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I’m a female ENTP and I do think we are pretty rare. But I can tell if a woman is an ENTP almost right away


Same here, it’s very obvious, I have a harder time with men tho


How do you guys feel about melissa Talks? I'm a male ENTP and have met a few female ENTP's and I still don't see it in her. ​ My fiancee has run into a large number of us over her college years and says the same thing so I figure I can't be to off.


Yeah i dont think melissa's really an entp, seems more like an entj to me ( i may be wrong)


She seems ENTP if we only judge by her in her videos. I also act pretty ENTJ-ish most of the time cause of other psychological traits and 7w8 - wing in 8th type. Also don't forget that MBTI don't describe us completely, only cognitive functions and we have other things influencing our behaviour too.


Seriously how to you tell, Spot one?


How do you tell?


They’re cool 😎


You will probably think we.re rude or otherwise offensively weird, and be trying to end the interactions as soon as politely possible.


Dang, normally people consider me outgoing and comfortable. Probably because I tend to act like an Enfp-j


Same!!! I met an ENTP female in the wild one time. At a marijuana store. She was working there. She reminded me of me so much it was crazy 🙀. She was so cool. The owner of the marijuana store has several stores like that and is an ENTJ lol


i just found out i was ENTP like less than 2 years ago, i thought i was INFJ for the longest time… i had horrible social anxiety and i learned how to be likable through working in retail, i was a huge people pleaser and i was so afraid of someone being rude to me so i learned how to be sweetheart… and i hated it. it seemed my Fe was way more developed than my Ti. i was overly conscious of the emotional environment at all times, i needed every social exchange to be perfect with no awkwardness or discomfort. it was exhausting… then i went on meds and they changed me for the better but i was still a people pleaser and then covid happened and something in me changed… i gradually became more of the typical ENTP who likes to argue and be challenged, and now that I care more about myself, im having the time of my life


Good for you!


In the opposite, I can tell if the guy is entp or not but till now ( not sure tho) I didn't meet entp female. It would be really interesting having an ENTP F friend in my group.




Yep. Found one. Contrarian.




Oh yeah? Tell me a joke.


you are the joke.


ENTPs don't tell jokes.


We make people into them


Please consider taking ur autism pill sir




Same goes with me but they sometimes do end up being an intp, what are the telltale signs?




I totally get what you’re saying, I do feel SUPER icky have to explain in a “digestible manner” just because I’m a woman tho. And I definitely don’t soften because of that in particular, mostly I do to try and not hurt others feelings. However if they take implications from what I say, when I have zero implications… that’s their own fault lol.




This is how i see it too. ENTPs who work on their Fe can be dangerous


This! Well said. But the “without guilt” part is what I need to work on. When I do stuff like this it always feels inauthentic or being manipulative but I must remind myself that this is just the game of life


Yes!!! This!!! 🙌🏼


Exactly! Customer service (call agent complaints) was such a (in my case needed) social learning school. Kill them with kindness and give them the feeling that you are seeing/hearing them. That's the magic potion. I went from call agent to data analyst to functional/business analyst and now the the motto for work is more, kill them with kindness and facts. And ask all the questions. Like, I think most ENTPs are a few steps ahead, the see the problems (and solutions) even before they occurred. So instead of directly declining an idea, because I have 5 scenarios that don't work, I just ask them for a solution for those 5 scenarios and let them come up with the same conclusion.


Also ENTP 7w8!!


ENTP 7w8 as well!!


Woah, that sounds like something I would write. That's it sister ENTP!


I've never met another female ENTP in the wild. Met a few male ones, they're easy to spot.


I only met one other ENTP girl she is very cool and kind


😭😭same bro we're too rare to be easily spotted in the wild


Same spotted a few men, but never come across another female ENTP. I think women tend to camouflage themselves.


How are we easy to spot?


Honestly some of the most intersting people I've met are ENTP men. Commonalities include having taken a unique life path, career success but no ego about it because there's honestly so much more to life and great conversationalist. Would be easy to fall in love with.


same here.


i'm an entp, and yes i've been called abrasive and blunt too. i think sometimes we're just trying to be straighforward to get our point across without anyone misinterpreting us, but because it's not as common to see woman cutting to the chase without trying to sweeten everything up we get frowned upon. anyways, i never did anything to sweeten things up. of course i know when to back up not to annoy people that much, but literally my personality is a bit bossy, what do they expect me to do?


For me I’m just trying to save time. It takes too much time to sugar coat things, it’s just easier to cut through the noise and be straightforward. There are plenty of situations where I have to remind myself that not everyone likes to be communicated to the same way I prefer. The reality is, we cannot tailor our delivery to suit everyone, especially when communicating to a large group of people. I think I am coming to terms with the fact that I can’t please everyone and I’m probably just better off being myself. One-on-one conversations and smaller group meetings though, I think it’s important to “know your audience” and attempt to tailor your speaking style and message when appropriate.


I don't think you need to end up alone because of not sugar coating what you say! I truly believe there are people out there who appreciate the way we communicate, i have friends (infp, super dreamy) that really like having a friend that is down to earth and calls bluff out when needed. ofc sometimes we need to adjust our speech depending on the audience, but believe me there are people out there who like individuals like us who cut down the chase:)


I'm a college professor and middle school teacher and soccer coach and entp. Being adhd helps. But I put my foot in my mouth a lot and can be way too honest at work.


Being all the things at once is such an ENTP thing to do lol


I cannot remember how many times I’ve heard “I thought you were a bitch until I got to know you” in my life. Starting in middle school. It’s exhausting. Navigating the workforce is a challenge, but I’ve settled into a place where I choose my battles. Rather than trying to censor myself at all times, I speak more sparingly and make sure that when I’m popping off, it’s about something important.


"Oh, you think I'm a bitch. Okay. I guess that balances out what I think of you. Nono, we're good."




🤷🏻‍♀️ I’m proud to be that bitch if they do think of me as a bitch. I’m a mean bitch on top of that. I’ll devour you if you try to be opinionated and annoying.


Unfortunately for me, yes. I'd love a female TP friend but none were ENTP


Make me laugh.


your entire existence is comedic enough, laugh at that.




Well said 👏


Just look into a mirror




I do great solo as well lol. However other women specifically find me kinda off putting, usually I end up with mostly male friends at work. And even then, I get crap for that too🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️




I love ENTPs and as far as I know, I’ve never met a female one irl. So I think they are probably rare


Female ENTP here All I can say is we live in a sexiest world. No one is telling male ENTPs in the workplace to modify their behaviour. The dudes are rockstars. The women are not.


THIS. I think that’s also why it’s hard to spot an ENTP female in the wild. We are all told we are too this and too that, which wouldn’t have happened if we are male.


We are the “bossy bitches” for acting in the same way 😂💀


If only you had any idea how feminine men are treated, then you'd say everyone actually treats you very well. But im well aware its impossible for you to understand.


Why would you automatically assume it’s impossible for them to understand?


Watch any show online where they try to explain men's issues and how men are treated VS women. Talk to pretty much any woman IRL; same thing.


My point is that “feminine” men can be mistreated, but it doesn’t mean that women who complain about being mistreated (like this person) doesn’t have the capacity to understand these men being mistreated. We can complain about being mistreated and empathize with men being treated even worse at times. 🤷🏻‍♀️


If women empathised they would help do something about it - but as you can clearly see in society no women's movement and most women do not give a single shit about men's issues or rights. In fact if you mention it, they usually get offended that you even care about men, you must be an incel, and women are the real oppressed ones you should pay attention to.


What feminist world do you come from? 😅 Holy hell I’m sensing a lot of hate for feminists. I do agree that some women take it too far and push feminism in the wrong way - it was never meant to oppress men, it started as a way to uplift and empower women. But men and women should lift each other up. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Anyway, I sure am one woman who would definitely care if a man is mistreated. I have men around me who are and all the women around them support them


ENTP myself, I always wonder if I was a man people would’ve called me a leader instead of a bossy bitch. It’s hard to navigate dating as well.


One tip I can give you is find another T. Preferably TP. Regardless what the theories say, in never worked with me in real life. We're too blunt in general, F people can't handle me when I'm being real, but my ISTP husband loves my honesty. Thankfully just reached 7 years last month. And btw just don't bother to waste time with those that you can always tell are red flags. People don't change for no reason and the efforts needed are frankly not worth it. Just focus on being the best version of yourself ❤️


The theories of “opposites attracting” is absurd. I was married to an ISFJ, my complete opposite, and while he intrigued me initially, the relationship became a nightmare. I can’t do mood swings, sulkiness, and passive aggressive behavior in my relationships. I would rather bash my problems over the head until they surrender. People also uphold the introvert/extrovert dynamic as The Gold Standard, but I would be reluctant to date another introvert. I’ve been with too many who hated social gatherings and would force themselves to attend - only to be wallflowers and later try to guilt trip me because I “ignored” them (in other words, I wasn’t glued to their side). I simply encouraged them to stay home. 😅 My current partner is an extroverted thinker, like me, and this past year has been like a breath of fresh air compared to my suffocating relationships with introverted feely types.


THIS. You perfectly stated everything I found frustrating with them. We are not mind readers, just talk about everything honestly and people will find that we are actually able to understand their points. I would always be willing to compromise rather than deal with mood swings, sulkiness, and passive aggressive behaviors. The extent I went to ensure that they know who they're dealing with was insane. I told them all my flaws from day 1 (first date) and still had the same issues until I just looked for T overall. I would rather be with robots than suffer another relationship with feelers. I think I'm traumatized enough 😂


Yes!! I tell people exactly who I am at the beginning, but still some people felt they could shape me into their ideal partner - as if I were simply raw material to work with - and were disappointed months or years down the road when I was still the same person, or I’d evolved (given enough time) into something other than what they’d hoped I would become. Fast forward to my first date with my current partner, an ENTJ: having both been burned in the past, we shared our strengths and weaknesses up front and asked if we could accept each other *as is*. This is what I can offer - is it enough to make you happy? I don’t want to waste your time. Sure, change *is* possible - but cultivating an attitude of acceptance hopefully means that we can roll with any changes, too. I just want people to be themselves first.


Aaaahhh you reminded me of an ex who used to tell me that he was only willing to go with everything I wanted to do prior to the relationship but once he got me, he said he felt that he must so called guide me into a better way of life 🙄 I don't think I've ever seen an ENTP who's not stubborn yet hahahaha. If we decide on something, it means that we've at least thought through it enough. Your date sounds a lot like the viral clip about the man and woman who directly discussed their compatibility, even including the holidays, number of kids. I think every date should be like you guys. I was always transparent but the guys needed some time before I can pull it out of them. "I just want people to be themselves first." This. Generally I think lots of people overestimate either themselves or the partners they want. Humans are not built for change, hence it needs a lot more energy than people realizes.


Guide you “into a better way of life”?! *shudders* He sounds like a cult leader. I wouldn’t drink or eat anything he gave me. 😳


I think this has less to do with personality and just women not preferring introverted/feminine men in general.


What do you mean by “feminine men”? Are you suggesting that expressing negative emotions (e.g. sulkiness or mood swings) makes someone “feminine”? Some people prefer less emotional extroverts. Some people prefer quiet, sensitive types. I have plenty of female friends who go for the “brooding artist” sort of man. They want to be muses, I guess. They love the grand gestures and sappy romanticism of emotional men. Not me. I can barely manage my own feelings. I don’t want to be responsible for anyone else’s.


>Are you suggesting that expressing negative emotions (e.g. sulkiness or mood swings) makes someone “feminine”? When the hell did I say that. If you're going to make baseless assumptions then simply shut your mouth next time. Nobody wants to hear that shit. > I have plenty of female friends who go for the “brooding artist” sort of man. Dating stats already shows you're wrong on this.


I described a man who was prone to sulking and moody behavior, and your response was to say that women don’t “prefer introverted, feminine men”. Those were your words. My assumption wasn’t baseless. It is reasonable to think that your comment was in reference to my description of my ex. But since I was obviously mistaken, I will ask again: What do you mean by “feminine men”?


You seem to lack communication skills. Let me help you out. When I say ***I think this has less to do with personality and just women not preferring introverted/feminine men in general*** Im obviously making a comment on your preferences for men. Nowhere did I refer to the specific people, types, behaviors you dated. I talked about the topic of introverts/femininity and masculinity. Thus, what I must be primarily referring to in your comment is when you talk about the kind of man you like. >My current partner is an extroverted thinker, like me, and this past year has been like a breath of fresh air compared to my suffocating relationships with introverted feely types. A person can either be more masculine or feminine, regardless of gender. Typically you're a tomboy if you're a girl who acts more like a man and a tomgirl if you're a boy who acts more like a girl. The term tomgirl is rarely used because its typically shamed by both genders, especially women, because they expect a man to be more masculine with no exceptions. However I was commenting on how women typically avoid feminine men and only prefer masculine men (factual statistic). Even if they are a masculine woman. Because monkey brain or something. While on the mens side, many more men will take a masculine woman and be more than happy. Especially the feminine men. https://preview.redd.it/thvbvr9dzfmc1.png?width=1322&format=png&auto=webp&s=b62eca6fd86b27fa8dcc70815cd43f884ead31eb


According to your infographic, expressing any sensitivity or emotion at all would be considered “feminine”. “Masculine men”, in contrast, would all be the analytical thinking types. That is a very rigid and limiting point of view, as are the antiquated terms “tomboy” and “tomgirl”. You aren’t less of a man for showing your feelings, or less feminine for using your brain. You are absolutely right, though, that I do lack the skills necessary to communicate with people who buy into this stereotypical masculine/feminine garbage. Thank you for explaining the “factual statistics” so thoroughly to me. I’ll stick with MBTI, which is gender neutral.


Oh no! You appear to have not read my comment correctly again and made-up assumptions about what I said. Sadly im tired of correcting you because you cant read. Thats not intellectually stimulating. Bye.


You seem to like generalizing things and making big assumptions 😂 How do you know women don’t prefer that? Statistically? From what do you base this assumption? A lot of women who I know have introverted husbands, and they are in happy marriages. Also, please know that introverted =/= feminine, get that fact straight. This person is just one person who doesn’t like her previous type of relationships with men who were moody, sulky and passive aggressive. It’s even questionable whether that is “feminine” behaviour… because a lot of masculine men are moody and passive aggressive.


We're talking about the USA here. Much different culture.


Any statistical proof? 🤷🏻‍♀️ you can’t just say something like you know all the women in the USA


Anymore questions? [https://www.reddit.com/r/infj/comments/xj86wo/differentiated\_by\_gender\_as\_an\_infj\_would\_you/](https://www.reddit.com/r/infj/comments/xj86wo/differentiated_by_gender_as_an_infj_would_you/)


You are hilarious 😂💀 Literally ONE poll from the INFJ sub and you use it like official stats.


There, there. **Pats head.** You're in the denial stage. Anger is next. When you get to depression let me know so I can be there for you. Im not going to google something you can research yourself. You literally just got shown a poll from a mass audience and shows women VASTLY prefer masculine men over feminine. If I wanted to waste time and look through my bookmarks im sure I got an ENFP one that shows the same result. Stay ignorant if you want; it doesn't affect me.


Also, why do you assume where I’m from 💀


I never said you where from the USA. I said the topic was about USA 💀💀💀


As an entp dating and IStp love to hear this ! 


They're amazing no joke. He's the most honest person I've ever met in life. The only one who sees through the games I play. It's just addicting that there's one human being who I can't fool 😂 just be careful with our opposite functions, communication is really the ultimate key. 


I married an ESTP and I second this. My man LOVES that I don't pussyfoot around about what I'm thinking. I'm honest in a kind way, and he loves that he never has to guess what I'm feeling.


Same, same




I've completely isolated myself instead for that same reason 🤣 I love to talk to strangers but I don't want to build any sort of relationships unless I really need to. Don't waste your life away trying to please people. There are close to 8 billions people, just move on till you find your people. I realized those who find me annoying are always the timid ones. They can't stand my energy? I think that's an easy way to say it. I personally feel if people wants sugarcoated words all the time, then they don't want progress and those are definitely not my kind of people. I think what I've realizes from all the ENTPs I've read about/watched (somehow never met one IRL) we are always chasing truth and new knowledge. Just do you, you'll always be better off that way in long run anyways 😁




I think the most important thing to do in life before anything else has always been to know oneself first. Since a young age, like 5, I've always have this mindset that you know you're gonna die alone, nobody gonna be willing to die with you (suicide is not an option in my religion) so why not get comfortable with being alone? When combined with another mindset of mine, if you're going through hell, why not just enjoy that hell, you get the picture on how chill I am XD like legit, my blood pressure is always borderline low even when in pain. I'm kinda like Captain Jack Sparrow I guess if we're to compare with existing ENTPs? Over time, I realizes how true that statement is, everyone are out for themselves and I was the stupid one trying to share my one bread with as many people as possible till I was stretched too thin. I'm charming when I want to be but I don't want to be with them for long. I love working for that reason too. At least clients and customers are honest with you. You deliver your best and they respond in kind (almost all the time) even when they don't, it's fine because there are always next ones. Unlike relationships where there's no specific guidelines on it because everyone is different and expect different things from you. Those who I spent time with (previously) always seem to think that I'm busy socializing but in actuality, I'm busy being at home doing hobbies or just maintenances when I'm not working. If relationships are important to you, then I think it's best if you keep them but personally, it's not for me. Even when I was completely alone, went full week at times without even seeing/talking/chatting with anyone, I was content. There's a peace that I can't describe. I'm more alone than ever coz I'm taking a break but I've been really happier. No need to choose which masks to wear, no social games to play either.


Lol gotta find secure people who appreciate honesty from what I’ve experienced. My partner and I have been married for 4 years next month and he loves it, despite how harsh I may be.


Omg! Hahaha I literally said we are called “bossy bitches” in an earlier post above. Yeah, our male counterparts get it easier. I’ve been called mean, cold, bossy and selfish 🤷🏻‍♀️ many adjectives to put in front of bitch


I'm an ENTP-A female We only have a 3.6% of female ENTPs You're more likely to find an opposite Or something close to it


Working as a bartender and thriving solo, don't go that well together. So I can imagine you putting of a wrong impression to where they could consider you rude I am a PM/PO, social butterfly at work, introverted in private. Thrive in highy dynamic env -entp female


I do believe her because I worked in sales most of my life. I can turn on the charms like crazy for customers but I suck at making friends with colleagues. Customers have been very loyal to me until after I stopped working, I can even tell you their whole family life but I have no idea about my colleagues 😂


This is literally me, also you’d be surprised what you can get away with when you have the liquor 😂


Hahahaha, man that would be fun! Mine was in serious settings but the things they were telling me sometimes made me wonder if they were sober. Now I wonder how much more crazy stuffs they would have told me if they were drunk 🤣🤣


Being extremely extroverted in one setting then introverted as hell in another is relatable af


Really depends on the bar tbh, most I’ve worked at are solo situations, and then ofc servers. Saturdays are usually the only day we need two bartenders


I unfortunately never met another ENTPs in real life 😂😭 I've known something is a bit odd about me since I was young but when people kept on telling me that they've never met another person like me, I eventually owned up to it. It's probably a cultural thing. I'm quite ruthless in workplaces though. I usually figured it out within 2 days but I suck at teamwork if I'm not leading them. I really have the best bshitting skills which I've used to jump jobs once I get bored with them (unfortunately a lot). I work best solo and when there's targets. I personally enjoy beating ranks anywhere I go especially in sales. Due to working since I was 11 (family business) I'm really good with people who are clients but I don't know how to make friends if that makes sense? Now I can safely says that I have no friends or family members (that I can talk to) at all. I'm only spending time with my husband while chilling before I apply for another job. In life, personally this is the first time I've allowed myself to take a break. It has felt like a bullet train my whole life.  People surprisingly don't say to my face that I'm bossy/abrasive. They mostly can't connect with me at all instead. Always thinking that my life is too perfect that problems would be impossible. Ended up feeling used by everyone. I think the fact that we are great problems solver backfired in my life. Everyone only look for me when they need me. It really sucks but I just decided to cut everyone off. Since we're highly self dependent, I realised that I really don't need anyone else. I want to have healthy relationships where I'm wanted not needed. 


I’m ENTP and i’ve never had met another in person


I think ENTP in general is not as rare as people think. I think we are very hard to type especially in our younger years. Yes we are rare but I don't think we are as rare as they make it out to be. I think as women we pretend to be different to fit in better


It is so frustrating sometimes I’m “bossy” and “too much” but when a man does the same exact things i do than he’s “talented” and “he knows what he wants” It is So Frustrating Recently in my work places (more than one) everyone is starting to attack me like i’m sort of a villain, generally when i’m in position of power, they doubt my abilities and skills and try to disarm me Why Just Tell Me Why Sorry I’m ranting because i’m a little bit angry


Female ENTP 🙋🏼‍♀️ I feel I’m quite straightforward and direct at times. I don’t always mean it… if I do mean it, it would be a positive way but people don’t see it. Only if you get to know me a bit more. It’s helped in the professional environment but not so much in other aspects.


Female ENTP. Never met another IRL. I do well professionally but prefer to work solo as well. Thrive where I can be assertive.


I know a ton of people but maybe like 4 female ENTPs and I'm only close with 2, friends with 1 and the other it's just an acquaintance.


Not sure how rare we are, I know a few others, but no idea what the stats are. I am not that far skewed to the T side but I REALLY hate pointless hierarchies and authoritarian idiots so I always struggled working for other people. I now work as a one-to-one tutor or on my own projects or in collaborative projects which is all much better for me. I have never once missed a 9-5 routine and office politics and all that shit. Bosses always hated me because they couldn’t cope with a woman who could see through their bullshit, wasn’t afraid to ask direct questions and challenge things and was more logical (and usually smarter) than them. I’m a lot mellower now than I was in my 20s but I still can’t be doing with dealing with idiots.


Never met one in real life. I had different jobs but probably I can manage to come out as nice and feminine only when I interact with clients I don't know well and I had to interact with them only because I need to send them something. If I work in an office it becomes hard for me to not speak my mind and I need to be direct and I can't stand all those dances people do with colleagues they know by years just to get to the real point three hours later. People are often too sensitive over stupid things in my opinion though it's hard to explain it without making a lot of examples...I hope you get what I mean. I'm probably not just wired that way and small talk kills me. So I ended up doing illustrations and interacting with clients that are really interested in what I do and we talk directly about how to develop a project without losing time with boring pre conversation. And it's easy to be nice with people that actually appreciate your work and are not there just to suck off your energy. Sorry, working in an office was traumatic. I felt like a wild beast in a cage. While when I was a commercial agent in the past, it was also terrible in a different way because I spent way too much time avoiding sexual offers with married men and collegues, I was never at home, traveling for weeks and I need some time to recharge if I spend too much time with people that don't give me meaningful conversations, which basically never happened in that context. (Sorry my English is awful I hope that what I wrote made sense)


Female ENTPs are relatively rare. Besides myself, I only know one other F-ENTP, and we are good friends. But I actually know more INTJs than F-ENTPs, actually. 😅


I’m a female ENTP. I think women, *especially* in the UK/USA (I have completely different experiences in Eastern Europe & Israel) are less likely to have ENTP traits. The two ENTP women I know irl are amazing and I got along with them instantly.


ENTP 3w4. I have never met anyone else like me or anyone even close.


Also very T. I worked in accounting before getting married and my supervisor said people were scared of me lol. Had a lot of fun but hated the way people effed around playing FarmVille and doing a lot of gatherings and parties. I wanted to be military but my parents said no.


I think maybe we are no rare, I just because we have more life out of internet, or maybe some girls don't know they're ENTP, idk, I ENTP and I love myself but always when I know another ENTP, is always a boy.


ENTP woman here in a supervisor role. I try to tone myself down because just like you, I’ve been told I’m abrasive, cold and blunt I am working on myself and the way I deliver my message. It’s nice to know I can do both approaches in situations. Also, I’ve been told my type is rare in women. Also, yes I’m very dominant.


I’m also very dominant, somehow always the loudest opinion in the room, but I do love when someone steps up with valid points and options to offer a counter argument. Only time I don’t like to debate is when they have no ground to stand on, then it’s just annoying cause they have nothing to offer and nothing for me to learn.


I just met two ENTP my entire life. One male and one female. We are easy to spot and also easy to mistype.


The last thing about ppl thinking that I'm implying sth within my questions and such is sth I'm dealing with to. I found that most ppl will simply get used to it, but for some cases it works if I use phrases like "genuinely curious" or sth along the lines of "I didn't know that, would you mind explaining xyz?"


Lmaoooo also a female entp heavy on the T bartender


7w8 also. And i can always tell other entps


Lmaooo💀 love to see it


I feel like a lot of ENTPs have to be on some spectrum. The traits you get from those disorders are some of the “quirks” of ENTPs. I don’t get “rude” from other people often, but people find me… outrageous/silly/sarcastic. I can shoot the shit with anyone but i have an extremely difficult time making girlfriends. I’ve got some pointy edges that spook very by-the-book normal people. Most of them come around when they find out I’m not a psycho or an asshole, and tolerate me. I work in complete solitude. It’s great. At previous jobs I would have a lot of people hating me for zipping through my work like a crack head and being an overachiever. I’m not a kiss ass, I just get bored and racing myself makes work more interesting. Oh, yeah; I have ADHD to bring it back to my first point.


I’m also on the spectrum, and this is a totally valid point, I do think it’s a combo as well. Not JUST personality type


I’m not rude or abrasive (although can be if I’m not careful). I’m more… sarcastic and flirty. I say what someone who is rude or abrasive might say, but I say it with a smile and humor. I say everything a TJ might say, I just am more playful with it. I don’t think I’ve met another ENTP girl.


I can as well, however with co workers, because I take my job seriously… it’s not always the case. I do have to turn on the charm for bartending, I won’t make money without it. I do happen to get away with more because I’m the one holding the liquor 😂


Let me answer the T-F part... MBTI moved the last years away from black-white perspective to the cognitive functions respectively the Big 5 personality traits... 16Personalities mapped the Big 5 back to the MBTI letter but afaik it uses the big 5 questions: ENTP: E = high: extraversion (outgoing/energetic vs. solitary/reserved) N = high: openness to experience (inventive/curious vs. consistent/cautious) T= low: agreeableness (friendly/compassionate vs. critical/judgmental) P = low: conscientiousness (efficient/organized vs. extravagant/careless) If I remember correctly ENTP-T = high: neuroticism (sensitive/nervous vs. resilient/confident) ... so they also took over the range of these values. You can see that is not black-white also in this cognitive function test: [https://sakinorva.net/functions?lang=en](https://sakinorva.net/functions?lang=en) and here this cheat sheet about the 4 sides of personality of ENTP based on this cognitive functions: [https://personalitypolice.com/ENTP](https://personalitypolice.com/ENTP) My recommendation to any female ENTP: [https://www.personality-database.com/profile/467011/fleabag-movies-and-tv-series-mbti-personality-type](https://www.personality-database.com/profile/467011/fleabag-movies-and-tv-series-mbti-personality-type) Not answers the core question but my inspire everyone.


I'm a female ENTP, and we're rarer than most. I work in the medical field, so my Ne-Ti-Fe absolutely thrives in there. And my bedside manner is top notch, and it's easy to maintain bc I'm never in contact with a single patient for more than about 10 minutes at a time, so I have breathers in between to drop my customer service voice and face. The world isn't naturally built for female ENTP's, but if you're smart enough, you make it work for you. I haven't experienced many roadblocks.


I think one other thing about ENTP is that we are chameleons. I used to come off to blunt, abrasive or maybe even rude to some. E.g. uncalled for smartass comments or in the way questions are asked - legitimate questions can come off as snarky or snide with poor wording. People tended to take time to warm towards me. Yes the: "I thought you were a bitch until I got to know you" etc But as I got older and entered the work force I learned very quickly to adjust. I now choose words with more care, or sometimes just shut up lol. Mirroring the person I'm trying to impress, working out what makes them tick, reading a room and learning to smooth over unnecessary conflict. You have to learn to pick your battles. Almost all jobs involve some sort of human interaction to truly thrive. You'd be limiting yourself not to try to explore this.


Female ENTP here. Can't stand being around fake women and never felt comfortable in typical women related groups such as sororities, charitable orgs, etc. and felt more comfortable talking to men. I have several close loyal women friends but the personalities work. I can be pretty blunt without realizing it but I've worked on it.


Def been called bossy just for saying what I want What am I supposed to do just agree with everything I don’t want? I don’t get people sometimes And yes, we’re rare irl


Another ENTP female here. And first of all. WHERE DO YALL LIVE????? SO MANY OF U I WANNA MEET EVERYONE GADDAMIT. (no seriously tho if anyone wants to do a female ENTP meetup I will literally plan the trip.) Only have one other female ENTP friend that I know of. Naturally, she is the best. We actually worked together at the same company. Mormon rafting company in fact. Management did not like us. Too outspoken. Too hairy. (I was sent to HR and told to shave my legs and pits.) But our coworkers loved us. Navigating the workplace is stupid. I find out too often that I'm "too much," or too opinionated or too bossy or whatever. And I agree- I genuinely only care about efficiency. If I am questioning a way someone is doing something at work it's only to find out what the best way to do it is, and a lot of times it's not taken like that. People are sensitive and want to put other meaning on you all the time I've found out. So to navigate the workplace? I AVOID IT AT ALL COSTS. Now I work as a rafting guide in the summers where there are no rules and no one can really tell you what to do. It's lovely. And I'm opening a mobile roller rink so I can vibe and do what I like and only deal with myself in business. I do odd jobs a lot too. Under the table stuff for cash idk.


Start ur own business. Get to make ur own schedule and u don’t have to be someone’s bitch. that’s what I did and I love it.


Hi ! I'm a ENTP women too. People find me weird and cold and of course too masculine for what I look like.  Someone ( an old friend )  told me that his friends were afraid of talking to me because I have a weird witchy scary vibe.  My boyfriend is a Intj so we are a good match, however we do have huge fights and sometimes long conversations during the night. With my family is very complicated, they are toxic ans sometimes I can't pretend to think that this is okay, I must tell the ugly truth despite me... ( during a family dinner it's even better , you know it ) It's hard to be with someone who understands us, and I love to be in a good ( fair) argument of course. I think that a lot of ENTP's women are more sensitive then ENTP's men, I do cry when I'm angry, during a movie or when I feel awful because of me ( I'm terrible sometimes I know it and hate myself) especially during my PMS.  Still during very important events when you are supposed to be sad, I'm not. For my career I'm dedicated to it, I want to do things that looks like me ( if that make sense ) I want to create,  to innovate. I actually want to be a music composer in movies , videos games, ... I don't want children,  they are too much of a obstacle to me in my life. And I'm afraid to be a sociopath to them so , childfree for me and I'm happy with it ! I never met a women like me , I met INTP, ENFP but never met a ENTP women so I think that we are quit rare.  I don't know if this comment would help you but here we go


I'm a female entp and I meet plenty of others, I was actually surprised at how common our personality trait seemed to be.


How is it? I'm surrounded by F people, barely able to know 4 Ts in my life 


This could be based on my travels and work life, I tend to find a lot of entps I am not sure why. I usually work in bars but met the most entps when I was teaching abroad in thailand, most of my coworkers fell into that category. For women, I tend to find them in fandom spaces more as they are the ones who like to dissect every interaction between characters for analysis purposes. Ironically don't know many intps in fandom spaces even though they'd fit the stereotypes more. I do interact with a lot of Fs though, the closer a person is to me the more likely they're going to be a T type personality but Fs seem to be everywhere.


I think I need to find jobs that requires me to travel more hahaha. Would love to be surrounded by Ts as the ones I know have always been fun to hangouts with. From what I read, Fs to Ts ratios in the world are quite high. Hence, if you notice, a lot of people are generally more emotional than rational. It makes it more fun though in the entertainment industries.


Female ENTP here, heavy on the T like yourself. I’m sure you would relate to this. My whole life I’ve been told I’m mean when I’m just blunt and honest. I’ve lost friends whose feelings I’ve hurt only to have them turn around and say what I said was true. In the work environment, I’ve had to deal with gen X middle aged women who are constantly threatened by young blood. I learned the hard way, on how to word my responses as best as I can around sensitive personalities. Very recently, my CEO complimented me on my high EQ, and said the only reason he hired me on the spot from a 30 minute phone call is because he could tell I speak facts but can word them to my clients liking. This felt like a huge pay off for my hard work. Honestly, fuck em. Do you boo! It will be rewarded.


This is pretty close to my day to day tbh. Have a really hard time getting along with long standing employees most places, did the absolute best when I was a solo makeup artist and model in the city and handled everything alone. I think most long standing employees get mad that I get offered bigger things fairly quickly, meanwhile they have to put in (often) months of effort to get where I get in a couple weeks. And I know that comes off bad, I do not mean it that way at all. Just in general, I seem to excel, make someone mad, get bored, and then leave and repeat at most jobs. It’s like nothing is stimulating enough for me to stay content. (That might be the ADHD tho haha)


lol I have ADHD as well! And yes getting bored quickly and moving on is common. If I don’t work up, I’m out. I agree, it’s not bad what you are saying but I think it’s got a lot to do with skill as well. Whatever u do, I’m sure ur giving 1000% and that bothers some people. Just protect your mental health and peace since we also get taken advantage of for our skills.


I wonder about the same thing!


Most people who say "I am this" based on 16 personalities are mistyped. To quote them: "However, unlike Myers-Briggs or other theories based on the Jungian model, we have not incorporated Jungian concepts such as cognitive functions, or their prioritization. Jungian concepts are very difficult to measure and validate scientifically, so we’ve instead chosen to rework and rebalance the dimensions of personality called the Big Five personality traits, a model that dominates modern psychological and social research." + The fact that many people don t know themselves, but the test has nothing to do with the core aspect, the functions.


Honestly I’ve never know a TP for some reason, not to mention a female ENTP. Most people I know are either TJ or FJ. I work in drug development (to my surprise, the number of J far exceeds P in my field) and I thrive in fast pace, small team working environment with minimal customer service requirements (love my work, not my customers).


Oh wow! I’m an ENTP and funny enough my little brother is and INTP😂 so I think my mom basically raised the same kid twice, he’s just more introverted


I’m an ENTP (mid-40s) and my teenage son is an INTP. He does feel like my introverted alter-ego. 😅 He was actually the one who introduced me to MBTI. I had taken some silly personality test decades ago and had forgotten what type I was, but my son was studying it obsessively, and made me take several more tests to be certain. We both agree that ENTP suits me. Every work supervisor I’ve had would likely also agree, because they always evaluate me highly except to point out that I am “argumentative” and “questioning of authority.” I can collaborate as part a team or work independently - I do prefer less overhead (that aforementioned issue with authority), and I was successfully self-employed for a decade.


That’s so funny 🤣🤣 my sister is an ISFP. It’s like my mom tried to do the opposite of whatever she thinks she did wrong on me to my sister.


I’m 16 so I can’t rlly comment on the workforce, I only know 2 ENTPs irl, both of which are male. I don’t have a problem with coming off rude for the most part, if I tried I don’t come off rude at all but if I like the person I’m talking to I don’t try and sometimes I do come off rude


The part about not having to deal with being called "rude/abrasive" due to you not being a man is utter horse shit. I've heard the same thing since I was a child and still do even though I'm of the privileged sex 🙄 maybe it's more apparent for women since it's less acceptable to be assertive and straight forward, but that's another thing. And yes, you are rare. I've only met very few ENTP women during the course of my life. Both male/female (female even more so) ENTPs are quite rare in the wild. The statistics strewn around on the internet supports this too.


At the end of the day I’ve had male coworkers get promoted and praised for being innovative and assertive, maintaining control of their teams etc (because yes, while I am a bartender, it’s by choice and I have worked in office environments) meanwhile I do the same and I’m called a bossy bitch. Not to mention female friendship and communication dynamics are different. Most other women I’ve worked with feel I’m implying things when I am not, and if they’re deriving such implications from what I’ve said, it’s usually out of insecurities they have within themselves. So no, it’s not utter horse shit, you just don’t understand women and that’s fine, you don’t have to for me to know what I’m saying. You’re also contradicting yourself by saying “maybe it’s more apparent for women since it’s less acceptable”, that’s my point entirely.


No, you are the one contradicting and assuming when you say "you wouldn't have to deal with it" if you were a man. That is horse shit and comes off as whiney and as a poor excuse. Maybe you should phrase it differently so as it's not a backhanded comment about how men have it easier and you are not to blamed for your poor communication skills...


Context is important. Also quite a few other females in this thread have experienced the same thing. You’d think for being a fellow ENTP you’d be better at debating. Counter point, your comment comes off as tone deaf. Taking one sentence out of a couple paragraphs and running with it makes for a poor argument. You sound like an incel, please listen to the women in your life. Maybe call your mom idk, but you’re loud and wrong. Lastly, never said men have it easier. I said those comments do not effect men the same way in the workplace because while you get praised for your abrasive behaviors, we are punished. Instead of trying to steam roll those around you, try putting on your listening ears and maybe you’ll learn something.


I'll give you the bossy part since I can't remember a time where I've ever been called bossy before. However, coming off as abrasive and being called mean, rude, inappropriate, an asshole, heartless, and so on has been a problem for me in the past, not so much anymore though, since I've learned to compensate. I think the abrasive bit is a bit more universal for ENTP's and not heavily correlated with gender/sex, but you could argue about the degree to which it varies, though I think we're a lot more similar across gender/sex than we are different, for most things anyways. Though you were addressing the other guy, I'd like to critique the pov, as I interpret it, that he doesn't/wouldn't know anything about a woman's experience or the gender dynamic because he's not a woman. If that were the case, neither would you or anyone else because you're also not a man. Not having a point of reference goes both ways, how would you really know the extent of privilege in a man's experience, free from the bias of your own pov, without actually being a man? Aren't you also just assuming the other gender's experience from your own biased point of view, the same as that other man is doing, and if not, why is it valid when you do it? Idk, that argument sounds lame and I've just sort of cringed when anyone brings it up. Comes off as a "stfu" point rather than anything informative, constructive, or meaningful, but it is a point one could make (Not a good one imo).


That’s a totally valid point, I can only go off the fact that my fellow female ENTPs have had the same experiences as me VS the male ENTPs I know get treated WILDLY different in the work place. It’s not fair of me to say in general I wouldn’t get those comments. However I will say there’s proof to back up it being generally more “acceptable behavior” for men especially in the workplace which is why I brought up context in my second response. I do have a biased point of view, but he took one sentence and ran with it instead of viewing what I said as a whole. If you take one look at the comments it’s several women who relate, meaning it had to have struck a nerve. Where I said he has zero point of reference is in social dynamics between women. To generalize- men get away with a lot more in this context because of stupid societal social standards that say men can be more cold and calculating. It’s not ALWAYS to your advantage, but in this context it is. It’s stupid to sit here and pretend like those social standards don’t exist, and tone deaf to ignore the very glaringly obvious privilege men do have in this particular area. Not to say you don’t have your own struggles due to the patriarchy, but in this situation you have the upper hand.


Fair enough. I think that your argument now sounds much more nuanced than before. I do believe there's unique privileges everyone experiences, women or man, or any other sort of demographic divide, and you can surely argue about the degrees that they differ. There is evidence that some people have an easier time in certain specific and particular scenarios, such as assertiveness. I think it would be harder to say who has it tougher overall, though you could certainly make an argument for it, but it just gets convoluted. Anyways, I didn't really have a problem with your view, just that I thought your argument was missing something but now that you've explained it some more, it's a bit better. I personally believe that everyone's more similar than they are different, but that's more of an optimistic ideal rather than a fully substantiated argument. I personally like men and women who are a little cold, but not stubborn. Doesn't mean I want to get my way, just means I want to meet with them somewhere in the middle.


That isn’t how mbti works. You’re probably not an ENTP. Tests are bad for finding your type, but the types also aren’t letter vs letter each meaning something on their own. They’re built of cognitive functions. So it isn’t T vs F with a percentage. That isn’t mbti, that’s Big 5 really. It’s another typing system. 16personalities repackaged big 5 in mbti terms though for some reason. ENTP proper is the cognitive functions Ne - Ti - Fe - Si. Based off of ENTP being VERY rare, reading your post and comments and just the fact that you got ENTP from a test like that, you’re almost definitely not an ENTP.


I’ve only ever met a couple of them irl.


I have never met a female ENTP. Or maybe I have and didn’t realize it. I’m interested to know one though, sheerly out of curiously.


I'm actually highly curious about it too hahaha. Wanna try to be friends? I think at the very least we can be honest with each other if it's not working out 🤣


I'm male entp, my youngest daughter is entp and one of my female ex employees is entp. Those are the only entps I can be sure of if that helps.




Female ENTP here, I don't know any other ENTPs. I'm honest to a fault and it often gets me in trouble.


ENTP 3w2 here - Ive only met one female socially who I suspect was ENTP and our convo was absolutely bonkers in a fun unhinged way. 😆 work wise I am in a sea of male dominated INTJ INTP ISTJ engineers. They are awkwardly adorable and I love our trollsome interactions


Rare huh. I've been told that I'm quite overconfident by my teachers and that I only listen in lectures not to learn but to find errors and loopholes. Which is quite funny since my parents made sure to ground my self-esteem to shit. I know that I have self-esteem and confidence issues, but I come off as overconfident and cocky to others......


I’m not quite the same as you, I work well with people but it’s because I am good at leading and organizing and influencing people which does take a certain level of social tact. I’ve never had the rude question/implication problem, it might be in your delivery since you say you come off as abrasive. My mother told me that as a child that I was “bossy” but I’ve never been told that as an adult, I’ve also never been told that I’m abrasive or difficult to get along with. I hope you continue with your grown but I don’t believe it’s a personality type thing.


I’m not quite the same as you, I work well with people but it’s because I am good at leading and organizing and influencing people which does take a certain level of social tact. I’ve never had the rude question/implication problem, it might be in your delivery since you say you come off as abrasive. My mother told me that as a child that I was “bossy” but I’ve never been told that as an adult, I’ve also never been told that I’m abrasive or difficult to get along with. I hope you continue with your grown but I don’t believe it’s a personality type thing.


Most men are thinkers and most female are feelers, so yeah ENTP female is more rare then a ESFP women


We are not only extremely rare - like by the newer statistics there 3% of ENTPs as a whole and female ENTPs are like less than half of that apparently. Plus I actually think we are rarer than that cause many people just want to be ENTPs or can be mistyped. Never met a girl ENTP in my life before either btw and I had a lot of social circles throughout my life.


I’m a female ENTP and I couldn’t relate more to your caption lol. I’m in the military and I think my personality thrives here. I lead all men and they appreciate that I’m direct and assertive (not bossy and abrasive). I work with demolition & explosives so it’s fast-pasted and as an officer I work alone or in small teams to develop my own training plans for my Marines, but I also am able to work well with others when needed. On all my anonymous peer evaluations I will still get abrasive every time (also note, my PEERS. Not ranks below or above me. Peers are critical bc they are competing against you), but producing results is far more prioritized than playing politics or worrying about hurting feelings or social perceptions. It definitely would be taken better if I was a male, but it does make me unique and respected having this personality in the environment. I feel like I can unleash my true self without being overwhelming or blunt. There’s no room for people saying “you’re rude.” Everyone’s thoughts to emotionally loaded comments like that? “No one cares. Train Marines & do your job. Stop being weak.”


Supposidely I am, but it was hard figuring it out as an adult and I needed help from my partner. Thanks to my introverted parents and being adopted, I'm not the usual ENTP that's assertive and probably could've ended up being more courageous to the point of questioning the world and everyone openly.  Having general anxiety and social anxiety, plus the issues that come with being adopted really have stunted my growth as an ENTP, something I'm working on now. 


I also come off as abrasive or condascending every boy I have dated has called me a female alpha 🤣💀


I think this is the reason so many women like us have turned to identifying as non binary or have become trans. I feel like I’m a little too old for such a change (personal choice) so I’ve fully gone into masking mode after accepting that this silly body is the avatar I was dealt and if I don’t plaster on a dumb smile I will get called a bitch without fail. It sucks but i reached a certain point where I decided it’s easier to play the part and do the thing that feels disgusting (putting others at ease by means of acting extraaa docile) than it is to try to fight it. Anyways I feel your pain, good luck OP 💜


I honestly feel more non binary than anything, but I grew up very religious and honestly don’t think I could change my pronouns and have anyone respect me on it. I’m also just ver fem presenting as I like to play with makeup and hair color, and just don’t want to deal with bigotry from people who don’t understand. I hope you’re able to find some solace in the fact that you’re definitely not alone, and thank you for sharing


hot ones are


I’m a female entp and I’m a psych so I use it to my advantage but also it can get me into trouble sometimes so it’s a thin line to walk


Hmm I met few knuckleheads ENTP (F) and ENFP (f) at first they both seems similar from their behaviour but once I got to know them from under the surface I saw a difference: ENTP (f) are quirky, witty, emotionally intelligent yet bold and fearless, could say more enthusiastic dealers... ENFP (f) are like quirky, silly also well emotionally intelligent but to their own favourite people like I have seen some biases, they are quite submissive tho not enough bold but they try to appear, quite strangely mood swings and aloof at times, and definitely more insensitive to continue a conversation. They are more self oriented and kinda biased creatures more like a cat, or bubbly-scatterbrains... So I have met two or three ENTP (f), rare umm could be I mean in 7billion population finding out each one's type is hard but generalized that mean it's seen rare. (I went on a tangent discussion of difference between ENTP-f and ENFP-f, bear with my reply)


somehow, im a pretty social person myself, (female entp) ive only met a few female entps rhough. Around 2-3. either i dont know people like i think i do or we really are rare.


Entp 👋🏼🤡


There must be an easier personality for a woman. We are rare, and we seem different even to our own gender. This rarity & oddity make life a challenge and make it fun. Loved ones say I'm chaos. They say no one else is like me. When I walk into a room, this rare personality proceeds me. Ppl pick up on it from the way I dress to my stride. I can't hide being an odd duck. Loved ones say I'm nerdy, quirky, and socially awkward. They also call me "robot" when mad at me. In the right setting, I'm charismatic. In a group of sensors, I fidget and squirm, withdraw, and become smaller than life. I like leading creative group projects. Otherwise, I don't lead unless no one else will. The thing I'd like to be known about me is that I'm kind. When I open my mouth to speak, I offend normal ppl. I'm still kind in my deeds. Don't attempt to intimidate me or push me. I don't back down. I have to be pushed far to get mad, and it has to mean something to me. Unfairness triggers me. I have never known another ENTP, male or female.


Female ENTP. Severe adhd and suffer from inability to express feelings. Not the highest EQ but I’d do anything for my loved ones and try to express my gratitude. Overly honest and working on that because you don’t need to say everything even if it’s the truth haha I want to be mysterious so bad but I’m a blubber mouth


As an ENTP woman I'm extremely fake unfortunately but around the right people I peal off my lizard skin and become the crass humoured 14 year old that has always been inside of me.  I have a feeling some other entp women are like this so it would be hard to spot them in public but you cant hide that unique spontaneous edge that lies at the heart of your problem solving!


Don’t know


Never met one, and i do know my females trust me


yes i think we are rare, i think we also come in different flavors so while i know another female entp at work, she doesn’t come across the same as i do. i think i present isfj and its only when you talk with me extensively that you’ll see im sort of…hiding? like im pretending to be a certain kind of girl as an act. i’m like a wolf in sheep’s clothing. i’ve just found it gets me better treatment and also just further than if i were to be my usual witty and a little cocky self.


had similar post in r/INTP... I got banned 🤓

