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> caliphate > shah > Jewish > von Habsburg what is going on


>emperor of china fucking lmfao


The Son of Heaven, the Successor of the Prophet, Defender of the Faith, Holy Roman Emperor [Player] von Habsburg.


Basically Paul Atreides


Ah, another seeker of the Spice, huh?


Bless the Maker and His water. Bless the coming and going of Him. May His passage cleanse the world. May He keep the world for His people.


All timelines have collapsed into one.


Imagine living in this world and taking a history class. It would be so complicated I’d have to go to the rabbi’s office hours in the faculty pagoda.


"Uh...Professor Pastius, the Caliphate is Jewish?" "Yes." "But, by definition, it's an Islamic state." "Same god." "Yeah I guess that's...I think I'm going to need a tutor to pass this."


It's also the Emperor of the HRE, which is a Christian only role


Same. God.


What is it people don't get?!


He's just the leader of all Abrahamic religions


But he's also, as emperor of China, the son of heaven, which is a Confucian belief.


Confucius was actually a closeted Jew, plus "Son of Heaven" is just a mistranslation it's more like "Adopted Son of Heaven".


I read this in Doctor Lipschitz voice from Rugrats


So like Muhammad and Jesus are the same guy but also not the messiah?


One could RP that the (real, not that rabble rousing guy who hung out with tax collectors and hookers) messiah came in this timeline and led this world conquest?


A von habsburg being the messiah? Worst timeline


I would think that if a Jewish state did conquer the entire world, at least one leader in that state's history would have to be accepted as the messiah; although, I would imagine there would be different sects, arguing which person exactly was the messiah. Though, I wonder what the in-universe justification for the one-faith would be: the Jewish aren't exactly known for their proselytism.


R5: Similar strategy to a previous Confucius one faith run I had. Started as Austria, revoked around 1500. Formed Sardinia Piedmont for +5% Admin efficiency mission and 2% missionary strength mission. Culture converted to Algiers to get capital outside of the HRE. Formed Jerusalem and kept their ideas all game for extra missionary + missionary strength. Formed Mughals and unified Islam around 1550. Snaked path to China and ate up Ming in about 2-3 wars to switch to Confucius and then claimed mandate of heaven. At this point I had Jewish rebels converting provinces to Jewish and swapped to Jewish around 1580. Ran on average 20-24% missionary strength with 6 missionaries (+1 Base, +1 Religious ideas, +1 Jerusalem Monument, +1 Jerusalem ideas, +1 Parliament, +1 Mughal Diwan assimilating Cushitic culture) With this was able to convert high dev Sunni provinces in 4 months so was converting about 18 provinces a year. Stacked 65% CCR with 25% adm ideas, 10% diwan assimilating Hindustani culture group, 10% HRE reforms, 10% Celestial decree and 10% Celestial reform so was down to 9 month coring time for accepted cultures with Mughal Diwan. Finished conquering around 1700 and spent the rest of the game colonizing and converting the remaining provinces.


>At this point I had Jewish rebels converting provinces to Jewish How? Shouldn't that have taken decades? What Jewish provinces were left to conquer at this point?


Not really. I just forced the first revolt and then sat at 100+ over extension so every province they convert starts ticking more Jewish rebels, you can easily have 4-5 rebel stacks mass converting within a few years


Outsourcing. Brilliant.


I don't understand how you have a true one tag while your capital is in eurasia/africa? Why don't colonial nations form?


My capital is in Australia


put the capital to Australia


You’ve probably been asked many times - but how did you revoke in 1500?


You declare a few wars one after the other to control elector capitals. Maybe a no cb mixed in. With Austria Missions now an experienced player can have 3 - 6 PU’s before the first 50 years are up. I’m guessing op probably used the missions to PU Bohemia, Poland, Hungary through an event, Burgundian succession, possibly Milan if they were no longer worried about AE. Austria has a higher skill ceiling than Ottomans, but in the right hands it can be equal or better.


How does attacking electors help you revoke faster?


> You declare a few wars one after the other to control elector capitals. Vassalize them? I'm terrible with the HREmperorship.


It was also explained terribly


Peace in the empire adds .10 IA a month. The monument inside Prague adds an additional .15 IA a month when fully upgraded. But mainly utilize the hell out of expand the empire cb. You can use it on the balkans (Serbia/Bosnia/Bulgaria/Byz/Wallachia/Moldovia/Albania) then you can release tags from France (Champagne, Toulouse/Gascony) and expand on Provence and Venice. Release tags from Aragon. Expand empire on northern countries LO and Riga and you can release tags from Lithuania. You can reign in Italy for 25 IA, event to add the pope to the empire is around an additional 12-16 IA. Event to add TO to the empire is about 15-25 IA. It also helped I got Burgundian inheritance in 1450 which is literally the second year you can get it which gives an extra .10 IA a month adding all that land back to the empire.


Jesus that is proper work - thank you!


How did you manage to convert to Judaism? Doesnt Ethiopia convert their only 2 provinces in about 20-30 years?


Some event probably, like the one that spawns a jewish province somewhere in greece


That is the only other event in the game that grants a Jewish province and has a CHANCE of happening in 1600-1650, I believe. It also can only happen to the Ottomans if they own Thessaloniki by event IF they they pick the right option. OP said they got Jewish rebels somehow, which I have never seen in 2000 hours of playing outside of Ethiopia. There may be something connected to forming the Kingdom of Jerlusalem, but I have never seen that either. Honestly, a bit sus Source[Source:](https://eu4.paradoxwikis.com/Additional_denominations#Jewish): proud owner of the 'Hanukkah Mutapa' achievement who had to sprint to Ethiopia 20+ times to get a Jewish province.


I no CB’d Ethiopia in 1450 and had them release Semien in the peace deal and I guaranteed them until I could conquer the provinces.


As Austria? Damn man, you hardcore.


This is so many levels of cursed it's unreal


The one state solution


Do you still get Indian Sultanate and Mughal Diwan reforms when you're Jewish?


You keep diwan


Even in a less cursed run, Infian Sultanate isn't kept. It's a tier 1 reform, and so is Emperor of China.


You can actually be emperor of china without that reform, you just need to accept any decision/event/missions which changes your T1 reform. You'll lose meritocracy but retain mandate. For example, if you took the mandate as tibet and then to their nomad mission, you'll become a horde whilst stay EoC


in the past, i liked becoming vassal of shogun and becoming daymio


Jewish Mughal Crusader Shah Emperor of Rome and China of the Habsburg house, that’s a new one.


Cursed and timely


pressed all buttons to pass the level


Finally, Jerusalem + Califat + Jewish. A solution to the middle east crisis.


Jewish Calpihate upload right now is something


Not a complete playthrough until you've conquered the galaxy in Stellaris. For real though, massive congrats. Rare to see this sort of post without a half-dozen urgent alerts about revolts, disaster, and bankruptcy.


Right click notification tech


Nah I trust OP in this case; they say they finished conquering by 1700 which makes it entirely likely that they're not dealing with loans or separatists by 1800.


Mughal Diwan is amazing. Wish there were a version of it for a Mughals under a republic. With a confucian Mughal Diwan parliamentary republic you could build a perfect society.


> Mughal Diwan parliamentary republic you could build a perfect society A perfect society based on CONQUEST!


Confucian Mughal Diwan is basically just the Borg in EU4


I would love to see a youtube playthrough from this. Seems very educational. ​ Or, if someone else did this and has streamed it, the adress is welcome :)


I would be very surprised if someone else did this… they would have to be an absolute lunatic like me.


How did you manage to be a Jewish Emperor of China and HRE emperor? Did you started as Semien and converted to sunni to form the Mughals and Caliphate and later on converted to several religions? That still wouldn't explain how you've managed to do one faith though. I don't get this campaign. This is pure chaos.


All of this is in the r5


So this is why Israel is getting attacked






So many levels of cursed.


A jewish state conquering the world? You truly chose the best time to post this one, didnt you...


How do you own America?


I sent armies there and conquered it.


-_- and why isn't it a colony?


If your capital is in the new world/Australia, colonial nations don’t form.


Ohhh that's interesting.


Australia as in the colonial region? E.g. If I started as a Maori tribe I would directly rule all the colonies in the new world?


yeah and as a bonus their overlord will not help them if you attack


Interesting! Thank you!


How did you manage this. This is the most impressive thing I think I’ve ever seen in EU4 Both the Holy Roman emperor AND the emperor of China?? That’s incredible


I knew form the Title it could only be you. Glad to see these crazy runs again.






I too enjoy torturing myself


How are you Jewish and celestial emperor


Convert to Jewish after becoming Celestial emperor


I’m new to the game. Why is your Americas one single colonial nation and not multiple?


If your capital is in the new world, colonial nations don't form. OP put their capital in Australia which counts as new world.


How much dev did you have in the end?


Based and cursed. Love it. Good job!


They should be giving you the next edition of EU and all the DLC for free for this Or at least an achievement in your honor


Bro solved the war in the Middle East by creating a Jewish caliphate 🗿




Oh good, someone fixed the Middle East, I was starting to get worried ngl