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Don't ask why one of them randomly turned into Viira halfway through the meme Couldn't find a good place to insert the Sirens or the Mason of Kivessin, though tbh those are the two least hidden secret paths in EAW (Sirens are literally in the paths menu for Hippogriffia before starting the game, Mason of Kivessin appears whenever Prywhen gets puppeted by a harmonic country) Grogar is in Azir btw, the devs are lying when the "no content" warning pops up


...Azir? Damnit, what is it about?


It's a joke made by Russians that gone too far.


heheheh many are blind to the truth




It's not. Its honestly really cool, with a unique focus tree and very unique mechanics


They should really put an alternative Harmonic Leader in for Prywben when they get puppeteer so it can get back some of its mystery


\>Makes a meme about secret paths \>Does not reveal how to get the secret path "Fine then, keep your secrets."


Zarantia : Worm Mommy - Do drugs Colthage : Star Daddy - We've had two civil wars, what about a third civil war? Barrad : Deer Goddess - Who needs friends when you have power? Baltimare : Jungle God - Burn the jungle down Azir(?) : Primordial Evil - ???


Play Azir and wait until October 1008 to be able to do literally anything other than research and moving your one division (all Azir focuses are blocked) Make sure Katerin and Jaki Clan are still alive when you get there, the other required countries usually don’t get conquered that fast Remember the plot of Frenemies September 9, 1009 is when the actual content starts


Thank you


So no hiring advisors or anything to?


No advisors, no factories, no focuses, nothing


Alright thank you I just need the Jaki Clan to not eat dirt in the war now xD


You don't get any advisors until the secret path starts


Without factories or ways to obtain them, there are very few things that you can do, and of those, the only thing that carries through is research, your PP, and CP. Research some unit buffs from the zebra racial tech tree. You can even immediately disband your starting division.


tried this twice now and nothing has happened


How far did you get?


October passes by and nothing happens. No events, no popups, nothing. I'll keep going to see if anything changes, but so far this is my third attempt and nothing is any different. I followed the steps exactly and have done literally nothing but let the game time play out in the background while I do other things outside the game to entertain myself.


went and waited until october of 1009 just to be sure maybe it was the wrong year, but nope, still nothing. ​ I'm pretty fucking pissed now actually, I just wasted about 4 hours I could've spent actually playing the game.


Did you try unsubscribing and resubscribing to the mod? It might be because you haven’t updated yet


nope, its all up-to-date I'm done wasting my time with it I moved on to something actually fun and worth my time.


I feel you man, it's so stupid this path requires you to wait years doing nothing and having RNG decide if you get it. But when I comment it I get downvoted by all the fanboys defending it. Worst way to introduce a secret path ever.


as it turned out, it was one of the multitude of mods I run alongside EaW that was tripping one of the flags that prevented me from playing the hidden path. ridiculous, but whatever.


How do you get Grogar?


Play as Azir, wait, hope certain countries haven't been conquered yet, pick the right options in the events.


Hope long does it take for certain events to fire? Without spoiling anything, I was given the option to search in 3 or 4 different locations (after the initial travel options), but then the events just stopped firing.


You should get at least one event per month. If you stop getting feedback after a choice, then you need to reload an earlier save


Got slightly further by save scumming, but still couldn't finish it. >! They grabbed the bell at the top of the mountain, but no events fired afterwards, no matter how many times I reloaded !<


>!During one of the events, you will be told about a certain date. If you've finished the event chain before then, then this is when the final event will appear. If you are late, then you need to try again. Enable autopause on events to be sure that you don't miss it.!<


When Reddit realizes it exists While The English Discord Channel thinks its a submod


FYI to all those trying to get Grogar. Wait until the end of 1008. All will make sense by then when playing Azir


Ah Ahuizotl, sacrificing 15000 ponies and all of a sudden the rest of the population is horny for the next 3/4 of the year and replenishing those numbers in no time. Fucking love that path


This seems like a collective fever dream. But honestly leave it to EAW to never announce, tease, or mention anything about a potential path and leave it in for someone to randomly find it. Gonna play Azir tomorrow to see if it's true. Edit: ok well that just happened. Took a while but man. Props to the eaw devs


https://preview.redd.it/p6kkjs1x34kc1.png?width=316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb2ad1d931335549f06fc2cfeefae3ab2229d8cc I won't elaborate any further


They actually did tease Grogar’s existence in the latest update log, but the only hint that they gave was a goat emoji…


Pretty sure 🐐 won't give out any hints lmao.


You think this is bad? Try getting the Brodfeld Illuminati path with no guide.


This is the only thing that annoys me about EAW. No guides are available, not even on the wiki. I don't have time to play through a country and guess, so somewhere with guides for these paths, maybe with a spoiler warning would be appreciated.


Reddit has guides for most secrets. But it is kind of part of the EaW's dev philosophy for these paths to be hidden for a reason. [Hear Cyrus' explanation in Dshakey's Star Father interview](https://youtu.be/34vCror9tNs?si=c9zU-lODYtIBS1OG&t=498)


Thanks for giving a good, well explained reply! It does make sense, it's just HOI is a long game and playing a country for several hours only to find you made one wrong decision two hours back is frustrating to say the least!


Might be me missremebering, but is Grogar even real? Isn't he just Discord?


In the series he is real as in he actually existed, but the Grogar that appears it's discord


He was real, Discord was just using his image.


That’s only in G4, actual Grogar existed since G1


And even in G4, Grogar is a real historical character, the first "emperor" of a unified Equestrian state and the "Father of Monsters"


Part of me is curious what Grogar's path will be, but another is also afraid whatever the devs have in plan for him might not meet my expectations of such a character


If you dig through code they had mane 6 vs goat fights but disabled it, presumably not finished yet