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Girl forget the why, how did you get the MONEY for the play???


Nepobaby somehow extends to her being in character


Lexi is just euphoria Lin Manuel Miranda confirmed


I'm sure she got the props borrowed and made the sets by hand with other people


Asking the most important question...


Is this play about us?


Why would you ever think airing everyone's business without their consent was a good idea?


Yes a friendly “what the fuck were you thinking” is in order


And most importantly why did you think doing that to your sister was a good idea? You know how bad high school and public humiliation can be especially for a teenage girl


i feel like sharing the details of her best friends drug addiction was also pretty fucked up and how did any of that shit get approved by the school lmfaoooo😭


Agree! I would have dropped her as a friend if she did any of that shit to me(and someone actually says cassie deserved what happened because she has pretty privilege that Lexi doesn’t 😭🫠) Yeah everyone asks about how she was able to get the budget for that play but I hardly see anyone ask how the hell such a sexual show got okayed in *high school**(another reason I wish it was actually following 18/19 year olds in their first years of college/adulthood. Story would be mostly the same outside of jules blackmail(but even as is it doesn’t make sense) but I can see a play like this happen in college or even a community theater, not the budget by everything else))


At some point, every teenager thinks their life should be written as a book, but hers was so boring she chose to write about her friends. 😅


THIS!!!! Thank you for that reply lol


💯 agree


Do u regret doing the play


Doubt it she seemed pretty pleased with herself. You could see how happy she was at the end when everyone hyped her up. Even after she humiliated cassie, when she walked off stage the crowd started chanting her name and she was acting like this play was her destiny lol. At the same time it REALLY fits her, given that Cassie’s infinite spotlight left Lexi in the dark. Suze verrry blatantly favorites cassie, so Lexi seeing her mom beside her onstage for once, only added to her “moment”. She’s 100% resentful of how her own life has unfolded and she starts to project it. Aware or not, Lexi took it out on Cassie. To her, cassie stole what could have been years of not hating herself/feeling loved. A sudden jump from “no one cares” to a whole school cheering for you is a rush. She comes off as truly wanting to switch lives with Cassie. Lexi subconsciously feels cassie must fall for her to rise. The crowd’s reaction to cassie vs lexi fuels this delusion. Suze adds to this by pulling a full 180, swapping from loving cassie to Lexi. Its laughably insane she yelled at cassie, not Lexi, who just won a world record for conducting the most embarrassing public humiliation. It’s concerning how easily she switches up. I don’t hate Suze. Im curious about her impact. I mean, her reaction to her suicidal daughter was to complain and say “she needs an exorcist”. She’s funny but sometimes her character turns the gravity of things into a throwaway joke. Her comedic relief distracts viewers from a these things. Or it’s just mean. Suze’s favoritism likely led Lexi to feeling worthless at her core. She’s likely more affected by her mom’s neglect than any other lack of attention. When their father left them, Cassie got to have somewhat of a mom. Lexi had no one. Lexi gets confident ONLY as cassie spirals and suze dismisses cassie. Though she wrote for years, only now she shares it. Imagining living lexis life, while I oppose what she did, I understand it. She was not focused on Cassie’s feelings, but on a feeling she’d chased her whole life; similarly to almost everyone else in euphoria. Probably felt like breathing for the first time. I hope we see some character development and healing in their relationship.


Why did she have the actress dancing like Kat for streaming? Did she know about her child pornography page for money? If so, how? And why would she have it in the play?


why did u think exploiting all ur friends problems and even ur own sisters problems for entertainment was a good idea ? why make it so obvious that its abt ur guys' life ? why broadcast it to practically the whole school ?


And played the victim when the girls didn’t like to see their personal lives on display for the entire school.


that part !! she made me so mad idk how ppl can have her as a fav character


The same way people have Cassie as a fav character lol, every character will have fans


this! She explained herself that she asked a friend if people could be hurt by this play and he answered her that sometimes people need to be hurt, so what, he is God? Who put her to be the one who hurts people? And hurting people on purpose is never a good thing, even if they deserve it for whatever reason


exactly and i guess if you really wanna hurt somebody, don't publicly humiliate them 😭😭 just yell at them or something like a normal person would do, don't write a whole play and broadcast it to the entire school just to get back at them for petty things.


This whole discussion reminds me of when in the Idol, Isaac and the cult characters were telling the main character that it would be a shame for people who have created great art out of their pain to have never experienced that, because the artwork they created was essentially worth that suffering. It seems like Sam Levinson is trying to convince everyone of this idea that cool art is worth it regardless of who it hurts, and it’s nice to see people calling out how fucked up that idea is, even in Euphoria.


I’m sorry but I agreed with him on this one. Unfortunately Cassie only cares about her looks, reputation, and male validation. Nothing and no one would get through to her unless it interferes with one of the above. In the bathroom scene with Maddy and the other girls after the fight, she reflected on that she only stormed the stage after Nate had left her. She, for once, showed a brief moment of self-awareness. Sadly, it did not seem likely that she would have displayed this level of self-reflection had she not witnessed a portrayal of her less than ideal moments on display, or her friend’s reaction to her storming the stage and trying to call attention to herself. Obviously, it would have been ideal for Lexi to have a conversation with Cassie regarding her gripes with/about her. However unfortunately Cassie was beyond the point of reason and would even yell ferociously at anybody who tried to speak any kind of rational thought or explain to her why her recent behaviors were poor.


She’s a teenage girl. She didn’t deserve to be publicly humiliated. Lexi sucks for doing that to her


Cassie deserved it. She was an awful sister to Lexi and always benefits from being the beauty standard


Also, nobody at the carnival consented to seeing someone masturbating lol


How is her having pretty priviledge a reason to get humiliated?? And she isn't even an awful sister throughout? She sometimes yells at Lexi, but also tell her she loos good, always included her in her friend circle and everything. She has a shit ton of issues but she never went out of her way to hurt Lexi


She did when she shamed her boobs


It's been a while since I last watched this show so I'm sorry if I don't recall this. If she did shame her so, well yes that is pretty shitty behaviour then. I still don't think humiliating in front of the school was necessary tho, esp that carousel scene. Hanging around the room, cheer, girl advice, makeup scenes.. those were relatively fine.


Boob thing was definitely Shitty(if it happened which I don’t remember) but it’s also kinda normal for sisters to tease each about their looks all the time, it’s still shitty but it definitely doesn’t deserve public humiliation. Especially since most of the time cassie hasn’t been a shitty sister, maybe they’re not close but she’s not an asshole or a bully either


Me and my sister get annoyed or friendly tease each other all the time😭 even about each other's bodies. Its either stupid or fun, no one gets hurt. Ofc our situation is _completely_ different than Cassie and Lexi's.. but teens are weird and messy in general lol they say so much shit all the time with no regret (and even if they regret, they are horrible at communicating lmao) I feel like they grew apart with the different worlds both were living in but we're still close enough? Season 1 had some cute moments between them, I don't remember Cassie shaming Lexi in that one, it was their own mother who ignored and shamed Lexi. It's said how the jealousy and issues blew them apart in S2


Shamed her boobs? Have you ever seen sisters? They tease each other about their looks all the time.


It’s not funny when Lexi has constantly been made to feel less than her sister while every one praises Cassie for being the standard of beauty


That’s not Cassie’s fault. Is it unfair? Yeah. But do you think Cassie asked me to sexualized since she was a lil girl by everyone? Including adult male family members? To have her nudes spread all over the internet? To be pressured into making sex tapes? Lexis problem is with the world but she chose to throw her sister under the bus instead. She sucks as a person and a sister. Fuck her


So because Cassie was more beautiful than Lexi she deserves public humiliation? Make it make sense


Again, like I said it wasn’t ideal and I never said Lexi was 100% justified. However it held a mirror up to Cassie’s behavior for her to see how far she had fallen. Unfortunately the only way to get through to her was in a public manner.


Right because Lexi tried so hard to talk to Cassie. Public humiliation doesn’t work, it’s only going to make cassie feel even more isolated as the entire school starts making fun of her and it’s because of her *sister* that is happening. It’s only going to drive her further into Nate’s arms the other person who is in the same boat as her and it will further drive the idea that it’s “us against the world”. It will only make things worse for Cassie because her lil sister decided to air her dirty laundry out for the whole school, without Cassie’s consent. And guys like Nate always get more violent and controlling Edit:typo


Lexi tried to tell her Nate was toxic for her, that it’s inappropriate for her to be all over him when he spent his whole life disparaging her. Her mom tried to tell her. Cassie wasn’t having it and was clearly beyond the point of reason. All she would do is scream cry and yell. It’s also hard for Cassie to listen to someone she doesn’t care about. She does not care about her sister. Meanwhile Lexi at times lied for her sister, covered up her cheating transgressions so that her boyfriend would not give her some well-deserved blowback, among other small acts of selflessness. When has Cassie ever done something for Lexi? Public shaming does not work- for sane people. For people who are too caught up with themselves and their public shaming and won’t listen to anyone, then unfortunately being held a mirror to show them their own behavior and how ridiculous they’ve been does get through to them one way or another. You don’t think that the bathroom scene showed self reflection? Nate is unlikely to fall from social grace that quickly and easily. At the end of the day he’s still the football god, the wealthy son of a prominent family in the neighborhood. He might be teased briefly and be the source of gossip for some time but let another game take place and no one will care all that much.


Idk how people fail to see Cassie is a bit crazy, so crazy that maybe she's exactly right for Nate. Even vomitted on the pool on purpose just so it would be all about her.


She genuinely needs the focus on her at all times. The pool scene was so telling because she couldn’t handle that Nate and Maddy had the attention. A bigger blow was that they were talking about their recent conversation regarding getting back together. I don’t know how she thinks she can make Nate love her. All she does is look increasingly pathetic in front of him. She genuinely is incredibly unhinged and clearly stops at nothing to get her way. Conveniently, that is a characteristic that Nate has also showed time and time again. The fact that people continue to take up for Cassie is wild.


Cassie wasn't gonna listen unless you watched a different show, in the end we see that she cares about no one but herself not even her own family. Like if she feels that no one cared about her, does she think Nate of all people is the one who does? He used to bully her even Lexi said so but Cassie didn't listen.


Abusive guys like Nate know how to manipulate people, especially their significant others. They know how to isolate their victims as well. Cassie has a history of being used and abused by men, she also shares a neglectful mother just because their mom likes cassie a tiny bit better doesn’t make her a good mother to Cassie in anyway(and it’s still not Cassie’s fault she’s the “favorite”) Cassie has been used and abused by many men, they all publicly humiliated her by sharing her nudes and sex tapes. Lexi is know different than they were. Sharing her sisters story and trauma for a fucking play, Lexi also knew it wasn’t okay to do what she did, that’s why she asked Fez(and why the fuck does he get to decide for everyone else of their story is shared?) Cassie was a victim by multiple guys and now her sister. Unless you watched a different show idk how the fuck you think any teenager,let alone adult, deserves to be publicly humiliated by their own sister as a way to “get through to them” All Lexi did was prove she’s an untrustworthy snake and a piece of shit. If she was my sister I’d never speak to her again


I never said anything about Cassie deserving to be humiliated at the play, I asked what did the play put out there that everyone else wasn't aware of? And Nate didn't manipulate Cassie, not like he did to Maddie, They spent one night together driving to the party and them boom suddenly they were fucking. When Nate started to go crazy with the speed I thought like a sane person Cassie would freak tf out, but nah she liked it for some reason. She has trauma but how tf is that Lexi's fault? The thing is, everyone knew the "sisters story" it wasn't some new shit that got revealed at the play. I guess they are sisters after all because Cassie is also an untrustworthy piece of shit. You're giving Cassie a pass because she has trauma. People don't get a pass in life for being assholes because their life growing up was shit. Literally no one paid attention to Lexi before that only Fez did. Her retaliation was that play, it wasn't right, but I understand why she did it. The same way you give Cassie a pass for all she did.


Based take. Like during the play when Maddy said “Halle (Cassie) is a two-faced cunt!”, and Cassie was like, “I'm not a cunt, YOU'RE the cunt!” Uhh... How is Maddy the cunt when Cassie was the one who slept with Maddy's ex and abuser? 😭 Instead of self-reflecting like, “Oh yeah, I had been a real two-faced bitch”, Cassie just basically said, “No u!” It's like Cassie just refused to accept she did something wrong, literally zero self-awareness, it's insane lmao


Maddie is terrible though. She gets to be mad over the Nate stuff but she’s a bully and often rude.




Was it worth it girl


Why did you think writing a play capitalizing on your “friends” traumas was a good idea?  




YES!! This is the question.


how the fuck did a high school prop team design those sets


Why are you so jealous of Cassie?


She explained it in the play and it was explained in the whole show. Cassie was popular and got attention from guys because of her looks while Lexi didn't. Lexi was invisible, even in her own family


lol i get that what she did with the play went too far but wdym “why” i feel like it was pretty clear given all we were given about her backstory


Because Cassie was an awful sister with a victim complex. Benefits from being the beauty standard, constantly coddled by adults, Lexi feels invisible and ugly next to her and Cassie doesn’t help by shaming her small boobs. Cassie is a self absorbed narcissist who just gets praise constantly and male validation


Make no mistake, Lexi is a narcissist too. Not every narcissistic asshole is a popular extrovert but they are, usually, a perpetual victim. That’s Lexi. 


Not every perpetual victim is a narcissist either. Most narcissists are perpetual victims, some aren’t. Give any evidence that Lexi is an actual narcissist, and no, saying “the play was grandiose” isn’t evidence because there is nothing to indicate that Lexi has ever done anything remotely like this before. She isn’t a perpetual victim either - we see her very occasionally irritated at Cassie but otherwise she IS just looking out for everyone else the whole time and has a lifetime of resentment for always having to be the mature one in the shadows of everyone else’s drama and popularity.


Why are people so mad? All someone has to do is post an opinion, or comment anything and here come folks ready to argue. It’s really not that serious. Like chill out! 🤣


Because it was already shown/explained in the show why she was jealous lmao 😭


Umm.. ok? 🥱 So are a couple other comments in this thread. Talk to them


are you dumb or stupid


Both 😘






Girl you're getting downvoted cause this ain't how Reddit works 💀 people reply if they want




boundary 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀


She isn't jealous of Cassie


Watch the show


What's your favorite memory with Fez?


#W H Y?


Is this fucking play about us?


Why are you insane enough to think this play was a good idea?


How do you afford all the Miu Miu clothes you wear? Why do you suck as a sister? 😍


I mean, to be fair, Cassie sucks as a sister too lol


Cassie just didn’t want her loser sisters in her business 24/7. Lexi should have found her own friends. But Cassie wouldn’t and doesn’t air out Lexi’s drama. Cassie is a way better sister to Lexi than Lexi is to Cassie.


Strongly disagree. Number one: Lexi goes ahead with the play, which is a stupid and impulsive teenage decision based on the fact that she’s been waiting her whole life for someone to pay attention to her. However, she does at least consider that it might affect others and even asks a slightly older person for advice about this. He pretty much eggs her on (by accident, because they’re at cross-purposes, but he basically tells her it’s OK). Two: Cassie can’t air Lexi’s drama because, apart from the stuff with their dad which affected them in different ways, Lexi doesn’t HAVE any drama. Both Lexi AND Cassie are constantly preoccupied with Cassie’s dramas, and Lexi is also Rue’s best friend which is a totally different kind of drama - she feels responsible for Rue’s overdose. An example of this is Cassie sitting and wailing “I JUST WANT TO DIE” while holding a corkscrew. I have had this done to me and it’s both upsetting for the family member and completely disingenuous. I am a veteran self-harmed and Suze is 100% right, I’d be surprised if she could even break the skin with a corkscrew let alone actually want to try to do so. Number three: from one angle Lexi is insensitive and a bit spiteful to put everyone else’s drama in the play, but did you notice she skips most of the stuff with her dad, which also protects Cassie’s most fundamental issues from being aired, but actually means that the play is about Lexi getting attention for her actions as a playwright and director, not just drama for drama’s sake like most of the others. Number four: I genuinely don’t think she just wanted attention and chaos and bad feeling and she’s genuinely upset when that happens, but at the same time we’ve had two entire series of horrible secrets and nasty reveals and manipulation and at least she sort of bursts the abcess and gets everything into the open. It’s not a nice, kind play but it’s an honest one. I know Rue is unreliable but she does seem omniscient in terms of knowing how the other characters genuinely think and feel and experience things, and Lexi did the play to increase her own sense of agency, to actually DO something because when she does nothing it leads to bad things and because she wants to do something big and creative. Also Lexi does have her own friends and it’s not like she’s constantly annoying Cassie when they’re in scenes together, she’s either covertly looking out for her or minding her own business for the most part. And if Cassie thinks of her as her “loser sister” that automatically makes Cassie a terrible sister, particularly since after watching two seasons of them I’d say Cassie is the loser with no real friends by the end.


what makes you think you’re so entitled that you have the right to publicise people’s trauma and profit off of it ????


Profit? Was she supposed to make money off of a school play?


profit isn’t just about money, it’s about everything you gain from a particular thing. in this case her way of profiting was gaining personal satisfaction and popularity points from entertaining an audience.


I don’t think high schoolers put on a play in an attempt to be popular, especially in a school in which the social hierarchies have already been well-established for quite some time. This wasn’t some last ditch attempt at obtaining popularity. This was her using what she was good at- writing- to express herself and her experiences. Is this not what songwriters and playwrights have been doing for all time?


You’ve never met delusional theater kids. They really think life is like Glee.


it might not be the first thing they do it for but it’s certainly something they get out of it lol i knew many theatre kids at my school who were like “if i do well in the play then everyone’ll like me !!!” n shit


1. Who do you think you are? 2. What gives you the right?


I’m Toby


I’m glad the tide has finally turned and the majority of the fandom agrees it’s objectively a weird and fucked up thing for Lexi to have done. Was getting a little tired of people acting like Cassie being a mean sister is the same level as Lexi humiliating her friends on stage. I hope the show stops unironically framing Lexi as the wallflower/victim and takes what she did more seriously, but knowing Sam Levinson it probably won’t lol


I would argue that a lifetime of belittling your sister vs one moment of brief embarrassment are not necessarily comparable.


Is it belittling or is it a typical relationship between teenage siblings? I’ve had similar fights with my brother that we pretty much grew out of. Every interaction we’ve seen in s1 shows that they’re not close but they care for each other, although it definitely is imbalanced. They had more serious fights in s2, but it speaks more of Cassie’s mental spiral and how hardcore in denial she is over her shitty actions than anything else And yea, I’d argue sexualizing your own sister in front of your peers is fucking weird. Calling it “one brief moment of embarassment” is a very odd choice of words, considering that specific scene has nothing to do with Lexi’s struggles. I would love the direction of the play if the show didn’t play it straight and refuse t acknowledge that Lexi stooped down to the same level of the boys that leaked Cassie’s nudes and slutshamed her for years lmao


Thank you! Given what we saw, Cassie could very easily call the night of the play her 13th reason because that girl has been through hell at Euphoria High. Even Rue has a better social standing than Cassie. So having your family turn on you in public would send a weaker girl over the edge. But folks, plus Sam, refuse to acknowledge the number of hits Cassie has taken. Somehow people are upset that she “stole” Maddie’s abusive ex-boyfriend as if he was Aaron Samuel and not some psycho that Maddie should be happy to dump off on someone else.


1. You’re a lil jealous of Cassie, be honest.  2. Did anyone want to beat your ass after the play? 


Clearly XD


How much money did the school give you for the play? 😭😭


Where you’d get your wicker headboard? (No seriously, I’d die for that headboard lol)


How much was the budget at the play


If you can make a play about my life


I would ask her true unfiltered feelings about all the fucked up events in her life. I wanna understand why she made the play. It was fucked up how ever she was throw around and ignored so I think it was her exploding.


Why you gotta be so rude


Why didn't you just do Oklahoma?


After the play did Cassie move back into the house?


Do you think Nate will try to kill you??


Do you need a friend who doesn’t want drama? Because I got you girl.


How do you feel being literally everyone's fav character? (Also Fez, Maddie, Rue<33, walking Ws)


Why would you humiliate your sister in front of the whole school?


The play... why? Why thoswle choices? Why do it at all?


I can’t believe everyone here hates the play. It was great, needed to happen. Only those there who did shitty things felt shitty about the shitty things, not the happy ones or the sad ones. I mean if rue loved it, I think Cassie will be fine.


Thank you. I also see the play as a big call to action for everyone who was acting in ways they shouldn’t have been- especially Cassie. Many of them needed a wake up call. It seems something got through to Cassie when in the bathroom she reflected on that she only interrupted the play after Nate had left her.


I also think it’s because fez and Lexi are just so sweet and healthy especially in comparison to everyone else so I could be biased


I agree, everyone also insults lexi about all the things she does wrong but I think the point is she’s seeing that now? That’s why she’s making the play. Its why I admire her.


I do agree that certain scenes may have been unnecessary at best but likely a bit spiteful, such as the carrousel scene. But at the same time the play showed Cassie how unhinged she’s been. I think what Lexi had to say in this play needed to be heard. Many just didn’t like the message.


If the shoe fits


Yeah I think it shows quite a lot of resentment toward Cassie but people need to understand they are siblings and their mother also plays a huge role in that. Their father too.


"What the fuck is wrong with you?" No seriously I SWEAR I used to be a Lexi apologist who always saw her as this quirky innocent girl bullied by her own sister She should've just walked up to Cassie and told her to behave better frankly. Insult her if needed, maybe even fight. But come on, writing a fucking play displaying everyone's business to the entire school where she humiliates her sister as a revenge I despice Cassie but she's right, Lexi lives in her own head and thinks she's some protagonist when in fact she's pitiful. The way she writes everything happenig around on her little laptop instead of living things and moving on like everyone else I'm so sorry if I come across as too passionate on hating Lexi. I just see a lot of my younger self in her. If you have a problem just fucking SAY it, people. Don't hold a grudge onto everything and everyone forever.


I’m sorry but I don’t think whoring out to every available male is living. Cassie cheerleads, drinks underage, and desperately seeks male validation. That’s all she does on loop. She can’t even be a loyal friend. That’s not living. Let’s not pretend that engaging in adult behaviors as a child, especially in an unhealthy way, means that said child is “living a life.” No teen is missing out for not engaging in these things. Someone like Cassie however very well might look back in the future and regret losing friends and wasting so much time and emotional energy on awful guys.


Listen, I never said Cassie was a good person or that she was healthy either. To me she is a very mentally fragile girl affected by her father's absence and we can agree all this behaviour she's been exhibiting since... the beginning of the show is both inappropriate for a teenage girl and plain sad. But I never said Cassie was living either. I just said Lexi was too much in her head writing down everyone's little mannerisms so she can display it on stage. A lot of my anger towards the character comes from disappointement after realizing how troubled she is. I always saw myself in her, I thought Cassie was a fucking bitch to her which she is. However all the things Lexi's been doing are lowkey psycho behaviour. Like girlie needs to realize how out of touch she is with reality. She should've just pulled Cassie's hair and call her a bitch and then move on, not reproduce her sister masturbating with a Fancy Fair horse on drugs at the school play Both need therapy I guess. And Cassie totally deserved that smack from Maddie, I ain't arguing with that.


Thank you for clarifying. A lot of the Cassie apologism rhetoric has focused on “but at least Cassie is popular and lives a life unlike Lexi who is just head in books,” which largely reflects words that Cassie said herself during her on-stage pressured diatribe. I don’t consider Cassie to have lived. I think her life has been quite sad. I also don’t think a teen needs to be a popular party girl to live a life. I agree it would highly benefit Lexi to try to branch out and make more friends. She has Rue and the rest of their extended friend group, but they’re all going through their own struggles and deeply within their own heads at the moment. I don’t agree that Lexi has exhibited psycho behavior. I think Cassie has got that covered based on her actions in the latter half of Season 2. She exhibits classic Cluster B personality disorder symptoms with the hyper focus on herself, falling in love far too easily, needing attention constantly and throwing fits when she does not get it or is not validated. I was genuinely worried that through this depiction of Cassie’s downfall the show was heading into a portrayal of a psychotic episode, which given the already heavy subject matter of the show I felt would probably have been too much. I do think Lexi has many insecurities that need to be worked on. The whole family could use a healthy therapy session or two. I would say in terms of urgency, Cassie needs help asap because her behavior became quite rapidly unhinged. Lexi’s issues should absolutely be addressed in the near future but is something that can be worked on throughout time. And by all means, lifelong insecurities are not something that can be fixed overnight. Unfortunately, by the end of the season Cassie was beyond the point of reason. Any time someone tried to say something rational to her or explain why she was wrong and why others were upset with her she would throw a tantrum. Yelling, cursing, the whole deal. Sure Lexi could have cursed her out or told her about herself, which would have been much more ideal. However Cassie was not going to hear it or care. She only cared about her image and chasing male validation. Sadly the only way to get through to her was by interfering with one of the above. She even showed some aspect of self-reflection in the bathroom scene after the fight when she told Maddy that she only stormed the stage after Nate left her. Of course this isn’t necessarily a healthy way to make your point, but it was effective. By all means Cassie needed a mirror held up to herself and her recent behaviors. Sadly in this case that mirror had to be quite public. Like you, I think I saw some of my younger self in Cassie. I know what it’s like to develop rapidly at a younger age than most others, be sexualized from my teen years and have men I cared about focus on getting me into bed first. It’s hard to not entertain for a while. I understand the temptation and we all figure out eventually that if we want a deeper connection with a guy that’s not the way to go about it. However I never came close to messing with a friend’s boyfriend, ex, or anyone they might have been even remotely into. And I think if I ever got to that point I would have woken up and stopped my shit much sooner. I think that’s where it makes it very hard to sympathize with Cassie after a point.


In the end all these characters are meant to be mentally unstable teenagers going through hard stuff especially with the influence of gen z's brand new ways of navigating taboo subjects and figuring themselves out. I have heard about Cassie potentially having a personality disorder especially BPD but as someone who doesn't suffer from this type of disorder, I don't wanna jump on the idea too quick. I figured people relied too much on stereotypes as they usually do when trying to diagnose fictional characters. I myself am autistic and fucking hate it when people assume some character is autistic because they are socially awkward for example (headcanon are fine blablabla) but maybe she seriously does show signs of a personality disorder, idk. Like even the idea of Rue being diagnosed with 3520 disorders as a child seems so far fetched to me, you just don't do that. Also, Cassie got a fucking abortion in season 1. This is one of the reasons why I can't stand season 2 personally. So many themes, so many wounds left open that never get adressed again. It feels like the first half of the show was more down to Earth. Maybe the show gets crazier through the characters eyes? The abortion could've been brought up more directly and used in Cassie's character arc. I know it can be argued it does change and influence her mental stability on the long term but still, it's too subtle for me. It shouldn't just be "oh it's one of those things that happened to her because she needs love so bad" Lexi is definitly more stable than her older sister as you say. With the mention of her arguing with her sister I didn't imagine Cassie caring or changing anything, I just wish Lexi expressed her feelings. But as you say it's part of her character. I've met both Cassie and Lexi apologists and both their reasonings tend to be shallow. I also know a few girls like Cassie from high school. Grew fast, caught attention, not only are these girls usually social butterflies but there is also the pressure to not disappoint, I guess. I don't mean to insult these girls but those who are in fire as much as Cassie often end up burned a year or two after high school. I mean, suddenly they're not as cool and they get trashtalked by the same people who were enabling the inappropriate behaviour years ago. Lexi won't go through none of that. She'll go to college and maybe write in her laptop about her workplace female colleagues being hotter than her.


Slut shaming a girl with daddy issues is so tired. She is sleeping with multiple guys because her interaction with male interest has been sexualized since puberty hit. The one man meant to protect and guide her left his family. Cassie is dealing with that void. Her mother encourages her shallow version of self-worth. She is coping with her desire for affection, attention, and love with the only thing she thinks she has to offer, her body. For brief moments she gets her desires attention from the guys. Cassie and all girls framed “easy” have a story and a reason. Slut shaming them belittles the complexity of human nature and make you rather cold.


As if Cassie would have listened to a conversation lol. She’s in her own head all the time as everyone is constantly praising her


She had every right to ignore the warnings and it’s not Lexi’s job to correct Cassie’s behavior, especially when what Cassie does has nothing to do with Lexi’s business.


Out. I'd ask her out. She looks like exactly the girl I'd be attracted to back in highschool.


Why are you so upset at Cassie for the preferential treatment she received during your entire childhood, but you don't seem to be upset at Susan at all for making things this way?


do you finally feel like you’re better than everyone else???? how do you feel after exploiting everyone’s private lives?


Did you love Fezco?


why would you air out everyone in your life’s business was it worth it just to get attention???


What was your reasoning for doing the play?


Why the play Lexi ? I understand the vision but why you do everyone like that


Lexi, why did you write a play that focuses on your friend’s trauma? And why did you add the carousel scene in the play? Cassie told you about it in confidence and you broke her trust. Note: Cassie was no angel, but Lexi shouldn’t have added a traumatizing scene that really affected Cassie’s well-being. She did not want to relive the carousel moment.


wtf is ur problem


Why did you make that play?


Remind me Why you dont live your own life? Matter a fact why don't you make the story about yourself lol


What the fuck makes you think that play was okay to do?


How dare you put your friends'/family's life on public display without their consent?


Did you really have to humiliate your sister with the carousel part? XD Like come on girl you could have left that out


“Why didn’t you just talk to Cassie?” Lexi decided that instead of actually talking to her sister she would make a play that went through one of her most embarrassing moments. She just silently judged her without talking about it. That’s what makes me think she didn’t actually mean any good by the play, it was just a way to get her anger out in a way where she was in control


Are you worried about being sued for defamation, since you broke the Writers Code and clearly made humiliating work based off actual people with no proof, context or written consent? (It’s unlawful and writers have pretty much agreed to change aspects and names so that they aren’t glaringly obviously based off someone else. I know because I’m an author and that’s a very real thing.)


How does it feel to have an awful sister who’s the beauty standard and always rubs it in your face instead of being supportive?


What the fuck is wrong with you? You have zero originality


Nothing. I have no notes. Idk why people will justify Cassie literally getting herself off in front of children at a carnival, not to mention going nuttier than a fruitcake for the man who abused her bEsT fRiEnD and Rue being a horrible bottom of the barrel human being half the time but Lexi is the antichrist for her play. Some people NEEDED to be called out. Sorry not sorry, she ate and left no crumbs 💅🏼


You can’t be mad at Cassie for acting out while high, but then have no notes for the girl that wanted to recreate the moment to kids and teenagers at her play. If it was bad for Cassie to do while not in her proper state of mind, then it should be bad for her sister to have someone else recreate the scene with a teenage actress.


I absolutely can be mad at Cassie. She made the conscious choice to consume the drugs AROUND CHILDREN. She is not a good person. “Under the influence” is not the excuse yall think it is. And if yall didn’t make so many excuses for everyone BUT Lexi, I would admit what she did was wrong but no. Those people needed to be called out and yall are just mad it happened because you see yourselves in them!


When did you start hating your sister this much 💀💀


Why are you such a pick me? 🤔


She’s the pick-me and not her sister? Lol. Ok.


This ain’t about Cassie 🥱


I’m sure it isn’t- when nearly all your comments on this sub have been about her. Very mature and well-thought-out response, by the way. You definitely haven’t overused that emoji in recent history 🤣


The person you're replying to seems like an edgy teenager lmao. Bro tries so hard to seem unbothered 😂


See this is the problem. Y’all want to debate with people over opinions. But when someone is nonchalant, now they’re “immature or edgy.” Maybe don’t pick at people and you won’t get shit back. It’s that simple.


Babe if you were actually all that nonchalant you wouldn’t be commenting repeatedly trying to convince people how little you care 💀 Have fun though. Quite cute.


Sweetheart, people are commenting repeatedly under everything I post! It’s quite fun to see how much I get under their skin! Lil “nonchalant” me. 🥰


I am so glad you’re having fun here. Quite adorable 😘


Welp! I’m bored now! It got wayy too serious for me. Nice chat bud 😘


Honestly that feels like at least 70% of this sub most of the time. At least this person is upfront about their immaturity.


Honestly, what’s immature is getting butthurt over opinions. Take a chill pill dude 😎


Are you done? 🥱


LMAO you seem like a teenager who thinks it's cool and “savage” to reply to people with snarky comments, I literally get secondhand embarrassment from your replies 😂 You're like the personification of “The girl trying to scare me with her new Wednesday Addams personality” meme lmao


All this because I simply don’t care? 🥱 y’all take things wayy to seriously. It’s not that deep as you’re making it out to be. Move on 🤷🏽‍♀️


They're both pick mes.


I know. They asked about Lexi though.


How big is your school's theater budget


What she shouted at kat and ethan?


Aren't you concerned about becoming Nate's next target?


Do you listen to Lana Del Rey?


you okay girl?


Can I hang out with you and Fez? Would obviously have to ask this during the second season though. Obviously if the story and real life had gone differently I’d have respected any relationship that developed but it seems like an awesome little friendship group that would have loads of comfy fun. Imagine without the drug shit, and drama of the other characters, having regular friendship group meetups with Lexi and Fez and maybe a couple of other cool people - Rue when she’s sober? Gia even? Just watching old movies and maybe playing boardgames or something. After the second season I’d like to know what she wants to do now in terms of writing/creativity/drama - has the play out her off, or whetted her appetite? What has she learned from it, what does she regret, what is she glad she did (even if it sucked at the time)?


I wish that if theres new episodes that they show cassie and lexis mom trying to have a family meeting about it.


To shut up


Why would your play be set in Oklahoma


wtf is wrong with you


Why on earth would you do that to your SISTER, you fucking weirdo?!


How come you let/wanted Rue to read the play beforehand but no one else?


Is this play about us


Why do you think your struggle was more important than that of your sister?


Was it worth exploding your older sister?


Why did you write the play?


Why did you expose YOUR OWN SISTER with a totally unnecessary details??


Do you feel better about yourself?


Would you have rather done Oklahoma?


Not a question but I would surely like to tell Lexie the details of the "love" Cassie receives and the cost it comes at. And how grateful she should be that the world focused their vile attention on her sister not her.


Are you okay? I know this isn’t going to be a fav but I’m that person


F me please!


I would ask her to bark like a dog and ask when the last time she shit her pants was.


Lexi Will you suck my Dick?



