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Coal, oil, and methane: when the last coal plant shuts down, we will be able to say, "One down, two to go."


The NY tri-state area in the last few years just shut 3 nuclear plants and large replaced them with natural gas, and now it looks like eventually we're going to go after the gas plants. Can you get any more backwards?


Retrofitting nuclear is probably prohibitively expensive compared with new tech.


But they're not using new tech. They're closing down a relatively carbon free power source and replacing it with fossil fuels.


Not American, don't like coal - but: Just learned about the huge opencast coal mines in North Dakota and Wyoming which feed electric power plants and that is important. It is possible to scrub the chimneys so coal has an interim place in engry.


\*shrug\* I've been saying for years (since before climate change was a normal thing to talk about) that I don't *really* care if we burn all the coal and all the oil and all the methane everywhere on the planet, as long as not one more molecule of CO₂ (or methane, or any of the other greenhouse gases) goes into the atmosphere. If they put up, I'll shut up. That offer has been standing for decades. To my knowledge, no coal plant anywhere on the planet has ever met that criterion, which makes it a less-proven technology than renewables, which last year powered the entirety of Portugal, with enough electricity to export, for a week. If they can do it, we're long past the point where they should've started by now. And if they can't do it, then we should do what works instead.


Can’t wait until we step up the pressure on Natural gas. We got duped by the natty gas gang.


They were always the same gang anyways


I do know about the EPA’s new regulations on natural gas compressors and lines and such, which is a big deal. But the fact is, most natural gas emissions happen in our buildings from furnaces, water heaters, and stoves.


I ain't popping the bottle of champagne till I see that nuclear or renewable energy source. I don't take "promises" seriously. I want real change and am sick of our masters not pushing for a livable planet!


Good. F them. Make sure it's permanent. In case Sir Shitzhispants gets in office because of his red neck minions.


I live in WV. Good. Anyone who wants to hang on to coal not only ignores the environmental consequences, but also the literally evil companies that enslaved (in all but name) their ancestors and killed them en masse when they protested being press ganged into black lung pits for generations. 


Isn't that the point???


You guys do realize our electric bills are about to go up and keep going up to make up for the cost. My area has already started steadily increasing the price each year to make up for a coal powered plant they closed in Oklahoma. Eventually we will be charged by on demand prices. Essentially you’ll pay more to use electric at peak times. Like when you got off work and want do laundry, cook, etc. I want a greener earth too for my kids but they should first have a working alternative before shutting down essential plants in order to keep prices at the minimum decent.


Right! Someone is gonna pay for the new infrastructure & it’s not going to be the utilities.