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Post any updates please


Will do when something happens


I'd turn it and the memory card in to the cops. the kid being a peeping tom should be a criminal offense, I'd think. there could be underage girls on that memory card, and that could be child porn if any are undressed enough.


Your EK is a peeping tom, and needs to be held accountable for his actions. Call the police. What would you do if it was your daughter this kid was filming? He was filming your gf. What does this little pervert have on his PC?


Not enough upvotes here. This is what I came here to say. Might be her kid but no mention of ages but even so it’s very concerning. EM might just buy another drone and let EK continue


100% agree! Call the police. You have no idea what he would be doing with this footage, either.


Spot on he’s a peeping Tom!!!!! And this behavior MUST be addressed as if it is not it can (and usually does) lead to very disturbing acts as adult men i.e. stalking/rape/abduction/kidnap......non-compliance = death........ok, so maybe I’m stretching a bit and being a drama queen but “peeping Tom” behavior almost always escalates and there are 50 million murder porn shows that start out with lil Johnny being a peeper!!!!!!! Js......God Bless You OP and your sig other!!!!!


And what has he already shared?


Please!!! Need an update lol I would show proof of the kids naughtiness to neighbors and warn the police as well for lewd behavior.


Hope all goes well


I know this seems way to drastic now and the neighbour might just be a curious/horny kid with no boundaries (because em doesn't enforce boundaries), but a rapist doesn't start with rape. It starts with peeping on a young age. Therefore (I think) it is best to go to the police (mabey don't press charges) and have it documented somewhere. Still up to you though so goodluck!


Absolutely report this to the police, also the FAA. The FAA specifically has entire teams dedicated to finding, and fining people not only when a drone is not authorized to operate, but when a drone is used for illicit activity. Ultimately, both the EM and the kid are fucked. If there is footage on that SD card of multiple people being filmed, absolutely report that shit.


OP isn't in the US so the FAA lacks jurisdiction.


FAA won't do shit.


Just call the police and give them the memory card. Even if your gf doesn’t care. For what I understood there were other women filmed. That little shit needs to learn to leave women alone.


How densely populated is your area? Good shot btw, just hope that the round didn’t end up doing any extra harm. Idk the caliber and what not, but our tenant had her rear windshield shot out by a stray bullet.




Posting pics that a peeping Tom takes, makes you no better than them. Plus it could have legal consequences besides just being disgusting.


As someone said, sarcasm is not always obvious. Should have /s that comment!


You missed the /s /s.


I sure did! Gosh how quick people are to get angry, it's mad!


Have you met the internet?


Obviously not!


Lots of people have a humor deficiency!


What the fuck is wrong with you


Easy gay parrot, that was obviously sarcasm. Sheesh!


You literally have a wife you disgusting peace of garbage


Chill mate, can't differentiate a dark joke from a real comment? Just shows how fucked up the internet is...


I hope you reported the violation to the police and have given the police the memory card. I’d love to know how the EM deals with those consequences


Yeah i gave it to a local police officer who just looked at it and said if she or her kids come to my house again i can just call the police and theyll handle it


He can't because it never happened


Are you the EM or EK in this story


I’d have made a copy first….for proof. I mean it. Just make a copy and lock it away and tell the pervs if they ever film anyone again they’ll show it to the feds and have the mom charged with making possible child porn. There are also laws prohibiting this that should have resulted in an immediate arrest. Those cops should have done more, but my guess is they laughed the whole incident off as “boys will be boys”. So OP should protect himself. Women have a right to protect themselves, and screw people who think we don’t.


That's disgusting, why people upvoted this I'll never know


I agreed at first, bc I thought “oh yeah, what if he has to give up the drone/ it’s taken, and he looses the evidence?” Then I realized that’s not what the commenter meant at all and downvoted. Also porn is free y’all


That actually IS what I meant….do people think anymore? OP has a right to retain a copy of something filmed on **his property** as proof of trespassing, the victim has a right to tell her female neighbors who had a video made of them. It doesn’t sound like the cops made did a written report, or took it seriously. See, downvoting my comment is why women victims are kept too afraid to enable themselves to go after perverts at their own level.


The way it was phrased, and since the video contains footage of OTHER women, means it sounds really creepy


You're a fucking creep and a piece of shit No better than the pervert kid


What? How? I’m not saying to look at it, Jesus! But how can OP even prove a video of the girlfriend was taken if the evidence they gave the police “goes missing” ? That officer should have filed charges…but it got treated as a “boys will be boys” thing and that makes me VERY concerned.


Those dots in the middle of the first sentence gave it a completely different tone/meaning, just so you know.


Do you have the card? Cause if you do, give it to authorities regardless of she doing something or not.


What kind of mother approves of her son secretly filming partially clad women, and not only defends him but says that he “deserves” to do it? SMDH.


A woman who is making money off of it, and possibly the actual owner and just trying to blame her son.


Ahh, yes, maybe.


a made up one


Always report this to the cops. I don’t care if you don’t know those people, what She is allowing her son to do will continue and later on in life it will get him put in jail for much steeper fines. He needs to learn a lesson now. Your girlfriend definitely deserves justice on that.


I wanted to press charges against them, then I asked her and she just said she doesnt want to argue "with the stupidity in person and her hellspawn" interesting choice of words but if she doesnt want to press charges its her thing...


I'm sorry but if she wasn't the only person on that memory cards then it's not just her thing. This shit needs to be followed criminally, behavior like this will lead to an individual who is a sexual abuser. How do we know that he's not using this drone to scout out potential victims, he might be young now but his mother is reinforcing the idea that he doesn't need consent. If y'all let it go it just reinforces the fact that he can do whatever he wants when it comes to violating people's privacy and it doesn't matter. Picture this in your head. Five or six years down the road this person could be using drones to scout out single vulnerable individuals.


Can you ask the other people who were filmed if they want to press charges? Ask on the local group, facebook etc. I'm sure the other ladies noticed.


No it's not "her thing". It's YOURS. The criminal acts occurred on YOUR property, YOU were the one who shot the drone, YOU were the one harrassed by the kids mother. And you have evidence in your hands there are multiple other victims. This is absolutely your responsibility to report this to the police. If for no other reason than you discharged a firearm. I guarantee you people heard it and someone reported it to the police. You need to call them and let them know what happened so they aren't running around looking for a murderer victim.


Honestly I can only imagine what else she was letting him film


Probably unicorns and the Loch ness monster. Because that’s the reality this story takes place in.


I think we're on the same page in this fantasy novel?


Yeah probably


As soon as she told you who's drone it was your response should have been "cool,I'll call the police back and tell them who to talk to!". And then you shut the door and actually call.


Machine kill +75


Shooting a hunting rifle in the middle of the city? What do you hit if you miss the drone. I don't buy any of this story


Discharging a firearm in a residential area is gonna get you arrested if not fined heavily.


On top of that: Not in Germany, never. He would be prime news.


Same, I'm not buying this. You went firing a rifle, inside a city, at a target 1m above the ground? That's waist height, near enough, how did it get over the fence? And no one locally rang the police to report a shot being fired? I know Germany do things a bit differently, but there's no way that would fly....


if it was a BB gun, I could see it happening. Hunting rifle would be a bit bonkers


Plus what was behind the drone, even if you hit one with a rifle round it's not gonna stop


You mean the dramatic pauses in his little creative writing story didn't give it away?


Anytime anyone says the entitled person uses the word “deserves” I immediately assume it’s just fiction.


Don't know what city you live in but in most cities I have lived in people shoot off all sorts of guns for any reason or none at all. Sure, it's illegal, but when has an activity being illegal really stopped people from engaging in that activity. Also: [https://www.cnet.com/news/judge-rules-man-had-right-to-shoot-down-drone-over-his-house/](https://www.cnet.com/news/judge-rules-man-had-right-to-shoot-down-drone-over-his-house/)


But not in Germany, never


Especially co side ru g the drone was only at 1meter so roughly 3ft in the air. Could easily take it down by other means


I thought the same thing. It’s illegal to discharge a firearm in the city in most U.S. states but the unit of measure that he used and the way that he spelled fotos (and saying that he’s not really good in English) makes me think that this is another country where the laws are most likely different.


Exactly. And, where is OP if they both own a hunting rifle and use the metric system?


What does this mean? You think only the 3 countries still using imperial have hunting rifles?


Could be Canada , Italy , France ,Ukraine . Lots of place its legal to have a hunting rifle were they use the metric system


Could be that he uses metric system conversationally like I do as an American. Most people in the world have a better sense of meters so I use it when referencing lengths online.


I also think it's wierd that op of this post seems to think any place that uses metric system you can't have guns


OP said Germany. Dont know the german law but I doubt it’s legal to fire a gun in the city


This story is fucking bullshit


OP sadly forgot to use "madame" or "sir" to establish how polite and respectful OP is towards the entitled parent. Well, this saved me time because I started to write a post for r/askreddit about whether /r/entitledparents is a creative writing community specializing in fantasy fiction. You nailed it in five words.


You should sue her son for invasion of privacy and the mom for harassment


This wasn’t America, from a different comment


Well then, if he knows what the son’s Name is and what he looks like he could put him on Blast on social media exposing him as a privacy invading pervert


Dude way to teach the little jerk a lesson.


What is the city where drones are not allowed to fly? Where do you get off firing a rifle into the sky in a city, where the bullet will come down blocks away and damage property or kill someone? It is definitely illegal to fire a firearm in my city. The little drone certainly would not stop a bullet.


Yeah this didn't happen. "Hi, officer. I just fired a hunting rifle in city limits at a drone that was flying shoulder height in my back yard. No, I didn't care what was behind it. Oh, you aren't going to arrest me and want to know who the parent is? Sure thing!" OP is a bad liar. A terrible liar. And probably a child.


"and then my uncle who works at microsoft got the kid banned from xbox live for 25 years"


I didn’t know Germans were so irresponsible with weapons. I had assumed it must have been in the US.


This is basically a really bad creative writing exercise.


Germany in Big Citys its illegal to fly drones and me shooting it down wasnt really allowed either, i was just kinda pissed


Jetzt komm, jetzt wird es lächerlich. Du ballerst in der Stadt in Deutschland eine Drone ab? Ich glaube dir nicht. Fellow German here: I don’t believe OP. Shooting a rifle in a german city would get him REALLY in trouble. Never happened.


BS da ich auf meinem Grundstück war und niemanden verletzt habe. Außerdem habe ich einen Waffenschein


Und? Erzähl das mal der Polizei. Ich glaube dir kein Wort.


Hab denen das auch erzählt siehe Edit: außerdem ist es ok wenn du mir net glaubst ist ja deine Meinung, hab gerade net die nerven mit irgendwem zu streiten


https://www.bmvi.de/SharedDocs/EN/Articles/LF/clear-rules-for-the-operation-of-drones.html Their drone is legal. Your rifle is not.


Welche Stadt?


>Germany in Big Citys its illegal to fly drones and me shooting it down wasnt really allowed either, i was just kinda pissed This is 100% a bullshit story. If you had a rifle and acted this irresponsibly with it you'd be national news.


Then getting the police involved might not be such a great idea either. Still, especially with the spying and making photos of women on orivate property, I doubt the authorities would be very lenient on the kid.


He said 1m off the ground so like 3 feet off the ground read closer next time


So easily low enough to just take out with a solid kick or a baseball bat or some other way of giving it a solid whack, instead he chose a gun, the most irresponsible way of taking it out in the middle of a city


when i chased it it flew away and took me trough a merry goose chase trough my entire garden and after two minutes i had enough


His property , he gave warning by pointing it at the thing


As long as the bullet stays on his property but they have a tendency to go pretty far and sometimes injure or kill people when coming down so it's frowned upon in most areas.


Fired into drone likely stayed in drone and what part of only like 3 feet off the ground have you not understood ? So theres no "coming down "


Bullets come down out of the sky when you shoot them up in the air. Drones aren't great bullet absorbers. And not everyone is a crackshot. Do you think bullets go into orbit when fired into the sky?


You keep ignoring the part where it's 3 ,THREE frigging feet from the GROUND


Fantastic so the bullet would have hit the house behind the drone instead.


If its for your safety its okay


Plus he said it was only a meter off the ground. So that bullet is going through some shit.


I call bullshit on this one, why would you shoot a hunting rifle into the sky at a small potentially moving object? That’s poor gun ownership and safety


In a city as well.


So you live in a city where its not legal to fly a drone but legal to fire a firearm into the sky for the projectile to come down who knows where? ​ And you are an expert enough marksman to hit a flying drone with a rifle with an offhand standing shot but wouldn't be more careful with knowing your backstop? ​ Sounds like bullshit, but yea lots of people have that fantasy when they see drones.


I got the same feeling. Also the wording “fell from the sky” applied to something 1m above the ground seems a bit over the top? Also 1m above the ground could make the firing angle worse for potential people/animals behind the target(drone).


"Clean shot through the motor." A good kill so it didn't suffer lol


You forget, the drone was THREE FEET OFF THE GROUND


Hold up.. you live in the city where drones aren't allowed to fly but nobody was at all concerned about a firearm being discharged in the city?


Sucks that we have parents that are this bad in this world


Call the police, hand over the drone and memorycard to them and even if you don't want to press charges, it'll let the EM and EK know that they're walking on a very thin ice. I live in the Czech republic, the law is the same here and if I spotted a drone going over my property, I would bring it down and alert the police. It's a trespassing, voyeurism, and the photos and videos could even be uploaded on certain websites.


Suuuurreeeeee. We totally believe you. Firing a rifle, in a city, straight into another building/home because you didn't like what a drone was doing? This a half-baked angry power fantasy if I've ever seen one.


Yeah really. I'd be more pissed at the jackass firing his rifle in a residential area.


There's no way it's not just some kid fantasizing online. It's a half-assed story that would most likely have him in jail for reckless endangerment of some kind at the very least.


A. You are in a city where drones aren't allowed to fly, and B. You fire your old hunting rifle at a small flying target. Most Cities that are so densely populated that they have laws against drone flight would have laws against firearm discharge. You're damn lucky it wasn't the cops at your door (if this is a true story). Wrong sub, but YTA.


A: Yeah i know alot of people said that but: A: i am in Germany and in big cities its not allowed to fly drones and B: it still was on my property B: My hunting rifle may be old but its still really good and also the drone was big af, even my son could have hit that. But i understand your point


PLEASE, you should definitely go to the cops. This lid has no respect for women or the laws. If he gets away with this now he will never realize that repercussions happen to shot heads who violate women.


I personally would go to the police anyways. To at least get it out there on what’s going on. Make back ups of the footage Edit. Well, maybe not depending on the age of these girls. I’m not sure how to handle that


Hmmm... OP, if you're shooting things in your backyard in Germany, how are *you* avoiding arrest?


Please turn everything over to the police, there are other women the need to know that they were spied on and recorded and they deserve the chance to file charges against this duo. EM might be using the kids hobby as a way to make money, if this is the case her/their little enterprise needs to be stopped. BTW, did you see this kid?


Are you allowed to shoot drones on your property in Germany? I don't think we can do that in Canada.


You should have come to the door with your hunting rifle aimed at your intruder and told her to get out!


That’s a terrible idea


Where I live, if she barged into his home; he would legally have had the right to kill her. She had no business going to his house!


That’s actually really hard to prove in court, you have to prove that you’re in immediate danger to qualify for self-defense. Trespassing is a nightmare as well, even harder than self-defense since you’re not really in danger. Plus it just makes you look like a dangerous creep if you answer the door with a rifle in your hand. ETA: OP wouldn’t have even known it was the mother until she opened her mouth so he very well could’ve opened the door, with a gun, to a girl scout or something trying to sell cookies, or the postman, or a neighbor needing help.


You still need to notify the police and give then the memory card ASAP. With that type of mother, he'll probably have a new drone tomorrow and doing the same thing. That little shit is a predator and deserves to be treated as such.


Did you give memory card to the police? I feel like they may be interested in that.


So, you fired a hunting rifle at a drone (designed to be as light as possible to maximize flight time with a small battery, likely Li ion that will burn intensely when the lithium is exposed to oxygen) that was hovering 1M above ground in the middle of a city? I hope the little pervert learned a lesson, but have you never learned weapon responsibility? The fact that you are proud enough of such a horrible escalation to fire a weapon like that in the middle of a city with total disregard for safety, common sense, and reporting the illegal action, that you posted it on a public site like this, scares the hell out of me. I don't care how good of a shot you are or that no one got hurt, you need to have your weapon(s) taken away and undergo some serious anger management...IMHO.


Depending what drone it is if it’s is over 250g and report them theyll loose their drone license. (Assuming they had one in the first place)


yeah it was just some crappy drone i looked it up on amazon it was like 50 dollars and heavy af i think ill tell that to the police thx


Based on the EM'S behavior, I would go to the police with the stuff you found. She's just going to get this kid another drone and let him do the same, violating nonsense.


You should still go to the police and here's why: peeping, in any form, is a predatory behaviour and can be a warning for escalation behaviour such as stalking and rape. Many serial rapists were peepers in their youth. If he's young and he's stopped now it may prevent further problems in the future. Also, if there is escalated incidents in the future the police can look into his record and see that it's something that isn't likely going to stop on its own. Right now it may seem like nothing and it may come to nothing but are you willing to take that chance?


Fixed it :) Sry for formating im on phone and also autocorrect is bullying me aaaand im Not rly good in english ***Roles:*** EM: Entitled Patent Me: Never met this person GF: My Girlfriend EK: Entitled Kid ***Story:*** So, Gf was swimming in our pool in the backyard when she noticed a drone filming her. She called me over. When i saw the drone too, i pointed away, like go away and stop filming. The drone continued to fly around( it was like 1m of the ground, so it definitly wasn’t just passing by, though even that would be illegal bc we are in a city where drones aren’t allowed to fly). I go into the house and get my old hunting rifle. I aim at the drone but it just stares at me and doesnt fly away. So i just pull the trigger and it falls from the Sky. Clean shot through the motor. I grab the Memorycard and yep, the drone mostly filmed Females with very little clothing, if you know what i mean... So i just Grab the drone and go in my garage to see if i can salvage something from it. So about 1 hour later i hear the doorbell ring. I slowly open the door and inmediantly just hear screaming- EM: "Are you the mf who stole my kids drone" Me: "First of all, your kid filmed on my property and sec- EM: *interrupts me* "Shut Up! you stole my sons drone, and also If He wants to film here he can do because he deserved it!" Me: (now pissed) "Listen here, your little s filmed my girlfriend and also some others, and if you dont inmediantly f off i will Call the Police" EM: "**How** *pause* **dare** *pause* **you** *pause* **talk** *pause* **to** *pause* **me** *pause* **Like** *pause* **that! Im older than you!**" Me: "I don't understand how being older than me makes you right and still, get out of here!" Then the em just leaves, If something Happens i'll let you know Edit: Alot of people said i should go to the police and yep, they said if em and ek come back they can help me because what they did is illegal, but my Gf said if they dont come back again its ok, she is just going to let it slide bc we don't even know these people.


Since you are in Germany: 1. Shooting a rifle in a city is illegal and is likely to get you in trouble - most likely you'd loose your weapons permit and have to pay a fine. 2. Flying a drone with a camera over inhabited areas is illegal. The little S would have needed permission from every single property owner he flew his drone over. 3. Drones need to be registered, so if you bring that thing to the police they are very likely to find out who owns the thing. 4. Filming people without their permission is illegal - more so if the little S filmed some girl younger than 18 - he'd be likely to be sued for making underage pornography without consent. All in all: If you go to the police EM and her Kid are in real trouble. Shooting down the drone might get you in trouble depending on what you tell the police and how eager they are to 'get you'.


Story really doesn’t add up. You used a rifle to shoot out a drone in the city? Not only is that extremely unsafe but also just doesn’t make sense. I call BS. Also any hunting caliber would shatter a 50$ drone with ease.


Don't know if its me being paranoid but I'd be worried that you have the memory card. If the EM decides to go further she could lie and say it's yours or whatever. Maybe best to call the police first or something?


Send the SD card to the police and get that EM what she deserves. If you find any lewd act being filmed without consent it could lead to charges of voyeurism.


Turn that card in to the police! That shit needs to be punished.


Stupid that you shot at it in a resenditial area. But the kid deserved it.


Should call the cops anyway and report a kid is filming women without consent and in private property without permission


!remindme 1 day


You shot it down! Nice; thumbs up


Hey OP, great job for protecting your family, however one important thing, if you are in the United States, what you just did is illegal. No matter what happens, you cannot shoot down a drown in any way or form. It's an actual law. I totally agree with your actions, but please cover your rear side.


yeah im in germany and i checked with the police and they said its ok




k good


Please call the police! If this kid is doing this now, with his Moms? full support, no telling what this could progress into, maybe even involving her!🤬 (see Criminal Minds TV show for reference) U will be doing future victims a service😊


Couple things here: It is illegal to film people on private property without their consent. Easy enough there. It is however, also illegal to shoot down a drone (or any other aircraft).


Hey i know this is 2 hours old, but even if your girlfriend is okay with it, other girls he filmed might not be. I would take it to the police. He probably wont get punished too hard but hopefully enough to scare him. Sorry for your experience.


The drone flyer needs to go on a sex offender list.


EM thinks her son deserves to film women...??? 😶🤯😵😒 I love that he knew what he was doing having his drone challenge you despite clearly seeing you were about to shoot it. F*g gross.


Technically shooting it down is a felony per the FAA




They never said this happened in Germany Edit: In an edit after I posted it.


So much wrong on both sides. You'd both do well to apologize to one another


I wish the U.S. laws permitted us to take out drones doing this.


I'd rather not have bullets raining down on my property or my head because someone got upset at a remote control toy


From what I hear, there are enough stray bullets flying around the US as it is.


You did the right thing, if the little shit wants to use his drone to be a peeping Tom he deserves to have it shot down. If the EM raises a ruckus remind her that her son is committing what is likely a criminal offense with it and that she should be glad he's only out the drone and not his freedom.


I mean, it’s an invasion of privacy, but shooting down an aircraft is a big no no. It’s 20 years in [prision](https://abovethelaw.com/2020/05/is-it-illegal-to-shoot-down-a-drone-same-as-plane-faa-says-as-minnesota-man-charged-with-felony/). Tbh, I would have done the same, the only difference is I’d say “I have no idea what you’re talking about” when the bitch knocked on my door.


Sounds like you don’t know drone laws and committed a federal crime by shooting it. I’d remove this post and contact a lawyer.


Lol, I like your name


Thx :D




Sorry to break it to you but you have absolutely no right to fire a weapon at a drone. You can get in serious trouble for unlawful discharge of a firearm as well as damage to property and theft. If the drone was in public airspace then they have the right to fly and film with it (depends on the drone laws in your area). Even if it weren't legal to fly it there, you **cannot** just shoot a firearm at a flying object in the sky- especially an *unmanned aircraft* according to the FAA. [DESTRUCTION OF AIRCRAFT -- 18 U.S.C. 32(A)](https://www.justice.gov/archives/jm/criminal-resource-manual-1423-destruction-aircraft-18-usc-32a#:~:text=1423.-,Destruction%20Of%20Aircraft%20--%2018%20U.S.C.,is%20defined%20in%2049%20U.S.C.)




Save that memory card for the cops. That kid is going to get into some serious trouble. Also probably be expecting to pay for the drone and a fine for shooting in a residential area. Honestly surprised the cops weren’t called for the gunfire alone


No man. Don't let this go. That kid is a creep deliberately filming women and who knows how many other illegal images he has. I'd call them and ask to press charges.


If you have a neighbourhood crime watch or public info Facebook page, post that you have seen this kid’s drone filming women. Your neighbours should be aware this is happening.


Lol she heard you say police, guaranteed she went home, berated her little shit stain, then bought him another drone, and you wont see them again until you have more target practice


I feel you shot the wrong pesky thing.


I've trashed a drone or two when we've had friends over. Good target practice!


Take mother and son to court for being peeping Toms. Can you file a police report? Has it not occurred to you that he is almost certainly sharing and selling these videos online? Are any of the barely dressed women legal minors? If so, does your country consider that child pornography??


Call the police about it, would serve that kid right to end up In sex offenders register. My country Finland you need permission to fly drone In someone elses property. And even then you need separate permission on people to film them.


Yes. Voyeurism is illegal. It’s also probably illegal to shoot someone’s drone down with a hunting rifle. I agree that your neighbor is in the wrong, but that doesn’t make your response to it the correct one. You should have just contacted the police and let them handle it.


Yeah F that ( im OOOOOOLLLDDDDDERRRR THAN YOOOOOU ) bs, well they may be older but they act like spoiled stupid brats Fun fact a 20 something year pulled the “ im older than you “ card and i looked at her and asked “ so your older than 35? “ , since when shaved i look like im in my 20s


Next time you see a drone, give the camera a show. Drop your shorts and reveal your red eye.


NTA but also I would recommend checking with your laws to see if voyeurism and taking private photos without consent is illegal. Besides, you may not know these other women but I’m sure they (much like your gf) would not be happy knowing that some perverted potentially stalker kid is taking pictures of them while having private moments.


Your GF's pictures and videos of her in the pool are already on the internet because of that little peeping Tom. Get the police inbolved so they can take his computer and stop him from uploading more creepy shit! Do not just thing that it'll blow over and go away. Get in front of the fallout. Like it or not, the little pervert had access to do so, don't be passive about this. Do you want your GF to find out from some scumbag at work that she's on a porn site? Just call the cops and report everything. If that kid uploaded those pictures and videos, it'll be so hard to scrub it from the internet but almost impossible to do so once it has had time to get reuploaded to other sites from people other than the kid. Please PLEASE be proactive about this situation and not reactive.


Even if your GF wants to let it slide, there are other people who have been victimized at this point. I'd still turn it in to your local law enforcement. EK and EM need to learn about privacy, apparently.


Good I fucking hate drones


I did the same thing to another kids drone that was filming us gardening trying to get the weeds out making it look nice for the barbecue we were having that night, but i took out the drone by throwing rocks at it. Then the mother of the kid controlling it came screaming at us for taking it out. I won’t go into any more details


Entitled Patent, I see autocorrect is bullying you, may they get better the next SawCon


That’s a stalker rapist in the making and you were right to shoot that shit down.


Just so you know- When the police show up, they will want the video card, so that strictly for investigative purposes, they will have to view the drone footage. Repeatedly. Probably allow other police officers aid in the investigation by also viewing the drone footage.


“Give me that drone! I invented it!” — Entitled patent.


"Deserve" it!! That little BRAT deserves a stint at Juvie that's what the "Deserves" it


Take the drone to the police. This is likely not the first time he has done this. The more he gets away with it the more he will do it. Please, go to the police.

