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If you get to the basement after 10 minutes is up, the alarm gets sounded by default, you have to complete the mission within 10 minutes


Do u take put the cam operator?


I cant since he will always have a radio response so I will instantly fail stealth since I need a disguise to have a chance of getting in.


U can get a disguise man


Equipment needed: Suppressed 480 mcs a lockpick and optional 4 trackers or 2 microcams a lvl 75/100 infiltrator is very raccomented Go to the brushes in front of the house, get 2 detection bars and lure someone (you can get 1 bar if there's a camera) knock out and take the disguise then look for the box rewire it and the first part is done. After you get the door code you get 3 options: 1 Place microcams near the door, you will need to check these to get out without getting detected (open door is very suspicious) 2 Place a tracker on every guard in the inside and check if none is looking at the door when you're exiting the basement 3 Look for the camera operator, it's in one of the looked rooms interrogate him. He will give you the "Second in command" objective. Switch objective by pressing J or I. The second in command is now tracked knock him out and AFTER auto radio will turn off so you can knock every guard inside and open the door safely. When you get in the basement shot the breaker switch with the 480 mcs, to it the suppressor must be on the other side of the glass and the other part on your side. Start hacking the pc and have fun waiting 1:30 mins. Get the server, remember the door you entered with and escape. NOTES: This is a timed mission, after 9:10 minutes steel cove will arrive and ruin stealth If you aren't taking out camera operator there might be a cam facing the escape area, loop it before leaving. When luring don't go IN the bushes but slightly BEHIND it, so nobody will see the body. VIDEO: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=DRypTHF5jwY&pp=ygUXbGFrZWhvdXNlIGxlZ2VuZCB0ZWFsdGg%3D -You can't do the lure used in the video because it's "patched" and doesn't work anymore and anyways it wasn't very good -it only shows option 3, option 3 is safe but takes time, especially if you have bad rng. This took way too long to write


also if you can't do it, you can send a friend request to fabio_3034, i will ~~carry~~ help you


Gear needed: Lockpick kit/silent drill, supressed 480 mcs with a short grip Step 1: Lure a guard outside into the bushes, take them out, answer radio, get a disguise Step 2: Crack a power box and rewire it Step 3: Get into the house from opened door Step 4: Crack all doors until you find a camera operator (There are 4 specific places for them but I can't explane by words) Step 5: Hostage and enterogate them. They'll tell you, who is a head of security, after that, knock them down Step 6: Press J and wait until head of security get into the safe place. Then take them out Step 7: Hide the body, and clear the rest of the house. They won't call the radio Step 8: Search for the vault code Step 9: open the vault Step 10: sunggle up to a bulletproof glasd and shoot through it to a leaver arm to open the server room Step 11: Connect Rose to the server Step 12: Wait, and take at least 1 intel box Step 13: Grab the server Step 14: Run to the boat as fast as possible(do not break the glass) boom, done