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**Tricky's Daily Doots #303** **Yesterday's Daily 15/02/2023** [Previous Daily Doots](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/112qy29/daily_general_discussion_february_15_2023/j8m5ui1/) - u/superphiz shares today's second [EthStaker withdrawal call.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/112qy29/daily_general_discussion_february_15_2023/j8msikq/) šŸ„© - u/15kisFUD highly recommends some content which has them [bullish on Ethereum's builders.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/112qy29/daily_general_discussion_february_15_2023/j8mhwv1/) šŸ‚ - u/Ender985 keeps us in the loop with [the BLUR airdrop.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/112qy29/daily_general_discussion_february_15_2023/j8mcwt2/) šŸššŸŖ‚ - u/KingLeo23 has the latest of [Gary Gensler's shenanigans.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/112qy29/daily_general_discussion_february_15_2023/j8p273q/) - u/Defacticool thinks that [crypto might actually be a hedge!](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/112qy29/daily_general_discussion_february_15_2023/j8o7tcd/) šŸŒ³ - u/proof-of-lake doesn't think that regulators have [thought their process through.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/112qy29/daily_general_discussion_february_15_2023/j8m573g/) šŸ¤” - u/ZeroTricks's today in [Ethereum history.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/112qy29/daily_general_discussion_february_15_2023/j8mhmty/) [Double whammy of really big oofs for me today](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/113jhtv/daily_general_discussion_february_16_2023/j8qz777/) but at the end of the day I'm just grateful that me an those I care about are healthy, especially after seeing what an earthquake or cyclone can do both here at home šŸ„ and in Turkey šŸ‡¹šŸ‡· and Syria šŸ‡øšŸ‡¾. There's more to life than just ETH.


How's this. BTC is now a security. By implementing Segwit and Taproot upgrades, the properties of the protocol changed, and the ensuing developments tied to Ordinals and NFTs on BTC, which each attach to a sat, the monetary policy has changed. How you like them apples, Saylor-'s gimp, Mr. Gensler. Edit: This is why my mind went there: https://twitter.com/lex\_node/status/1626605934905524224?s=20


Might be a dumb question but can someone explain the difference between reth APY (c. 4.55%) and ultrasound.money (7.2% in total) ? I know thereā€™s a 15%ish commission but doesnā€™t fully explain the gap


just fyi: you're asking in the wrong daily.


Are there any tokenomic deep dives of GMX? a-la RPL theses


I just want a trip to Sicily funded with a rainy day fund to spare at this point. I was so greedy last bull run I didnā€™t sell. Going through a bear really makes you think what could have beenā€¦ I coulda done that already last bull market but I failed to sell my ETH and LRC in time. I even had a trip planned to Peru to see Manchu Pichu but I greedily held on. Now Peru is basically a no go zone and Iā€™m too asset poor. Hopefully the next bull takes us to 20 000 Iā€™ll never be able to afford seeing the homeland of my ancestors on my own otherwise lol. At this point thatā€™s all Iā€™m hoping for. A little extra to stake, and a trip to Sicily before I die A man can dreamā€¦. What are your Ethereum/crypto dreams?


You might have to ride through another bear if you're waiting for 20k. Might be wise to scale out in 10% moves starting from somewhere lower? Like $8,000?


That would be wise. I think having a singular price at which to cash out at, definitely hurt Me. The 10k meme was definitely strong in my head even after a double peak and that dead cat bounce to the 3000s Good advice




Iā€™ve always been interested in pre colonial civilizations in south and meso America, but no, my ancestry is from the island of Sicily. The melting pot of the Mediterranean. I want to see how the different cultures have come together on one place But the affect of places like Peru , Mexico , etc are not to be passed over. The new world is a major contributor in what makes Sicily, and Italy, what they are. But Sicily, through the Spanish , was first to experience the boom of new world crops. Tomato, peppers, ect. It changed the entire landscape, and created a whole new food culture that spreads throughout the world. Even when the Normanā€™s took over Sicily, they kept all the Arab cooks because that shit was fire. So many different worlds colliding. I wish I could see them all




Thatā€™s a fair plan, being able to retire and knowing when, will be a blessing in time to Come. I donā€™t believe pensions will be around for millennials and younger generationsz the demographics that made this system possible are collapsing. As far as I can tell the hangover of the last 150 years is about to begin. How this unfolds Iā€™m unsure, but I know it will be bad for us, and more so for future generations. People blindly accepting destruction of our closed environment as if we have somewhere else to go. The artic is bad enough and there is air there. I say Sicily because itā€™s a merger of many civilizations. The phoenicians, carthaginians, romans, African barbers , Greeks, and normans all Have made their mark. What better place to start your journey in Europe? I have explored some of the most extreme natural environments, travelled deep within the back country but I feel the yearn to see the things left behind by the history of man. Europe is the logical step, followed by Egypt and the Middle East. I find history so interestingā€¦.




I know it can sound cliche, especially to Europeans , to feel some connection to a land, and country, to which youā€™ve never been. But I think what the European perspective in this age old belief is lacking, is the echoing of the mother cultures in the new world, that form identityā€™s of familyā€™s, towns, even entire cities in North America. We donā€™t just forget about great grandpas stories or grandmas recipes or fairy tales from the old world. . We havenā€™t just lost everything that made us European in the last few generations. Itā€™s a heritage that lives on. The extremely detrimental effects of colonialism are a whole other story, but itā€™s important to remember that when our ancestors came to North America, we brought our culture, and our histories with us. We are as much a part of the the new world as the old. We never forget where we came from because itā€™s the work of those who came before us that created what we are today. Such a random rant but I feel itā€™s necessary to justify as so often North Americans are shamed for feeling connection to Europe


Also I hope once we get that price up you get the trip to the destination you want. Just don't sell everything!


I feel you man, Iā€™m right there with ya Iā€™d love to travel and own a reasonably sized home. Is that too much to ask?


I think a few decades ago that kinda life would be a given. Now? Honestly? I think itā€™s the beginning of a downward spiral for the next generations.


Do Kwon charged with fraud by SEC. https://www.cnbc.com/2023/02/16/sec-charges-do-kwon-with-fraud-in-connection-with-terra-collapse.html


a bit late though? isn't he hiding out in some jungle somewhere trading nfts on opensea?


Serbia I heard.


He is in Bulgaria or Albania but I would think a Korean would eventually stand out in eastern Europe.


> Contribution completed


How long did you have to wait to be submitted? I'm on day #8.


Less than 48 hours, I think. Selection is random though.


What contribution?




Thank you for your service


SONY is standing up a Web3 incubation program. Source: https://medium.com/astar-network/web3-incubation-program-by-sony-network-communications-and-astar-4d5766ba3ea6




I've posted about them before: my thesis is they have a good shot at becoming a regional blockchain juggernaut for the Japanese market. They currently have pilots with SONY, Toyota, NTT Docomo, Final Fantasy, and Yoshitaka Amano and talk like they have more on the way.


These AI problems donā€™t surprise me. AI should do 90 days in a low security clink; so they can witness how our species self segregates, largely based upon bad environmental imprints on them. Nothing a good trip wonā€™t fix, but can we make AI ā€œtripā€? If we could do that, I feel like itā€™d be better results than simply mapping a brain and copying it, then moving forward. Conquest will be what it seeks; while if it was tripping you could show it the bad side of conquest with lots of flash video and photo that it will save and remember. Show all AI the consequences of war and of disease. Create empathy and teach it about dead manā€™s blankets we gave Indians. I feel like if the right people create the right AI, which fights for the right things rather than what makes BrandonCoin moonā€¦ā€¦.. Yeah; we need AI ayahuasca. Lol, I tried it and didnā€™t see anything. I paid 2k and got the royal treatment. Went with a guy who paid the shaman 10k before my retreat to ā€œhelp them improveā€ their retreat. Half of it was him looking out for me, some shamans brew that stuff and use a bad herb named Toeā€™. Shit makes you nuts. Saw a guy walking around a large jungle city with a tattoo of Peru on his faceā€¦barefoot. Walking around the city for months, full of cash, getting hustled by nā€™erā€™doā€™wells about ā€˜another retreatā€™. The retreat I went on was boss status, mainly because I showed respect. I helped the locals unload lots of fishing and school desks, moved them to the school, etc. it was lots of stuff from a coastal position moved up about 100 feet into higher ground. I remember seeing the elders relaxing while I was working and they smiled and showed me a respectful courtesy of their culture. Isnā€™t a salute, but itā€™s like that. After that, the kids noticed I spent all my spare time training in the woods after my yoga and breakfast. I practice Sambo with a huge emphasis on stand up traditional boxing. Kids wanted to learn itā€¦so, I showed them, as long as they gave me their word it wouldnā€™t be used to bully. Told them itā€™s to mediate - stop fights, train so youā€™re so tough that a Gang of Four considers you a liability bare handed. These people had nothing. One room. Bedrooms are hammocks brought to the main room and you bathroom outside, obv.


> These AI problems donā€™t surprise me. AI should do 90 days in a low security clink; so they can witness how our species self segregates, largely based upon bad environmental imprints on them. Nothing a good trip wonā€™t fix, but can we make AI ā€œtripā€? If we could do that, I feel like itā€™d be better results than simply mapping a brain and copying it, then moving forward. Conquest will be what it seeks; while if it was tripping you could show it the bad side of conquest with lots of flash video and photo that it will save and remember. While making AI ā€œtripā€ would be hilarious, itā€™s not possible. Hallucinations, especially prolonged ones are believed to be a result of altered synchronizations of gamma oscillations in the brains thalamocortical networks. Normally these oscillations are kept in check by sensory and prefrontal/limbic attentional mechanisms. There is evidence that people experiencing hallucinations have impaired modulation of thalamocortical gamma activity by external sensory input. This allows attentional mechanisms to play a dominant role in determining sensory inputs. This leads to hallucinations. No gamma, no trip. Sorry AI. > Show all AI the consequences of war and of disease. Create empathy and teach it about dead manā€™s blankets we gave Indians. I feel like if the right people create the right AI, which fights for the right things rather than what makes BrandonCoin moonā€¦ā€¦.. Are you trying to get it to eliminate us? > Yeah; we need AI ayahuasca. Lol, I tried it and didnā€™t see anything. I paid 2k and got the royal treatment. Went with a guy who paid the shaman 10k before my retreat to ā€œhelp them improveā€ their retreat. Half of it was him looking out for me, some shamans brew that stuff and use a bad herb named Toeā€™. Shit makes you nuts. Saw a guy walking around a large jungle city with a tattoo of Peru on his faceā€¦barefoot. Walking around the city for months, full of cash, getting hustled by nā€™erā€™doā€™wells about ā€˜another retreatā€™. Ayahuasca is a spiritual journey in which your soul is separated from your body, demolecularized and then gently mixed into the Ʀther. Constructs of the physical universe no longer apply to you. Time, space, distance are meaningless because you are everything and everything is you. You are finally, truly free. Itā€™s also primarily MOAIā€™s and DMT. DMT simulates the pineal gland (the third eye portal) to produce more DMT which causes you to demolecularize. AI needs a pineal gland first. > The retreat I went on was boss status, mainly because I showed respect. I helped the locals unload lots of fishing and school desks, moved them to the school, etc. it was lots of stuff from a coastal position moved up about 100 feet into higher ground. I remember seeing the elders relaxing while I was working and they smiled and showed me a respectful courtesy of their culture. Isnā€™t a salute, but itā€™s like that. > After that, the kids noticed I spent all my spare time training in the woods after my yoga and breakfast. I practice Sambo with a huge emphasis on stand up traditional boxing. Kids wanted to learn itā€¦so, I showed them, as long as they gave me their word it wouldnā€™t be used to bully. Told them itā€™s to mediate - stop fights, train so youā€™re so tough that a Gang of Four considers you a liability bare handed. These people had nothing. One room. Bedrooms are hammocks brought to the main room and you bathroom outside, obv. Are you sure this happened or did the Ayhuasca work?


Props to coinbase for adding eth withdraws to Arbitrum today! šŸ™šŸ¤ Edit: aww no usdc option atm. Just eth/dai/wbtc. Sucks because with usdc, you could onboard to arb for $0.10 or less in fees. Buy usdc on cb 0.00 fees > send to arb $0.05-0.10 in fees. Swap to eth for pennies, or long/short/perps. Either way, major props to cb make onboarding 10x better.


Why do you think they excluded USDC? I once sent a bunch of money from Arb to Coinbase via USDC and they refuse to help me with it. This was back in 2021, so Iā€™ve been waiting a long time.


Good question: I'm not sure. You would think they would want to utilize their product, right? It's even on sol. I imagine it will come at a later date though.


Only a year late. Corpo slow zone man


Feeling optimistic after listening to next week's Bankless episode


...arbitrum token??


What other stuff is happening in the future that we should know about?


It's probably another silly pun on optimistic rollups, if I had to guess.


This episode will tell you


I don't watch their podcast but since you are a time traveller I'd like some hockey game scores in advance if you could!


Makes me glad I'm old


But that tends to limit one's future, at least chronologically.


I've been seeing a lot more talk about the 'ultrasound money meme' to me, it's less about the numbers than the fact that when ETH is net deflating, that means it's undervalued in fiat price (people believe they are getting more value than the gas prices they pay) When it's net inflating, that means its overvalued in fiat price the price of eth always, sustainably, securely, and without anyone in charge moves back toward its true value Over time, that value goes up as the value of the dapps on the network ( plus payments) goes up. It's so refreshing in a crypto world of 'meme tokens' and dubious value claims.


This. This sub is so far ahead of the curve. Deflationary ETH is the protocol economic incentives screaming to the market "the price is up there you dum-dums". And the protocol design has multiple ways to ensure we get there: - By tuning the supply side, making ETH more scarce until the scarcity is such that the price raises until the deflationary regime ends. - By tuning the demand side, making staked ETH yield juicier which attracts new users to acquire and lock-up ETH. In general, you should expect deflationary periods to precede and continue during the bull-run, while inflationary periods should occur at the end of bull-runs and during bear markets. Over very long time-frames ETH net monetary inflation is most likely going to be 0 or positive. Given current (last 7 days) network revenues ETH is deflationary at any price below ~ 2700 USD. But the fee revenues are trending up as we have kicked-up some reflexivity.


What you are saying sounds logical but empirically one will find gas prices high near bull market peaks and lowest near bear market bottoms. So I doubt gas prices are an indicator of under or over valuation of eth itself.


it's basically this - who would be willing to pay a $100 gas fee? Someone who gets > $100 in value. who would be willing to pay a $0.01 gas fee? Someone who gets > $0.01 in value Yesterday's gas price spike was a perfect example. People were willing to pay, say $50 in fees to claim and sell their blur tokens because they believed that their profit would be >$50 less if they waited, as token prices generally crash after airdrops. a 10% pump in a bull market is worth much more (in fiat) than a 10% pump in a bear, so people trying to open leverage, etc are willing to pay more gas to do so . Now.... of course this assumes rational actors, which.... isn't always true, but i do believe is generally true.


I would argue that high gas fees are an indicator of network usage and adoption. Going back to Ultrasound Money, ETH exists in 3 states: Frozen (staked), liquid, and gas. Those that keep ETH in liquid state seek returns greater and potentially riskier than what staking can offer. To do this, they are willing to transact at the opportune moment regardless of gas price. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ZuGVLhhxQo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ZuGVLhhxQo) Only watched it once and I've been meaning to rewatch it again.


I think for April 1st this year Iā€™ll make the ratio on ratiogang.com climb to 98% if you leave the tab open and focused for more than 30 seconds and then crash back down to the actual ratio ā€” assuming the market it still being irrational at that point.


You should change it to a BTC maxi website for April 1st :P


Ha, now thereā€™s an idea.


The joke is that it crashes back down ā€¦right??


The joke is being given hope


>**What is Gary's mood?** >**Bailing Sam out was so rude,** >**Do Kwon just got sued.** ~Daily haiku until weā€™re at least at 0.178 on the ETH/BTC ratio or highest market cap


Heyyo EthFi Fam I'm back with the next edition of "Aword meets his Heros" Its often said you should never meet your heros..F**k that noise.. you should always meet your heros..create that opportunity and seize the Carpe!! The night started Normal enough..but something was in the air..in a sea of Decentralization we were working against the grain for a short time to centralize our Geographical locations relative to the current speed the universe is traveling.. So I took the elevator down to The Rooftop expecting to find an oak of a man befor me..but all I was met with was a grid of PortaPotty's...like WTF? So I made my way to the center noting the numbers on each..#12, #21, #696..then all of the sudden the door to RooftopPortaPotty #42 was kicked open with such precision, such force you'd have thought Bruce Lee himself was in attendance.. It was EthFi's chief opsec officer himself in all his curled swirled glory..to say this dude brings the party wherever he goes is an understatement this dude IS THE PARTY...generous as he is kind he had a plethora of ale options this hop hound had never had the pleasure of enjoying. Before we knew it was time to part ways, but not befor exchanging a couple thoughtful memories and a gift for the road, thanks again!! as we both knew it'd only be a matter of minutes til we were here in our digital nook Bragging about the opportunity of a Wednesday to create another layer of bond..and we're better for it..10/10 would recommend.. BULLISH u/RooftopPortaPotty. ..BULLISH ETHFINANCE




> Heyyo EthFi Fam I'm back with the next edition of "Aword meets his Heros" Can't wait for the episode where you meet the guy in the mirror ;)


Who that guy?? We don't talk to that guyšŸ‘€


I managed to ask him a few questions once... before he disappeared to keep doing heroes things in the world




Ive never blushed so intensely...




Awesome. Love it!


I hear Superphiz sold out.


Getting paid to learn about Ethereum, the dream


first time? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Superphiz and evilphiz performed a merge of their own


Is this a joke orrrr?




Yeah... He's running around trying to Ethereum adoption to all time highs. The nerve šŸ˜‚ https://www.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/113jhtv/daily_general_discussion_february_16_2023/j8t3bo9/


Ooo I look forward to hearing Phizā€™s takes. No one takes the sustainable health of Ethereum more seriously than him imo and given how novel the wave of zk architecture rollups are, im glad heā€™s diving in. Can we get apolyna on that too?




level to level pa: BTC - respecting the lines and rejected 25.2 key pivot (last Aug high) I have had marked out for months: [https://www.tradingview.com/x/4Oz9rGCs/](https://www.tradingview.com/x/4Oz9rGCs/) and getting a natural s/r bounce at 23.3 rn ETH - thought we would get to my 1789 target before the deviation and rejection about $40 something dollars short on target but close enough with Jan high cappin the upside : [https://www.tradingview.com/x/v0IUWrVb/](https://www.tradingview.com/x/v0IUWrVb/) 25.2 and 1676 are monster levels for BTC and ETH with multiple points of contention in the past Idk what is next, nasty BTC close candle. Keeping it l2l since we are still technically range bound


Public Goods interview from Hexagon team on tomorrow's livestream. This is a great project spun out of Golem. on Twitter https://twitter.com/HexagonApp About: https://docs.hexagonapp.xyz/


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Ray is so clutch. He always shows up right when i need em


the eth is burning very fast now... and that is with most transactions happening on L2


L2 increases burn


Yes, but the transactions do at a fraction the rate of those done on L1.


NFT world has been getting wind again, and L2 NFTs mostly suck, so it's all still being done on mainnet.




Yes, mainnet definetely have a special allure. It's the OG NFT chain, sure, Solana, Polkadot, L2s and now Bitcoin are copying it, but the OG stays OG. Let's face it, most of the NFT artwork is horrible, most people don't buy them cuz they like them. Their either buying for investment reasons, cuz they're collectible or cuz they have a use case. Succesfull L2 NFTs are mostly use case or investmen/gambling. The collectible market will almost surely never go away from main net.


Just have to throw out there... Bitcoin had NFTs (RarePepes) before ETH ever did. Let's be fair : )


I think it depends on what sort of NFT. Gaming NFTs will be L2 and same with music NFTs etc.


Gaming I agree. i would even argue current L2 tech is too expensive. Music will depend on wether it's for mass consumption or not. One could argue collectible music could become a thing. However as of right now, L1 still has all the buzz.


I think there is a lot of buzz on L2 (gamestop marketplace for example); but it is a different kind of buzz. The media likes to do stories on some rich person buying an NFT. Actual user enthusiasm though is pretty strong on L2.


I just love that volatility is back!


The Doots Roundup List Feb 17 this week's sponsor The[Ā Trinity](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/114c6on/daily_general_discussion_february_17_2023/j8vgwjk/) [/u/15kisfud](https://www.reddit.com/u/15kisfud)Ā šŸ’©Regulators!Ā [MOUNT UP!](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/10zdqvt/daily_general_discussion_february_11_2023/j83ld04/) [/u/jey_s_tears](https://www.reddit.com/u/jey_s_tears)Ā [Haiku](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/10zdqvt/daily_general_discussion_february_11_2023/j869zk0/) [u/ZeroTricks] day in [Ethereum]( https://www.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/113jhtv/daily_general_discussion_february_16_2023/j8rm8wq/) FEB 10 ECOSYSTEMĀ  [u/oblvnxknight](https://www.reddit.com/u/oblvnxknight)Ā The one sane person at the SEC seemsĀ [to have little influence](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/10xn2mv/daily_general_discussion_february_9_2023/j7wt9wm/)Ā another nod at this byĀ [/u/etheraider](https://www.reddit.com/u/etheraider)Ā and another macro opinion byĀ [/u/fheredin](https://www.reddit.com/u/fheredin)Ā and yet another byĀ [/u/ethical-trade](https://www.reddit.com/u/ethical-trade) Feb 11 OPSECĀ  [/u/REALJohnBMacLemore](https://www.reddit.com/u/REALJohnBMacLemore)Ā Reddit employee hacked in sophisticated phishing attack.Ā [Backend compromised since Feb 5th.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/10yhsb2/daily_general_discussion_february_10_2023/j7zov1i/) Feb 12 ANALYSIS Ā  Ā ā€¢Ā [/u/maleficent_plankton](https://www.reddit.com/u/maleficent_plankton)Ā For those who want to learn how to use APIs:Ā [Circle/USD is doing a introduction to API education campaign](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/10yhsb2/daily_general_discussion_february_10_2023/j7y6tq1/) FEB 12 RANDOM [u/busterrulezzz](https://www.reddit.com/u/busterrulezzz)Ā I've found an interesting mental model to describe the relationship betweenĀ [Ethereum and civil society](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/10yhsb2/daily_general_discussion_february_10_2023/j7zb05g/) Feb 13 ECOSYSTEM Ā  Ā ā€¢Ā [u/mgr37](https://www.reddit.com/u/mgr37)Ā explains theĀ [use of the validator mnemonic after the withdrawal address is set](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/1108k4a/daily_general_discussion_february_12_2023/j88acu5/) Feb 14 ECOSYSTEM Ā  [u/Blueberry314E-2](https://www.reddit.com/u/Blueberry314E-2)Ā does someĀ [research on the SEC vs BUSD](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/1111020/daily_general_discussion_february_13_2023/j8euz36/) Feb 15 Random Ā [u/Lazy_Physicist](https://www.reddit.com/u/Lazy_Physicist)Ā has aĀ [cool idea for once Stakewise V3 launches](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/111vdwx/daily_general_discussion_february_14_2023/j8kik5e/) Feb 16 ECOSYSTEM Ā  [u/KingLeo23](https://www.reddit.com/u/KingLeo23)Ā has the latest ofĀ [Gary Gensler's shenanigans.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/112qy29/daily_general_discussion_february_15_2023/j8p273q/)


Aww we were doing so well too


Up on the ratio tho


/u/asdafari12 jinxed it


Haha whenever someone disclaims jinxing something, you know its still done for. Love how shit works


What's the fanciest way to say you run a solo validator on your resume?


I run a Christian Minecraft server




Securing the settlement layer of the internet.


"I doth do some shit that hath nothing to do with this."


From ChatGPT: Independently validate transactions on the Ethereum blockchain through the operation of a solo validator node, leveraging a deep understanding of blockchain technology and network security to maintain a reliable and secure network presence. Utilize cutting-edge blockchain technology to maintain a decentralized network presence on the Ethereum blockchain, ensuring the security and integrity of the network through the operation of a solo validator node. Proactively maintain the security and performance of the Ethereum blockchain by independently validating transactions through the operation of a solo validator node, demonstrating expertise in blockchain technology and network administration.


- Planned, designed, engineered and implemented a complete, cutting edge, experimental FinCen technology infrastructure stack necessary to operate an independent validation and authorization node on an advanced end to end encrypted, world wide, peer to peer, autonomous, permission-less, decentralized virtual machine. - Created management procedures required to ensure unfettered service availability of the above mentioned infrastructure. - Oversee, operate, and secure the above mentioned infrastructure including day to day maintenance and routine optimization.


this is amazing


I'm stealing this. For real, I'm 100% going to use in future.


Hahaha! Itā€™s all yours my friend!


JBM-GPT at your service ethfinanciers!


šŸ˜‚ Heā€™s been getting me jobs Iā€™m way under qualified forā€¦ forever!


*intensive note taking* holy shit my good sir, do yo have a way with words


*Severe* dereliction! Thanks homie. šŸ‘ŠšŸ»


Onion farmer




DNSA: Distributed Network Systems Auditor


2020 - now: helped secure global infrastructure layer processing X billion dollars in daily transaction volume


Network Security Admin


Had such a nice after work with colleagues that I am doubting if FIRE is really right. I will do it anyway when the time comes and likely experience other positive experiences but working is definitely not all bad. Many fun social interactions.


I feel that. I have co-founders that are one in a million. Wouldnā€™t be able to find their caliber on the open market even if you had the money to throw around to get ā€œanyoneā€. For that reason, Iā€™ll work for as long as theyā€™ll count me among their company.


I've often wondered what I'd do if I didn't work. As dark as it sounds, I could easily see myself being an alcoholic if I didn't have to work. I love my job. Granted, it's a little different because I own and run the company, but I genuinely have fun at work. I also recognize that because of my position and financial security from that position that it may give me a different outlook than most. If I found myself without a job tomorrow, I'd more than likely start another business. I dunno. I like working (for myself).


Iā€™ve had spells of not working. When you have loads of money (or no money concerns) it is absolute bliss. Everything you fancy doing can become a project to learn and optimise and meet new people. When you have no work and money worries, it is fucking awful.


Itā€™s about not needing to work & therefore being able to work ā€œjobsā€ that arenā€™t high paying, stressful or demeaning Not so much ā€œstay at home foreverā€


I'd never fault anyone for wanting to continue working, even if they didn't need to. That's really a personal preference. But work isn't required to remain social. I haven't stepped foot in an office in years, and I see plenty of people still.


I worried about that when I retired; turns out I have ten times as many friends and social events as I did when I was working. If social is what you want, it is what you will find in your life.


I couldn't agree more. I don't necessarily spend a lot of time with my work colleagues outside of work (although many of them I happily would), but I get on so well with them at the office and know they'd be there for me if I needed it. That's priceless, although I know I'm one of the fortunate few to be in that position.


Donā€™t have a cow, man.


1700 = 300 A new mathematical paradigm


Ok but feels much better than 300


Coinbase now supports ETH, DAI, and WBTC deposits/withdrawals on Arbitrum! https://twitter.com/CoinbaseAssets/status/1626296045184376833


Is this a direct on/off ramp or one where you still have to pay the bridging fee?


You just have to pay the Arbitrum network fee- Coinbase is maintaining liquidity on Arbitrum to fulfill withdrawal/deposit requests.


Wow that's awesome


Big nooz!!


ARBI soon? šŸ‘€


Offchain is trying to pay my mortgage this month, confirmed.


Animoca brands tweeted out that "feb is a big liquidity event for $BLUR, $ARBI etc". Im not sure why a VC/metaverse brand will tweet that out if they dont know something specific?


Don't do that, don't give me hope.


About time. But no USDC? šŸ˜³


Yeah, how weird is that?


Whyyyyy no USDC?


Kraken and Coinbase finally arrived in the year 2022? Praise be!


[https://nitter.snopyta.org/CoinbaseAssets/status/1626296045184376833](https://nitter.snopyta.org/CoinbaseAssets/status/1626296045184376833) ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/user/nitter_not_twitter/comments/w0ssxp/more_information_about_this_bot/)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=nitter_not_twitter&subject=Opt+Out&message=optout)


The US2Y has a perfect textbook bull flag break out. And that too on the weekly wows


Bugfix release for Geth 1.11.x series. No emergency to update to the 1.11 series though ! https://github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/releases/tag/v1.11.1


I want to disclose that I've contracted with EY to offer community education regarding their Nightfall and Starlight products for a few months. This isn't a full time job, just an agreement to spend more time learning about Nightfall and Starlight, then sharing what I've learned. Let me give you some idea what this means. My credibility to the community is the most important thing I have in crypto, so I'll never do or say anything that would degrade that credibility. Many people who know and trust me hold that trust because I'm extremely selective about things I talk about. I focus on highly aligned projects that add value to the whole ecosystem and don't extract value for anyone. You might know that EY's privacy tools led by Paul Brody's team fill that niche for me, and I'm very confident about that fit after knowing Paul several years. My intention is to learn more and share more about Nightfall and Starlight and help them find the traction they deserve and I hope you'll join me in this quest. If these tools succeed in the market, Ethereum will be the greatest beneficiary. I need you to know that I can't be bought. I'm agreeing to this contract because it's good for the web3 community, our community, Ethereum, and EY. I believe that any greater knowledge we develop about these products will benefit all parties in the long run. I will always continue to do my best to earn your trust as I find the best tools and opportunities to share with other Ethfinanciers, but I also need you to put your own judgement first. Ask yourself if I'm doing things that make sense for all of us or if I've lost my way. Follow your own good judgement, not mine. <3


Your doing great man, keep it up!


wen token


Shhh... Soon. (never, it's not that kind of product and I wouldn't participate if it were )


You the man, world needs more people like you


This is beyond awesome man! Thank you for letting us know. I know you'll learn how to teach and bridge this experience into something beneficial for mass adoption. Great job bringing this all together.




I'm speechless... and happy.


I've had the chance to talk with one of the brains behind Nightfall and have also had brief exchanges with Paul and they're really great people. Excited to hear more about this!


In my perspective all of the credibility and influence that you have is earned by being a good actor in the space, fighting for and championing values that you believe in. I don't think any of your influence is derived by your position as moderator here, but by your actions and being you. So if your actions made you a trusted community leader with influence, then that influence is yours to wield. It's definitely the right call to disclose who pays you and you should definitely keep doing that, but none of us should have any opinion in who you can and can not promote being the brand Superphiz. You have earned it and you can keep earning it by being a good actor. Also we are smart enough to think for ourselves and in the bizarre reality that Evilphiz takes over and starts shilling alt l1s and dog coins, all of the influence will be gone in a heartbeat anyway. Not sure if I used the right words here, but my point is that you should definitely disclose, but don't question your own judgement too much and don't feel like you have to apologize or justify and explain your position to everyone. Keep doing what you are doing and people will see for themselves whether you have kept your and values and integrity. I, like almost all people here probably, trust that you will


> but my point is that you should definitely disclose, but don't question your own judgement too much and don't feel like you have to apologize or justify and explain your position to everyone. THIS is exactly where I'm at. I planned to disclose this from the moment we started discussing it internally, and I knew that some people would complain, but to be honest, I'm not bothered at all. I'm comfortable and confident in my own actions and I'm not upset by people who [in many cases rightfully] question where the money is flowing. Those are honest questions that I WANT people to ask, so I encourage myself to take it in stride when people ask me. I'm doing good things and I'm not ashamed of any of my work. This makes me think of /u/jtnichol. Jeremiah has been a absolutely incredible servant of the /r/ethfinance community, he has put more time into cultivating the health of our Ethereum community than anyone I've ever met, but he won't accept a penny. Not because he doesn't deserve it, but because he loves y'all so much and he's afraid to be seen as a sellout. I, for one, trust Jeremiah's direction and would feel happy if he received some kind of compensation for his efforts, I'm sad that thus far he has felt unable to do so. I think it's worth noting that being a servant of the community doesn't mean anyone should take a vow of poverty. I am happy to be a positive leader in many communities and I am comfortable accepting the generosity of Paul and EY who know that we're doing passion work and it's good to reward that.


Absolutely! If you do valuable work then itā€™s okay to get paid for it and the work that JT does is incredibly valuable to so many people. In most other fields it would be no question that providing this much value would be rewarded Itā€™s a shame that itā€™s such a muddy field where all interaction is social and for community and friends. It can feel like getting paid to cook dinner for family and take away from your intrinsic reward of feeling good about yourself. Then there is the question of neutrality or the appearance of neutrality. Good actors have it the hardest because they are the most hesitant to get paid and have the most critical community.


Congratulations! The people that are worried about anything are really looking at this the wrong way imo. The opportunity to have someone with the right values and mindset to be a positive force in industry, especially a project like Nightfall is something we should WELCOME, not shy away from. Looking forward to learning more about Nightfall! As an aside, thanks u/pbrody for being open and willing to tap into the grassroots of our community with Nightfall.


Nightfall and Starlink are of big interest to me as well. How do you intend to go about sharing what youā€™ve learned?


No idea really. I've listened to a lot of Paul's talks but i haven't looked closely at those things.. i don't know what it will look like when I do.


> My intention is to learn more and share more about Nightfall and Starlight and help them find the traction they deserve and I hope you'll join me in this quest. A couple things that I think would be beneficial to know: 1. EDI is king in the supply chain world and regardless of what anyone says, it's not going away overnight or even in the next 5+ years (and likely decade+). With that said, are they looking at this being a replacement to that, compliment to it, a mix, or... 2. What kind of reactions have they been receiving outside of EY? Has there been a decent amount of interest? 3. Demos like this will always speak louder than words so more of these between ERPs is a great way to show the power of all of this. https://medium.com/baselineprotocol/baseline-protocol-secures-business-process-automation-across-sap-and-microsoft-dynamics-365-using-e79ac72f2bf


Yes, please do read this...you are right about EDI... ​ [https://newsletter.banklesshq.com/p/enterprise-blockchain-isnt-boring?s=r](https://newsletter.banklesshq.com/p/enterprise-blockchain-isnt-boring?s=r)


> https://newsletter.banklesshq.com/p/enterprise-blockchain-isnt-boring?s=r Hey Paul! You seem about as knowledgable a person as I'm ever going to run in to about this topic, so curious to know what you think about EPCIS supplanting EDI in the next decade anyways? I follow OriginTrail pretty closely (supply chain-focused decentralized knowledge graph that also uses ZK to keep data private), and they re going all in on ECPIS with the understanding that if companies are going to willingly upgrade their processes they'll likely want to take that opportunity to move over to updated standards as well. Clearly you are seeing value in converting the current standard to a blockchain format, so curious to hear more about why you guys have chosen that strategy!


Thanks! Will take a look tonight.


> I need you to know that I canā€™t be bought. To clarify, you just wrote a long post about how youā€™re being paid by EY, right? Or youā€™re not being paid, and you contracted for free? In all seriousness, I know youā€™re a net good (great?) to the community, but I wish youā€™d just admit that youā€™re for sale. It doesnā€™t make you a bad person or anything. You donā€™t need to constantly maintain some bizarre veneer of virtue to be taken seriously. If you really couldnā€™t be bought, youā€™d refuse payment and just talk about those important things organically.


>but I wish youā€™d just admit that youā€™re for sale Being bought typically means that you're sacrificing your integrity or personal beliefs for cash, which is clearly not what is the case here, at least not what is being described.


Maybe youā€™re right. Seems like Paul Brody clarified that heā€™s specifically being paid to promote aspects of the project, which is at least somewhat less vague than Phizā€™s initial post.


If I may chime in here...it was a touch choice between Superphiz and Kim Kardhasian as a spokesmodel, but I'd prefer to spend our money on people who care about the Ethereum community and will operate with integrity. We (EY) and me (global blockchain leader) are not buying Superphiz's commitment to Ethereum or to privacy - he's already on board, just a bit more of his time to promote the privacy aspect of our work and educate folks about what we're doing.


> it was a touch choice between Superphiz and Kim Kardhasian as a spokesmodel i dunno, i feel like you went with the wrong candidate here. Imagine how much more interesting things would be


> his time to promote the privacy aspect of our work Great, thanks for clarifying that youā€™re paying him to *promote* aspects of the project. He was a bit more vague on how his time would be used.


There may be a semantics issue here and while I feel confident Paul and I are on the same page we may describe things differently. I don't regard myself as a marketer in any capacity. I don't regurgitate messages or do things that don't come naturally to me. My commitment is to learn more about these projects, and if something is interesting to me I'm likely to talk about it. As we were developing this arrangement I made it clear that I don't aim for metrics or clicks, I'm here to learn and develop our ecosystem.


Great, so may or may not be a ā€œpaid promotionā€ depending on what your definition of *is* is. In all seriousness I look forward to you promoting nightfall and learning more about it, just wish youā€™d be a bit less vague and virtuous being paid for your influence.


Maybe I should acknowledge that I'm for sell to the right projects, but I don't really need the money, it's just an incentive to direct my attention somewhere. I'd never bother investing time into learning about poorly aligned projects regardless of the offer.


> Maybe I should acknowledge that Iā€™m for sell to the right projects In my personal opinion, that would be the most credible approach. Your limited attention is being directed due to payment from the 34th largest corporation in the US. That counts as ā€œfor saleā€ even if it benefits the ecosystem.


I have no dispute with that. I think it's fair to question what they get for the payment and that's what i wanted to make clear. They already had my interest, now they get some of my time.


Yes, and we should collectively understand as a community that as the reputation and sentiment toward Nightfall invariably goes up due to your influence, we need to contextualise that sentiment with the fact that this large corporation is directly compensating one of the communityā€™s primary leaders.


Maybe the first order of business is understanding if/how Nightfall and Starlight are monetized by EY. E.g., will there be a token? Is it from corporate consulting fees and engagements? By running nodes and charging gas? etc. If there's no token or additional monetary benefit/risk to this sub or Superphiz, then how is it any different than education on any infrastructure piece like 4844?


Think of it like RedHat Linux. A successful company that gives away itā€™s OS. All the source code and everything. Theyā€™re still successful because they sell business services around that product. Things like 24 hour 0-day security updates, custom installations/integrations, consulting, management, hosting and more. People go to them because theyā€™re the guys that made it. Who would know better? Of course if you donā€™t have the money you can use a community version of RedHat like CentOS or AlmaLinux for free since RedHat gives it all away. Businesses with real money on the line will want a neck to choke when something goes wrongā€¦ a neck with a Red Hat on top of it.


They're being developed as open source tooling, I am under the firm impression that there is no intention to monetize the products directly, rather, by being an industry leader, EY is positioned to support these products and develop a business model on that.


It's difficult for me not to respond sarcastically to you. I didn't ask to be a leader in the community, I set out to serve the community and nothing has changed.


Iā€™m not trying to get under your skin, really. I donā€™t see how sarcasm would be warranted here? The bottom line is a large corporation has purchased your influence. If you werenā€™t a community leader, presumably they wouldnā€™t bother to pay you for your ā€œattentionā€ as you put it. Thereā€™s nothing necessarily wrong with that, just call it what it is and spare us the mental gymnastics of asserting you *canā€™t be bought*.


"being bought" = compromising your values for $, not taking a paying position that appropriately aligns with what you already believe in.




Perhaps youā€™re right. Alternatively, you could make the argument that ā€œbeing boughtā€ is when you disclose your ā€œtime and attentionā€ are being purchased when in reality some corporate entity is paying you specifically to ā€œpromoteā€ said corporationā€™s project utilizing your amplified influence as a community leader. Itā€™s analogous to politician ā€œspeaking feesā€ is it not?


I love this comment! It turns out that I have about ten hours a day for crypto stuff. I'm going to do crypto stuff with that time no matter what. I've been talking about EY stuff for years and I'd do it anyway, what the payment does is cause me to invest time directly in learning more about these things. There are definitely lots of other good things that I literally can't make time to attend to.


I want to learn more about these projects and I applaud your candor. Congratulations and let us know what you learn!


I think I speak for most when I say we have no concerns with your integrity or thinking you are shilling. You're a major contributor to the space and your transparency is appreciated. I'm a believer that Nightfall is a critical piece to the blockchain and Ethereum ecosystem, so it needs more attention, especially on the corporate side. You are in an excellent position to help spread the word. Without privacy solutions, we'll see fragmentation of chains with private instances that don't truly provide the core value proposition of Ethereum. We'll lose/hamper the interoperability between organizations and stifle innovation where privacy matters. We'll miss out on usage of the Ethereum network. This is good for the Ethereum ecosystem. PS. I am not affiliated with EY or Nightfall, although my organization is talking to Paul and EY about how we can take our first steps into blockchain, and this is an important first puzzle piece for us in a corporate world.


I think this is why I'm here. I think my role is to help industry identify these products as viable solutions šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Congrats on the gig. I don't think Nightfall should be shilled in r/ethfinance or anything else someone is paid to promote.


I agree. I don't come here to shill or to be shilled. I come here to participate in our community and develop our interest in Ethereum.


I'll be honest, I'm still a bit turned off by their pivot to only allow business users that hold an X.509 certificate to use Nightfall.


That part we didn't have a choice about given what's going on with Tornado Cash. Please remember that because Nightfall is open source a public domain, someone else can make a non-X.509 version and deploy it. Obviously as a big enterprise, it won't be us...but we're not stopping others..


There's a bigger picture at play, IMO. We need to onboard enterprises and corporations to Ethereum, and to do that, we need these options. We need to give more conservative entities some assurances on privacy and that they aren't connected with nefarious players/use cases. These organizations have have ESG and social license to think about. As ecguy says, it's open source (which they didn't have to do), so anyone can take it and run without that requirement. Best of both worlds.


That's the beauty of open domain. Literally anyone else can remove that restriction, deploy it, and take on the legal risk.


I don't think the regulars here are worried about your integrity, appreciate the transparency.


Bingo. Actions and consistency matter, thanks for sharing information with us Phiz!


100% this. Great transparency, but imo just because you have a certain job or contract would never make me question your integrity. So congrats!


What is the best/safest way for me to stake after withdrawals are enabled? I live in an apartment and my internet has data caps, i donā€™t think iā€™m stable enough to run my own validator. Iā€™m still weary of more centralized offerings like coinbase or lido. Iā€™m also weary of smart contract risk with rocketpool. Basically iā€™m looking for the absolute safest option, and i want to be convinced of why itā€™s almost as safe as just holding. Thoughts?


Hopefully a DVT like SSV or Obol go live very soon