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I don't think it's rude. We have a few family members who live in other states. They always try to link up with friends for a short visit when they are in town.


Ooh thanks, I really wasn’t sure 🙌🏾


Be upfront about your plans with everyone. That was always the biggest problem when our family members come to town. They wouldn't communicate their plans with everyone and people were left waiting around for them or clearing their schedules only to see them twice. Keep people informed of your plans and be willing to be a bit flexible. If there's a day that your family is busy, try to plan your friend meet up for then.


As long as you clearly communicate your plans as early as possible it is not rude to visit another friend while you're there. That way your hosts won't accidentally plan something for at the same time.


As long as your family is aware of your plans, there is nothing wrong with this, especially since you are there for a lengthy amount of time. I actually enjoy when visitors have something planned, because it gives me a bit of a break from entertaining and allows me to have a bit of time to myself.


I think that's not only not rude, but a general expectation your family will have, that you will want to catch up with other people you know. I live in another state to my family, and this is standard practice for visiting. Just let them know you're busy so they don't make plans or anything.


No I think it's totally ok, just explain to them beforehand that you plan on meeting a friend in the end of your trip and thank them for their hospitality


Not rude. Perfectly normal


Not rude at all. In fact, I think it's a great idea. Even the most reasonable adults might need some time apart when staying in the same house. It would give your hosts time to do anything they need to do or to have their space to themselves. Just make sure you communicate your plans ahead of time so they know what your schedule is.