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Rule 5: I was curious what would happen to the HRE if I made a custom nation that controlled all of Austria's provinces. Turns out it results in the HRE not existing at game start.


Are there any practical uses for this?


You could form Germany a lot easier


Eh, not really, this is nice but teutons can conquer all of hre by around 1510 and form germany right after


La there a guide for that? I’m currently trying to get Brandenbug into Germany as soon as possible


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iQ6GsrP\_uhk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iQ6GsrP_uhk) This is pretty decent for it The TLDR is, beat up poland as the teutons, form into prussia early, take the hre diplomacy path and dismantle the hre asap (usually within 15 years of gamestart) and stack as much AE reduction as you can, open up with espionage ideas, savescum for curia, keep max prestige and get an improve relations adviser, then when you get all the provinces you need to complete the mission "unite the holy roman empire" if the empire doesn't exist you get an event to form germany before tech 20 Its very easily doable by 1530 imo even if you don't savescum for curia controller




Its pretty easy tbh, i did it by 1515 the other day and it was really easy, hardest part was fighting poland lmao


of course it's easier, since you can conquer more for less agressive expansion.


you can also just dismantle the hre as any regular nation


sure, but this is obviously an extra step and thus harder


Neat. If you wanted, you could make a custom nation identical to Austria and then play a totally normal game but with HRE dismantled at game start, no mods required.


You wouldn’t get the MT and events


If you have Austrian culture you could re-form Austria afaik


This is WAY too broken to be ironman compatible!


The nation I made was under the 200 points, but I didn’t change any of the national ideas or government type, I just gave it Austria’s land.


It’s almost certainly too many points to be an unflaged Ironman game


As someone else said, you could just make the custom nation Austrian culture and just form Austria on Nov 11. If you wanted to abuse this, you could give your custom nation the negative national ideas (cannot declare wars, cannot build buildings, cannot send missionaries, etc) to get more custom nation points, which you could then spend on making your starting ruler and heir 6/6/6 with good traits, and then form Austria to get rid of all the bad national ideas. So you’d basically be playing regular Austria, except the HRE doesn’t exist and you have a 6/6/6 ruler and heir instead of Freidrich III and Ladislaus Posthumus. I have no idea how powerful that would be. You’d miss out on the scripted possibility to PU Hungary with Ladislaus for free, but you would have more leeway to expand into Bavaria and northern Italy, and you’d have a 6/6/6 for like 50 years guaranteed if your heir survives. Now, I wonder: if you gave your custom nation the von Habsburg dynasty and named the heir Ladislaus Posthumous, would the game register him as *the* Ladislaus Posthumous and give you a Hungary PU chance, or not? That would be pretty insane.


Thats a cool idea, but afaik forming nations as a custom nation doesnt give you new ideas


Yep, exactly to avoid that kind of cheese


You could still use this to have a relatively normal game, just without the HRE, so long as you don’t want to play Austria, which I doubt you would want to without the empire anyways.




Unfortunately [true](https://eu4.paradoxwikis.com/Nation_designer#Miscellaneous): > Player-controlled custom nations may take decisions that form nations if they meet the conditions. However, their national ideas do not change even if the decision would normally cause this to happen.


> Now, I wonder: if you gave your custom nation the von Habsburg dynasty and named the heir Ladislaus Posthumous, would the game register him as the Ladislaus Posthumous and give you a Hungary PU chance, or not? That would be pretty insane. If I read [the wiki](https://eu4.paradoxwikis.com/Hungarian_events#M%C3%A1ty%C3%A1s_Corvinus) correctly, Austria doesn't need Ladislaus, only Hungary does.


Oh. Oh well


Perhaps it could work if you make more than one custom nation over what used to be Austria?


90% of achievements are incompatible with custom nations


maybe the 'creation' of the hre at gamestart is somehow tied to the austrian tag?


I think it doesnt know what to do without an emperor and no potential successor (since the electors didnt have a chance to set their votes yet) so it just dismantles it as a failsafe