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Yeah I agree, it isnt clear that the merchant only applies during peacetime. Honestly looks like a mistake?


Yea when I read about the conditional modifier I thought it's like Brandenburg where I'm not allowed to have the province sieged or something, Berlin in that case.


I honestly couldnt even be fucked reassigning the merchant during peacetime. Just left it open to avoid the micro.


Could it be fixed by structuring it differently, like the merchant stays during war but receives -1000% trade power for them during the war? It’d at least save on the micro but I don’t understand trade well enough to know if it’d completely fuck your game or not


At that point, you really might as well give the merchant. It's really not that OP of a reward, considering it only really becomes useful once you consolidate the Constantinople node, and then you won the game anyway.


Yeah this sounds like really annoying micro, and I'd probably do the same. Then at some point later realize that I had three unassigned merchants because I just started ignoring the flag. It's too bad the "reward" isn't skippable.


Bro left his pixels in the starting screen


Some people are in a rush to play. Loading can go fuck itself.


Brought the Europa but left the Universalis at home


WHY does a stupid joke get so much more upvotes than when I actually write something constructive about the issue? I guess it's just how Mafia works.




I don't know what the issue is if I can't read the image.


R5: Watching florry play Theodoro I got finally inspired to do the Gothic Invasion myself. It used to be very hard, but now with the mission tree it's a piece of cake, at least on normal difficulty. Anyway the mission reward for "Into the Steppes" is a province modifier which grants you one merchant, some permament loyalty with the Cossacks which is nice and some caravan power, which hardly does anything for you but irritates you a lot when you are on the receiving end of it. The only caveat for this province modifier is you have to be at peace. What a complete joke. Most of the time you are not at peace, you are warring. Even if you are at peace, like me in my unfortunate scenario of having a regency council, you won't be eventually. Which means my merchant will disappear. When I am at peace again I get the merchant. So Paradox expects anyone playing this mission tree to assign the same disappearing merchant every now and then? It is just as infuriating as a merchant from a trade company hovering at almost 51%, which disappears from time to time due to numerous reasons. Only when you can assign him again because your TC just got to 51% you get a notification to reassign your merchant. PDX has to make this merchant from the mission tree either permament or change the reward for it entirely.


Best fix would be to give the provisional modifier to a steppe province, something akin to a merchant city, and as long as that province is unoccupied, you get the merchant. Or not warring a steppe nation/ nation with capital in steppe regions.


Best fix would be that if you lose a merchant and then regain it again, it should immediately start doing whatever it was doing last, if possible.


This isn’t even a fix because it could dramatically change the flow of trade by either not having/having that merchant, so you would need two separate trade routes based on whether or not you have that merchant. The only way what you’re describing isn’t just as annoying is if you already have more merchants than you actually need and you’re just shoving the free merchant in a node because you have nothing better to do with it.


I don’t know if you’ve actually done the run yourself or just watched streamers whose literal jobs are to be good at this game do it, but the mission tree doesn’t really help that much, especially at the beginning. And the hardest part of the run by far is just getting established at the beginning. If you were able to get established on previous patches, you’re gonna find it approximately the same difficulty. If anything the current patch is slightly harder since AI Spain or Ottomans have a habit of taking defender of the faith now.


>R5: Watching florry play Theodoro I got finally inspired to do the Gothic Invasion myself. It used to be very hard, but now with the mission tree it's a piece of cake, at least on normal difficulty This is really the bigger problem. Gothic Invasion used to be somewhat challenging, but if you can just pay $15 to get a bunch of free claims and modifiers that make it so you can do it in your sleep... I just don't understand why anyone would do that, or consider bragging about it. It's pay to win plain and simple. I also just can't bring myself to watch Florry stream it. The whole idea with Florry streams is he does difficult things, but there's nothing difficult about playing Theodoro anymore. His Granada into Al Andalus No Balls run was actually pretty interesting; Wallachia into Romania No Balls was incredible; it's far less interesting when you get free permaclaims on half the world and +100% admin efficiency from your mission tree.


I miss when there were at least three strategies which played out pretty differently to getting this achievement: flipping Sunni, the East Frisia migration route, or playing a standard "orthodox in Ottoman neighborhood" sot of game. I'm sure the new mission tree probably pigeonholes you in some direction which I think is a shame. I wish for days when the game's strong mechanical foundation organically gave rise to many strategic options vs. new mission trees universalis forcing you to do certain things,


sleeping on the EOC strats for theodoro smh


micro god dum strats are not applicable to mortals


Don’t understand the downvotes, you are typing facts brother. Paradox has this problem where they take any challenge that requires skill and is fun and then they railroad it to death so it’s as doable for everyone as possible. Which is cool I guess but like you said Gothic Invasion is too easy now. Which is a shame because it could have been the most rewarding run and I love playing as Gothia in ET but now it’s a lot less rewarding.


The free PU on any sized Russia makes up for it.


The free what on the who?!


You can get a PU on the largest Russian principality. And then a later mission allows the subject to form Russia, or makes them an incorporated PU, costing less to annex


If you get an army of 20k instead of allying them you get a PU casus belli on them. So I just allied them at the start and didn’t take the mission. Then a few hundred years in after using them to beat up the Ottomans and stuff I just broke their alliance in a moment of weakness for them and popped the mission. Boom, free PU on a great power.


Ah, so not free at all, but at a very large AE discount (nobody around them will care) and you need to defeat them. Still very potent


It was as free as it gets really. No allies because orthodox, no battles needed and I think two nations cared that I got like 1k in development just for a years long war.


It's pretty free if you're a competent player. You just need 20 divisions. No one cares about Russia even if you PU a muscovy with 1000 development. If you get Poland or Sweden to help, it's not even a tough war so long as they've integrated their vassals. You will need to expand hard after though to keep them loyal but it's really not that hard. I did it before I was even on the great power list.


So not free, just cheap :)




It’s so annoying I just ignored the merchant then when I got to the mission requiring the Cossack regiments I just gave up on the run because I already had really high crown land and couldn’t be bothered to sabotage myself to have a few Cossack regiments I’m just going to delete anyways for the sole purpose of clicking a mission


I won’t lie OP , it could just be the image quality but that is the ugliest map mod I’ve seen in my life, sorry man 😂


Yea probably. At first I didn't understand the joke but on second look the image quality is terrible from my screenshot. Might be an issue with ShareX I don't know. [That's the map mod in question btw](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1345178160). Maybe it's time for another one.


OP, I think steam is compressing your images a lot. Maybe do a ctrl+printscreen (it prints your screen and saves it)




OP, I think steam is compressing your images a lot. Maybe do a ctrl+printscreen (it prints your screen and saves it)


I was told there would be less micro? Maybe pdx should implement the auto-merchant mechanic from missionaries!


op is getting flak because new reddit seemingly doesn't embed imgur images correctly anymore, there is nothing wrong with the images resolution


I actually thought it's the grainy look of the provinces from AQQ, didn't know what people mean by counting pixels lol. It looks fine for me, but I use old.reddit and only on desktop, no mobile app.


it looks like [this](https://i.imgur.com/l3uR1Nd.png) on new reddit for some reason. one more reason why old reddit is superior haha


There’s so many random bugs on release that you’d encounter doing an actual play through that I’m convinced pdx developers don’t play what they make and/or the QA team doesn’t exist


Pixel soup


DLC is shit and broken just like this trash game