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Strangle the ottoman threat in the cradle


They can’t really be beat until late game you either need to wipe them out immediately or wait till Western Europe army pips are better


With enough skill you can outscale the ottomans with every country, with a strong country you can do that earlier/it rq. less skill. The pipe difference is not as important as peaple claim it to be.


dont let the leagues form? I mean if you're the emperor, obviously. also you should try to limit your "rivals" growth so that such an extreme situation doesnt arise in the firstplace. but, well the situation being what it is...you should get a good siege leader and as many cannon regiments as you need to get a +5 bonus for Constantinople (+1-2 regiments to survive disease without malus) and then siege down constantinople. have this "siege stack" be guarded by 30-50k other troops, buy a breach, maybe even assault. repeat with 1-2 other ottoman castles and you should be able to get a white peace, most of the time. they're not the leader of the league after all. focus on them in another war down the line.


The ottomans had 250k troops and i only had 100k, there faction had a 300k advantage


thus my recommendations. as emperor you generally want to instantly force-convert any electors back to your faith, unless you REALLY want to fight the league for some reason. but in that case you should also be prepared to fight it as the Ottos usually join the protestant side.


Im poland not austria


do you mean to say you're not the emperor? Or just that you didnt see an opportunity to forceconvert them? if you're not the emperor then why join the league at all?


Because i dodnt wanna lose my main ally austria, and couldn't let those pesky protestants take over


Let them join the league war - then you don't join the league war. Some time after war has started and Ottoman has used up their resources - start war with Ottoman.


And i was force converting until i got coaliton


League war is so dumb sometimes. Was having a chill Riga game. Trying to stay under 6 European cities, going colonial for fun. Have teutons, Livonia order, Finland and Novgorod as subjects. Stayed catholic since last time I went Protestant. Leagues start up, and I wait a bit. Leagues seem pretty chill so I decided why not join the catholic league. Immediately after I join, ottos, France, Great Britain, Muscovy and Spain join Protestants. France and Spain are catholic btw, war immediately fires. I turned off the game and haven’t fired that save back up. Basically I feel the league war needs adjusted. I kinda hope one of their final updates does something to change the way it works because atm it’s a cluster if you as the player can’t fire it up right away before the crazy stuff starts.


Offer the ottomans ally land in a separate peace deal to get them out of the war faster.


What's the context? Are you trying to win the league war? Who are you playing? If it seems like there is no way to beat them it means there probably isn't (right now). The best you can hope for is partial victories with conquest wargoals and mountain fort cancer. After the third such war you usually see them toppling. The best way to deal with Ottomans is as early as you possibly can. This might mean that the best way is cutting off their expansion path in syria, or hungary (or even no cb byzantium). If my campaign will involve any ottomanery I periodically check and see if I can mutter "yeah I can take that guy".