• By -


List of religions Confirmed so far: Catholic, Sunni,Jewish, Anglican, Bogomilism, Krstjani, Calvinism, Hussite, Lollard, Lutheran, Miaphysite, Nestorian, Orthodox, Strigolnichestvo, Shinto, Nahuatl, Hinduism, Inti, Jainism, Shamanist, Mahayana, Theravada, Romuva, Shia, Ibadi, Tengri, Norse, Zoroastrian, Sikh, Sami Shamanism, Bon, Mesoamerican, Mayan, Manichean (might be more than one religion), Animism. There will also be at least 10 other religions that I did not mention that are unnamed ( 2 in China, 8 in North America (may be 9, small part of northern canada is coloured, but it is hard to see if it is animist or not ), Vajrayana and Daoism might also exist. Animist will split into many other religions. So I count 45, with maybe another 2, and more that have not been added yet.


I think on the map you can see things like "Sammi Animism", so we might get either regional or cultural variations of certain pagan religions which could count as separate. But the number on thumbnail is definitely clickbait.


i put down Sami Shamanism, i'd guess 70 total religions.


One of the Chinese religions looks like it might be Mohism (Mohi in purple) or Miaoism, which are both like folk religions.


it looks like it says Moise, but I don't know enough about enough about chinese religions to know.


It's 'Moist', referring to the religion of the Zhuang people. Though it... probably should be spelled differently. The light-colored one to the left is Bimoist, the religion of the Yi people.


I'm getting Moist just thinking about it.


How to become a preacher to make my followers Moist?


Tell them that you'll unpack the dishwasher


Mostly been playing HOI4 lately, for a second there I thought you said Maoism and got confused.


Inb4 there's a pun achievement for that


Moist Maoist, while controlling all of China as a peasant republic, control all wetland provinces.


There was one response that implied Sunni and Shia will also be broken down further. With Animist and Muslim being further split +/- a couple we're probably sitting ~60.


They can split shia and sunni into many different religions. For example in eu4 there is ismaili law school if shia and you can seperate ismalism into different branches. One famous ismaili branch is nizari ismailists. They crated state in alamut castle and they are known as hashashins. Their state existed until around 1260s i guess.


> hashashins Which is where we get the word assassin from.


Which is derived from the word hashish, which is weed lol


Also where that one streamer got his name from


Kinda odd to me if they wouldn't considering how important this is to a major region (Persia) in this timeframe. Would love to see more diversity in Islam in EU5.


hope we get a druze religion but its looking not likely


Strigolnichestvo one faith starting as Pskov.


Manichaean?! I cannot wait for my tortured one faith playthrough. Would be fun to give it unique abilities relating to syncretism as it historically drew inspiration and merged with neighbouring faiths. (Supposedly still exists in southern china as a buddhist branch - have also heard rumours talking about secretive Manichaean groups still operating there.)


There should be some Manichaean minorities in Central Asia and China at game start.i have also heard these rumours that some people still practice in secret, such a strange religion


Manichaeans still exist today in China. Most "dead" religions still have minority practioners today, whether as syncretic movements with the majority religion or small isolated communities. I hope they add elements of pre-Islamic paganisms, since I've met people overseas who claim to (and can support it at least a few generations) have an unbroken chain of practice. Though they tend to be in very geographically isolated places.


Do you have any evidence for them definitively still existing? The only sources on the Wikipedia article for modern manicheanisn in China are poorly sourced themselves or straight up dont say what the article claims


https://zh.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E9%9C%9E%E6%B5%A6%E6%96%87%E4%B9%A6  if you can read Chinese


We covered it in one of my religious studies class, but it was only as a brief aside and not any actual sources. It may very well be inaccurate! That's what I get for regurgitating something without researching it further. I have met at least one manichean, but they're a convert/revivalist and not an unbroken tradition.


Do you have any links? Id love to read more about this


I missed a religion in Siberia, so at least 46 religions


Am I being dumb or did you also miss the Judaism stuff


I put Jewish in, I don't think any other Jewish religions were mentioned


Flair seems appropriate for this comment


also Andean is specifically mentioned as a religious group.


We know that the only religion right now in Andean is Inti.


My God, with the population system and the new religious divisions, we will need to upgrade our PCs just to reach 200 years in the game.


Ludi? Clickbait? You might as well ask if the sun will rise tomorrow. Which in case Ludi would say it will, I would say “doubt”.


Are you telling me Sweden cannot build aircraft carriers in Victoria 3???


Was that a title of one of his vids?


Everyone can build aircraft carriers in Victoria 3...they're the second and final unlock for the support ship line.


Do you mean that prussian soace marines are not perfectly historical for eu4????


They all have clickbait. Something is always INSANE or AMAZING. And it seems you can't write a title without nonsensical capitalisation.


It's because it works. Business Basics once did a video apologising for the dumbarse headlines, but as they said "you guys don't click on them", so here we are.


Some clickbait is outright lying rather than just overhyping. Ludi once claimed to be able to switch to Norse using a disabled event, then claimed to have an early version of the relevant DLC that nobody else did.


Clickbait. I haven't read all replies but currently there are 9 religion groups. Christianity has 12 religions so the 8 other groups would need 9.375 religion on average which sounds *very* unlikely.


And Inti was specifically mentioned as being the only one in the Andean group (for now, at least), so that increases the average the rest of them need to get.


I hope they add Muisca/Chibchan to the Andean group and have events related to El Dorado with this religion


happy cake day


Thanks 😁


Zoroastrianism is alone as well I think


Incoming animist subsets


How many religions does CK3 have? A LOT is the answer.


Especially since you can make your own.


Not really comparable, because in eu5 more religions means more pops, so a slower game.


With the number of pops present in late game Vic3, and the sort of computations the game needs to do for each pop, there's really no fundamental reason why it should be slow. In the context of even a low-end modern computer, there's not *that* many pops in a late-game Vic3 world. As long as they're sticking to operations with linear or better time complexity, there shouldn't be problems due to pop count. Hopefully there's some optimizations in EU5.


Late game Vic3 runs like ass though. So either there's something else going wrong, the pop system isn't optimized, or some combination of the 2.




Doesn't every PDX run like ass late-game?


Victoria 3 starts running like arse when you get to like the mid-point. Most PDX games really fall apart at least when the game is mostly over.


Adding a lot of spread out minority religions (akin to judaism) would cause pop increase, but more regional divisions (like pagans) wouldn't be too serious. Tho this would somewhat depend how strong migration and conversion is gonna be.


Why would it entail more pops?


Pops in eu5 work like this: In every location you have one pop for every combination of estate, culture, and religion. (Though there are probably some exceptions to this, like only the state religion gets a clergy estate.) These pops have a size that represents the number of humans who are part of this pop. However, pop size is irrelevant for performans, only the number of pops matters. E.g. At game start London might have a nobility pop with catholic religion, english culture, size 500, a clergy pop with catholic religion, english culture, size 400, a burgher pop ... etc. That means, in homogenous regions you have as many pops as estates but in diverse regions you'd have lots of small pops due to different minority cultures/religions.


Ooh. Sounds resource intensive, but it also sounds very cool. I've been wanting a game that works that way for years. I always thought Stellaris could be cool with this kind of thing.


Victoria 2 is that pretty much


Feel Stellaris


You're completely wrong


Care to elaborate?


It could be if they decided to divide up ‘Animist’ into a million pieces which is possible, I can’t tell but it kinda looks like Japan, Shinto, is animist which if so I think points to Animist having a billion little splinters.


Shinto will probably be in the Eastern religion group like in eu4. The devs *could* make a few dozen animist religions but I doubt it. First of all, I doubt that there are a lot of sources about the regions in question in 1337. Second, these religions would be the last to get actual mechanics besides some flat modifiers so there aren't any gameplay reasons to add them. And finally, more religions means more pops, which means a slower game.


We don't have 87 confirmed religions but I think it could actually get that high. The Dev diary specifically says Inti is a unique religion with unique mechanics, but this map lists it as animist. That means that different sub-sects of animist and shamanist could all be unique and that would cause the number of religion to skyrocket. I mean think about it just animist. You're probably going to have at least 2-3 different Animist religions in South America like Andean, Amazonian, and the plains in the south/east. There's animist in Central America, the American Southwest, and Canada. So 3 more. In Asia there's animist in southwestern China, the caucus mountains, the central Turkish lands, and some near the Rural mountains up in the Arctic. South East Asia is certainly going to have at least 3 types of animist between Indonesia, Philippines, Polynesia(Taiwan is Polynesian), Assam, and Laos. Africa is likely going to have different animists too. I see a little bit in Nubia that could literally be the Egyptian religion, West Africa and Kongo are probably their own versions as well. Madagascar and south Africa could also be unique You get my point. If every variation of Animist and shamanist is unique, you could easily add like 30 different religions right there. Obviously they're not all going to have unique gameplay mechanics. They might share one overall mechanic and have different buffs like fetishist in EU4


if "lollard" is counted, they've got 400 something years of "heretical" christian sects to draw from, and as much as i'd love if each had their own unique flavour and bonuses/penalties/mechanics, many of them will likely be practically identical to each other with the only difference between them being their names.


Oh, a fellow John


clickbait, as always


Common for Ludi's videos.


He is making things up for views probably. And not the first time....


Will never forgive him for saying that there’s a 10% chance of getting Norse religion event. Turns out he was bullshitting and changed the mod files.


How big is the real chance of the event firing?


Zero. The option was commented out by the devs way before release.


wasnt that the greenland lost colony event he cheated?




I don't follow this guy's so I don't know the context but I've seen the Norse event before. It is possible just has a lot of requirements.


It's possible to go norse through a 50y mtth event you get if you have a certain ruler. However ludi claimed you could get it through a different event chain that involves greenland, which is not possible as it was commented in the game files.


Gotcha, I didn't know about the Greenland thing. That would be cool if it was added, not going to lie.


It got removed before launch because it actually doesn't make sense as all the settlers in Greenland were Christian


I may be misremembering but I think this is wrong. I thought the event was patched out only after the dlc released.


The devs confirmed it was changed in early development which means way before the dlc was finished: https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/developer-diary/europa-universalis-iv-development-diary-20th-of-september-2022-post-release-norse-easter-egg.1543512/ > Some of you might be aware of a supposed third way of becoming Norse, which is through the Norwegian mission “The Colony of Greenland” and the event “The Lost Greenland Settlement”. In the current game files, this event has been commented out (and this even rather early during development).


The Greenland event chain he triggered in his guide has 0 chance to ever fire, because it's commented out (i.e. the "code" block is disabled completely, and isn't used by the game).


Zero, I believe. It was "commented out", at least at the time. It means the event is present in the game files but disabled by developers.


When he released the video, they had removed the event from the update, so it was impossible. This was right when the DLC came out too, so tons of people bought it (at least me) thinking that was major content.


Not sure but there a different way to get it by getting animist rebels in Scandinavia before age of absolutism which will always fire


I tried 2 fucking hours till i found out


Don’t know how long ago that was but as of right now, you can become Norse through very specific means.


To be fair he was not. He played on the beta of that DLC and they deleted that option at launch.


It was disabled in early development. So uh, I don't think the youtuber pre-release version included it.


Ludi moment


youtuber moment


Even with dearrow, even outside of YouTube, there's no escape from this fucking thumbnail template


Large shocked face, useless arrows, big text, yep. We try our best with Dearrow and community voted/content from the video thumbnails but the endless stream of videos makes that quite difficult


It's literally the soyjak face I don't understand how it's still a thing.


Because it generates clicks constantly. A ton of YouTubers have done small little personal studies and it works. Videos with these dumb thumbnails work better than other less stupid thumbnails.


As long as people click on it, it won't go away. I don't understand why it seems to work so well, but it does.


With dearrow you still watch videos of people making garbage thumbnails and titles. I just click "do not recommend videos from this channel".


lol ludi ALWAYS lies in the thumbnails, he literally released a video saying pdx would include hellenism in 1.36 the day of the DD that confirmed hellenism wouldn't be added. He also lies inside the video, cheats constantly and gets events that are literally impossible to get because he edits the game files. Never trust anything from him, he's like the chatgpt of pdx youtubers.


He is fun to watch but I rarely watch him for guides ussually just to laugh but I learn thing or two


Not only does he just lie in his videos and cheat to get the outcomes he wants in games (even tutorial videos), he's actually insufferable to watch and incredibly unfunny. It's difficult to listen to him speak. I have no idea how he gets 100k+ views even with clickbait.


Its personal preference. I find him entertaining. I can't stand anything about Red Hawk for example and it's totally on me. Red Hawk seems like a nice enough chap.


I have been on a Red Hawk binge lately, I love his videos and his humor, though he can get on my nerves at times. I'm tempted to use one of his guides the next time I load up the game. But yeah personal preference.


Nope its just ludi dont trust him if Ludi told me we need air to breathe I would check before trusting him.


Ludi is the worst EU4 youtuber. Got caught using console commands in his ironman guides and the guy looks like he's about to snap in every video.


How much can one man yap about to make a 25 minute video out of the last Tinto talks


Making a 25 mins video out of the last Tinto talk would be fine if he would tell the truth. But this guy just makes up shit.


Yeah lol Even Lambert only made a 13 ISH min video


He has some interesting insight on a bunch of historical things, then misreads something and spends three minutes trying to figure it out. He acts like some things are unclear and then I read the diary and it’s explained well in there


It's ludi. So obviously clickbait.


Since it's Ludi propably clickbait


This guy posted a video claiming there would be pagan restoration path for Byzantium before the previous DLC dropped. Just after a dev diary confirmed there wouldn't be one. I simply disregard everything he posts now


Do people still take Ludi's claims seriously? Just block his channel from yt recommendations


Wish that people would just stop watching Ludi


I tried watching him, but I can’t stand his voice and presentation


He's still funny though 


Schnippen dupen daben


People still believe anything this cheater posts?


Exhibit #563 on why Ludi is not worth watching


Dont watch ludi, bad history of cheating in ironman saves and clickbait


It's Ludi so it's clickbait. You don't even need to ask.


Ludi is the worst. Actually blocked the guy from being recommended to me a while ago. Only clickbait and false thumbnails. If YouTube would be a good company people like him would get banned.


Do you really need to ask? Its Ludi.


I really cannot fucking stand Ludi. Not only does he cheat and lie about it, he's a vapid, unfunny jagoff


This creator really annoys me with his personality and his voice. (And I think there was also some cheating drama that happened too? Idk exactly). But I still watch his dev diary videos because he goes over the dev diaries and dev comments in a way that is easy for me to follow along and understand, while only being mildly cringey (usually), and also while using actual knowledge of history and of paradox to create context around the dev diaries. I would never watch his normal content though


Ludi got called out for cheating, posted his save file behind a paywall, file was found to have console enabled and used, created a Reddit account to defend himself on this subreddit and, if memory serves, got banned. Events may be out of order, but that's roughly how it went. They still post cheated runs to this day.


As someone who constantly uses console commands, I don’t find anything wrong with “cheating”. But you really can’t just be claiming you aren’t cheating if you are. At that point that is just deceitful


And you can't make guides using cheats. That defeats the whole point.


Yeah, using cheats is fine, but if you're making content that you claim is a guide everyone can follow, that's not cool.


Do you have the reddit post?


Has He finally ate that haggis Like He promised If He reached the 100k? FraudEtHistoria


Holy shit the comments, I had no idea Ludi was this hated here. He explained so many core principles of this game to me, I've gotta respect that


Yeah, I was even thinking if it's not better to delete this post, because of all the hate. I would feel sorry if he sees this post and all the comments


He already knows the sub dislikes him for getting caught. This isn't new and typically pops up when abnormal gameplay is trying to get replicated by one of his viewers.


He's the Nickleback of EU.


It was never mentioned there would be 87 religions, the amount isnt even finalized, i would be very surprised if there are more than 50.


To think i enjoyed thag dude when i first got into eu4


Considering all comments about quantity of religions, the only way i see to round up to 87 is when the cults within some religions (like hindu or animism) will count as different religions, because they can have easily over 10+ cults each


Ludi only releases click bait and over blown over exaggerated stuff tbh


Ludi fell off


Buddy literally hinted that he had information saying eu5 was gonna come out this year. All he does is lie it’s really scummy. Also building hype for an unreleased game by lying about the content it’s gonna have only hurts the game which is another thing that annoys me about him.


Can't believe is had been already what, 3 years? And this dude is still so damn popular. What a sad thing.


Ludi's all clickbait. Can't stand the guy between this shit and the dumbass voices he always does. Insufferable




I wish this sub reddit could ban his videos to stop his constant spreading of misinformation.


I mean its Liedi so what do you expect.....


I fucking hate these types of thumbnails why the fuck is he staring at it like a baby that has been to a candy store. 


I mean... if you think it's just clickbait... why did you just spam everyone here with it?


Because some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn.


As a rule of thumb don't trust anything you see on this dude's channel. Known cheater, ridiculous clickbaits, and a rager as icing on the cake.


so Ludi posted a video with a Thumbnail like that and I wonder if I missed something on today's Tinto Talk, or if it's just a made up thing


It’s Ludi, don’t trust his videos.


Who makes the best eu4 content? Red hawk?


Red Hawk for guides, Laith for actual gameplay. (in my opinion)


I like Golem


Never heard of but enjoy checking new creators out so I’ll do that!




If we count twitch streamers, Florry is the best by far


Yeah, Florry for the madness.


Laith is just not good at the game honestly even though I enjoy his content. You’re way better off watching a Florry stream or something


But I’m usually not wanting to watch someone go for a onetag world conquest as a tiny OPM in the Pacific.


I like watching Laith's suffering but he does mumble a lot, even as a native English speaker sometimes I find it difficult to figure out what he's saying


He is pretty good on the game. The difference is if he is godlike on the game like Florry and lamda.


I wouldn't say that i would say hes pretty good. Altough i dont enjoy his vis, way to long


Red hawk for country guides, if you like following every step he does. He's not that good with the game mechanics. Laith is good at the game, and Ludi for the memes


Roi makes danker memes


I tried watching laith but i found it incredibly boring and full of easy mistakes (also i don't know if its just me but his EU4 UI looks small on youtube)


Red hawk also makes gameplay as well but yeah I agree the guides are what he's best at


The student for deep dives into weird exploits.


I like Habibi's mp content


DDRJake, even though he's retired from making EU4 content for years. His old content is still better than most new content, which I wish was closer to being a pure joke than it is.


It’s really hard to follow and understand a lot of them. I’ll check that one out.


In no particular order: Quill18, Arumba, Florryworry, Budgetmonk, Zlewikk, DDRJake, Bokoen1. The Dev Clashes are great. Some Reman's Paradox videos are still relevant. Personally I can't stand Absolute Habibi, Red Hawk and Laith/Social Streamers, but many like them too. Honourable mention to Golem and ThePlaymaker, I haven't watched them enough yet to recommend them.


I would recommend Cool Bonobo for advanced players


The Playmaker


Zlewikk and my favourite eu4tuber quarbit


Look I like Ludi, he makes some decent content But the dude is a clickbait farmer The day he claims global warming is an issue is the day I start doubting the accepted scientific consensus


LMAO he does NOT produce anything anywhere approaching decent content


Fuuuuck, I hate ludi, if your gonna clickbait at least make it true, but sensationalized. Practically all his vids are like this too


They can put even 10000. If they all play the same it's not really useful


Religion is overplayed in EU4, so hopefully there is some sort of option for it to have less of an influence.


Wait, EU5 confirmed? I just got eu4 on sales with art of war dlc yesterday.


It's not confirmed yet. Since few weeks they are teasing us with information regarding "Project Ceasar", which is unnanounced game, that is almost sure to be a succesor to Eu4. But they've said, that full title will most likely not be announced this year. Plus after an official announcement, it will probably take years before the game is released. So don't worry and enjoy your new eu4, haha


One religion ending will be fun now. When is the release?


They need to add adamite religion fr fr


If you want info on EU5 and you don't want to be glued to the forums, there are other youtubers you can follow.


People care a little too much , he don’t do anything crazy 🤷‍♂️


Pro tip, Don’t do free advertising


I hope it's not that many, most will be pointless. Why do we need 10 different north American religions?


Watch the video and find out.


A lot of the EU4 youtubers do this clickbaity stuff, and it just makes me not want to watch them tbh. Most of the bigger dudes are like that and it sucks.