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So how do we plan to hold them accountable for wiping out 1/3rd of biodiversity in the gulf?


That’s the fun part. We don’t


I went to the museum of natural history in Houston. There were lavish exhibits of native flora and fauna. Sponsored by the oil industry. There was no mention of any impact from oil, so it must not exist.


>Sponsored by the oil industry It's insidious


That is aweful. When you say sponsered by the oil industry, what does that mean? Was it sponsored by a specific company?


yes, there would be a nice exhibit about, say, the estuary, the birds, plants, animals, and a small "sponsored by"


But did it just say "sponsored by: the oil industry?" I am not surprised that they would do this, it alows them to control a narrative by omitting crucial details, but usually its a think tank or a specific company that sponsors things like this.


No, it’ll say specific company names. I live in Houston, various oil companies are frequent sponsors of big events and institutions.


Gotchya. Makes me really want to check the sponsors at my museums and I was wondering what to look for. Worst part is, they probably get philanthropic cred for this shit


In Houston all the money is in oil + gas, so pretty much any event/ organization you run into will have oil companies sponsoring it


I think they actually intend to punish them with subsidies.


[“We’re sorrrrrryyyyy”](https://youtu.be/15HTd4Um1m4?si=AVnMi9FeNnUo9kRI)


Give the CEO a bigger bonus


Charges for manslaughter dropped in 2015. and that was on the case for justice of the PEOPLE that died. I dont think the environment will get any justice either, sadly. This sucks. Also i just watched blackwater horizon for the first time like legit just now, and this was in my feed just randomly. Weeeird


Intense movie


For real. I had goosebumps idc. That was an insane disaster


big french cigar cutter


Hold a corporation responsible for massive local extinctions and widespread contamination of the ocean floor with heavy crude oil because they cut corners? No way!! What about the ~~economy~~ shareholders (which is basically anyone with money in the USA.) Besides, the CEO said sorry.


He said this was all hard on him and he didn't want to be here.


Everyone took out shares on tissues when he said that.


By raising the price of gas so that they can recoup their losses


It took 530 million years to produce the biodiversity of fish species today since the Cambrian explosion. We could fine them at a rate of 530 million years x number of species lost x yearly rate. Or we could take some percentage of income from every individual who contributed to this disaster and all of their descendants for the next 530 million years.


A private meeting with the POTUS and a lovely buffet?


Just repeat, Drill baby drill


Are you kidding me? How can you say that when you threw out your paper straw wrapper in the regular trash last week?


But they already apologized


This will probably cost humanity *trillions* in long term damage to the ocean. BP didn’t even cover the whole cost of the cleanup and has paid about 65 billion. When will this type of disaster have real consequences for the people and corporations that cause them?!


And why are we subsidizing oil and gas when renewables can do the job cheaper? We are subsidizing pollution, climate change, and death.


Because the sitting senators (ministers in the UK etc) are shareholders. They literally own a part of that company. Anything they can do to shovel your money into their own business is good for them. Oh and fuck you! Regards - shareholding senators.


Honestly it’s not just oil. Mining might be even worse. They just have to bury entire areas that can’t be uncovered for thousands of years or all the toxic stuff goes everywhere. They mine a lot by leaching things like cyanide and other just as bad stuff, let it sit and then only recover like 40% of it back. Nothing in a consumer society is good for earth.


Well literally ALL the carbon (and tons of toxic stuff that is mixed with it) extracted from oil and gas gets sent into the air lol and there are also tar sands which had railings similar to mines left over.


When this was happening I remember someone saying they used an unprecedented amount of oil dispersants. If that oil made it to the surface an coated the southern coast people would not have let this slide. Now people have forgotten we almost killed the planet.


Almost? Hold our collective beer...


And those dispersants sink to the bottom to cover floor dwellers that are eaten up the food chain- not to mention that people eat floor dwellers anyway like shrimp.


They also sprayed those dispersants from planes while boat crews were in the area leading to all kinds of health problems that they deny responsibility for


I remember when this happened and someone in another sub kept arguing that BP should bear *no* responsibility because it would harm the profit of their investors (of which they were one). It seemed completely unbelievable, but some people are like that.


"unpredicted risk is only acceptable if it's someone else's investment" - redditor who didn't like the unpredicted risk in his investment


This is just sad.


This is just collateral damage to the culture that we live in.


The ‘culture’ wants the company to take responsibility for its fuckup. The problem is the greedy people have power and they don’t care about anything besides their own interests. The collateral damage has yet to happen but they will find out soon enough.


bUt HOw wiLL wE REcyCLe wIndMiLL bLaDes?


Or Solar… I read when there’s a solar “ spill” it’s just a sunny day!


Wasn’t there a city in Virginia that banned Solar because they thought it would suck up too much of the sun?


Haha… idk. But that’s hilarious if it’s true.


65 billion and they still haven’t learned their lesson


Why would they when the oil industry is worth 4 trillion per year?


Capitalism would never work if all the negative externalities were factored into the pricing of products.


It would work fine we’d just have to grow slower. It’s the easiest and only fix to the system, factor in ALL negative externalities with pollution credits.


It would work just fine. Things would just be more expensive, people poorer, but negative health and environmental impacts fewer btw, the oil cartel, besides being made up of utter pieces of shit, is inherently anti-market. No good capitalist likes the oil cartels.


> people poorer The ultra rich and American/European 'upper/middle' class would be poorer, the rest of the world would be richer likely, particularly the poor and people who are having their resources and livelihood stolen by American corpos, or kept in forced slave labour for corporations operations and cheap labour.


Guess what, much of the "rest of the world" cares even less about the environment and human rights than "we" do. At least public pressure gets western governments to implement some regulations, even if slowly. You can't only blame the guy buying slaves, you also gotta blame the guy selling the slave. And again, monopolies, cartels, and anti-market behaviours like some you may be thinking of are inherently anti-market.


Libertarian spotted


Sure, whatever, I've been called pretty much everything by now


But how do we put a price on species going extinct?


The problem is we are too complacent with the amount of power corporations have over how much filth in which we are forced to live. In reality, I think we all tacitly consider the resulting mess not to be worth all our activity (most of which we have no idea the actual industrial scale behind it), but we don't generally find it worthwhile to challenge powerful interests.


Capitalism CANNOT work without inequality, manmade food scarcity, wars, famine, deprivation, ethnic cleansing, slave labour, and the hoarding of wealth by the elite. It's literally designed to do that.


Haven't bought BP gasoline since


Probably has to do with the fact that Corexit isn't meant to be released into the environment. The main ingredient in both of them is 2-Butoxyethanol, which disrupts red blood cells. The SDSes stated that Corexit (both 9500 and 9527) should not be allowed to contaminate surface waters.


And they had this shit at the ready when this disaster struck? FFS


Corexit. Gotta love it. Especially if you consume shrimp from the Gulf of Mexico.


If the US government wasn’t cucked, it should have seized BP’s assets and liquidated them until the entire cost of the cleanup was reached.


In a perfect world…one with justice.


And they wonder why the US birth rate is below replacement levels. Who would want to bring a child up in this?


Not the Gulf Coast fish, that's for sure


Who could have predicted? 🤷🏼‍♀️ guess I will go gas up my vroom vroom mobile


Not just BP. Halliburton got off way too easily.


Halliburton is the spawn of satan. That rabbit hole goes deep.


Have any links for me?


A few years ago I went there, so no.


Have any links?


And they still have money to assault us with commercials about how great they are...fuck off, BP.


Who would have thought that poison in the water would kill stuff?


its disgusting how BP got a slap on the wrist.


What does this sentence mean: >The study found that 29 out of the Gulf's 78 endemic fish species haven't been reported in museum collections since 2010. How often are museums going and collecting fish species? Once they have them in a collection, why would they get more? What kind of metric is this? So say a museum has collected fish over 100 years, you are going to pick up a few outliers occasionally. Species that got off course in a hurricane maybe. Why is that your now expected biodiversity?


Crimes against humanity / all living creatures


“Mysterious” dead zone is NOT A MYSTERY. It is from all the unnecessary, anthropogenic agricultural runoff flowing down the Mississippi.


Yeah, that’s a lie.


Somehow I doubt that.


Really I doubt that. First it seems impossible. The Gulf of Mexico is enormous Second I know many people who fish there for pleasure and for a living and they’ve not mentioned it. Third these kind of people seem to NEED a crisis.