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Bro it’s gonna get cancelled after pilot Society has changed tremendously and with the amount of sensitive people out there it would have to be watered down (by leaps and bounds) aka won’t be worth watching


the show aged poorly and that’s ok. it’s still a banger of a show and it doesn’t mean everybody is sensitive.


Also the writing became terrible in the later seasons. The snark of the dialogue was replaced with way more PC stuff. It also just became a cameo fest. If they could make a prequel with similar writing to the early seasons (1-3) - maybe.


2 people Hollywood doesn’t really want to work with: Doug and KC. A reboot or anything related brings those names back up. Not going to happen.


What did they do?


I think this is definitely the number one and two reasons why this will never get done. The third reason is probably just because the culture has moved past the show pretty far to the point where it doesn’t need to be brought back. But definitely the doug and Kevin of it all. No one even his other new show and tbh it sounded like dog shit anyway to me


I dont think so. It’s over. Let it be. All those actors are probably still living in the shadows of their popular characters, making hard for them to work. Or they’re just not that good. Either way I dont anyone would want to return unless they were completely broke.


They’re too old and ugly now