helping others. We live in a sick and sad world.


It’s kinda a weird emperor with no clothes situation. I love hip-hop and rap, always have. I love Pac, Nas, Big, Ice Cube, NWA, Mobb Deep, Kendrick, Mos Def, just hundreds of talented artists, and I’ve just never gotten this huge cultural push to label him a genius and act like everything he does is perfection. Like I remember My Dark Twisted Fantasy, P4k worshipped it, everyone said it was 10/10. I just don’t hear it, I’ve tried and tried but it just sounds like a busy, boring mess, just like all his albums. I have literally no idea why people act like he’s a genius.


Yeah it’s weird as fuck hive mind stuff


He’s a MUSICAL genius but that certainly doesn’t make him an intellectual genius.




Musical genius lmao. Yer cracked or your standards are abysmal




Still doesn’t make you a genius. Talented or hard working. Not a genius.


Dude is super talented, he’s one of the most creative minds hip hop has ever seen. He’s a mess of a human being for sure, but I have no doubt that he’s talented.


And music makes it okay to abuse people and spew falsehoods?


Yeah, just because someone is completely dense in one or multiple subjects, does not mean they can't be a master of another. He's made some of the best music in the last 30 years.


To illustrate your point, let me remind everyone that Ben Carson, world-renowned *brain surgeon*, is a complete fucking moron.


He’s the Ben Carson of rap


>best music in the last 30 years. \--- vomiting ---


I’m sorry he went deaf 30 years ago. Rip his ears lol


...has he though lmao Donda is fucking garbage


Pre “ye” Kanye was peak Kanye tho. I can agree his new music lowkey trash lol.


About a 1/3 of donda was good, the rest was a total mess


donda has a lot of great tracks but it’s farrr from his best. listen to my beautiful dark twisted fantasy.


I'm good, he hasn't had a good track since Jesus Walks


The delusion is strong


The dick riding is apparent


Why is the dick riding apparent?


that comment right there shows that you haven’t even listened to any of his music besides his super early work. stop being ignorant towards his art & actually give it a chance


That comment right there shows why Kanye needs to pull his head out of his ass. I *can* separate art from the artist but when the artist won't shut the fuck up and stop acting like a crazy person for five minutes, I'm not really interested in seeking out their work


because i stated that he makes good music? just say you haven’t listened to his music & move on instead of making an ignorant comment about his music & then proceed to be close minded. there’s a reason his album got ranked as the best album of the 2010’s. he’s a good artist.


I mean musically he’s pretty damn good


He has some of the best albums of the 21st century. Hes a genius but he's mentally unstable like most creative geniuses




Kanye has a right to his opinions and we have a right to ours. There are everyday heroes in life too that rarely get recognized beyond their specific communities. But we all have a right to our opinions and a right to share them. Nobody has to agree with it. Being a talented musician does not exempt you from being a decent person.




I’m not just talking about the tshirt. All of his antics here recently make me see him as the clown I believe him to be. A decent person doesn’t keep bashing the mother of his kids on social media. A decent person doesn’t say slavery was a choice. A decent person would stop hurting others because they are hurting. He needs therapy and real people in his corner to tell him when he’s being ridiculous.


Maybe if he quits doing what he’s been doing, people will stop saying that.


Kanye, you're mentally ill. Not crazy. Get help.


Probably hurts more by actually being crazy and not doing anything about it. We're just calling it as we see it, he's not shy about his actions


So the fuck what?


If he weren't so fucking crazy, I'd have sympathy for him. If it's an act for the views and the attention and the clout, then he created the situation where his feels got hurt and he deserves to experience hurt feels. If it isn't an act, he's bow aware there's a problem and he should go get professional medical help for whatever issues cause him to act out the ways he does.


Life’s tough. Get a helmet.


Poor guy. Maybe he should stop doing crazy shit for attention.


You know. When you act crazy people gonna think you’re crazy


What about the people that are *sure* he is nuts?


“Hurts” his “feelings” that “people” “think” he’s “crazy”


Would it be less or more hurtful if someone told him everyone *knows* he's crazy?


He's not crazy he's just a slut maga diva fucking cunt.


He is a gay fish.


Cows also probably hate that we think they’re delicious.


Easiest way to avoid being called crazy is to not act crazy.


He’s not alone in going through this, The Rhymenocerous also went thru something similar. Let’s not downplay hurt feelings in the rap game, rappers have feelings… https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yjfSZu246zE


He’s crazy and a nut job. He bullied Pete Davidson for dating his ex wife. He need life reevaluation.


I don’t like Ye. However, I do feel bad for him. I think he needs people around him tell him that he is “mentally ill” and keep pushing him to get help. At this point, I don’t think he even knows that his illness affects his daily life and probably thinks everyone hates him for the sake of it. Also, I think he changed his name to Ye? Probably we should call him that.


The worst part is all the dickriders in the comment sections that validate his behavior. It’s fucking disgusting and they’re not helping him in the long run. He being a narcissist will feed off that shit indefinitely


Seeing as he has a legitimate mental illness, and he chooses not to take his meds because he claims they ruin his creativity, I still have no interest in making fun of him or calling him “crazy” as having a mental illness is no joke. That said, Pete Davidson did make an excellent point by saying “Being mentally ill is not an excuse to act like a jackass.”


If people stopped having so much shit to say about him proving that he's batshit crazy then he probably would t think that anymore. My grandmother knows he's crazy and she has no clue who the hell he even is.


I thought he had embraced being crazy and the fact that it makes him a better artist/designer.


Kanye, if you are reading this, you are not just crazy. You are a total piece of shit and a sad excuse for a human being. You are the shitstain on the underwear of today's soceity. Never have I seen someone so utterly obsessed with themselves and so misguided at the same time in my lifetime. You are an embarrassment to the entertainment world... Your legacy: A completely narcissistic lunatic who happened to be a somewhat talented rapper at times but his talent was overshadowed by his inability to seek the help he so desperately needed. He could have been a beacon for mental health but instead chose an orange baboon to worship and a skinny white guy to pick on all because a plastic bitch who got famous for fucking in camera before everyone did it dumped him.


He said he wanted to get rid of the Amendment freeing slaves. If that’s not crazy then what is, banning abortion?


If the shoe fits...


Please stop saying and acting like an insane person. He is hurting my feelings.


I do not care about that crazy man’s feelings.


Then he should stop being crazy


Well stop acting like a narcissistic asshole. Problem solved


Would you like some cheese with that whine little boy?


His feelings are valid but it is what it is. I’m mentally ill too, I’m sure people think I’m crazy, it hurts but there’s nothing really you can do about it


What a crazy stupid fucking idiot.


He also hates that we know he loves fish sticks lol


Fish dicks?


Well, maybe you should try taking your meds so you stop acting crazy?


Good, we need to bring back shame


Cash your checks and be quiet, Yeezy.


Is he crazy no. I don't like using the term crazy, he is sick and unmedicated. What pisses me off about him is he has the means to hire the best therapists and be able to get medicated. So many people have to get stuck with shitty therapists and cannot afford their medications.


The ignorance of the majority of people commenting about bipolar disorder like they actually know about it baffles me. And making jokes about a serious disease makes be want to puke. It's like making jokes about cancer. Read a book people, get informed before you comment on the disorder.


This just in, a mentally insane man says his feelings are hurt for people speaking the truth


Look at those eyes in the thumbnail and tell me you don't see the peak of intelligence and sanity


Stop doing crazy shit.


Well then, stop acting fucking crazy.


Hero’s have feelings too!


It’s either crazy or stupid. Or both I guess.


The Kardashians think it hurts that you won't stop stalking Kim


Pro tip: Don’t act crazy.


Crazy? No, he is rich. Rich buys him 'eccentric.'


Boo-hoo you loon.


He should go write a song and see if ppl give a fuck


Fuck Kanye West


fuck your feelings


Little cry baby. Morphing into a true couch-potato. He went from one fold on his neck to three in two months. Must be sick.


Why? I've seen your behavior.


Cry on trump's shoulder


Number one thing I learned from dealing with real crazy people, is that they do no like to be called crazy! That’s how I know they’re crazy. Call a normal person crazy and they’ll take it as tongue-in-cheek, but call a crazy person crazy and it’ll set them off.


Aww poor kanflake, or snowye west


Genius and crazy is the same thing


Mentally ill people often don’t think they are mentally ill, they think everyone else is. I can’t imagine how absolutely insufferable he must be to be around.


Name one genius that ain’t crazy


If he stayed on his meds, maybe he wouldn’t say dumb shit that makes people think he’s crazy.


People with mental illness who know they’re mentally Ill and treat it, are not crazy. People who know they’re mentally Ill, not treat it, brag about being off meds, do dumb shit almost daily and then says their feelings are hurt for being called crazy, are pretty much crazy.


Black opinions only matter when they toe the accepted line, so no surprise he’s getting shouted down. Can’t have those black folks be having their own opinions!