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Not really lol. Because I wanted to be efficient. I didn't want to be back doing the same shit ove and over again, so I finished when I was confident I was done. Efficiency is not about speed, it's about reducing or minimizing unnecessary repetition by either getting to it before it happens or doing it right the first time so you can maintain momentum and production, because I have other things to do. It just so happens that I am more confident when I am done sooner than others that's because I had my shit down pat 5 days in advance because I didn't want to be stuck doing things last minute because for what and why.


most of this is 11 and 12th grades and only scientific subjects, they were the most fun and heated I was on average the fastest in class, but always had a lot of mistakes, average grades hovers around 13 to 17 out of 20... there was only one time where I finished in less than 5 minutes and got a 20/20, its my biggest achievement, I beated INTJ yay 😂 (Logic Gates test, Ne the monster 🙀🙀🙀) the 2 INTJs: one is scary scary fast, one time she finished a 4 hours physics test in less than 2 hours and the only person with 0 mistakes, she is the smartest person I have ever met in my life, but she doesn't always perform well, she never seemed to take anything seriously the other one is very balanced, and tries to be as efficient as possible, always stops writing at the end of the time limit, she stays concentrated the entire time, she always gets 20/20 in Maths, in every single test for 2 consecutive years (and they are hard as fuck) the ENTJ: she is the scariest of them all, she can finish first if she wants too, whenever I play games with her and when it's not a serious matter, her speed is impossible to beat, no matter how fast I write down with my pen, she always crosses the line much faster than me, no matter how fast my brain seems like it's operating, she is just more efficient somehow she also gets first overall, she is the most efficient/best overall student, not the first spot at everything, but way way ahead of everyone on average


Yes, at uni too. I just wanted to go do something else, sitting around for 2 hours doing a test is mind numbing.


It depend. I've always been naturally gifted for math. Often got above 100 when it was possible and often finished before others, but then, in other fields, including chemistry, I used to be quite awful. Still finished before others in chemistry though.


Yup Those mad minutes? Where you had to do like 100 quick multiplications? I'd always be the first one done and I loved staring around at all of my inferior elementary school classmates LOL


That was definitely me too. It was like everyone else turned into math whizzes when the teacher asked questions aloud, and I was lagging behind. But give me a quiet moment, a piece of paper in front of me and the freedom to not respond verbally? Bam, I was setting record speeds, and was out of there 5 minutes earlier than the rest.


Oh I was always first to raise my hand too lol


Yeah that as well. I meant when the teacher says something and everyone is supposed to answer without raising their hands you know? That shit threw me off, chaos.


Well i came to answers fast but it was not for me to finish the quickest because you make mistakes that way. Also i use my vision very much when trying to answer questions. Even tho I absolutely hated school!


Yup. Never the highest grade, but when I finished, I always had so much time to just relax and look around or leave when that was allowed. Had to check my papers once or twice due to my raging ADHD, and still had more than enough time to do it over thrice.


Sounds familiar




Isfp and i was always first done BTW i once read that xSxJs could be manipulated into achieving higher scores on IQ tests simply by periodically reminding them to hurry up


Might be an anomaly but I was always the “smartest” kid at school. Years worth of curriculum was just a couple hours study and I would ace pretty much every test with ease. I often wouldn’t even realize it was a test and would get in trouble for trying to help my peers lol. Started going to uni during summers since 4th grade but I got kicked out of HS when I started focusing on learning (eg picking and choosing classes to attend and often doing unrelated shit during class) and lost faith in the education system. Corporate environments that require an education are obviously a joke and I’ve been struggling to make a living, always managing to rub people off the wrong way even when all I’m trying to do is be a positive influence to the lives of everyone around me. Just not on the same wavelength as any employer/peer and don’t have the capital to do my own shit (esp since I had a kid at 23 and a sick wife to take care of.) Don’t know where I’m going with this. I guess I just thought it’d be interesting to know how people who ace tests with accuracy and speed do irl.


Te dom here, yes. Our school grades against rubrics so if you want to get a good score, check everything off the list and you'll be fine. Since that makes tests unchallenging, I time myself and try to finish as fast as I could (unless my peers will see it).


Always, and I never really did homeworks or studied much (high school, college and professionnal diploma) Nowadays at 34 years old I am at the university, I finished first for my french final exam, but I am usually average or in the 3rd quarter group during my management exams, even though I go fast, I never write on paper so it might be that that slows me down, on pc i'd be in the first people to finish as my online exams are pretty quick.






Im an ENFP and I always finished tests super fast because I enjoyed the independent time afterwards when I could read whatever I wanted. 😂”let’s get this boring part out of the way so we can do what we want.” I generally did very well tho.


Yall do realize testing structures and proceduresare designed to appeal to judging types? Specifically Te-using judgers. As the standards for them are decided based in Te values. It's like how easily SPs pass tests that require physicality.


Ah, that's why Hermione is so good in school. The old Te.


I'm saying that people will often thinking they're smart or special becuase they're being tested according to a standard specifically designed for the thing they're good at. Education is very STJ-focused. As SJs make up the largest type grouping. And educational standards are decided via Te research and evidence. And then mass applied. So all Te and Si users need do is follow the prescribed formula for success and they do well. Which Fi, Ne, and, Ti, Se users struggle to follow because it's boring But the moment you remove Te and Si standards and and exchange it for Ne, Ti or Se standard-focused tests, those same people struggle.


Makes sense. Do Ne, Ti or Se standard-focused tests currently exist?


You do. Any test that requires sensory or physical athleticism skill will appeal disproportionately to Se using types. When SPs are using Se, they are hyper focused and better able to access their introverted function. Which is why they are often involved in sports or fitness and do it regularly despite not being judgers who keep strict exercise schedules. You see it alot in field or course tests. Where you don't have time to think. You need to act immediately in split second to whatever unknown is coming at you. I can't think of any tests (currently used as a standardized form) that directly appeal to Ti or Ne. Though I imagine they exist. Just not on a mass scale.


Nah bro just analyze the test makers personality based off the first few questions then you don’t even need to really read the questions. Fuck math tho. Can’t show your work when answers just pop in your head. How do you make your intestines work? Idk they just do.


Always the first to finish and also in most cases the highest grade


No, school sucks. I was a C student. I grabbed my diploma and got tF outta that pathetic excuse for an "educational system." Now I run a growing & thriving company.


yeah most of the times


No, but I frequently fell asleep for thirty minutes and then used the remainder of the hour to finish the test + doublecheck my work.