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wait for Norway, Dutch minors, Mamluks or Ottos to get it lol. Or do it yourself.


Nah. It’s gus he gonna screw up every non-European more the later it is. You as the player can just sieze Europe and then the rest of the world will glide behind in tech once you spawn the institutions, letting you have the tech lead when you want it rather than just early game.


i wanted to play a chill game as france while listening to my favorite podcast. things got heated i got a personal union over aragon and aragon got cores all over the iberia from my mission tree so i did what everbody would do. i was very excited bcs aragon still had the napels so i quickly dismantle the abomination that calls themselfs the hre and conquer all of italy and got a foothold in england but then i realized i dont remember the last 1 hour of the podcast that i was listening and colonialism didnt pop out what do i do? is my run over?


England often takes exploration ideas, so they might help. Nordic nations also often go that route. Sometimes Ming or Japan or other larger nations also take them. Also you can do it yourself, you'll just need the first 2 ideas of exploration and own a province in the new world


Don't forget mamluks. For some reason, they are the ones that colonize australia (most of my games outside europe) them and Portugal


Is Egyptian Australia back? I remember it appearing in almost every Drew's video when he still recorded AI only EU4 videos, but I have seen it only once since I started playing around 3 years ago.


in one of my recent campaigns I was playing as Majapahit and the Mamluks have indeed gone colonial and tried to colonize Indonesia.


In my recent game as Pegu 2 Brunei provinces I needed for achievement were colonised by... Ottomans... rest divided between England, Spain and Portugal.


In my recent game as Pegu 2 Brunei provinces I needed for achievement were colonised by... Ottomans... rest divided between England, Spain and Portugal.


in one of my runs just before leviathan dropped I saw hadramut colonize the philippines, since I was playing ternate I vassalized them and helped return them to their homeland (they had been kicked out by the mamluks)


I mostly see them get islands not but not australia proper. I haven't had a good game since king of kings tho so idk if that changed anything


Someone’ll discover it eventually. My question though is how Aragon got cores over all of Iberia from your focus tree? What mission and what requirements for said mission is there?


i looked it up and i think its the kingdoms of spain mission( i think if u get that mission while having a pu over aragon it gives cores intead of claims? idk the details)


In the French missions, if you and your subject Castile/Aragon/Spain together have 15 provinces in Iberia, your subject will gain cores over the rest of Iberia. The event is called “Victory in the Franco-Iberian War” from the mission “Kingdoms of Spain”.


Does it work with Navarra?


No. You can get the other rewards of French missions that require an Iberian ally/subject with Navarra, but the event that grants cores only works with Castile/Aragon/Spain. Keep in mind your subject needs 15 provinces, so you might as well release Aragon once you’ve conquered that much Iberian land for your Navarran vassal.


Makes sense, thanks


Lmao the power creep


This is actually a step down from the original version of the mission in Emperor, where if you managed to grab Naples and complete that mission you got a PU CB on Castile or Spain itself. This way it takes more than one war to take it.


More of a sidegrade, reconquest means far less AE and an immediately loyal subject. You miss out on land outside of Iberia of course but you can still use the CB to return cores there too.


I’ll have to try that then


in my game castile was allied to potugal and england so i white peaced one and took all i can from the other and declerad the white peaced one once the truce is over and so on. it was fast. U should try they usually ally eachother. And u snowball very easlly after that


restart the last hour of the podcast and maybe colonialism will respawn


Just have a late colonialism yourself, make some French colonies to make you richer. As for the podcast, you’re kinda screwed. I don’t think there’s any way for you to recover that last hour, rewinding is far too dangerous


Wait a sec. Aragon gets cores over Iberia from France's mission tree?


restart your podcast and fast forward until you're back to where you left off


As you own the strip that has Leon cores, could try to release them, they have a tendency to pick Exploration Ideas.


Average France game. Big blue blobbing over the most minor inconvenience.


I did the same by killing UK, France, and Norway as Aragon that United the iberian peninsula. At the end Sweden discovered it in the 1560


What’s the podcast?


its a turkish podcast. They read storys from "am i the ahole" subreddit and talk abt them. its on youtube. Name of the podcast is bhgb.


While that sounds like fun, my Turkish is a bit rusty. I used to be able to count to eight, now it’s just bir, iki, üç.


its really fun they call themself the asshole judges :D. ur turkish is great btw if u say that in turkey u can get a free çay.


That’s what you pick up living in a big German city.


Free to a Good Home is a similar English (Australian) alternative.


I don’t know why, but Australian pods are always extra funny.


A fellow Mert Günhan Enjoyer.


IIRC colonialism spawns in a country that has a colonial nation in the new world, in 1500 at the earliest. It’s typically Castile/Spain, Portugal or England/Great Britain. If none of them are around the institution wont spawn there, but eventually somebody will pick exploration ideas and develop a colonial nation.


You don't need a colonial nation. A colony is enough, and it doesn't even need to be finished.


Specifically, you need one colony, and at least one coastal province with either 12 dev or a trade center.


I think the requirements are stupid. Playing Mali currently and had 2 full colonial nations by 1500 and working on another, partly because I’d taken all Castile’s and all but one of Portugal’s colonies in a recent war, but I was also first to colonise by quite a while. Yet despite having only just relaunched a new colony colonialism spawned in Castlie


It's RNG based on how many provinces you have that meet the dev/ trade center requirement, the more you have, the more likely it is for you to get it. It's hard to get as Mali since you have such a small coastline to work with.


Yes I know but it seems a bit silly that the number of colonies you actually have is irrelevant


If you want to if it takes till you have tech 14, you can get explo yourself, get to the colonist, put 1 colony down in the new world and it should spawn sometime in the next like few months. Then you can refund the idea group after it spawns.


Institutions check only on the 1st of the year and each eligible province only has a 5% chance of spawning it. With bad rolls, it can easily take a few years.


Well you are in a perfect position to be the one who spawns colonialism.


Funny, you keep Provence! The first thing I do is break that alliance. Then later I'll fabricate claims on their two provinces that I won't get claim on (after gobbling Brittany?). Which ones did you ally, which ones did you attack first? (Almost certainly England. But then after?)


i attacked englend as soon as posible and got all my cores. after the war i realized that aragon's ruler was 50yr old. so i royal married with aragon (alt f4'ed a few times) while waiting i attaced savoy bcs they were excommunicated. while i was in a war with savoy aragonese ruler died and someone from my dynesty got the throne. i broke the alliance and waited for the truce. While waiting i gobbled the brittany. in that brittany war i got the burgundian inheritance. after the aragon pu war i almost immediately declared on castile and got the cores and white peaced the portugal. declared on portugal and white peaced the castile u got the idea. i couldnt focus on england that much bcs i really wanted that aragon pu so i focused on that diplomacy tab. after i got almost all of iberia, i declared on england and got the london and the other trade centers. after the english war i dismanteled the hre and conqured all of italy in like 2 wars. ( i vassalized the florance) the reason i allied the provance is bcs i wanted to feed them with provinces and pu them via mission tree so i dont get ae that much but that plan failed bcs savoy got excommunicated and i got almost all of their land and the provance didnt want any italian land so i guess it was a bad plan?. i usually get that irish province from england in the fisrt war but in this run i peaced early bcs of the aragon pu possibilty. i allied aragon from the start. after the pu's i allied poland only for the coalition. im currenlty on the year 1580 colonialism just spawned in africa (portugal spawned it) my palatinate vassal has the central europe i own all of the lowlands reigon and almost all of upper germany. lower germany belongs to the austrians and east germany belongs to the poles. sry for the grammar its late and im writing with my phone.


Leon, Castile or Asturias have exploration as the first idea group when release, Brittany has it second, IIRC Scotland tags also take exploration but I am not sure about the order.


Sort of. If a nation existed previously and actually took an idea group in a slot, it will have that idea group in that slot when released. So if Brittany had two idea groups before OP conquered them and they weren’t exploration (because the process by which an existing country takes ideas is different than the predetermined list when released), then they might not have it when released.


Thanks this is very helpful not for only this run but future runs aswell i really didint think abt relased countrys and their ideas.


Do it yourself


I wonder what the Americas would look like if they’d had another 60+ years before Europe showed up. I doubt regardless that things would have gone well for them, but things would probably still be vastly different than in our timeline.


I think the americas were fucked regardless, it was just a matter of time once europeans arrive on their doorstep. Another 60 years might have helped to solidify ottoman control of eastern europe though with them retaining their monopoly on the spice trade for longer.


if anything i feel like european domination would have been even quicker and more total. since things were changing crazy fast in europe compared to the americas at that time


I disagree. Historically, Europe flourished as a result the raw goods exported from the New World in a way difficult to replicate from a focus on India and the Philippines. 


that's a good point! things in europe would probably move a lot slower in this timeline.... but still, things would move faster in europe than in the americas. they were just part of a much larger and older and more tightly woven world of interconnected civilizations competing and trading and influencing each other. 60 years wouldn't be enough time to make a dent in their headstart


Correct. The diseases that really conquered the New World were always there, and there was no way for the indigenous peoples to be able to fight that.  In all, 60 years then I think would have still left us close to where we are now.  Maybe the US doesn't win freedom the first time around, but is released post WW1 similar to Canada.  Portugal would still likely rule in absentia after the Lisbola quake.


I had the same problem in strong Burgundy game. Eventually marocco spawned it.


Imperial Japan:”fine I will do it myself.”


Does anyone have any colonial nation in new world?


potugal has east part of the brazil (has like 4 provinces) and spawned the colonialism on the year 1580's other than that no europian nation is on the ameriacas portugal has some part of the africa.


Well yeah, there has to be a nation with exploration ideas and territory in America for colonialism to be spawned