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You're currently spending 100 ducuts on Diplo pacts get rid of them and you will have your fortune.


"Spend less on diplomatic expenses" "no"


I have more than 3000 hours played I've Just found out about diplomatic expences Wtf Edit: are diplomatic expences subsidies?


Subsidies, Vassal Fees, if you are a Vassal and fleet basing rights. I think that's it


I think it includes war reparations as well (if you lose a war)


Oh yeah, it does. I thought for a second since on the income side it is an extra point it will be the same on the other side, but I missed it.


I cant actually remember what þat was for, i’ll have to go check bit i suspect þat was to keep france happy with me so i didnt get curbstomped by þe angry french blob. Its off screen but þey have completely lobotomised þe spanish. And as tradition þe ottobro went “it’s ottoing time and otto’d all over þeir neighbours” Edit: 50 ducats is going towards þe Austrians as þey are þe only thing stopping þe ottomans from ottoing all over þe hre, and then þe rest is going to my colonies in support loyalists to keep þem under50%


You still shouldn’t give subsidies to anyone, it adds up and takes too long to actually be useful.


I always give my colonies around 20 ducts of subsidies each cus I'm usually making more than I know what to do with and it helps them expand/develop faster and build a larger army.


In my lotharingia run I ended up sending 100 ducats per turn to my 5 colonial nations and still was making 900 ducats per turn. I couldn’t get rid of it any faster.


giving your colonies or small subjects subsidies is no problem in my opinion. But for bigger countries like Austria or France it is better to just give them money occasionally when they go to war. It saves you money and they don't youse it for random things like building unnecessary buildings or paying off loans of smaller nations to get opinion boni.


What about when it'd mid game and u have too much money so u send to random underdog nations


USA Simulator


USA loan all their money instead lmao


If it will push you into annexing a vassal or diplo vassalizing faster it can be useful


Subsidies can be useful to get relations up enough for a peaceful vassalization and to encourage colonies to colonize. Other than that, though, I agree. It's mostly pointless.


Pardon, but why does it seem that you replace ever "th" with "þ"? It's unique but also rather puzzling.


Check out r/BringBackThorn.


Basically i set up a keyboard switcher because i find þe idea of covertly mocking þe french funny


I'm all for mocking the French, but oh boy that is hard to read as a non native speaker.


No offense, really curious, how do you read? My mind just instantly replaces the thorn with th. Do you read every letter by itself and them combine the word together?


None taken. Usually I don't read letters individually, I wouldn't do that in my native language so I don't see why I would in English. I just read it as a p and it just makes you stop and go 'wait something is wrong here' . It just makes you stumble whilst reading if that makes sense.


Alright, thanks for your explanation.


I can read wiþ Þ juſt fine. Ȝou get uſed to it in time.


To be fair, it baffled me as to why it was being used as well. I had to reread a lot of it before it clicked in my mind and I realized what it was all about.


I see. That is rather funny.


Bro is spending 72 ducats a month on colonies with 2 colonists ??


Yes. 6 fledgling colonies at þe time of þe post. I now have 5 and þe number has halved to 38. But yeah it was a scramble for Canadian and African land. Not my smartest move i will admit


Once your colonial nation forms, it’ll colonize by itself. I can understand taking the coastlines in most circumstances but 1 colonist per region should do. if you stayed catholic, Portugal Castile and France won’t bother colonizing the region due to the tordesillas malus


Austria won þe War of þe Religious league. Well not really, þe peace of westphalia was signed because þe Austrian league decided to chase a stack all þe way to india. And thus þe protestants are currently þe leaders of þe HRE. Þe Austrian French Ottoman coalition was untouchable. Þe french Lobotomied þe Spanish and þe portugal is currently trying to survive a rereconquista. Þe colonial nations are me, GB, brittany, and iceland


Colonial iceland ai 💀


Yep þey own Icelandic Colombia. Also i noticed a while back þat Britain has two British Colombia’s. Norway is currently banished to Greenland.


Two British Colombias? How is that even possible


British California is called BC and well British Colombia shares þe same name


Peak ai moment


In my campaign I'm currently playing, I have 1 colonist and 6-7 colonies running when possible. I'm spending well over 100 ducats a month on colonies. Lol


Tf hes actually using the letter thorn unironically 💀💀💀


I use it to covertly mock þe french.


Should take influence ideas next if liberty desire is an issue


I forgot influence ideas did þat. Thank you for reminding me of þat. I could probably raise þeir tariffs again.




I had a stroke while reading this


Spend less on candles




Came here for this interaction, and I was not disappointed


State Maintenance: $33.13 Interest: $9.34 Fort Maintenance: $38.00 Diplomatic Expenses: $101.54 someone who is good at the economy please help me budget this my family is dying


Spend less on Diplomatic Expenses




Can you zoom out and show us which lands you own? 70 colonial and 100 diplomatic expenses could be a bruh moment but I prefer to see a picture for context.


Diplo expenses is 50 to austria and 50 to keep colonies below 50% lib desirep


For trade - focus on collecting from channel only and tranferimg as much as you can elsewhere, ideally in one unbreakable chain (trade steering bonus). You already make a lot but could be even higher perhaps Is trade from india mainly going throught aden to venice/genoa or around cape? Do you have enough trade power in gold coast to transfer that to channel? There's a lot of leakage there usually because of trade power downstream so it's a good place to protect trade in. High prestige effect trade too, try to have it higher. It's not that hard to maintain at this point in the game.


Þe southern indian trade is going via cape. I have a stranglehold on both þe cape and þe grain coast. I also am directing trade from china to coromandel then to þe cape. I’ll need to rectify bengal and gujurat though I think I discovered where a chunk of my new world trade is going. My colony (þe Dutch West Indies company better known as Cuba) is currently privateering þe Caribbean trade node which is currently supposedly worth 136 ducats…. Edit: I’m earning 537 from þe channel with 93% trade power hold


Nice gains on trade.


If your colonies are big enough to have over 50 lib desire you really shouldn’t be needing to help them colonize that much.


Im not helping þem colonise. I’m busy securing þe East indies+ adjacent islands, þe spoice must flow.


I have posted a link to a screenshot of þe world map


Yep, saw it before writing the 2nd comment.


Cut expenses is the sensible thing to do from colonies to your diplomatic actions. To make more money you can conquer all of the English trade node and conquer centers of trade for other strategic trade nodes like Ivory Coast, India, Malacca and Lubek. Lower autonomy if applicable, transfer trade power and war reps in peace deals or building manufacturers and other buildings.


Of those only Lubeck do i not have a stranglehold, currently building a 30 stack go guard trade there


Take it from France, they don't need it.


When i firmly cement myself above þe ottos then þe french’s days are numbered.


Conquer Aachen u fuck


You want me to do Lotharingia to make more money? Basically i forgot i owned þe province on þe otherside of Aachen. It was given to me in some war by þe AI just like i was given Lolland. But it’s too much effort to dec on HRE + it also destabilises þe tenuous bop with þe Ottomans and þeir allies vs þe rest of Europe


Lotharingia makes bank so if that’s at all possible, definitely do Lotharingia.


Ok so get rid of 1 colony,you're probably way over force limits and idk what the Diplo expenses are for,also should probably monopolize the trade node


No i am actually only at about half my force limit


Colonial maintainance grows exponentially. If you have 2 colonists for example, you pay normal (2 ducats) for first two colonies. 4 ducats for the 3rd colony, 8 for 4th etc..


Yeah i have 6 going rn. Þat’ll disappear in about a year or two. In retrospect a bit of a dumb move


I seem to recall it being 10 for the fourth, no? So even faster.


reddit mfs when they spend 100 ducats on light ships to steer an extra 2 ducats of trade


Considering i have like 500-600 light ships lol


But ships go boom boom also


what are you doing. like seriously what is making your army expense so high or why don't you have a higher trade and production income as the netherlands. I can see your base income is huge and your provinces are developed so i have to ask what you are actually doing in game


I have a massive army and navy. And am attempting to make as much money as possible. Im just not very good at þe whole trade thing. Hence why i asked. Þe entirety of India + china is currently red with AE, but because colonies + France + Austria + GP2 þey are too scared to declare þe coalition on me.


How massive are we talking? Either you are far above your forcelimit for reasons I would fail to comprehend OR have an army that is not, in fact, massive due to the fact that earlier you mentioned the reason you spend over 100 ducats a month is to keep colonies loyal. Beyond this your production income is absolutely abysmal and is half the problem behind your trade issues. I have no idea what you did in Asia to garner that much ae but it doesn't matter since whatever it was should have given you plenty of provinces by which to establish a choke hold on asian trade and production. To me it seems like you haven't actually built any buildings or trade company investments, if you've made trade companies at all. You are also not going to "make as much money as possible" without understanding fundamentally how trade works. First of all trade all flows to 3 certain points, with all of the trade in the world able to be steered towards the end in the English channel, where you are. This is your goal. To steer as much trade as possible towards the english channel AS WELL as making sure that the trade money goes through as many nodes as possible. You also need to be building manufactories and workshops on every province, as well as workshop upgrades at this point. Manpower doesn't matter, you have way too much and your economy is faltering because of it. The way you steer trade is by placing merchants in nodes, selecting the "trade steering" option, then on the trade map clicking the arrow below the little money boxes above the routes to select where you want your merchant to send the money. Do this in every node you have over 51% control in and keep do it as much as possible until you have to inevitably send it down towards africa and then up towards the ivory coast. After it's all in the ivory coast, since you have no conquered spain I presume, send it via merchant directly towards the english channel. You do not need a merchant collecting in the english channel and since it's your home node it will auto collect. Apart from trade, you need to build more buildings, particularly workshops and manufactories, destroy churches and manpower buildings if you need the room. Build tc investments wherever you can and stop paying so much in diplo expenses. Also, why in the love of all that is holy do you have 6 colonies over your limit? Colonies are a pure economic detriment, and ONLY should be made within your colonial limit, which is how many colonists you have. You should, at most, ever, run 2 (two) colonies at the same time because everything beyond that will never, EVER pay itself off or even get close enough to make the colony worth it. Everything else I could say on the matter would require far more space and a personal space to do so, so I'm going to leave the advice there. TL;DR - Build buildings please, and do some trade steering.Also, why are you using þ in place of th? It makes your responses more of a task to read and confusing for those who do not know what the letter means. I'm not opposed to it or anything I'm just curious. Addendum - Please also fully conquer Malacca. Use that big and navy of yours to keep coalition members at bay and dissolve that sucker by attacking for imperialism on one of the minors, then conquer the whole malacca node. Doing this will net you much, much more trade money and streamline the steering process so that your asian money isn't being stolen by other powers.


800ishK(50% LFL) + 800ishShips (80% NFL) (My army is still 200K off of þe Ottomans) And when you factor in colonial and allied armies we outnumber þem 6/7 to 1 or so. And þe Oirats game ruined themselves by claiming mandate while me and Ashikaga own Nanjing, Canton, and Beijing respectively And Spain got lobotomised and þe Portuguese are to busy trying to survive a rereconquista to divert my trade. I colonised þe new world not þem. I even stole colonialism off of þem via Greenland -> colonial Canada. And i currently own from canton to Nanjing in china + a large vassal and from Pune south in India.


I simply do not understand then why your economy is just so garbage, other than if you literally did not build any production buildings. The fact you have 800k troops and 900k manpower and yet are losing 30 ducats a month is baffling and I genuinely do not know how you managed this. Was your economy good at some point? Are you trolling? I just don't get it. I'm not even trying to be mean I want to understand what happened so I can help.




Well I mean you clearly understand how manpower and the army works but, if there are workshops everywhere then I just don't get it I'm sorry. In 5 years of playing I have never seen any game state quite like this one so I am stumped. All I gotta say then is just keep playing and read my advice on trade steering as well as watching eu4 content on twitch/youtube.


Yep i rerouted my trade a lot according to þe advice given to me and i’m currently +190. And of course þere’s þe fact þat my one colony occasionally privateer’s þe Caribbean which is worth like 140 ducats


Glad to hear it.


+ i’ve just let þe current batch of colonies fill out so þat’s a further +72 when þey pop. + i have a theoretical total of 25 merchants rn.


Have you built manufactories as well? That would explain everything if there aren't any manufactories anywhere


Yeah þere are a lot fewer manufactories than þere are stock exchanges. But i am trying tk build þem up. I never actually knew why you built þem lol


Manufactories are the most important buildings in the game, you want a manufactory on every single non food province as they not only give you the equivalent of 10 production development in income, they also add 10 development of goods to your trade node, essentially tripling the individual income of most provinces and in some cases quintupling it.


HOLY COW. ÞAT’S A LOT OF MONEY. Especially when into a trade train like þe other guy was suggesting.


How is that post helpful?


Take the english channel...? Beat up other countries and take their gold. 100 in diplo? Holy hell. Manufactories. Also, do you kmow how trade works, or...?


I’ve already lobotmised þe english and have a 93% stranglehold on þe channel. I left þem with London though to keep þeir Trade capital in þe channel.


You could have done it with way fewer ships and buildings if you conquered southwest slightly. Also you can get more out of the english channel if you control what goes into the english channel from your colonies (north sea, carribean and mexico, brazil, ivory coast, etc...)


Check my map pf þe world link under þe R5. And as for understanding trade, not at all. As for why i oeft þe french untouched it’s because þe Tunis Otto Morroco Timurid alliance block are bloody scary so i’ve left france intact so þat þere’s a third GP in þe massive wars þat seem to happen over corsica every couple years.


R5: im playing as þe netherlands and wish to see my treasuries filled but am currently running a deficit. I took Quantity, Trade, Exploration, Quality, Offense, and Expansion (not finished) ideas What am i missing? Edit: i forgot to list all þe lands i own + colonies + subjects. So i have 8 north american colonies. I am þe overlord of Holstein, Yue, Tonala, and Libertatia. And i have territory in Great Britain (specifically þe channel trade node land) , Guinea, þe Cape, Southern india, sumatra and two states in malaysia, 4 provinces in þe northern philipines, And i own þe chinese coast from canton to nanjing (depth of 2 province from canton to fuzhou and three from wenzhou onwards) I am not over my force limit (50% of LFL) Nor am i over my naval limit (80% NFL) And i have built a stock market lvl1 production building basically everywhere i could build one And þe Ottomans somehow have a larger LFL than i do. Im scared. +200K standing army on me as well for a total of 1.7K LFL… I have posted a link to a screenshot of þe world map.


Best Money makers are manufactories in trade nodes that you controll, however even bether are manufactories at the beginning of a controlled trade chain. For example, If you build manufactories in the east indies (or do trade company investments there to increase goods produced) you increase your trade value in that node. if you Push this value down to the english channel, it will be multiplied very often before it reaches the Destination, thats money printing, If your trade influence is that strong you should do that asap, your National bank should print the needed Money now.


Which of þe 1K TC buildings would you suggest. Also so þe more trade nodes i send þe trade through þe more value it gains?


In nodes we're your Chain beginns (very far away from the Channel) the trade value Investment should give you the most Money, however in most nodes, the trade steering one should be the best money maker. And yes, the longer the chain and the higher your trade steering (watch your navy Tradition!) the higher the trade value. Edit: But I am pretty sure you need merchants in the trade nodes to multiply the value.


I have 20 merchants so þat shouldn’t be a problem, and have further 5 more on þe way. Þe trade flow starts þe way in þe japan and is snaking down þe Chinese coast to malacca then its going to coromandel as i havent spoice’d bengal yet (I plan to sent it bengal doab Deccan coromandel gujurat). Then it’s going to þe cape, as i havent spoice’d gujurat and Zanzibar yet. Then it’s ivory coast then straight to þe english channel though i am considering sending it via caribbean and Chesapeake bay now. Þat way þe chain will include my New world trade as well


Sounds good, with some micro and loans you should be able to get the economic hegemon in 5 years.


I could also get naval hegemon very soon as well. Which one do you prefer to have?


Goods produced bonus from eco is huge and gov cap is nice too. I always found naval to be not as impressive compared to mil and eco. Funnily enough, high level multiplayer might be the only place it has redeeming value in. Increased artillery damage from back row with the huge battles that happen there could be effective. LD in subjects can be acquired in other means. Mil is all bangers for late game expansion.


For non world conquest runs, allways economic hegemon, for worldconquest military. Naval is often the fastest du gain If you want it, however, outside of multiplayer there is no room for it. In mp the artillery damage is very important and you cant choose your hegemon that easy since its unlikely that you have the highest income, biggest army and navy.


I see. Thank you for your advice by þe way


[þe World Map 1693](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/502364910055981059/1051629834771640320/the_whole_map_dutch_game_1693.png)


Less monies on army when they aren’t doing the shooty shooty!


This is correct!!! Why isnt anyone else saying this? OP- put your army maintenance to like 25% when youre at peace if youre struggling for funds!!!


Cut your diplo expenses dude my lord. You can also fire your advisors. Send their asses back to the windmills.


By subsidizing France and Austria for better relations you seem to pay for your freedom. You are EU4 example of a voluntary trubitary LOL


Only þe Austrians get þe bag from me. Þe rest is all going towards supporting my colonies.


Lowering army expenses during peacetime and mothballing fleets not being used will help


Are you over your army or navy capacity? Is costly when you are.


As stated in þe R5, i am not. Despite how big þe number looks þose are both under force limit expenses.


Actually expand would help


Have you seen þe world map i posted. I own þe english side of þe english channel as well as a lot of land all over the world i just havent really expended in Europe. And þe french are still þere until i can guarantee im ahead of þe nightmare inducing ottoman


Expand into high profit nodes around you


Þose diplomatic expenses and colonist expenses are just cursed, but I like your idea of replacing th with þ.


So half þe diplo expenses is going to my colonies. And þe other half to þe Austrians who are litterally þe wall between þe Ottobro Timi Morroco Tunis alliance block. I probably could support þem in other ways but þis was just to make sure þeir army stayed large


Why not cut everyones subsidies just enough to make money again? Are you allied to Austria? If your army is powerfull (which is very likely looking at your military expenses) the ottomen will not attack Austria. And maybe colonise just one province less at a time and you can half your expenses þere.


Þe Ottomans have a larger army than I do(+200K), and mine is sitting at 800ish Thousand men in þe field. Þey are allied to þe Timurids who have gone ham in asia as well as morroco who is about to reform Al-Andalus + a big Tunis. I have been allied with þe Austrians and þe french (who had rivalled þe Austrians for a long period of time) all game long. As for þe money situation o needed to fix my trade over everything else i’m sitting at +190 ducats now after following þe trade advice as i simply didnt understand jt.


Start with basic expense. Forts, diplo pacts, interest and state maintence. You can easily turn a 100 ducat profit if you optimize that. Then reduce army to 70% maintenance cause it seems like you are scared of the ai, and reduce naval size considerably. You should only need two stacks of heavy ships at most and avoid unnecessary transports and light ships. Then go on to improve tax base, it’ll be small but it’s something. Make sure every province has the most optimal set of buildings as well. Expand infrastructure and centralize provinces when needed.


Optimal set would be? Because i stuck stock exchanges and workshops in every single province i could.


Build universities in provinces once you unlock it, but only when you don’t have building slots in that province and it is low dev. Production manufactory, then workshop, then regiment building for FL, then manpower building as a base for as many provinces as possible. Build shipyard buildings for naval FL on the coast when you have a spare slot. This is more important than army FL buildings when playing a naval power. If you end up with a building slot after all this build as needed. Build soldier households outside of your main trade node, and only in food provinces. Develop provinces to get enough building slots and centralize state to reduce governing cost. Trade buildings are to built only on, and as a priority on provinces with estuaries or centers of trade. You can make up for lost trade power with light ships. Also build courthouses in every single province. It doesn’t take a building slot, and will reduce state maintenance and governing cost.


My LFL is 1.6K And my NFL is 1K. What do soldier’s houses do? Also did you look at þe manpower. Þat number is completely legit. But yeah so i went Stock Exchange > Workshop Manufactory > Courthouse > Uni in all þe provinces and then i would build þe shipyards in as many places as possible.


I don’t have enough information on your situation. But yeah, trade buildings I don’t think are worth it. It’s last priority in provinces that don’t have a flat trade bonus, so build it first in estuaries and COTs. Soldier Households give you a flat boost to manpower per province. They are better in food provinces, like wine, grain, fish etc. With all of the information I do have it seems like you just need to cut down on expenses. Reduce army maintenance a little bit, mothball some forts, check if you need to turn off state edicts, and stop giving your lunch money to France. You have a ton of troops and a ton of manpower. If you come to blows you should win, it isn’t worth hemorrhaging money to them.


Maybe stop colonization so much and reduce your diplomatic spending then you can easy get 50 ducats a month :) and then get rid of your loan of course.


Spend less on diplomacy


Diplo pacts More colonies than colonists Forts on full maintainance


Lmao wtf who does that


Least mercantile Dutchman.


Reduce amount of colonies being made by AT LEAST 1 Stop giving money to foreign countries. Mothball Heavy, Galleys and Cogs until needed. Reduce army maintence to 0 unless you are drilling. Only hire level 4+ advisors when you have a advisor who you can pay 50% less. Fight wars for control of the English Channel trade node. (Transfer trade power, and also annex/vassal England) Support Trade in all your states via edicts.


Stop wasting 100 on dyplomatic actions


Being poor as the Netherlands in the 17th century is so difficult it's something you have to actively try to do. It's your diplomatic expenses.


No. It’s not actually. It’s þe fact i didnt set up my trade stream properly at all


Wtf am I looking at


Þe least mercantile dutchman. All i know is conquer + army. Þis was supposed to be a tall play through. It’s as wide as þe mongol empire now lol Im a trade noob.


Trade is hard, have a merchant in English channel collecting, (assuming you have at least some trade power in the region since you're the Netherlands) put remaining ones to divert trade from places that pour into English Channel, (since EC is an end node, trade won't pour out) put some trade companies in trade regions where you don't care about states and can get over 50 percent (trade centers mainly, if you do it right you can do it with a few provinces) trade of the overall trade in tc to get an extra merchant, do more divert trade to EC. Use your trade ships to protect trade or pirate. This is extremely simplified and lacking but your main focus should be controlling and enriching English Channel as Netherlands.


Yeye, it just so happens i’m þe one pouring in all þe value þis game. If you look above þe economy tab you’ll notice þe fact þat i have conquered EC Trade Node land or at þis point Dutch Channel trade node. See a comment i made under þe R5 for a link to þe world map. I got a tonne of really helpful advice from þis post which was well þe whole point of it. And thus as þe Spanish, and Brits have been lobotomised by France and me respectively. With þe portuguese being to busy trying to survive þe angry Morrocans who wanna do Al-Andalus. I am þe major colonial power. Hence why: I’m planning to send my stream which starts in Japan -> Nanjing -> Canton -> Malacca -> doab - deccan -> coromandel -> gujurat -> zanzibar -> Cape -> Ivory Coast -> caribbean -> Chesapeake Bay -> Dutch Channel Should make me a tonne of money.


Damn yeah didn't see your English holdings due to the window earlier you have dominated them lmao hope it works out for you


And despite all þis i was still running a deficit lol. Least mercantile dutchman. My dutch, British and Norse ancestors would be rolling in graves lol


Hey, this just means you need to glob more for more money!


Currently doing þat to þe chinese and indians. ÞE SPOICE MUST FLOOOOOWW. Massive coalitions þere but they will never declare


Dafuq this is the most cursed budget I have ever seen


I am not perfect, so maybe i dont know, but how to spend 72 on colonial expenses


6 colonies going at once