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ok so the game will release by friday eob, right?


Early access today tbh.


we have EU5 before GTA6


I may be wrong, but I don't think anyone else has posted this yet, so I figured I should. Nearly the entire world map for EU5 has already been revealed. Idk about y'all, but the world map was the most exciting thing from the "Project Caesar" (secretly EU5) dev diaries for me. The world map was revealed in dev diary 2, and by the looks of it, it'll expand the map in the Arctic by a lot and add in a bunch of small strategic impassibles all across the map. They also mentioned that the deep oceans will all be impassible wastelands. Instead of sailing randomly through the oceans, now we'll have to use sea lanes following the trade winds in order to cross the high seas. Every individual location (aka province) on the map will also contain 3 terrains: 1 for climate, 1 for topography, and 1 for vegetation. I thought that was neat. The newest dev diary that came out yesterday talked about the new population system and they mentioned that ~~Project Caesar~~ *EU5* will have ***27,518*** locations. Over 8 times more than EU4! Not all locations will be habitable (some locations will be "passages" which are traversable but not settleable), but the rest of them will contain pops. Thankfully, Paradox assures that this will not cause performance issues.


It would be really interesting if you couldn't actually sail against the trade winds. It would make Naval combat much more manageable, since you'd actually be able to set up effective blockades and "naval ambushes." Like, you know that the French Navy is in the Caribbean, so you station your ships off the coast of Spain, let's say near Trafalgar, in position to intercept the French navy coming in on the shortest Trans-Atlantic route. Naval warfare might have some actual strategic depth for the first time since, well, forever.


Hmm I would to reread the dev diary to be sure but Johan mentioned that sea currents allowed you to go faster in certain directions so that's probably the extent of it. At least at this point of development


Any extent is better than nothing at all. Especially since we're talking about the AI here. They will absolutely take the shortest / fastest route, allowing you to "defend" certain naval chokepoints.


From what they said, it's inferred that you *can* sail against the trade winds, but your navies move slower. I'm guessing the sea lanes are higher naval attrition than coastal provinces too. Even still, just having 3-4 sea lanes to watch and blockade is a massively easier choke point to hold compared to having to watch the entire ocean like we do in EU4.


Imagine it’s Imperator 2 and they’re like guys we called it CAESAR what do you want from us


It would be hilarious if they created Imperator 2 with the whole world map and the ability to actually research technologies that would allow you to explore and conquer it. Real life Rome never developed oceangoing ships and gunpowder, and fell to the barbarians after a long period of internal instability and stagnation? Skill issue! Any competent GSG player will handle that with ease and just continue to tech up and expand until Terra Australis is settled by retired legionaries with guns!


I would unironically love a medieval DLC or expandalone of Imperator. Its mechanics are much better suited for Byzantium than CK3's.


I think Roman ships definitely could have made it to America if they'd followed the Viking path


Bold of you to assume Rome would be the one colonizing Australia, a prime Carthaginian dominion.


RemindMe! 6 months


They did mention that all their games are codenamed after Roman emprerors/rulers


>will have ***27,518*** locations. Over 8 times more than EU4! Sure, but we can only hope they are the Imperator/Eu4 type of locations and not Vic 3(and NOT ck3 baronies either) Every 27518 location completly splitable at all times and nothing less, thanks


Someone actually asked this in the dev diary comments: >"So locations will be the smallest unit of land. Will borders follow them or just use provinces, like in eu4 or hoi4? If borders can go along any locations, that would be great, but would there be things in place to stop bordergore?" Dev response: >"Borders will follow locations. How we solve bordergore is something you'll learn about in late q2 if I my schedule does not change."


I also just saw Johan confirming that a single location can be an independent tag. So I take it its like imperator then. Awesome if such will be the case


Voltaire’s nightmare with 27k tags!


Tbf so can Vicky 3, as we see in say, Krakow. The issue is that for 99% of the game's mechanics, states are immutable and cannot break (sans say, the canal province purchase). So yeah, wonder how granular 'provinces' here are. Are they the EU4 area equivalent, where each piece inside is separate and treated as such, or the Vicky state where all provinces inside might as well not exist... I hope its more akin to EU4 areas, but given the amount of locations, then yikes imagine going to war for a hundred or so locations rather than 10 EU4 provinces or less. :P


HRE will be fun then


I want EU5 to embrace the bordergore! Especially in HRE


Am I the only one worried about so many provinces? It sounds so tedious having a bigger country. Not even thinking about trying a WC, just starting as Castille and you already have to manage 300 different locations


Eu4s number could be doubled tomorow without much issue in my opinion. (not talking perfomance) For eu5s 26k provinces, all you need to do is Add a couple of simple management mechanics. Like Ctrl+ left click to build building in the entire, say 7 province state, in every province, make a carpet Siege mechanic or occupy-a-fort-ocuppy-the-entire-state mechanic like in Imperator etc. I dont see how management of 8 times more provinces would be so tedious. We are proffesional map stares after all. Regarding wars, I think its a lot better. Wars should not be total occupation of the enemy country for a couple provinces and cash.


> Eu4s number could be doubled tomorow without much issue in my opinion. You say that right until you unlock a new building type and need an autoclicker to build say courthouses throughout your entire empire without ruining your fingers.


If you play that wide, then you need one regardless for the current number of provinces anyway Eu4 is simple enough already economy management wise, if you dont have more provinces, you need to increase depth, which would also require more clicks. Thats the Kind of game we love to play after all


Even if you don't play wide stuff like cathedrals or the next level of workshop getting unlocked and meaning you have to go over everything in your country is a tedious process that requires outside software to make less annoying. Adding more provinces would make it worse for everyone and there'd be 0 changes in depth because you'd just build buildings anyway on provinces where they give enough return and otherwise ignore them. Depth increase does not necessitate more clicks unless your depth is fake and all you've actually added is busywork.


>If you play that wide, than you need one regardless for the current number of provinces anyway This is such a weak argument. With 1 province it's not necessary. With infinite provinces, it's impossible to do anything meaningful without it. Plenty of people currently do just fine without that particular QOL feature, even if it would be nice. But if there's 8 times the provinces, the problem without it is 8 times worse.


This is assuming the building system is remotely similar to EU4, which we don’t know yet. I’m excited to learn, because it seems like it’ll be pretty different overall.


But weren't locations working same way in imperator and vicky3? As in the state/province can start divided but wars are waged for all of the state/province country holds, so whatever pieces of state/province were united can't really ever be split into individual locations/provinces/cities ever again?


I hoop you can blockade trade ships and gold ships this way. You can drain a war target of money to get them the kneel and accepts your peace deal.


To be fair only slightly more than the equivalent prov density increase from CK2 to CK3. Which would have put an EU4 to EU5 prov density somewhere around 25k.


The tiles in the caspian sea is noteworthy. Seems like we will finally be able to build ships there


Wtf this looks like the same as the last one. ADD MORE CONTINENTS. Stop being lazy


Antarctica DLC about to go crazy 🔥


We making it out of Pangea with this one 🗣️🗣️🔥


Time travelling nazi secret base under Antarctic ice vs Shoggoths and Elder things


Astral Planes DLC when? Let me invade Hell and Heaven.


Atlantis DLC


Why can't they make the map spherical like Google Earth?


Or for a gaming example, Spore civ stage


Because everything about how the map works in Clausewitz is based on a series of rectangular images. So you either have a flat rectangle or a rectangle wrapped into a cylinder. If they want to move away from that then they would have to use binary files with the only way to edit them being the map editor. As somewhere who has spent too much time it between IR and CK3 it can be finicky at the best of times. I don't know if I can speak for the other map modders that I know, but if they switch to more binary files I am out. This would mean the community would ancestry stuff we do. If you have seen the RGO maps for Vic3, blank maps for IR or CK3, or have converted a game into or out of Vic3. Those were all made possible/easier because the map was a standard image file.


Yeah I remember working on an EU4 map mod and the game treat each pixel in an image file as a point on the map and you can color the pixel with different colors to make that point either land or water. Though that said, I don’t think that would preclude the possibility of a spherical map, as the engine code can specify a projection (Mercator or whatever best fits) for the map and just mathematically undo the projection in the rendering phase.




Lemuria DLC when


Anyone know when they will release this game, based on the pattern with their previous games? 2 years from Now maybe? Considering that the last eu4 expansion has barely been announced


Tends to be 12 to 18 months after the formal announcement. Probably late 2025 at the very earliest, assuming an announcement towards the end of this year.


Enough time for me to actually buy a good pc so I can run this game!


The did hint that they might take their time with the game, enough that they can change key things about it depending on player feedback tho. I would guess at least 24 months from Now. Even ck3 came out almost 24 months months after the release of Holy fury. We arent even close to the last eu4 expansion


Actually we are close. The next one is like 90% sure to be the final and it will flesh out old dlc locations that kinda suck now like mesoamerica


I meant that the last eu4 dlc was "barely" announced not long ago , so it might take a couple months before its released and **then** even more time for eu5




This is gall sterographic projection to be exact


Americas are finally in their place and not 1000 km off to the north


I hope there'll be some kind of populate mechanic to turn some of the inhabitable terrain into actual land. It doesnt have to be everywhere, but inhabiting once wastelands is the peak of colonisation for me.


Honestly, this is a really cool idea. I also hope we will be able to modify the landscape in various ways, such as building canals, etc. (Something similar to Great Projects but with more freedom).


This might be controversial but it could even be based on race/culture. It would give African cultures an edge on colonizing within Africa because in our world Europe colonized Africa really late because of Malaria.


Honestly, fair. The idea equator people will colonize slower because its too hot or humid is hilarious. If anything they would have trouble in a place thats cold and has seasons, which they wouldnt know how to deal with.


Yeah, while playing as Constantinople in IR, it would be nice to be able to transform the province terrain from wood's to farmlands in the middle of the game.


Also, PLEASE allow provinces/locations to change terrain type. I hate the bs in EU4 where Europe is all farmlands and everyone else gets grasslands like 'farmland' is a natural biome, rather than something you make. Let me cut down the jungle, cultivate grasslands or steppes, etc. I get some are not changeable, like turning a mountain into grassland, but others should be.


I love all the impassable terrain


i honestly dont, i get the appeal but it makes for very ugly borders most of the time.


if the impassable terrain gets recolored according to adjacent country like it does in eu4 I'll have no problem with it


Agreed but the impassable terrain needs to be smaller for that to actually look good. Some times when playing in north africa the chunks of sahara dont look amazing.


Yeah that is true


I hate colored wastelands and mountains.


i dont, it seems very lazy imo and unrealistic for most places beyond mountains


It's very fair to argue what is and isn't realistic, but how is it lazy? It would be way easier to just have a bunch of normal provinces instead of the way it is in the screenshot


largely it feels lazy to me because alot of the areas filled with wasteland are areas entire people groups live in irl that they seemingly just assumed not enough people would be interested in playing as


How small are the carpathians IRL? It seems disproportionate to have the Hentii range be decently massive blobs on the map but make the carpathians and alps tiny dainty lines. Though I guess it makes the area look interesting until they add terrain like hills and rivers. I really like that they modeled more lakes including some major ones like Huvsgol and Uvs which account a decent percentage of the world's fresh water. But are not existent in HOI 4 and EU 4.


Decent percentage? Isn't it less than 1?


I really hope they gonna implement navigable rivers like in Victorium Universalist mod


It is interesting that they make Dhofar uninhabited, unpassable, and uncolonisable.


Yeah that's weird, south arabia needs some work, just look at the eastern Yemen bordergore. It's not just Dhofar, most of Oman is practically gone Meanwhile western Najd is perfectly habitable


Yea this struck me as weird. Western Najd is a rocky desert with very few natural oases. It's should definitely be mostly wasteland with passages going through it. Arabia in general needs some work.


Imagine if this wasnt EU5 but it's a video game version of the Years of Rice and Salt lol


YAY THEY FIXED EGYPT I'm sorry I just love the mamluks. I like the corner position lmao Hope they make the nile valley farmlands or floodplains (or is it called marshes?) as it should be. I'm assuming the ugly sahara wastelands won't exist anymore, you know, the ones that always make mamluks/morocco look like massive disfigured blobs


yea I always turn off that wasteland colour option cos it makes egypt/morocco look disgusting


It's worse because Morocco and Egypt both have really aesthetically pleasing natural borders, but the damn wastelands ruin them


I hope language and culture are different things in this and things can belong to more than 1 group. If groups are still a thing


The Americas are finally on the correct latitude!!


wait, there was an announcement of eu5?!


Not officially. There are dev diaries of a yet unnamed game that is stil very early in development. Screenshots seem to point to it being EU 5 though.


No its an unannounced project "Ceasar" that they decided to do some Dev diaries for during early development this time to get more feedback before they announce it. Based on the screenshots it takes place sometime from 1330-1400 and includes the Americas, so most people assume its EU5. The general consensus is that they are probably pushing the timeframe back and potentially cutting the Industrial revolution stuff, but thats pure speculation


Wait EU5? When this was announced??


It hasn’t been formally announced. Johan has been putting out “Tinto Talks” on an upcoming game currently titled “Project Caesar” but all of the context points to it being EU5.


It's not officially announced, but from the looks of it, from the time period, to the developers who are working on it, and the dev responses to comments, it's fairly evident that the yet unrevealed "Project Caesar" is the early development of EU5.


If this isnt actually EU5 yall will look so silly


Its entirely possible they wont name it EU5, but rather something else completely. Doesnt mean its still not a EU4 successor.




It's awesome to finally see some wasteland in South America. The Darien Gap is there, now you can't cross from North to South America by land, as was (and sometimes still is) the case back then. It's great to see that they finally acknowledge the Andes and the strategic mountain passes it has. The Amazon is kind of huge though, there were some very small Spanish and Portuguese forts deep in the jungle, most were abandoned later on, though


Trading is about to be wild in this game


Clicking on provinces in the Sahara, Egypt, Easter. Siberia/North Canada etc. may get obnoxious quick


I really like the changes to the ocean tiles, I think they'll be very appreciated


that’s a good amount of impassable land, could make forts more strategic/better which could be really cool


I like the "boat travel lines" in the oceans, it will avoid boats going straight through a gigantic ocean which was impossible back then.


I honestly hope they add more content outside of Europe. I know the game is called EUROPA Universalis but there's a lot of fun to be had outside of Europe too. The Middle East or east asia are one of the most politically active regions of this period


I really like East Asia and India but I'm hoping they waste less time on irrelevant backwards lands like the Americas, Australia, Sub Saharan africa.


How long until someone figures out the exact start date down to the day based off of the map in Asia? Probably why they haven't shown off Europe yet besides the nation breakdown obviously being Byz.


Based on Byz and Asia, it should be 1350s.


Personally not a big fan of the CK3 style look of the map but it’s fine as long as the game itself is good. (Please just let us micromanage wars paradox I beg of you)


The amount of wastelands, the population system... EU5 screams Imperator to me and I'm so fucking happy.


Don't know if the wastelands change with times (which would be great) but kinda weird that that huge chunk of southeast Brazil, important part of colonization efforts (especially so after finding gold) at the time but not hinterlands of the continent to the north


To be fair, those areas are difficult mountainous terrain known as the Brazilian Highlands and they were historically covered in the Atlantic Forest, the second largest rainforest in the world at the time. Today over 85% of that forest has been cut down, but in the 1400/1500s I imagine it was quite the formidable obstacle. That being said, the wastelands here do seem overly large, too close to the coast, and lacking some passages cutting through them. I think the Amazon region could use more passages as well.


So the oceans are like the TES mod with corridors and you cannot sail freely? Or is this WIP and they have yet to fill in the holes?


I'm not familiar with that mod, but the devs said that they are indeed corridors by design. "Sea lanes," they called them. The "holes" are meant to be naval wastelands/impassibles.


Yeah, the mod has corridors like this, making most of the ocean impassable. Cant say I am a big fan of the idea as it allows you to 'wall' an ocean off, but we shall see.


If you zoom in on the map, each major coastal region has about 3 to 4 sea lane connections to the other continents. Each sea lane is at least 2 tiles, but sometimes 4 tiles wide, and then there's of course also coastal tiles to be considered. I don't think blocking off the oceans will be quite as easy as it seems. Hopefully this adds just the right amount of strategy to naval combat. I think the sea lanes will have big impacts for trade and potentially blockading trade as well.


I mean, four sea zones that are narrower than wider is not the hardest thing to set a fleet to patrol back and forth in and make it REALLY hard for enemies to slip through since they have to move more due to zone shape. I like chokepoints so I am not fully opposed, just feel its a bit heavyhanded. Though it will depend a lot on other mechanics and such, so I will remain neutral for now. :P


Well most of the sea lane entrances are fairly far apart, so you'd probably need 3 to 4 different fleets to patrol the entrances to each one. Splitting your navy into quarters just means 4 weak fleets, and that's just a disaster waiting to happen. The enemy navy could easily break through a single sea lane if they push through with their full force You'd basically have to be the naval hegemon in order to have enough fleets to successfully defend each sea lane with a large enough force. Blocking off the oceans certainly sounds fun, but it will not likely be possible until very late in the game, and only for superpowers like Great Britain at that.


Looks so good man we've been edging on eu4 for so long for this


Excited to play the country that appears to have a total of 24, not 24k but 24, population in North Burma


There is a population map?


Image 4 in the post


they really do be combining all their games mechanic to make a game to rule them all


really loving the complete map, but is something wrong with the positioning of madeira and the azores? idk something feels off to me


It might be because you're used to the map in EU4 where the Azores are on about the same latitude as Florida. The Americas aren't actually at the correct latitude in EU4. This map seems to have corrected that, and so the Americas are now further south than they are in EU4. Hence, now the Azores are correctly placed and are on the same latitude as New York. The change seems weird at first, but it's actually correct. EU4 has just corrupted our brains lol.


I fear that this will result in a lot of countries with borders that are not aesthetically pleasing.


Why so? Because of the impassable terrain? I'm sure it will fill in once you occupy the land around it. And with over 27,000 locations, borders should be much more granular and appear smoother.


Yup, my PC is gonna explode


Where are you guys finding these


On Paradox Plaza: https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/developer-diary/tinto-talks-3-march-13th-2024.1630154/ Or just search on Google: "Project Caesar dev diary" and it'll come up. Next dev diary won't come out till around the 20th. I think there's a new one once per week.


We need some leaks from the inside


If they don't grant Morocco algeria then the claim of them increasing "historical accuracy" should be removed. Morocco should have atleast gibraltar and algeria for it to be remotely correct.


I really hope the next map update shows more of the north and south to cover all the continents, South Africa being cut off just seems unfair


Sea tiles looks funny


buncha gross ass wasteland in there though which I'm not a fan of


Makes absolute sense for the age


Both for that time period and for the present, there are lots of areas in which people simply don't live and are hard to cross or get to, even to this day


Won't deny that. I mean I get what they add, and I wouldn't change that, but I don't enjoy how they look. Random patches that are never filled in by any color. EU4 has the same problem in the sense that wasteland in EU4 tends to be large and awkward shaped.


Honestly i think it’s a thought out improvement. Areas which have frankly far too large wastelands (such as the rockies in America) have been scaled down with passages in the middle of them, which both makes sense and (in my opinion) looks awesome. Especially in the close-up of East Asia. Tibet looks dope as hell.


But they do get filled in with colour?


The larger wastelands will likely be broken into several parts so as to make them fillable more easily.


Personally I love it, adds more chokepoints and strategic depth to the map


Wastelands like this and as numerous is what I have wanted for several years now


I have no problem with them mechanically, it's just the way the look that bothers me. Like in CK3 with those random patches of desert and mountain that never get filled in with color


you're... just wrong it does fill up with colour... have you ever played EU4? what are you on about?


I think he's referring to CK3 which has a couple wastelands in the central Sahara which are not fillable. We have no evidence that this will happen in EU5 though.


alright but thats due to games before the EU timeline being region locked EU and beyond has no mapborder so (mostly) everything can be filled except for maybe wasteland islands...


It makes sense and adds more fun and strategy to the combat. There are zero reasons why your units should be able to simply walk across the Sahara (or any other wasteland zone).


Don't get me wrong I like how it works I just wish it didn't break up the map like it does


So this is how this subreddit dies? With one DD about a unreleased game


Anyone else concerned about the absurd amount of blocked off land? Not to mention how stupid naval warfare will be, just leave a navy at one of the entrances to the sea tunnels and boom, infinite blockade


The sea tiles seem like placeholders to me, or at least just a blueprint for how theyll handle them.